Rockwell Collins 8221468 Production Test Requirements

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Production Test Requirements
For the
DEP- 005
1 OCT 2001
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Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52498 USA
CAGEC: 4V792
CPN ###-####-### Rev -CC2912 Rockwell Collins, Inc - Proprietary InformAtionPage 1
PTR for VHF-4000 and VDL-2000 Data Radios
Notices and Signatures
Name Signature / Date
Prepared By:
Project Engineer K.H. Hamby
Approved By:
©2000 Rockwell Collins, Inc Page 2 of 61
PTR for VHF-4000 and VDL-2000 Data Radios
Revision Hi story
Version Document
14 Feb 01 4 May 01
15 Aug 01 1 Oct 01
Originator Reason for Change
DEP-002 DEP-003 DEP-004 DEP-005
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PTR for VHF-4000 and VDL-2000 Data Radios
Review History
Version Document Date Reviewer
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PTR for VHF-4000 and VDL-2000 Data Radios
Notices and Signatures...................................................................................................................2
Revision History ..............................................................................................................................3
Review History.................................................................................................................................4
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................5
1. Scope........................................................................................................................................8
2. Reference Information..............................................................................................................8
2.1 Specifications.....................................................................................................................8
2.2 Drawings ............................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 VHF-4000 ....................................................................................................................8
2.2.2 VDL-2000.....................................................................................................................8
2.3 Operating Frequ encies VS ICAO Channel Designa tors...................................................8
3. Test Equipment Required.........................................................................................................9
4. Test Conditions......................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Temperature....................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Humidity .............................................................................................................................9
4.3 Warm-up and Initialization .................................................................................................9
4.4 Atmospheric Pressure........................................................................................................9
4.5 Transmit Du ty Cycle.........................................................................................................10
5. Test Definitions and Information.............................................................................................10
5.1 Standard Discrete Configuration......................................................................................10
5.2 Standard RF Generator Configuration.............................................................................10
5.3 Standard ARINC 429 Bus/Data Configurations...............................................................11
5.3.1 Standard Control Data Configurations......................................................................11
5.3.2 Standard Data Configurations...................................................................................11
5.4 Test Sequence.................................................................................................................11
6. Alignment................................................................................................................................12
6.1 Software Load Procedure................................................................................................12
6.2 Calibration and TFM Parameters.....................................................................................12
6.2.1 In itialization of Calibration Parameters..................................................................... 12
6.2.2 In itialization of TFM Parameters...............................................................................13
6.3 Alignment Procedures......................................................................................................14
6.3.1 Receiver Analog Audio Output Level (VHF4000 Only) [Rx Cal] ..............................14
6.3.2 Selcal Audio Outpu t Level (VHF4000 Only) [Rx Cal] ...............................................15
6.3.3 Voice Carrier Null [Tx TFM]....................................................................................... 15
6.3.4 Voice/Ana log Data Bias Adjustment [Tx TFM] .........................................................15
6.3.5 +28 V Transmitter Phasing Adjustment [Tx TFM] .................................................... 15
6.3.6 +20 V Transmitter Phasing Adjustment [Tx TFM] .................................................... 16
6.3.7 Preselector Adjustments [Rx Cal]............................................................................. 16
6.3.8 Analog Voice/Data Unmodulated Transmitter RF Power [Tx TFM]......................... 16
6.3.9 Simulcomm 0 Adjustment (-20 dBm threshold) [Rx TFM]........................................17
6.3.10 Simulcomm 1 Adju stment (-10 dBm threshold) [Rx TFM]........................................17
6.3.11 Analog Voice/Data Transmitter Modulation [Tx TFM].............................................. 17
6.3.12 Simulcomm 2 Adju stment ( 0 dBm threshold) [Rx TFM].......................................... 17
6.3.13 Analog and Digital Sidetone Levels [Tx Cal].............................................................18
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6.3.14 Squelch Adjustment.................................................................................................. 18
6.3.15 Mode A Align ment (Units/w Mode A Option Only)....................................................19
6.3.16 Mode 2 Alignmen t (Units/w Mode 2 Option Only)....................................................19
6.3.17 Mode 2 AGC Calibration........................................................................................... 20
6.3.18 Flash Update............................................................................................................. 20
7. Final Test Requirements ........................................................................................................20
7.1 Power Supplies ................................................................................................................ 21
7.1.1 Current Drain at 27.5 Vdc .........................................................................................21
7.1.2 Current Drain at 18.0 Vdc .........................................................................................21
7.1.3 In ternal Power Supplies............................................................................................ 21
7.2 Voice/Analog Data Mode Tests....................................................................................... 21
7.2.1 Voice/Ana log Data Receiver Tests ...........................................................................21
7.2.2 Voice/Ana log Data Mode Transmitter Tests............................................................. 30
7.2.3 Data Bus Operation................................................................................................... 37
7.2.4 429_Input_Port_C, Port_C_Sel, Unit_SDI_A_Sel, and Unit_SDI_B_Sel(VHF-4000 only) 37
7.2.5 429_MAINT_HS_IN .................................................................................................. 38
7.2.6 429_MAINT_HS_OUT .............................................................................................. 38
7.2.7 CSDB_IN and CSDB_OUT (VHF-4000 onl y)........................................................... 38
7.2.8 422_DATA_OUT and 422_DATA_IN (VDL-2000 only)............................................ 38
7.3 Discrete I/O Tests ............................................................................................................38
7.3.1 TX_MODE_IND......................................................................................................... 38
7.3.2 Data_Load_Enbl_Sel ................................................................................................38
7.3.3 WOW_Sel..................................................................................................................39
7.3.4 Burst_Tune_Sel......................................................................................................... 39
7.3.5 Voice/Data_Sel..........................................................................................................39
7.3.6 RX_Comp_Disbl_Sel (VHF4000 Only).....................................................................39
7.3.7 RIU_Insta lled_Se l (VHF-4000 only) ..........................................................................39
7.3.8 All_Call_Disable_Se l (VHF-4000 only).....................................................................39
7.3.9 SIMULCOM_CNTL_1_SEL...................................................................................... 39
7.3.10 SIMULCOM_CNTL_2_SEL ......................................................................................39
7.3.11 SYSTEM_ON_F (VDL-2000 only) ............................................................................40
7.4 ARINC 429 I/O Tests (VHF4000 Only!)...........................................................................40
7.4.1 VHF ARINC 429 Low Speed Output Port 1..............................................................40
7.4.2 VHF ARINC 429 Low Speed Output Port 2..............................................................41
7.4.3 VHF ARINC 429 High Speed Output Port 1............................................................. 42
7.4.4 VHF ARINC 429 High Speed Output Port 2............................................................. 43
7.5 Selftest (VHF4000 Only)..................................................................................................44
7.6 Vibration (Perform on a sample basis only!).................................................................. 44
7.7 Talk Out/Voice (Perform on a sample basis only!).......................................................... 44
7.8 Mode A Tests (Units/w Mode A Option Only).................................................................44
7.9 Mode 2 Tests (Units/w Mode 2 Option Only) ..................................................................44
7.9.1 Load application Software (CPN: 822-1468-985 Only)............................................ 44
7.9.2 Mode 2 Receiver Tests (Units/w Mode 2 Option Only) ............................................44
7.9.3 Mode 2 Transmitter Tests......................................................................................... 45
8. Temperature Testing..............................................................................................................46
8.1 Selftest (VHF4000 Only, Performed during the rapid cycle portion of ESS).................. 46
8.2 Parametric Tests (VHF4000 Only, performed during the extended dwell portions of ESS) 47
8.2.1 Receiver:....................................................................................................................47
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8.2.2 Transmitter:................................................................................................................47
Appendix A Alignment Formats .................................................................................................... 49
Appendix B Rear Connector Pins by Function.............................................................................54
Appendix C - VDL Mode 2 Operation...........................................................................................58
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PTR for VHF-4000 and VDL-2000 Data Radios
1. Scope
These production test requirements apply to the VHF-4000 Transceiver, CPN 822-1468-xxx and VDL­2000, CPN 822-1603-001.
2. Refe renc e Information
VHF-4000 Equipment Specification, CPN: 832-6673-001 VHF-4000 Unit Interface Specification, CPN: 832-8567-001 VDL-2000 Equipment Specification, CPN: TBD VDL-2000 Unit Interface Specification, CPN: TBD
2.2.1 VHF-4000
RF Card Assembly (A1), CPN: 828-3186-XXX DSP/PS Card Assembly (A2), CPN: 828-3187-XXX Rear Interconnect Card Assembly (A3), CPN: 828-3185-XXX
2.2.2 VDL-2000
RF Card Assembly (A1), CPN: 828-3310- XXX DSP Card Assembly (A2), CPN: 828-3311-xxx XXX Interconnect Card Assembly (A3), CPN: 828-3312- XXX Power Supply Assembly (A4), CPN 828-3313- XXX
For all test frequencies listed in test setups in this report, the ICAO Channel Identification developed for the 8.33 kHz channels is used. The channel identification will not necessarily reflect the actual operating frequency. Table 4.7-1 shows the relationship between ICAO Channel Identification, actual operating frequency, receiver bandwidth, and ARINC 429 frequency control word. NOTE: Narrow Band (NB) is selectivity for
8.33 kHz channels and Wide Band (WB) is selectivity for 25 kHz channels.
Table 4.7-1
Frequenc y (MHz) ICAO Cha n ne l
ARINC 429 Control Word Content
ARINC 429 Control Word Label
Rece iver IF Bandwidth automatically selected b y unit
118.0000 118.000 118.000 030 WB
118.0000 118.005 118.000 047 NB
118.0083 118.010 118.008 047 NB
118.0167 118.015 118.017 047 NB
118.0250 118.025 118.025 030 WB
118.0250 118.030 118.025 047 NB
118.0333 118.035 118.033 047 NB
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Frequenc y (MHz) ICAO Cha n ne l
ARINC 429 Control Word Content
ARINC 429 Control Word Label
Rece iver IF Bandwidth automatically selected b y unit
118.0417 118.040 118.042 047 NB
118.0500 118.050 118.050 030 WB
118.0500 118.055 118.050 047 NB
118.0583 118.060 118.058 047 NB
118.0667 118.065 118.067 047 NB
118.0750 118.075 118.075 030 WB
118.0750 118.080 118.075 047 NB
118.0833 118.085 118.083 047 NB
118.0917 118.090 118.092 047 NB
118.1000 118.100 118.100 030 WB
118.1000 118.105 118.100 047 NB
136.9750 136.975 136.975 030 WB
136.9750 136.980 136.975 047 NB
136.9833 136.985 136.983 047 NB
136.9917 136.990 136.992 047 NB
3. Tes t E qui pme nt Required
The following test equipment or equivalent is required:
1. CATS-21 Full ATE
2. Lab View 5.1.1 DLS-001
3. Test Stand 1.02 DLT-001
4. I.E Test Exec. 3.1.1 DLR-001
4. Tes t C o nditio ns
Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be performed under the following conditions:
Normal factory ambient.
Normal factory ambient.
30 seconds
Normal factory ambient. ______________________________________________________________________
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20 %, 30 seconds maximum single transmit duration
5. Test Definitions and Information
In transmit mode, the antenna output shall be terminated in 50 ohm load and the sidetone audio output terminated in 600 ohm load. In receive mode, receiver and data audio outputs are terminated in 600 ohm load.
All receiver RF levels are in dBm at UUT antenna input.
Upper limit of operation at ICAO channel 136.990 applies for
some units. Disregard operation beyond this frequency in any alignment or tests wh ere frequencies exceeding this limit are specified.
Connect TX_Mode_Indicator (VHF-4000 Pin 47, VDL-2000 Pin 3) to 27.5 Vdc th rough a 270 ohm, ½ watt load.
The “Standard Discrete Configuration” is defined as the following configuration of the input discretes:
Pin #
Pin #
PTT_Sel 41 35 Open (Receive mode) Simulcom_Cntl_1_Sel Simulcom_Cntl_2_Sel
42 46
16 34
Open (Attenuator disabled)
Open RIU_Installed_Sel 43 NA Open (RIU not installed) All_Call_Dsbl_Set 44 NA Open (All -Call enabled) Voice/Data_Sel 45 17 Open (Voice m ode) Burst_Tune_Sell 49 NA Open (Continuous tuning) ARINC/CSDB Selec t 50 NA Open (ARINC-429 control selected) Port_C_Sel 51 NA Open (ARINC 429 In put Port C not
selected) RX_Comp_Dsbl_Sel 52 NA Open (Receive compressor disabled) Port_A/B_Sel 55 NA Open (ARINC 429 In put Port B
selected) Unit_ID_A_Sel Unit_ID_B_Sel
56 62
15 18
Open (All-Call enabled *)
Open WOW_Sel 57 14 Open (Weight on Wheels not selected) Data_Load_Enbl_Sel 61 29 Open (Data Load disabled) SYSTEM_ON_F NA 27 Gnd (Tran sceiver On)
The “Standard RF Generator Configuration” is defined as follows:
Generator set to the frequency defined at time of reference, amplitude modulated by a 1 kHz sine wave at a modulation level of 30%, and a RF level of –47 dBm.
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PTR for VHF-4000 and VDL-2000 Data Radios
5.3.1 Standard Control Data Configurations VHF-4000
All test steps are performed using continuous tuning on the low speed ARINC 429 control bus 429_Input_Port_B (Pins 3 and 4). The control words are labels 030 for 25 kHz channels & 047 for 8.3 kHz channels.
Calibration and TFM parameters are set using the high-speed maintenance input bus MAINT_IN (Pins 9 and 10) and output port MAINT_OUT (Pins 13 and 14). The control word is label 277 (See Appendix for format). VDL-2000
All test steps are performed using continuous tuning on the high-speed ARINC 429 maintenance input bus 429MAINT_IN (pins 1 and 32). The control words are labels 030 for 25 kHz channels & 047 for 8.3 kHz channel s .
Calibration and TFM parameters are also set using the high-speed ARINC 429 maintenance input bus 429MAINT_IN (pins 1 and 32). The control word is label 277 (See Appendix for format).
5.3.2 Standard Data Configurations
• The “Standard 25 kHz ARINC Configuration” is defined as follows:
Octal label 047 (8.33 kHz label) s et to NCD. Transmit the control data on label 030 (Oct) every 200 ms. The tuning channel will be defined at the time of reference to this definition.
The SSM is set to 11 (squelch disabled). SDI set to 00 (All call).
• The “Standard 8.33 kHz ARINC Configuration” is defined as follows:
Octal label 030 (25 kHz la bel) set to NCD. Transmit the control data on label 047 (Oct) every 200 ms. The tuning channel will be defined at the time of reference to this definition.
The SSM is set to 11 (squelch disabled). SDI set to 00 (All call).
If the UUT has never been aligned then all alignment steps must be performed in sequence. For re­alignment of UUT as a result of a repair action or modification, perform only alignment steps of circuits that have been effected by repair action or modification. Checksum will be automatically updated whenever FLASH memory is updated.
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PTR for VHF-4000 and VDL-2000 Data Radios
6. Alignment
Connect main connector plug from test station to UUT. Apply 27.5 ± 0.5 Vdc to the power input.
VHF-4000, power pins 58, 64 and ground pins 59, 65. VDL-2000, power pins 10, 11 and ground pins 8, 9.
Wait 30 seconds for the unit to complete power on testing.
The VHF4000 or VDL2000 may be aligned per Section 6.3 Alignment Procedures or with the automatic alignment system (CATS-21) executing DGS-005.
Load the desired top-level software using the data loader capability of the VHF-4000 or the boundary scan interface.
The VHF-4000 uses electronic alignment for circuits that use values for various parameters stored in FLASH memory. TFM parameters are those that require different values depending upon temperature, frequency or mode. Calibration parameters are those that are the same for all temperature, frequency, and mode.
6.2.1 Initialization of Calibration Parameters
Store into FLASH memory the hex values for calibration parameters listed in the following table or the nominal value (nominal values derived from trend data).
Calibration Parameter # Applicable
Combined Au dio Level Adju st 43 Rx 4268 level adjust for combin ed audio Rx output Digital Audio Lev el Adju st 44 Rx 23E7 level adjust for digital audio Rx output
Rx Compres sor Threshold 45 Rx 250F input level threshold for receiver com pressor Carrier Squ el ch Mute Thresh old 46 Rx 7FFF Carrier Squel ch mut ing upper limit Carrier Squelch Unmute Threshold 47 Rx 7FFF Carrier Squelch unmuting upper limit 25 kHz Noise Squelch Mute Threshold 48 Rx 7FFF 25 kHz Noise Squelch muting upper limit 25 kHz Noise Squelch Unmut e Thres hold
8.33 kHz Noise Squ elch Mute Thres hold
8.33 kHz Noise Squ elch Unmut e Thres hold
138.6 MHz N oise Squelch Mute Thres hold
138.6 MHz N oise Squelch Unmute Thres hold Digital Audio Sideton e Level Adjus t 54 Tx 2C76 level adjust for digital audio sideton e output
Combined Au dio Sideton e Lev el Adjust 55 Tx 1C39 level adjust for combined audio sidetone out Low Volt age Scalin g Threshold 56 Tx 07D0 low volt limit for signal scalin g in transmits VSWR Sc a ling Thr e sh old 57 Tx 4E20 VSWR l im it for signal scalin g in tr ansmits Anal og Tx Compr essor Threshol d 58 Tx 6DE level to begin analog Tx signal compres sion Digital Audio Tx Compressor Thr eshold 59 Tx 07FF level to begin digital Tx signal compression Tx Pow er Upper Threshol d for all but Mode 2 Tx Pow er Lower Threshol d for all but Mode 2 Tx Power Upper Thres hold for Mode 2 62 Tx 07FF V Fwd high limit for Mode 2 Tx faults Tx Pow er Lower Threshol d for Mode 2 63 Tx 0000 V Fwd l ow limit for Mode 2 Tx faults VSWR Fault Thr eshold 64 Tx 7FFF VSWR limit for reporting of faults PA Over Temper ature Threshold 65 Tx 0783 PA temperatur e limit at which Tx is aborted +3.3 VDC Upper Thr eshold 66 Rx/Tx 09C5 faul t upper limit f or +3.3 VDC input value
49 Rx 0000 25 kHz Noise Squelch unmuting lower limit 50 Rx 7FFF 8.33 kHz Noise Squelch mutin g upper limit 51 Rx 0000 8.33 kHz Noise Squelch unmutin g low er limit 52 Rx FFFF 138.6 MHz Noise Squel ch mut ing upper limit 53 Rx 0000 138.6 MHz Noise Squelch unmuting low limit
60 Tx 07FF V Fwd high limit for non-Mode 2 Tx faults 61 Tx 0000 V Fwd low limit for non-Mode 2 Tx fa ults
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Calibration Parameter # Applicable
+3.3 VDC Lower Thr eshold 67 Rx/Tx 0698 fault lower limit for +3.3 VDC input value +8.0 VDC Upper Thr eshold 68 Rx/Tx 0A7A f aul t upper limit f or +8.0 VDC input value +8.0 VDC Lower Thr eshold 69 Rx/Tx 0649 fault lower limit for +8.0 VDC input value
-8.0 VDC Upper Thr eshold 70 Rx /Tx 0965 fault upper limit f or -8.0 VDC input valu e
-8.0 VDC Lower Threshold 71 Rx/Tx 05A3 fault lower limit for -8.0 VDC input value +5.0 VDC Upper Thr eshold 72 Rx/Tx 0CF6 f aul t upper limit f or +5.0 VDC input value +5.0 VDC Lower Thr eshold 73 Rx/Tx 06FA faul t lower limit for +5.0 VDC input value +15.0 VDC Upper Thr eshol d 74 Rx/Tx 0A79 fault upper limit for +15.0 VDC input value +15.0 VDC Lower Thr eshol d 75 Rx/Tx 06FB Fault low er limit for +15. 0 VDC input value Tx Timeout Thr eshold 76 Tx 3FFF limit at which Tx is aborted TFM Tem per ature Boundary A 77 Rx/Tx 01C1 Sets TFM temperature zones 1 & 2 boundary TFM Tem per ature Boundary B 78 Rx/Tx 0364 Sets TFM tem peratur e zones 2 & 3 boundary TFM Tem per ature Boundary C 79 Rx/Tx 0508 Sets TFM temperature zones 3 & 4 boundary TFM Temperature Hyste resis 80 Rx/Tx 33 Hysteresis for descending temp zone tra nsits VSWR Scalin g Coefficient 81 Tx 571C Power reduct ion to apply for VSWR scaling SELCAL Audio Lev el Adjust 82 Rx 5654 Level adjust for SELCAL audio DAC ou t put Low V IQ Phase Adj. Upper Threshol d 83 Tx 0000
Low V IQ Phase Adj. Lower Threshol d 84 Tx 0000
SW AGC Selftest Limit On Threshold 85 Rx 7FFF SW AGC level max limit with signal present SW AGC Selft est Limit Off Threshol d 86 Rx 0000 SW AGC level min limit with signal absent HW AGC Selft est Limit On Threshol d 87 Rx 0000 HW AG C level max limit with signal present HW AGC Selft est Limit Off Threshol d 88 Rx 7FFF HW AGC level min limit with signal absent Trans f er Fault Tone Level Adj. 89 Rx/Tx 12C Audio level of fault D8PSK Low Volt age Scalin g Threshold 90 Tx 0000
I _Q _Ref 91 TX 0000 Not Used Spare_1 92 N/A 0000 Not Used Spare_2 93 N/A 0000 Not Used Spare_3 94 N/A 0000 Not Used Spare_4 95 N/A 0000 Not Used
28V val. to start Low Voltage IQ Phase Adjust
28V val. to end Low Voltage IQ Phase Adjust
Low volt limit for signals scaling in transmit in D8PSK
6.2.2 Initialization of TFM Parameters
Store into FLASH memory the hex values for TFM parameters listed in the following table or the nominal value for 118 MHz (nominal values derived from trend data).
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TFM Parameter # Applicable
I Phas e Adjust 1 Tx 0000 n ormal setting for I phase adjustm ent DACs Q Phas e Adjust 2 Tx 2048 n ormal setting for Q phase adjustm ent DACs Simulcomm 0 3 Rx FF sets SCOM Thresh DAC when Simulcomm discretes
Simulcomm 1 4 Rx FF sets SCOM Thresh DAC when Simulcomm discretes Simulcomm 2 5 Rx FF sets SCOM Thresh DAC when Simulcomm discretes Simulcomm 3 6 Rx FF sets SCOM Thresh DAC when Simulcomm discretes Preselect or 1 7 Rx/Tx 0000 sets Pres el _1 DAC
Preselect or 2 8 Rx/Tx 0000 sets Pres el _2 DAC Preselect or 3 9 Rx/Tx 0000 sets Pres el _3 DAC Preselect or 4 10 Rx/Tx 0000 sets Presel_4 DAC PA Drive Bias for D8PSK 11 Rx/Tx 0000 sets PA Drive Bias DAC when in ARINC 750 Mode 2 PA Drive Bias for all but D8PSK 12 Rx/Tx 0000 sets PA Drive Bias DAC when not in ARINC 750
PA Final Bias for D8PSK 13 Rx/Tx 0000 sets PA Final Bias DAC when in ARINC 750 Mode 2 PA Final Bias for all but D8PSK 14 Rx/Tx 0000 sets PA Final Bias DAC when not in ARINC 750
D8PSK I Channel G ain 15 Tx 0000 sets I chann el gain for D8PSK tr a nsmission s D8PSK Q Channel G ain 16 Tx 0000 sets Q channel gain for D8PSK tr ansmissions AM I Chann el Carrier Power 17 Tx 0000 sets I chann el offset (carrier pow er) for AM
AM Q Chann el Carrier Power 18 Tx 0000 sets Q channel offset (carrier pow er) for AM D8PSK I Channel Carr ier Null (off set) 19 Tx 0000 sets I chann el offset (carrier null ) for D8PSK D8PSK Q Channel Carr ier Null (off set) 20 Tx 0000 sets Q channel offset (carrier null) for D8PSK Mode A I Channel Carrier Power
Mode A Q Channel Carrier Power
(offset) AM I Chann el Mod % (gain) 23 Tx 0000 Sets I channel mod % (gain) for AM Tx AM Q Chann el Mod % (gain) 24 Tx 0000 Sets Q channel mod % (gain) for AM trans m ission s Mode A I Channel Mod % (gain) 25 Tx 0000 Sets I channel mod % (gain) for Mode A
Mode A Q Channel Mod % (gain) 26 Tx 0000 Sets Q channel mod % (gain) for Mode A AM Voice Rx Audio Phase Shift 27 Rx 0000 Adjusts phase of Rx audio output relat ive to input RF D8PSK Qu adr ature Mismatch 28 Tx 0000 compensates transmit sign al for feedback modul ator Rx Synthesizer Adjust 29 Rx 55 CN count for receiver synthes iz er tuning
Tx Synth esizer Adju st 30 Tx 8C CN count for transmitter synthesizer tuning I Low Voltage Phase Adju st 31 Tx 0000 normal setting for I phase adjustment DACs Q Low Voltage Phase Adju st 32 Tx 07FF normal setting for Q phase adjustment DACs Mode 2 –90.5 dBm Level 33 Rx nor m al setting for –90.5 dBm Mode 2 Rx level Mode 2 –91.5 dBm Level 34 Rx nor m al setting for –91.5 dBm Mode 2 Rx level AM I Chann el Carrier Null (offset) 35 Tx 07FF sets I channel offset null for AM transmissions AM Q Chann el Carrier Null (offset) 36 Tx 07FF sets Q ch annel offset null for AM transmissions Spur Suppr ession N oise Level 37 Tx 8.3 kHz synthesiz er spur adj. Spare 6 38 N/A Spare 7 39 N/A Spare 8 40 N/A Spare 9 41 N/A Spare 10 42 N/A
21 Tx 0000 sets I channel offset (carrier pow er) for Mode A 22 Tx 0000 sets Q chann el offset (carrier pow er) for Mode A
= 00 = 01 = 10 = 11
Mode 2
Mode 2
transmissions transmissions transmissions transmissions transmissions
transmissions transmissions modulation mismatch
6.3.1 Receiver Analog Audio Output Level (VHF4000 Only) [Rx Cal]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configuration at 118.5 MHz. ______________________________________________________________________
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2) Set Standard RF Generator Setting at 118.5 MHz.
3) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
4) Set the generator to 85% modulation and -40 dBm RF level.
5) Monitor the receiver audio output and adju st calibration parameter #1 (Combin ed audio level adjust) for 7.75 Vrms ± 0.1 Vrms.
6) Store the values used for calibration parameters #1, 2, and 40 in Flash memory.
6.3.2 Selcal Audio Output Level (VHF4000 Only) [Rx Cal]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard RF Generator setting at current frequency.
3) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
4) Set the generator to 60% modulation and -40 dBm RF level.
5) Monitor th e SELCAL audio output and adjust calibration parameter #40 (SELCAL audio) for 500 mVrms ± 25 mVrms.
6) Store the values used for calibration parameters #1, 2, and 40 in Flash memory.
6.3.3 Voice Carrier Null [Tx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configuration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
3) Set the ARINC data to “Standard 25 kHz ARINC Configuration” on channel 118.500.
4) Connect 50 ohm load to antenna cable.
5) Ground the PTT (Pin 41), Monitor RF Transmitter power.
6) Simultaneously vary TFM parameters # 35 and # 36 (AM I and Q channel offset) to
get lowest possible power output. The null power out must be less than 4 dBm.
7) Un gr ou nd the PT T.
6.3.4 Voice/Analog Data Bias Adjustment [Tx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configuration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
3) Set the ARINC data to “Standard 25 kHz ARINC Configuration” on channel 118.500.
4) Connect 50 ohm load to antenna cable.
5) Set TFM parameters #12 and #14 (PA drive bias and final driver bias) to $0000.
6) Ground the PTT (Pin 41), and monitor th e input current to the UUT.
7) Adjust TFM parameter #14 until the current increases by 1500 ma ± 50 ma over the
original value .
8) Adjust TFM parameter #12 until the current increases by an additional 500 ma ± 50
ma over the value in step 8.
9) Unground th e PTT.
10) Store the values used for TFM parameters #12 and #14 in the Flash memory
location for all temperature zones and channels.
11) Find values only at 118 MHz channel, use th at value for all other channels.
6.3.5 +28 V Transmitter Phasing Adjustment [Tx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
3) Verify power supply input voltage is 27.5 +/- 0.2 Vdc.
4) Apply 0.7 Vrms, 1 kHz tone to Microphone Audio input.
5) Set I & Q channel carrier offset to 0
6) Set Q Channel Gain to 0.
7) Set I Channel Gain to get 4 – 6 watts RF output power
8) Monitor the Q_Detector Output of the RF Card
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9) Ground the PTT and vary TFM parameter #1 & #2 (Q phase & I adjust) u p or down from initial value as necessary to null the Q detector voltmeter reading. Final value must be less than TBD.
Note: The I& Q Phase Adjust values are calculated as a function of the phase angle using the following formula:
Q bits = ((1.25 x sine (Angle) + 1.25)) / (2.5/4095) I bits = ((1.25 x cos (Angle) + 1.25)) / (2.5/4095)
10) Unground the PTT.
11) Store the values for TFM parameter #1 and #2 in Flash memory.
6.3.6 +20 V Transmitter Phasing Adjustment [Tx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
3) Verify power supply input voltage is 20.0 +/- 0.2 Vdc.
4) Apply 0.7 Vrms, 1 kHz tone to Microphone Audio input.
5) Set I & Q channel carrier offset to 0
6) Set Q Channel Gain to 0.
7) Set I Channel Gain to get 4 – 6 watts RF output power
8) Monitor the Q_Detector Output of the RF Card
9) Ground the PTT and vary TFM parameter #30 & #31 (LV Q phase & I adjust) up or down from initial value as necessary to null the Q detector voltmeter reading. Final value must be less than TBD.
Note: The I& Q Phase Adjust values are calculated as a function of the phase angle using the following formula:
Q bits = ((1.25 x sine (Angle) + 1.25)) / (2.5/4095) I bits = ((1.25 x cos (Angle) + 1.25)) / (2.5/4095)
10) Unground the PTT.
11) Store the values for TFM parameter #1 and #2 in Flash memory.
6.3.7 Preselecto r Adjust me nts [Rx Cal]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configuration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard RF Generator setting at current frequency.
3) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
4) Moni tor the combined audio output.
5) Adjust the generator RF level to give approximately 12 dB SINAD ratio.
6) Iteratively adjust TFM parameters #7 –10 from initial values for the best SINAD while reducing the
RF level to maintain 12 dB SINAD. The final SINAD after adjustment must be at least 8 dB with – 103 dBm input RF level.
7) Store the values used for TFM parameters #7 - #10 in Flash memory.
6.3.8 Analog Voice/Data Unmodulated Transmitter RF Power [Tx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
3) Set TFM parameters #17 & #18 (AM I and Q channel carrier power) to 2048 (Dec).
4) Ground the PTT and increment TFM parameters # 17 until the RF wattmeter indicates 10 watts +/- 1 watt.
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5) Increment TFM parameters # 18 until the RF wattmeter indicates 19.5 watts +/- 1 watt.
Unground the PTT.
7) Store the values for TFM parameters #17 an d 18 in Flash memory.
6.3.9 Simulcomm 0 Adjustment (-20 dBm threshold) [Rx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard RF Generator setting at current frequency.
3) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
4) Set rear connector simulcomm discretes to 00 (VHF4000 Pins 42 and 46 open, VDL Pins 16 and 34 o pe n).
5) Set the generator RF level to -20 dBm and 90% modulation.
6) Monitor the AGC_Level output of the RF Card.
7) Decrease TFM parameter # 3 un til the AGC_Level decreases at least 2% - 4% from the reading in step 6.
8) Store the value used for TFM variable #3 in the Flash memory.
9) Find value at 118 MHz channel and use value for 119-125 MHz channels.
10) Find value at 126 MHz channel and use value for 127-136 MHz channels.
6.3.10 Simulcomm 1 Adjustment (-10 dBm threshold) [Rx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard RF Generator setting at current frequency.
3) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
4) Set rear connector simulcomm discretes to 01(VHF4000 Pins 42 open and 46 ground, VDL Pins 16 open and 34 ground).
5) Set the generator RF level to -10 dBm and 90% modulation.
6) Monitor the AGC_Level output of the RF Card.
7) Decrease TFM parameter # 4 un til the AGC_Level decreases at least 2% - 4% from the reading in step 6.
8) Store the value used for TFM variable #4 in the Flash memory.
9) Find value at 118 MHz channel and use value for 119-125 MHz channels.
10) Find value at 126 MHz channel and use value for 127-136 MHz channels.
6.3.11 Analog Voice/Data Transmitter Modulation [Tx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
3) Apply a 0.4 Vrms audio signal at 1.0 kHz to th e microphone input.
4) Ground the PTT and simultaneously increment TFM parameters #23 and 24 (AM I and Q Channel Mod) to obtain modulation of the negative peaks at 90 +/- 3 %.
5) Unground the PTT.
6) Store the value used for TFM parameters #23 and #24 in the Flash memory.
6.3.12 Simulcomm 2 Adjustment ( 0 dBm threshold) [Rx TFM]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard RF Generator Setting at current frequ ency.
3) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
4) Set rear connector simulcomm discretes to 10 (VHF4000 Pins 42 ground and 46 open, VDL Pins 16 open and 34 ground).
5) Set the generator RF level to 0 dBm and 90% modulation.
6) Monitor the AGC_Level output of the RF Card.
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7) Decrease TFM parameter # 5 un til the AGC_Level decreases at least 2% - 4% from the reading in step 6.
8) Store the value used for TFM variable #5 in the Flash memory.
9) Find value at 118 MHz channel and use value for 119-125 MHz channels.
10) Find value at 126 MHz channel and use value for 127-136 MHz channels.
6.3.13 Analog and Digital Sidetone Levels [Tx Cal]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configuration at 126.500 MHz.
2) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
3) Apply a 0.4 Vrms audio signal to the microphone input.
4) Ground the PTT and monitor the combined receiver au dio output.
5) Adjust calibration parameter #13 (combined sidetone level adjust) for 3.87 ± 0.1 Vrms.
6) Unground the PTT.
7) Store the value calibration parameter # 12 and 13 in Flash memory.
6.3.14 Squelch Adjustment 25 KHZ NOISE QUIETING SQUELCH [RX CAL]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard RF Generator Setting at current frequ ency.
3) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
4) Enable squelch on the ARINC tune word.
5) Set Cal Parameter #4 (Carrier Squelch Mute Threshold) to 4000.
6) Set Cal Parameter #5 (Carrier Squelch Unmute Threshold) to 0.
7) Set Cal Parameter #6 (25kHz Noise Squelch Mute Threshold) to 0.
8) Set Cal Parameter #7 (25kHz Noise Squelch Unmute Threshold) to 0.
9) Set Cal Parameter #6 (25kHz Noise Squelch Mute Threshold) to 4000.
10) Set the generator RF level to –103.5 dBm.
11) Monitor the receiver audio output.
12) Increase the value of calibration parameter #7 (25 kHz noise squelch unmute) from $0000 until receiver audio is present (0.05 to 2.6 Vrms).
13) Reduce the RF generator output by 3 dB.
14) Decrease calibration parameter #6 (25 kHz noise squelch mute) from $03FF until the receiver audio is muted (0.0 to 0.0245 Vrms).
15) Store the values for calibration parameters #6 and #7 in flash memory. 8.33 KHZ NOISE QUI ETING SQUELCH [RX CAL]
1) Set Standard ARINC Configu ration at current frequency.
2) Set Standard RF Generator Setting at current frequ ency.
3) Set Standard Discrete Configuration.
4) Enable squelch on the ARINC tune word.
5) Set Cal Parameter #4 (Carrier Squelch Mute Threshold) to 4000.
6) Set Cal Parameter #5 (Carrier Squelch Unmute Threshold) to 0.
7) Set Cal Parameter #8 (8.33kHz Noise Squelch Mute Threshold) to 0.
8) Set Cal Parameter #9 (8.33kHz Noise Squelch Unmute Threshold) to 0.
9) Set Cal Parameter #8 (8.33kHz Noise Squelch Mute Threshold) to 4000.
10) Set the generator RF level to -104 dBm.
11) Monitor the receiver audio output.
12) Increase value of calibration parameter #9 (8.33 kHz noise squelch unmute) from $0000 until receiver audio is present (0.05 to 2.6 Vrms).
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13) Reduce the RF generator output by 4 dB.
14) Decrease calibration parameter #8 (8.33 kHz noise squelch mute threshold) from $03FF until the receiver audio is muted (0.0 to 0.049 Vrms).
15) Store the values for calibration parameters #8 and #9 in flash memory. CARRIER SQUELCH
1) Set the UUT discrete inputs to “standard discrete configuration”.
2) Set the generator to 60% modulation by 6 kHz at –94.5 dBm.
3) Disable noise squelch by setting TFM #8 & #9 to $FFFF (Do not change values in FLASH)
4) Monitor the receiver audio output.
5) Increase value of calibration parameter #5 (carrier squelch unmute) from $0000 until receiver audio is
present (0.05 to 2.6 Vrms).
6) Reduce the RF generator output by 5 dB. Decrease calibration parameter #4 (carrier squelch mute) from
$FFFF until the receiver audio is muted (0.0 to 0.0245 Vrms).
8) Store the values for calibration parameters #4 and #5 in FLASH memory.
6.3.15 Mode A Alignment (Units/w Mode A Option Only) MODE A RECEIVER
6.3.16 Mode 2 Alignment (Units/w Mode 2 Option Only) MODE 2 BIAS ADJUSTMENT
1) Set the UUT discrete inputs to “standard discrete configuration”.
2) Set the ARINC data to “Standard 25 kHz ARINC Configuration” on channel 118.500.
3) Connect 50 ohm load to antenna cable
4) Set TFM parameters #18 and 19 (D8PSK I and Q channel offset) and #15 and 16 (D8PSK Channel Gains) to $00 to set transmitter power to 0 watts.
5) Set TFM parameters #12 and #14 (PA drive bias and final driver bias) to $0000.
6) Ground the PTT (VHF-4000 pin 41, VDL-2000 pin 35), and monitor the input current to the UUT.
7) Adjust TFM parameter #12 until the current increases by 500 mA ± 50 mA over the original value.
8) Adjust TFM parameter #14 until the current increases by an additional 1500 mA ± 50 mA over the value in step 5.
9) Un gr ou nd the PT T.
10) Store the values used for TFM parameters #12 and #14 at 118.500 in 18 FLASH memory location up to 136.500 MHz for the VDL-2000 and 151.5 MHz for the VHF-4000. MODE 2 CARRIER NULL
1) Set the UUT discrete inputs to “standard discrete configuration”.
2) Tune the UUT to C hannel 118.500.
3) Set TFM parameters # 15 and 16 (D8PSK I_Channel Gain and Q_Channel Gain) to $00.
4) Set TFM parameters # 18 and 19 to mid-scale: $800.
5) Ground the PTT line (Pin 41 VHF-4000, Pin 35 VDL-2000), and adjust TFMs # 18 and 19 (I_Offset and Q_Offset) alternately to null the carrier as detected on a selective measuring receiver or power meter. The null shall be less than -15 dBm at the sampled port.
6) Unground the PTT line.
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