Regulator ICs
Reference voltage power supply
The BA3911 is a single-chip power supply IC for use in car audio systems. One 5.6V output for microcontrollers, three
8.7V outputs, and two outputs interlocked with BACKUP and ACC systems are built in.
Car audio systems
1) A power supply IC for car audio systems ; one 5.6V
output for microcontrollers, three 8.7V outputs, and
two outputs interlocked with BACKUP and ACC systems are built in.
2) All output circuits use a PNP transistor with a low saturation voltage.
3) Output current limit circuit prevents damage to the IC
in the event output is short-circuited.
4) Overvoltage protection circuit provides protection
against surges from the ACC or BACKUP inputs.
5) Compact 12-pin POWER package allows a large
power dissipation.
6) Thermal protection circuit prevents heat damage to
the IC.
Block diagram
Regulator ICs BA3911
FAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25_C)
FRecommended operating conditions (Ta = 25_C)
FPin descriptions