Audio ICs
FM / TV front end
The BA4424N is a monolithic IC designed for FM front end use. It consists of an RF amplifier circuit, mixer circuit, local
oscillation circuit, IF buffer amplifier, and a variable capacitor-diode for AFC.
1) An RF amplifier, mixer , local oscillator, IF buffer amplifier, and AFC diode are included on-chip.
2) Reception of VHF terrestrial TV channels is possible.
3) Uses a double balance mixer to improve intermodulation characteristics.
4) Includes a clamp diode in the mixer output.
5) Local oscillation buffer on-chip for improved response to strong input.
6) The output impedance of the IF buffer amplifier is
matched with the ceramic filter impedance at 330Ω.
7) A resistive load can also be used for the mixer output.
8) Mixer input coupling capacitor included on-chip.
9) Includes a feedback capacitor for the local oscillation circuit.
10) Compact 9-pin SIP package. Pins arranged for
convenient mounting.
Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C)
Recommended operating conditions (Ta = 25C)
Audio ICs BA4424N
Block diagram
Electrical characteristics
DC characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25C, V
CC = 4V, no input)
AC characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25C and V
CC = 4V)
Audio ICs BA4424N
Measurement circuit
Pin connections
FM ANT input pin : Connect to BPF ZIN =
RF amplifier bypass pin : Connect to bypass ca-
RF amplifier output load pin : Connect to RF tuning
MIX output pin : IFT or resistor load
GND pin : IC ground pin
IF amplifier output pin : ZOUT = 330Ω
AFC diode pin : Cathode pin (anode pin
is connected internally
to ground)
OSC pin : Connect to resonating
VCC pin : IC voltage supply pin
Circuit operation
(1) RF amplifier circuit
The RF amplifier consists of a common base transistor.
A band pass filter (BPF) is used in the ANT circuit, and
as the RF amplifier is base-grounded, a BPF with an output impedance of 75Ω should be used. If a BPF without
DC cutoff is used, a coupling capacitor will be necessary.
An LC tuning circuit is connected to form the output load
of the RF amplifier. A coil with tap or coil with secondary
winding can be used to reduce spurious ratios such as
image ratios. A coupling capacitor for the mixer circuit is
included on-chip. The bypass capacitor for the RF amplifier should have good high frequency characteristics,
and it should be connected to the input BPF ground connection as close as possible to Pin 5 (GND), such that the
connection pattern absolutely does not allow supply current to flow from Pin 5.