I/O SmartSlot Cables 60
This document provides detailed information for the types of Trusted
available within the SmartSlot group. These types of cable provide connection facilities between the
The types of Trusted
analogue and digital input/output modules, and TrustedTM Field Termination Assemblies
I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cables currently available are listed in Table 1
I/O 60-Channel Cables
Cable Type Description
TC-601-02-xmx I/O SmartSlot, Internal, 60 Channel Input to FTA
TC-602-02-xmx I/O SmartSlot, Internal, 60 Channel Input to Flying Lead
TC-603-02-xmx I/O SmartSlot, External, 60 Channel Input to FTA
TC-604-02-xmx I/O SmartSlot, External, 60 Channel Input to Flying Lead
Table 1 TrustedTM I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cables
The cables are manufactured to user’s requirements, therefore length and type of cable insulation
must be specified. Length must be specified to the nearest 0.5m in the format xmx, e.g. 2m0 for a
cable length of 2.0m. This detail must be added to the end of the part number. The type of cable
insulation forms part of the cable part number and is denoted by 02 for Low Smoke Low Halogen
(LSLH). 02 is also flame retardant to IEC 60332-3 Cat A. PVC covered cables are not available.
When ordering cables, it is recommended that the user supplies the details as shown in Table 1.
The maximum recommended I/O cable length is 15m. Cables longer than this may be specified if
necessary but may suffer from voltage drop, offset, crosstalk and noise and will present materials
handling problems.
Internal cables are designed for cables where they are terminated in adjacent enclosures. If the cable
needs to leave the enclosure environment, the External cable has more protection. Note that the
‘External’ cables are not armoured and are not suitable for truly external use and must still be treated
with care. These cables will need protection when drawn through a cable route, and should also not be
pulled by the connector(s). They should enter cabinets through transit/compression blocks and can not
be glanded.
The SmartSlot cables described in this document allow hot-swap modules to be sited in separated
slots as required, linked with a SmartSlot jumper cable. For Companion Slot cables, allowing hot-swap
modules to be sited in adjacent slots using a double width chassis socket, please refer to PD TC-700.
This document describes cables for dual modules (typically 60 channel). For TMR modules (typically
40 channel), please refer to PD TC-500 (Smart Slot) and PD TC-200 (Companion Slot).
For details of the TC-306 and TC-308 jumper cables, please refer to PD-TC300.
Issue 7 Dec 07 PD-TC600 1
Issue Record
Number Date Revised by Technical CheckAuthorised by Modification
5 Sep 05
6 Aug 06 N Owens I Vince P Stock Free wire idents
7 Dec 07 N Owens A Holgate P Stock Flame retardance
I/O SmartSlot Cables 60-Channel TC-600
J W Clark Format
Issue 7 Dec 07 PD-TC600 2
I/O SmartSlot Cables 60-Channel TC-600
Table of Contents
1. I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cable Type TC-601 ........................................................................7
2. I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cable Type TC-602 ........................................................................8
3. I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cable Type TC-603 ........................................................................9
4. I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cable Type TC-604 ......................................................................10
Figure 1 I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cable Type TC-601 ........................................................................ 7
Figure 2 I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cable Type TC-602 ........................................................................ 8
Figure 3 I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cable Type TC-603 ........................................................................ 9
Figure 4 I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cable Type TC-604 ...................................................................... 10
Tabl es
Table 1 TrustedTM I/O 60-Channel SmartSlot Cables............................................................................. 1
Table 2 TMR 40 Channel Standard Cable Selection Guide ................................................................... 6
Table 3 Dual 60 Channel Standard Cable Selection Guide.................................................................... 6
Issue 7 Dec 07 PD-TC600 3
I/O SmartSlot Cables 60-Channel TC-600
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Issue 7 Dec 07 PD-TC600 4