Rohde&Schwarz ESMC User Guide

Compact Receiver ESMC
Lightweight – compact – user-friendly: optimized radiomonitoring from 0.5 MHz to 3000 MHz
• Signal reception – aural monitoring – radiomonitoring – recording
•1 Hz frequency resolution
speed of up to 13 GHz/s
– within 1000 memory locations
•Measurement of – frequency occupancy – level and frequency – coverage
• RF and IF spectrum display
With the Compact Re­ceiver ESMC, a universal and multipurpose receiv­er for radiomonitoring applications has been produced in a compact size that was thought not possible up to now.
The new receiver is only half the size of customary 19" multipurpose receiv­ers of 3 height units but its technical data are even superior to those of such units.
The most important features are:
custom-specific fre­quency extension from HF to UHF (see diagram)
detection of frequency-agile emis­sions with analog sweep
compact design and low weight
simple operation via LC display
wide dynamic range and high
overload capacity
1 Hz frequency resolution
low phase noise
master/slave operation without a PC
accurate measurement of signal level
offset display for channel frequency
remote control unit for mobile use
AC/DC supply without changing
the power supply unit
The operating concept meets all the de­mands made on a state-of-the-art radio­monitoring receiver, ie all main func­tions such as type of demodulation, bandwidth, etc, can be set directly via labelled keys. A hotkey permits return­ing to the main menu from any submenu. Menu control is organized in priority lev­els so that signal processing is not inter­rupted by menu changes and the user never loses sight of what is going on.
ESMC is a heterodyne receiver with a second IF of 21.4 MHz. In spite of the compact design, no compromises have been made in the operating concept. For reducing the total signal load, the tuners are each provided with a track­ing preselection filter. High-level mixers
Compact Receiver ESMC: radiomonitoring from 0.5 MHz to 3000 MHz
Frequency range Device view Basic configuration
20 MHz to
650 MHz
20 MHz to 1300 MHz
0.5 MHz to 650 MHz
20 MHz to 3000 MHz
0.5 MHz to 3000 MHz
20 MHz
0.5 MHz
650 MHz
1300 MHz
3000 MHz
ensure high immunity to intermodula­tion. The low oscillator reradiation is the result of elaborate filtering. An ad­vanced synthesizer concept featuring a very low phase noise allows switching times of less than 1 ms. This permits highly efficient scanning and fast status assignment in slave operation.
Configuration 0.5 MHz...1300 MHz on request
2 Compact Receiver ESMC
ESMC is equipped with demodulators for AM, FM, LOG and PULSE modes. SSB reception for LSB/USB and A1 is optional. The log demodulator allows a dB-linear level indication over 9 dec­ades. Average value or peak weighting may be selected. The absolute accuracy of the level display is further improved by taking into account the frequency re­sponse of the preselection filter and the tolerances of the log amplifier in the measurement of the signal level.
ESMC may be equipped with up to 5 IF bandwidths between 500 Hz and 8 MHz. Video filters matched to the bandwidth used and a switchable AF filter improve the S/N ratio after de­modulation.
AGC covers a level range of 120 dB, 90 dB of which is used for IF control and 30 dB for an attenuator at the tuner in­put which may be switched in automat­ically or manually when strong signals are received. This attenuator is consid­ered in the level display. With manual gain control (MGC) the IF gain may be varied by 90 dB. The 30 dB attenuation too may be switched in if required.
Frequency scan
Five start/stop frequency ranges (5 jobs) may be defined and a complete data set allocated to each range. In ad­dition to receiver settings, the following scan parameters may be included in the data set:
step widthsignal threshold (dBµV)dwell time (s)hold time (ms) plus the time re-
quired for external devices, if any
number of scan repetitionssignal-controlled continuation
– suppression (individual frequencies
or ranges)
Memory scan
ESMC uses 1000 memory locations, each holding a complete receiver set­ting, such as frequency, type of modu­lation, bandwidth, etc. The content of the memory can be modified manually or overwritten by results of a scan oper­ation. User-definable code names, group ID and scan enable flags may also be defined for each location. Final-
ly the whole memory can be sorted ac­cording to increasing frequency val­ues. The content of any memory loca­tion can be transferred to the receiver manually, by using the RCL key, by turn­ing the tuning knob or automatically by activating the memory scan.
Analog scan – full-speed detection of bursts and hoppers
The advantage of analog sweep is the extremely high speed. This allows detec­tion of burst signals and frequency-agile transmissions. With the option ESMC-AS and an external PC a pro­gram under Windows is provided, which enables panoramic and waterfall displays. Start and stop frequency are freely selectable within any tuner range. Depending on the performance of the controlling PC, a scanning speed of up to 13 GHz/s can be achieved. With the aid of a printer, measurement re­sults may be documented as a frequen­cy-versus-time plot.
Click & listen
For fixed frequency monitoring a spec­trum line can be selected by mouse click or by frequency marker.
A tuning indication controlled by the crystal discriminator simplifies tuning to the center of the selected IF bandwidth. When signals of unstable frequency are received, digital AFC may be used for retuning the receiver.
Search facilities
The ESMC uses highly advanced search routines. Fast synthesizer set­tling and short level measurement times guarantee highly effective search oper­ations. The shortest period for scanning is 5 ms with an IF bandwidth of 15 kHz (incl. measurement time for level).
With option ESMC-AS fast hopping frequencies can be detected
Compact Receiver ESMC 3
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