Rohde & Schwarz RTP-K99, RTO-K99 User Manual

R&S®RTO-K99, R&S®RTP-K99 R&S®ScopeSuite Automation
Version 03
This document describes the following R&S options:
R&S®RTO K99 (1326.4419.02)
R&S®RTP K99 (1326.4425.02)
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R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.
Trade names are trademarks of the owners.
1178.8959.02 | Version 03 | R&S®RTO-K99, R&S®RTP-K99
Throughout this manual, products from Rohde & Schwarz are indicated without the ® symbol , e.g. R&S®ScopeSuite is indicated as
R&S ScopeSuite.
R&S®RTO-K99, R&S®RTP-K99


1 Programming Interface Overview.........................................................5
2 System Requirements for Remote Access and Automation............. 6
3 Requirements for Client Development.................................................8
4 Client Programming with Duplex Communication............................. 9
5 Remote Control Client......................................................................... 10
6 Client Program API Workflow and R&S ScopeSuite States............. 11
7 Programming Interface and Sample Code.........................................13
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R&S®RTO-K99, R&S®RTP-K99
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R&S®RTO-K99, R&S®RTP-K99

1 Programming Interface Overview

R&S ScopeSuite provides .NET remote programming interface by using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) technology. It allows the client program to control the R&S ScopeSuite and perform compliance tests while R&S ScopeSuite is running on a local or a remote machine (oscilloscope or a PC).
ScopeSuiteService is hosted by the R&S ScopeSuite. By following WCF unified programming model and duplex communication design patterns, the client creates a proxy of the service and connects to the service via WCF framework. It is then able to control the R&S ScopeSuite by consuming the service.
Programming Interface Overview
ScopeSuiteService works with .NET 4.5 in Windows 7/10 platform.
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R&S®RTO-K99, R&S®RTP-K99
2 System Requirements for Remote Access
and Automation
To control the R&S ScopeSuite running on a remote machine (oscilloscope or PC) via a remote programming interface, the following system configurations and requirements should be met:
Software option R&S RTO/RTP-K99 for remote programming interface.
R&S ScopeSuite with firmware version 3.8.0 and above must be installed on the machine.
The oscilloscope must be fully licensed for the targeted compliance test options.
The client computer must be able to access the machine (oscilloscope or a PC) via the network.
The Windows firewall on the machine may need be configured to allow the commu­nication. For example: "Start-> Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Allow" programs to communicate through "Windows Firewall -> Windows Communication Foundation"
The IP address of the machine should be known. It is part of the address for the NetTcpBinding configured in the client program.
8734 is the default port number used by ScopeSuiteService on the machine. It is part of the address for NetTcpBInding configured in the client program as well. Alternatively, if you need to use a different port number, simply drop it in “C:\portForService.txt” on the machine on which the R&S ScopeSuite is running.

System Requirements for Remote Access and Automation

Starting the automation option
1. Launch the R&S ScopeSuite. The ScopeSuiteService turns on automatically
and ready for connection.
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