Leading in speed, dynamic range
and ease of operation
Product Brochure
Version 01.00
More than 60 years of experience in the field of vector network analysis pay off: Rohde & Schwarz sets
new benchmarks with its R&S®ZNB family of vector network analyzers. These analyzers feature high
measurement speed, outstanding precision and exceptional ease of operation.
With frequency ranges of 9kHz to 4.5GHz/8.5GHz and
100kHz to 20GHz, the network analyzers are targeted
at applications in the mobile radio, electronic goods and
aerospace and defense sectors, plus they can be used in
high speed printed board design. The R&S®ZNB is the right
choice when it comes to developing, producing and servicing RF components such as amplifiers, mixers, filters,
connectors and cables.
The R&S®ZNB vector network analyzers feature a wide
dynamic range of up to 140dB (at 10Hz IF bandwidth),
low trace noise of less than 0.004dB RMS (at 10kHz IF
bandwidth) and high output power of up to +13dBm,
which can be adjusted electronically in a range of more
than 98dB.
The R&S®ZNB analyzers combine high measurement accuracy with exceptional speed – better than 5µs per point.
They feature excellent temperature and long-term stability,
which ensures reliable measurements over several days
without having to recalibrate the units.
The short-depth, compact 2-port and 4-port analyzers
leave plenty of space on the workbench for the measurement application. They feature low operating noise thanks
to low power consumption and a sophisticated cooling
concept. Low power consumption also reduces operating
costs and protects the environment.
► Frequency range from 9kHz up to 20GHz
► Wide dynamic range of up to 140dB
► Short sweep times, e.g. 4ms for 401points
► High temperature stability of typ. 0.014dB/K
► Wide power sweep range of 98dB
► Wide range of IF bandwidths from 1Hz to 10MHz
► Manual and automatic calibration
► Large, high-resolution 12.1" screen
► Touchscreen user interface
► 2 or 4 ports
► 4-port model with two independent internal
► Expansion to up to 48 ports using switch matrices
R&S®ZNB20 vector network analyzer
2-port and 4-port, without bias tee
R&S®ZNB8 vector network analyzer
2-port and 4-port, with bias tee
R&S®ZNB8vector network analyzer
2-port and 4-port, without bias tee
R&S®ZNB4 vector network analyzer
2-port and 4-port, with bias tee
R&S®ZNB4 vector network analyzer
2-port and 4-port, without bias tee
4.5 GHz
8.5 GHz
20 GHz
The analyzers of the R&S®ZNB family combine wide dynamic range, excellent raw data, high temperature
stability and fast synthesizers to yield performance previously found only in high-end network analyzers.
This makes the instruments ideally suited for applications in the development and large-scale production of
sophisticated RF components.
Wide dynamic range starting from 9kHz for fast
measurements on high-blocking DUTs
The R&S®ZNB receivers combine high power-handling
capacity with high sensitivity and low trace noise. The
R&S®ZNB base unit provides typically 140dB dynamic
range (at10Hz IF bandwidth), which is better than that of
other, comparable products on the market.
The R&S®ZNB4-B52/-B54 and R&S®ZNB8-B52/-B54
options further extend the dynamic range, delivering a
value as high as 150dB for measure ments between ports
(real dynamic range, i.e.without receivers going into compression at low transmission coefficients). This mainly
speeds up manual adjustments on high-blocking filters.
Users will benefit from the wide dynamic range of the
R&S®ZNB not only in the mobile radio frequency bands,
but right from the 9kHz start frequency.
R&S®ZNB dynamic range (at 10Hz IF bandwidth).
Excellent raw data for high basic accuracy
The R&S®ZNB offers directivity of more than 30dB and
uncorrected test port match (i.e. without calibration) of
up to 30dB. Long-term and temperature stability are
improved, and accuracy after calibration is increased even
further. Even with partial calibration, for example transmission normalization with a through standard, the R&S®ZNB
provides accuracy previously achieved only with a relatively complex 2-port calibration – at a speed twice as high
as with full 2-port calibration.
High temperature stability for long calibration intervals
The test set and receivers of the R&S®ZNB feature
excellent temperature and long-term stability. The analyzer measures S-parameters with very low magnitude
andphase drift of typically less than 0.014dB/K and
0.035°/GHz/K. A calibrated R&S®ZNB allows precise
measurements over several days without recalibration.
Block diagram of an R&S®ZNB 4-port model with
two internal sources
Reflectometer 4
Meas. receiver
Ref. receiver
Port 4
Reflectometer 3
Meas. receiver
Fast synthesizers for high measurement speed
The R&S®ZNB has fast synthesizers with switching
times of below 10µs. This yields high sweep rates and
allows the analyzer to perform measurements faster than
Fast embedding/deembedding for impedance matching using
virtual networks
Coaxial and balanced components, such as SAW filters
used in mobile phone frontends, are specified together
with the networks that match them to the impedance of
the surrounding circuit. The R&S®ZNB can embed the DUT
into virtual matching networks to provide realistic conditions by simulating the DUT installed in its operational
environment. The R&S®ZNB offers a choice of predefined
matching network topologies. If values of individual network elements are edited, the R&S®ZNB immediately
recalculates the network and embeds the DUT in the new
network in real time. In addition to predefined topologies, .s2p, .s4p, .s6p and .s8p files can be read into the
R&S®ZNB and used for embedding/deembedding.
Redefined S-parameters
Mixed-mode S-parameters for balanced DUT characterization
To characterize a DUT with two balanced ports, the
R&S®ZNB treats the DUT like an unbalanced 4-port device.
It calculates the 16single-ended S-parameters and converts them to mixed-mode S-parameters. This additional
computational effort does not compromise measurement
speed. A wizard guides the user through the individual
steps of the measurement – fast and straightforward.
Redefined S-parameters for flexible test setup configuration
The R&S®ZNB can be flexibly configured to meet
application- specific requirements. The analyzer firmware
allows reconfiguring the physical ports by assigning them
waves as required for a specific task. This feature can be
used to integrate external components into the test set.
Extensive analysis functions for efficient traceanalysis
A wide variety of analysis functions help the user evaluate
important parameters at a glance:
Up to ten markers per trace
Automatic bandwidth measurements
Limit line and ripple check with pass/fail indication
Statistical trace analysis including maximum,
minimum, RMS and peak-to-peak detection as well as
compression point measurement
Equation editor for complex, real-time trace
Amplifier measurements with wide power sweep range and
receiver step attenuators
The wide, electronically adjustable power sweep range
of the R&S®ZNB from –85dBm to +13dBm enables fast
analysis of the linear and nonlinear characteristics of small
and large-signal amplifiers. Electronic step attenuators in
the receive paths increase the 0.1dB compression point
to +27dBm. The wear-free attenuators feature delayfree switching, which enhances measurement speed and
extends the useful life of the R&S®ZNB in production.
Additional features:
Four DC inputs for measuring amplier DC power
consumption and efciency
Measurement of stability factors of balanced and
unbalanced ampliers
Support of R&S®NRP-Zxx power sensors, providing
high-precision power versus power and power versus
frequency measurements
Time domain analysis for distance-to-fault (DTF)
measurements and filter adjustment
The R&S®ZNB offers powerful time domain analysis to
measure components such as filters or high-speed digital data cables in the frequency and time domain. The
extended time domain analysis option makes it possible
to display eye diagrams for different bit patterns simultaneously with measurements in the frequency and time
With 100 000 points per trace, the R&S®ZNB measures
even electrically long DUTs such as long cables without
any problems. The gating function of the R&S®ZNB makes
it easy to locate cable faults and analyze them in detail.
Using prediction, the analyzer's frequency range can
be virtually extended by a factor of up to 10. This yields
resolution substantially higher than would be expected
from the upper frequency limits of 4.5GHz, 8.5GHz and
20GHz. For many applications, this eliminates the need
for a higher-frequency – and more expensive – network