Rohde Schwarz SMM-K149 User Manual

R&S®SMM-K149 HRP UWB 802.15.4 User Manual
1179208302 Version 02
This document describes the following software options:
R&S®SMM-K149 HRP UWB (1441.1099.xx)
This manual describes firmware version FW 4.80.041.xx and later of the R&S®SMM100A.
© 2021 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, Germany Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0 Email: Internet: Subject to change – data without tolerance limits is not binding. R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG. Trade names are trademarks of the owners.
1179.2083.02 | Version 02 | R&S®SMM-K149
The following abbreviations are used throughout this manual: R&S®SMM100A is abbreviated as R&S SMM, R&S®WinIQSIM2 is abbreviated as R&S WinIQSIM2; the license types 02/03/07/11/13/16/12 are abbreviated as xx.
1 Welcome to the HRP UWB Option........................................................5
1.1 Key Features..................................................................................................................5
1.2 Accessing the HRP UWB Dialog..................................................................................5
1.3 Documentation Overview............................................................................................. 6
1.3.1 Getting Started Manual................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2 User Manuals and Help...................................................................................................6
1.3.3 Service Manual............................................................................................................... 6
1.3.4 Instrument Security Procedures......................................................................................6
1.3.5 Printed Safety Instructions.............................................................................................. 7
1.3.6 Data Sheets and Brochures............................................................................................ 7
1.3.7 Release Notes and Open Source Acknowledgment (OSA)............................................ 7


1.3.8 Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers, etc................................................7
1.4 Scope............................................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Notes on Screenshots.................................................................................................. 8
2 About the HRP UWB Option..................................................................9
2.1 Required Options.......................................................................................................... 9
2.2 HRP UWB Signal Properties........................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 Frame Structure.............................................................................................................. 9 Preamble.......................................................................................................................10 Data...............................................................................................................................11
2.3 Operating Frequency Bands...................................................................................... 12
3 HRP UWB Configuration and Settings...............................................13
3.1 General Settings..........................................................................................................13
3.2 Frame Configuration Settings....................................................................................16
3.2.1 General Settings........................................................................................................... 16
3.2.2 SYNC Settings.............................................................................................................. 17
3.2.3 Data Settings.................................................................................................................19
3.2.4 STS Settings................................................................................................................. 21
3.3 Impairments Settings..................................................................................................23
4 Signal Generation Control...................................................................25
3User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02
4.1 Filter/Clipping/ARB Settings...................................................................................... 25
4.1.1 Filter Settings................................................................................................................ 25
4.1.2 Clipping Settings........................................................................................................... 30
4.1.3 ARB Settings.................................................................................................................31
4.2 Trigger Settings...........................................................................................................31
4.3 Marker Settings........................................................................................................... 36
4.4 Clock Settings............................................................................................................. 37
4.5 Global Connector Settings.........................................................................................38
5 Remote Control Commands................................................................39
5.1 General Commands.................................................................................................... 40
5.2 Frame Configuration Commands.............................................................................. 44
5.3 Impairments Commands............................................................................................ 55
5.4 Filter Commands.........................................................................................................55
5.5 Clipping Commands................................................................................................... 60
5.6 Trigger Commands..................................................................................................... 61
5.7 Marker Commands......................................................................................................67
5.8 Clock Commands........................................................................................................68
List of commands................................................................................ 70
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1 Welcome to the HRP UWB Option

Welcome to the HRP UWB Option
Accessing the HRP UWB Dialog
The R&S SMM-K149 is a firmware application that adds functionality to generate sig­nals in accordance with the HRP UWB standard. The standard is specified in
802.15.4.z specification.
This user manual contains a description of the functionality that the application pro­vides, including remote control operation.
All functions not discussed in this manual are the same as in the base unit and are described in the R&S SMM100A user manual. The latest version is available at:
You can find detailed installation instructions in the delivery of the option or in the R&S SMM100A service manual.
Key Features.............................................................................................................5
Accessing the HRP UWB Dialog...............................................................................5
Documentation Overview..........................................................................................6
Notes on Screenshots...............................................................................................8

1.1 Key Features

The option R&S SMM-K149 HRP UWB features:
HRP UWB 802.15.4 signal generation compliant with HRP non-ERDEV mode
HRP UWB 802.15.4z signal generation compliant with HRP-ERDEV base pulse repetition frequency (BPRF) mode
HRP UWB 802.15.4z signal generation compliant with HRP-ERDEV higher pulse repetition frequency (HPRF) mode

1.2 Accessing the HRP UWB Dialog

To open the dialog with HRP UWB settings
► In the block diagram of the R&S SMM100A, select "Baseband > HRP UWB".
A dialog box opens, that displays the provided general settings.
The signal generation is not started immediately. To start signal generation with the default settings, select "State > On".
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1.3 Documentation Overview

1.3.1 Getting Started Manual

1.3.2 User Manuals and Help

Welcome to the HRP UWB Option
Documentation Overview
This section provides an overview of the R&S SMM100A user documentation. Unless specified otherwise, you find the documents on the R&S SMM100A product page at:
Introduces the R&S SMM100A and describes how to set up and start working with the product. Includes basic operations, typical measurement examples, and general infor­mation, e.g. safety instructions, etc. A printed version is delivered with the instrument.
Separate manuals for the base unit and the software options are provided for down­load:
Base unit manual Contains the description of all instrument modes and functions. It also provides an introduction to remote control, a complete description of the remote control com­mands with programming examples, and information on maintenance, instrument interfaces and error messages. Includes the contents of the getting started manual.
Software option manual Contains the description of the specific functions of an option. Basic information on operating the R&S SMM100A is not included.
The contents of the user manuals are available as help in the R&S SMM100A. The help offers quick, context-sensitive access to the complete information for the base unit and the software options.
All user manuals are also available for download or for immediate display on the Inter­net.

1.3.3 Service Manual

Describes the performance test for checking compliance with rated specifications, firm­ware update, troubleshooting, adjustments, installing options and maintenance.
The service manual is available for registered users on the global Rohde & Schwarz information system (GLORIS):

1.3.4 Instrument Security Procedures

Deals with security issues when working with the R&S SMM100A in secure areas. It is available for download on the Internet.
6User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02

1.3.5 Printed Safety Instructions

1.3.6 Data Sheets and Brochures

1.3.7 Release Notes and Open Source Acknowledgment (OSA)

Welcome to the HRP UWB Option
Documentation Overview
Provides safety information in many languages. The printed document is delivered with the product.
The data sheet contains the technical specifications of the R&S SMM100A. It also lists the options and their order numbers and optional accessories.
The brochure provides an overview of the instrument and deals with the specific char­acteristics.
The release notes list new features, improvements and known issues of the current firmware version, and describe the firmware installation.
The open-source acknowledgment document provides verbatim license texts of the used open source software.

1.3.8 Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers, etc.

These documents deal with special applications or background information on particu­lar topics.
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1.4 Scope

Welcome to the HRP UWB Option
Notes on Screenshots
Tasks (in manual or remote operation) that are also performed in the base unit in the same way are not described here.
In particular, it includes:
Managing settings and data lists, like saving and loading settings, creating and accessing data lists, or accessing files in a particular directory.
Information on regular trigger, marker and clock signals and filter settings, if appro­priate.
General instrument configuration, such as checking the system configuration, con­figuring networks and remote operation
Using the common status registers
For a description of such tasks, see the R&S SMM100A user manual.

1.5 Notes on Screenshots

When describing the functions of the product, we use sample screenshots. These screenshots are meant to illustrate as many as possible of the provided functions and possible interdependencies between parameters. The shown values may not represent realistic usage scenarios.
The screenshots usually show a fully equipped product, that is: with all options instal­led. Thus, some functions shown in the screenshots may not be available in your par­ticular product configuration.
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2 About the HRP UWB Option

2.1 Required Options

About the HRP UWB Option
HRP UWB Signal Properties
The equipment layout for generating HRP UWB signals includes:
Baseband Generator (R&S SMM-B9)
Option HRP UWB (R&S SMM-K149)
Option baseband extension to 240 MHz RF bandwidth (R&S SMM-K523)
Option baseband extension to 500 MHz RF bandwidth (R&S SMM-K524)
You can generate signals via play-back of waveform files at the signal generator. To create the waveform file using R&S WinIQSIM2, you do not need a specific option.
To play back the waveform file at the signal generator, you have two options:
Install the R&S WinIQSIM2 option of the digital standard, e.g. R&S SMM-K255 for playing LTE waveforms
If supported, install the real-time option of the digital standard, e.g. R&S SMM-K55 for playing LTE waveforms
For more information, see data sheet.

2.2 HRP UWB Signal Properties

HRP UWB PHY signals employ short, band-limited pulses sent at high rate pulse repe­tition frequencies (HRP).

2.2.1 Frame Structure

An HRP UWB PHY frame consists of a preamble part that contains the synchronization header (SHR) and a data part that contains a PHY header (PHR) and a PHY payload. The SHR in the preamble comprises the synchronization (SYNC) field and a start-of­frame delimiter (SFD) field.
PHY protocol data unit (PPDU)
SHR PHR PHY payload
Figure 2-1: HRP UWB PHY frame structure
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About the HRP UWB Option
HRP UWB Signal Properties
P802.15.4z/D07 introduced optional modes and a ciphered scramble time stamp (STS) sequence into the PHY to improve timestamp robustness and security and to increase the accuracy of ranging measurements.
A device incorporating these modes is referred to as a higher rate pulse repetition fre­quency UWB PHY based enhanced ranging capable device (HRP-ERDEV) and defined in P802.15.4z/D07, chapter 16.1, "General". Operation at the nominal 64 MHz pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is referred to as the base pulse repetition frequency (BPRF) mode. Operation at a higher PRF than the BPRF mode, is referred to as the higher pulse repetition frequency (HPRF) mode.
The frame structure of HRP-ERDEV is shown in the following figure, with the STS in different positions. The arrow shows the RMARKER reference position for each config­uration, which is the peak pulse location associated with the first chip following the SFD.
STS packet configuration zero
STS packet configuration one
STS packet configuration two
STS packet configuration three
Figure 2-2: HRP-ERDEV frame structures with RMARKER position
STS PHR PHY payload
PHR PHY payload STS
The SYNC and SFD fields in the preamble consist of repetitions of a preamble symbol Si. A preamble symbol is constructed from a ternary code sequence Ci = {–1,0,1} by
inserting several chip durations between code symbols. The supported code sequence lengths are 31 and 127 as defined in IEEE Std 802.15.4-2015 chapter 16.2.4, "Pream­ble timing parameters". In addition, code sequence length 91 is supported as defined in P802.15.4z/D07, chapter 16.2.5, "SYNC field". The number of inserted chip durations is also called delta length and depends on the length of the code sequence and chan­nel number.
The admissible values for the preamble timing parameters that result from the different code lengths and pulse repetition frequencies are defined in IEEE Std 802.15.4-2015, chapter 16.2.4, "Preamble timing parameters".
10User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02
About the HRP UWB Option
HRP UWB Signal Properties
Si Si Si Si Si
Figure 2-3: Construction of preamble symbols from a code sequence
SYNC field
The SYNC field portion of the SHR contains simple repetitions of the preamble symbol. The number of preamble symbol repetitions are 16, 64, 1024 and 4096 as defined in IEEE Std 802.15.4-2015, chapter 16.2.4, "Preamble timing parameters". In HPRF mode, the HRP-ERDEV supports 32 and 64 preamble symbol repetitions as defined in P802.15.4z/D07, chapter, "SYNC Field".
SFD field
The SFD field is spread by the preamble symbols. Each of the preamble symbols is multiplied by a sequence of {-1, 0, 1}. The supported SFD lengths are 8 (short) and 64 (long) as defined in IEEE Std 802.15.4-2015, chapter, "SFD field". In addition, the SFD sequences corresponding to the BPRF and HPRF modes are supported as defined in P802.15.4z/D07, chapter, "SFD Field".
0 ... 0 Ci(1) 0 ... 0 ... Ci(K-1) 0 ... 0
Delta length
Si... 0 Si 0 -Si Si 0 0 -Si Data
The PHR and PHY payload symbols are modulated using a combination of burst posi­tion modulation (BPM) and binary phase-shift keying (BPSK). Each symbol is com­posed of an active burst of UWB pulses and can carry two bits of information. One bit is used to determine the position of a burst of pulses, while an additional bit is used to modulate the phase (polarity) of this same burst. The various data rates are supported by using variable-length bursts.
PHR field
The PHR field conveys the information necessary to decode the packet to the receiver, including the following:
The PHR is modulated using BPM-BPSK at either 850 kb/s or 110 kb/s. For the BPRF mode, the PHR is modulated using BPM-BPSK at 850 kb/s (or optionally at 6.8 Mb/s).
data rate used to transmit the PHY payload length of PHY payload field preamble duration
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2.3 Operating Frequency Bands

About the HRP UWB Option
Operating Frequency Bands
PHY payload field
The PHY payload field is sent at the data rate indicated in the PHR. Due to the variable code sequence lengths and the different corresponding pulse repetition frequencies (PRFs) in the preamble, there are several admissible data rates the UWB PHY can support. The supported data rates are defined in IEEE Std 802.15.4-2015, chapter
16.2.6, "PHR field" and P802.15.4z/D07, chapter "PHR field for HRP-ERDEV in BPRF mode".
The carrier center frequencies for UWB signals are defined in IEEE Std 802.15.4-2015, chapter 16.4.1, "Operating frequency bands". The table below provides an overview of the supported channels by R&S SMM100A.
Table 2-1: HRP UWB PHY band allocation
Band group Channel Frequency / MHz Bandwidth / MHz Mandatory/optional
0 0 499.2 499.2 Mandatory below 1 GHz
1 (low band) 1 3494.4 499.2 Optional
2 (high band) 5 6489.6 499.2 Optional
2 3993.6 499.2 Optional
3 4492.8 499.2 Mandatory in low band
4 3993.6 1331.2 Optional
6 6988.8 499.2 Optional
7 6489.6 1081.6 Optional
8 7488.0 499.2 Optional
9 7987.2 499.2 Mandatory in high band
10 8486.4 499.2 Optional
11 7987.2 1331.2 Optional
12 8985.6 499.2 Optional
13 9484.8 499.2 Optional
14 9984.0 499.2 Optional
15 9484.8 1354.97 Optional
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3 HRP UWB Configuration and Settings

3.1 General Settings

HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
General Settings
► Select "Baseband > HRP UWB 802.15.4".
The remote commands required to define these settings are described in Chapter 5,
"Remote Control Commands", on page 39.
General Settings..................................................................................................... 13
Frame Configuration Settings................................................................................. 16
Impairments Settings.............................................................................................. 23
► Select "Baseband > HRP UWB 802.15.4".
The dialog provides the standard general settings, the default and the "Save/ Recall" settings and it provides access to dialogs with further settings.
Set to Default................................................................................................................ 14
Generate Waveform File...............................................................................................15
Mode............................................................................................................................. 15
Channel Num................................................................................................................ 15
Bandwidth..................................................................................................................... 15
Idle Interval....................................................................................................................15
13User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02
HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
General Settings
Enables the HRP UWB standard. Enabling this standard disables all the other digital standards and digital modulation
modes in the same baseband. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:STATe on page 41
Set to Default
Calls the default settings. The values of the main parameters are listed in the following table.
Parameter Value
"State" Not affected by the "Set to Default"
HRP UWB "Mode" "802.15.4"
"Channel Num" "0"
"Bandwidth" "499.20 MHz"
"Idle Interval" "50.0 µs"
"Filter" "Root Cosine"
Clipping "State" "Off"
ARB "Sequence Length" "1 Frames"
"Trigger" "Auto"
"Marker" "Restart(ARB)"
"Clock" "Internal"
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:PRESet on page 40
Accesses the "Save/Recall" dialog, that is the standard instrument function for saving and recalling the complete dialog-related settings in a file. The provided navigation possibilities in the dialog are self-explanatory.
The settings are saved in a file with predefined extension. You can define the filename and the directory, in that you want to save the file.
See also, chapter "File and Data Management" in the R&S SMM100A user manual. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:SETTing:CATalog on page 41 [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:SETTing:DELete on page 41 [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:SETTing:LOAD on page 41 [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:SETTing:STORe on page 42
14User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02
HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
General Settings
Generate Waveform File
With enabled signal generation, triggers the instrument to save the current settings of an arbitrary waveform signal in a waveform file with predefined extension *.wv. You can define the filename and the directory, in that you want to save the file.
Using the ARB modulation source, you can play back waveform files and/or process the file to generate multi-carrier or multi-segment signals.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:WAVeform:CREate on page 42
Sets the HRP UWB mode. "802.15.4"
Enables HRP non-ERDEV mode.
Enables HRP-ERDEV base pulse repetition frequency (BPRF) mode.
Enables HRP-ERDEV higher pulse repetition frequency (HPRF) mode.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:STD on page 43
Channel Num
Sets the channel number, that is a 4-bit value in decimal representation. The channel number determines the bandwidth and the code index.
Channel number Bandwidth / MHz Code index
0, 1, 8, 12 499.2 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24
2, 5, 9, 13 499.2 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24
3, 6, 10, 14 499.2 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24
4, 11 1331.2 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
7 1081.6 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
15 1354.97 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:CNUMber on page 42
Displays the bandwidth of the HRP UWB signal. The bandwidth depends on the channel number, see "Channel Num" on page 15. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:BWIDth? on page 42
Idle Interval
Sets the length of the idle interval.
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3.2 Frame Configuration Settings

HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
Frame Configuration Settings
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:IINTerval on page 43
Accesses a dialog to set baseband filtering, clipping and the sequence length of the arbitrary waveform component, see Chapter 4.1, "Filter/Clipping/ARB Settings", on page 25.
► Select "Baseband > HRP UWB 802.15.4 > Frame Configuration".
The dialog provides settings to configure HRP UWP frames.
General Settings..................................................................................................... 16
SYNC Settings........................................................................................................ 17
Data Settings...........................................................................................................19
STS Settings........................................................................................................... 21

3.2.1 General Settings

► Select "Frame Configuration > General".
The tab provides settings to configure the code index of HRP UWP frames.
Code Index....................................................................................................................17
STS Packet Configuration.............................................................................................17
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3.2.2 SYNC Settings

HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
Frame Configuration Settings
Code Index
Sets the code index, that determines the code sequence. Available code indexes depend on the channel number, see "Channel Num"
on page 15. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:CINDex on page 47
STS Packet Configuration
Requires "Mode > 802.15.4z-BPRF" or "Mode > 802.15.4z-HPRF". Sets the scrambled timestamp sequence (STS) packet configuration. If "STS Packet
Configuration > 1/2/3", you can configure additional STS settings, see Chapter 3.2.4,
"STS Settings", on page 21.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:STS:PC on page 54
► Select "Frame Configuration > SYNC".
The tab provides settings to configure SYNC settings.
Sync Length.................................................................................................................. 17
Delta Length..................................................................................................................18
SFD Length...................................................................................................................18
Sync Length
Sets the length of the SYNC field. Available length values depend on the HRP UWB mode.
17User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02
HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
Frame Configuration Settings
Table 3-1: HRP UWB mode, sync length, SFD and SFD length
HRP UWB mode Sync length SFD SFD length
802.15.4 16, 64, 1024, 4096 - 8
802.15.4z-BPRF 16, 64, 1024, 4096 0, 2 8
802.15.4z-HPRF 16, 64 1 4
2 8
3 16
4 32
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:SYNLength on page 52
Delta Length
Sets the delta length. The length depends on the HRP UWB mode and bandwidth.
HRP UWB mode Bandwidth / MHz Delta length
802.15.4 499.2
802.15.4z-BPRF 499.2
802.15.4z-HPRF 499.2
4, 16, 64 4, 16 4, 16 4, 16
4, 16, 64 4, 16 4, 16 4, 16
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:DLENgth on page 50
SFD Length
Displays the length of the start-of-frame delimiter (SFD). The length depends on the HRP UWB mode, see Table 3-1.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:SFDLength on page 51
Sets the start-of-frame delimiter (SFD). SFD and SFD length depend on the HRP UWB mode, see Table 3-1.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:SFD on page 53
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3.2.3 Data Settings

HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
Frame Configuration Settings
► Select "Frame Configuration > Data".
The tab provides settings to configure physical data and physical header data set­tings.
Physical Data................................................................................................................ 19
Data Source....................................................................................................19
Viterbi Rate..................................................................................................... 20
Viterbi Constraint Length................................................................................ 20
Hop Bursts...................................................................................................... 20
Chips Per Burst...............................................................................................20
MAC FCS........................................................................................................21
Mean PRF.......................................................................................................21
Data Rate........................................................................................................21
PHR Data Rate Mode..................................................................................... 21
PHR (Physical Header).................................................................................................21
PHR Bit Rate...................................................................................................21
Data Length.................................................................................................... 21
Physical Data
Provides settings to configure physical data.
Data Source ← Physical Data
Selects the data source. Note: The bit order of the output data bits is least significant bit (LSB) first and most
significant bit (MSB) last. The following standard data sources are available:
"All 0, All 1"
19User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02
HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
Frame Configuration Settings
An internally generated sequence containing 0 data or 1 data.
"PNxx" An internally generated pseudo-random noise sequence.
"Pattern" An internally generated sequence according to a bit pattern. Use the "Pattern" box to define the bit pattern.
"Data List/Select DList" A binary data from a data list, internally or externally generated. Select "Select DList" to access the standard "Select List" dialog. – Select the "Select Data List > navigate to the list file *.dm_iqd > Select" to
select an existing data list.
Use the "New" and "Edit" functions to create internally new data list or to edit
an existing one.
Use the standard "File Manager" function to transfer external data lists to the
See also:
Section "Modulation Data" in the R&S SMM100A user manual.
Section "File and Data Management" in the R&S SMM100A user manual.
Section "Data List Editor" in the R&S SMM100A user manual
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:DATA on page 48 [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:DATA:DSELection on page 48 [:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:DATA:PATTern on page 49
Viterbi Rate ← Physical Data
Displays the Viterbi rate for convolutional coding. The rate is fixed to 0.5, except for "Chips Per Burst > 1" it is 1.0. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:VRATe? on page 52
Viterbi Constraint Length ← Physical Data
Requires "Mode > 802.15.4z-HPRF". Sets the Viterbi constraint length for convolutional coding. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:CCCL on page 47
Hop Bursts ← Physical Data
Requires "Mode > 802.15.4" or "Mode > 802.15.4z-BPRF". Sets the number of hop bursts. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:HOPBurst on page 50
Chips Per Burst ← Physical Data
Sets the number of chips per burst. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:CPBurst on page 48
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HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
Frame Configuration Settings
MAC FCS ← Physical Data
Activates MAC frame check sequence field. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:MCS:STATe on page 50
Mean PRF ← Physical Data
Displays the mean pulse repetition frequency (PRF). Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:MPRF? on page 51
Data Rate ← Physical Data
Displays the data rate. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:DR? on page 49
PHR Data Rate Mode ← Physical Data
Requires "Mode > 802.15.4z-BPRF" or "Mode > 802.15.4z-HPRF". Sets the data rate mode of the physical header. "DRBM_LP/DRBM_HP"
Requires "Mode > 802.15.4z-BPRF".
Requires "Mode > 802.15.4z-HPRF".
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:PHR:DRM on page 52
PHR (Physical Header)
Provides settings to configure the physical header.
PHR Bit Rate ← PHR (Physical Header)
Displays the bit rate of the physical header. The value depends on the chips per burst. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:PHRBrate? on page 51
Data Length ← PHR (Physical Header)
Sets the data length in octets. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:FCONfig:DLENgth on page 49

3.2.4 STS Settings

1. Select the HRP UWB mode:
"General > Mode > 802.15.4z-BPRF"
"General > Mode > 802.15.4z-HPRF"
21User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02
HRP UWB Configuration and Settings
Frame Configuration Settings
2. Select "Frame Configuration > General > STS Packet Configuration > 1/2/3".
3. Select "Frame Configuration > STS".
The tab provides settings to configure the scrambled timestamp sequence (STS).
Delta Length..................................................................................................................22
Active Segment Length.................................................................................................23
Number of Active Segment........................................................................................... 23
Sets the upper part of the V value. The value is a 96-bit value in hexadecimal repre­sentation.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:STS:UPARt on page 54
Sets the counter part of the V valued. The value is a 32-bit value in hexadecimal repre­sentation.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:STS:CPARt on page 53
Sets the key value. The value is a 128-bit value in hexadecimal representation. Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:HUWB:STS:KEY on page 54
Delta Length
Displays the delta length of the scrambled timestamp sequence (STS). The delta length depends on the HRP UWB mode.
22User Manual 1179.2083.02 ─ 02
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