ROHM BA3430S, BA3430FS, BA3430F Datasheet

Audio ICs
Stereo pre-amplifiers with mute detection circuits for car stereos
BA3430S / BA3430F / BA3430FS
The BA3430S, BA3430F, and BA3430FS are stereo pre-amplifiers with mute detection circuits which have been de­signed for use in car stereos. The analog circuitry including the pre-amplifier and mute detection and the digital circuitry such as control logic circuits have been combined together on a single chip. This has made it possible to reduce the interface with the microcontroller to five parallel inputs and outputs, and enables a very compact circuit configuration around the tape head. The BA3430S, BA3430F , or BA3430FS makes it possible to easily incorporate an ultra-compact, high-precision pre-am­plifier board into the mechanical components of a car stereo.
Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C)
Recommended operating conditions (Ta = 25C)
Audio ICs BA3430S / BA3430F / BA3430FS
Block diagram
Audio ICs BA3430S / BA3430F / BA3430FS
Pin descriptions
Audio ICs BA3430S / BA3430F / BA3430FS
Electrical characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25C and VCC = 9V, f = 1kHz, Rg = 680, VO = 10dBV)
Audio ICs BA3430S / BA3430F / BA3430FS
Measurement circuit
Audio signal amplification circuit
(1) Input switch circuit This circuit switches between head A and head B as needed for the auto reverse function. A 10k or less resistor must be connected to the input pin to limit the input current.
Equivalent circuit schematic
The electrolytic capacitor between the input pin and ground is for preventing switch noise. Although it is pos­sible to prevent switch noise in the audio output without this capacitor by using the mute circuit, switch noise in the mute detection circuit will not be prevented and noise will be recognized as a song.
Truth table
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