MultiScan™ Radar List of Illustrations
Figure Title Page
4-63 Climb Out Flight Path ......................................................... 4-64
4-64 Recommended Tilt Settings For Descent ........................... 4-66
4-65 Effects of Tilt Set Too Low During Descent .... .................... 4-67
4-66 Result o f Not Raising Tilt As Altitude Decreases ................ 4-67
4-67 Radar Display with Tilt Setting Too Low ............................. 4-68
4-68 Radar at 80 NM, Mid Altitude . ............................................ 4-69
4-69 Radar at 160 NM, Mid Altitud e ............................. .............. 4-70
4-70 Radar Displays Using Split Function .................................. 4-73
4-71 TILT Set to Zero, GAIN Set to MAX: Minimal Weather
Return ................................................................................. 4-74
4-72 TILT Set to -7°, GAIN Set to MAX: Strong Weather
Return ................................................................................. 4-75
4-73 Using Tilt to Estimate Radar Top of Thunde rstorm ............. 4-77
4-74 Radar Display of Storm Top .... ............................................ 4-78
4-75 TILT Set To Scan Radar Horizon ........................................ 4-79
4-76 Long Range Scan With Minimal Down Tilt ......................... 4-80
4-77 Long R ange Scan With Increased Down Tilt ...................... 4- 80
4-78 Weather Return Visible At Edge of Radar Horizon ............. 4-81
5-1 Basic Water Molecule ...................... .............................. ....... 5-1
5-2 Reflectivity Characteristics of Prec ipitation .............. ............. 5-3
5-3 Anatomy of Thunderstorm Weather Radar Reflectiv-
ity ................................................................................... ....... 5-5
5-4 Thunderstorm Radar Displays versus Tilt Angle .................. 5-7
5-5 Severe Thunderstorm Activity .............................................. 5-8
5-6 Thunderstorm — Towering Cumulus Stage .... ...................... 5-9
5-7 Thunderstorm — Mature Stage .......................................... 5-10
5-8 Thunderstorm — Dissipating Stage .................................... 5-11
5-9 Multi-Cell Thunderstorm ..................................................... 5-12
5-10 Steady-State Thunderst orm Structu re ................................ 5-14
5-11 NEXRAD Thunderstorm With Turbulent Outflow .............. .. 5-15
5-12 Thunderstorm Vaulting ................................ ....................... 5-16
5-13 Oceanic Weather Cell ......................................................... 5-17
5-14 “Skinny” Oceanic Weather Cell .......................................... 5-18
5-15 “Anvil Top” Oceanic Weather Cell ....................................... 5-19
5-16 Prefontal Squall Lines ......................................................... 5-20
5-17 Prefontal Squall Lines Weather Radar Display .................. 5-21
5-18 Microburst Formation .......................................................... 5-22
5-19 Stationary and Moving Microburst Impact Patterns ............ 5-23
5-20 Weather Ra dar Rainfall Display .............................. ........... 5-24
5-21 Weather Radar Virga Display ............................................. 5-25
5-22 Windshear Example — Ap proach Conditions ............ ........ 5-26
1st Edition, 1st Revision
18 Sep 03 vii