Ruling the Waves
Integrated Naval Communication Systems
Your world is our world
ease of operation, a wide variety of
equipment has to be provided for internal and external communication. These
facilities must be combined intelligently
Advanced communication networks are
indispensable for commanding modern
naval forces. Today, these networks not
only have to meet the operational requirements, but must also ensure interoperability between the partners involved
in a scenario of dynamic coalitions and
alliances, without affecting the partners'
sovereignty and security. To satisfy the
requirement for maximum operational
benefit, optimum efficiency and great
and with compatible interfaces to form
an integrated system. Only the best
communication, IT and security solutions
available are eligible to become integral
parts of such a system.
The standard specifications of this
system are concise and comprehensive
alike: all kinds of information have to be
transmitted to defined stations in a
secure and protected form over any
distance and using alternative routes
(voice, data and video in local, tactical
and strategic networks – within a task
force, within the three forces or between allies). Modern communication
protocols such as wireless TCP/IP are
essential prerequisites, as are the relevant NATO standards for tactical data,
communication security and protection,
and electronic protective measures
(EPM) such as frequency hopping (FH)
or direct sequence spread spectrum
(DSSS). The standard systems used,
which besides VHF, UHF and HF links
include satellite links (SHF, EHF), Intranet and high-speed LAN, can easily
be adapted to customer-specific requirements, usually through software
Only a system integrator with many
years of experience is in a position to
design and implement systems of such
complexity that not only satisfy the
requirements of the navy, but also feature ease of operation and maintenance
as well as reasonable prices. For dec-
ades, Rohde & Schwarz has been one of
the leading suppliers of military radio-
communication equipment for the three
forces, and is ideally qualified to imple-
ment economical and future-oriented
solutions for naval communications.