Rockwell Automation T8403 User Manual

TMR 24V dc Digital Input
Module – 40 Channel
The TrustedTM TMR 24V dc Digital Input module interfaces to 40 field input devices. Fault tolerance is achieved through a Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) architecture within the module for each of the 40 input channels.
Each field input is triplicated and the input voltage is measured using a sigma-delta input circuit. The resulting field voltage measurement is compared to user configurable threshold voltages to determine the reported field input state. When a line-monitoring device is installed at the field switch, the module can detect open and short-circuit field cables. Line monitoring functions are independently configured for each input channel. The triplicated voltage measurement, coupled with on-board diagnostic testing, provides comprehensive fault detection and tolerance.
The module provides on-board Sequence of Events (SOE) reporting with a resolution of 1ms. A change of state triggers an SOE entry. States are determined by voltage thresholds that can be configured on a per channel basis.
40 Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) input channels per module.
Comprehensive, automatic diagnostics and self-test.
Selectable line monitoring per channel to detect open circuit and short circuit field wiring
2500V dc optical isolation barrier.
On-board Sequence of Events (SOE) reporting with 1ms resolution.
Configurable 50/60Hz digital filtering to eliminate field induced noise.
Module can be hot-replaced on-line using dedicated Companion (adjacent) Slot or SmartSlot
(one spare slot for many modules) configurations.
Front panel input status LEDs for each channel indicate input status and field wiring faults.
Front panel module status LEDs indicate module health and operational mode (Active,
Standby, Educated)
TϋV Certified IEC61508 SIL 3
Issue 15 Jun 13 PD-T8403 1
Issue Record
Number Date Revised by Technical Check Authorised by Modification
8 Jan 05 J Bourn Gerry Creech Russell
9 May 05 J.W. Clark G Creech R Cockman Reformat
10 June 05 J.W. Clark G Creech R Cockman Reformat
11 Dec 06 V Middleton N Owens P Stock Weights & Dims
12 Nov 07 N Owens A Holgate P Stock STATE descriptions
13 Dec 08 N Owens A Holgate P Stock Channel LEDs
14 Apr 10 S. Blackett A. Holgate P. Stock Table 7 change
15 Jun 13 N Owens S.Blackett P Stock States 0 and 6 removed
Module T8403
Issue 15 Jun 13 PD-T8403 2
Module T8403
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Issue 15 Jun 13 PD-T8403 3
Module T8403
Table of Contents
1. Description ................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1. Field Termination Unit (FTU) ....................................................................................................... 9
1.2. Field Interface Unit (FIU) ............................................................................................................. 9
1.3. Host Interface Unit (HIU) ........................................................................................................... 10
1.4. Front Panel Unit (FPU) .............................................................................................................. 10
1.5. Line Monitoring Thresholds........................................................................................................ 11
1.6. Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................ 12
1.7. Fault Detection and Testing ....................................................................................................... 12
1.8. Sequence of Events Characteristics .......................................................................................... 12
2. Installation .................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1. Module Insertion/Removal ......................................................................................................... 13
2.2. Field Cable Selection ................................................................................................................. 13
2.3. Module Pinout Connections ....................................................................................................... 14
2.4. TrustedTM Module Polarisation/Keying. ...................................................................................... 15
3. Application ................................................................................................................................. 16
3.1. Module Configuration ................................................................................................................. 16
3.2. T8403 Complex Equipment Definition ....................................................................................... 16
3.2.1. Rack 1: DI .................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.2. Rack 2: STATE .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.3. Rack 3: AI .................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.4. Rack 4: SPARE.......................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.5. Rack 5: LINE_FLT ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.6. Rack 6: DISCREP ...................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.7. Rack 7: HKEEPING ................................................................................................................... 20
3.2.8. Rack 8: Information .................................................................................................................... 21
3.3. Sequence of Events Configuration ............................................................................................ 22
3.4. SYSTEM.INI File Configuration ................................................................................................. 22
4. Operation ................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1. Front Panel ................................................................................................................................ 23
4.2. Module Status LEDS .................................................................................................................. 24
4.3. I/O Status LEDs ......................................................................................................................... 25
5. Fault Finding and Maintenance .................................................................................................. 26
5.1. Fault Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 26
5.2. Field Wiring Faults ..................................................................................................................... 26
5.3. Module Faults ............................................................................................................................ 26
5.4. Companion Slot ......................................................................................................................... 27
5.5. SmartSlot ................................................................................................................................... 27
Issue 15 Jun 13 PD-T8403 4
5.6. Cold Start ................................................................................................................................... 27
5.7. Transfer between Active and Standby Modules ........................................................................ 28
6. Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 29
Module T8403
Figure 1 Module Architecture ................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 Functional Block Diagram ......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 Module polarisation ................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 4 Module Front Panel ................................................................................................................. 23
Table 1 Example Threshold data ............................................................................................................ 11
Table 2 Field Connector Pinout .............................................................................................................. 14
Table 3 Complex Equipment Definition .................................................................................................. 16
Table 4 OEM Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 17
Table 5 Rack 1: DI descriptions .............................................................................................................. 17
Table 6 Rack 2: STATE descriptions...................................................................................................... 17
Table 7 Rack 2: STATE Output descriptions .......................................................................................... 18
Table 8 Rack 3: Channel Field Voltage .................................................................................................. 18
Table 9 Rack 3: Channel Field Voltage bit definitions ............................................................................ 18
Table 10 Rack 5: LINE_FLT ................................................................................................................... 19
Table 11 Rack 6: DISCREP bit descriptions .......................................................................................... 19
Table 12 Rack 7: Housekeeping ............................................................................................................ 20
Table 13 Rack 8: INFO Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 21
Table 14 Rack 8: INFO bit Descriptions ................................................................................................. 21
Table 15 Rack 8: FCR bit Descriptions .................................................................................................. 22
Table 16 Module Status LEDs ................................................................................................................ 24
Table 17 Default I/O status Indicators .................................................................................................... 25
Issue 15 Jun 13 PD-T8403 5
Module T8403
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Issue 15 Jun 13 PD-T8403 6
Module T8403
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Maintenance must be performed only by qualified personnel, otherwise personal injury or death, or damage to the system may be caused.
Under no circumstances should the module housing be removed.
Associated Documents
Product Descriptions (PD) provide product specific information.
The Safety Manual contains the recommended safety requirements for the safety system design.
The PD8082B – Toolset Suite provides specific guidance on system configuration and application generation.
The Operator and Maintenance Manual contains general guidelines on maintenance and diagnostic procedures.
For technical support email:
Issue 15 Jun 13 PD-T8403 7
Module T8403
1. Description
The TrustedTM TMR 24V dc Digital Input module is a member of the TrustedTM range of Input/Output (I/O) modules. All TrustedTM I/O modules share common functionality and form. At the most general level, all I/O modules interface to the Inter-Module Bus (IMB) which provides power and allows communication with the TrustedTM TMR Processor. In addition, all modules have a field interface that is used to connect to module specific signals in the field. All modules are Triple Modular Redundant (TMR).
Figure 1 Module Architecture
All TrustedTM I/O modules comprise four sections: Host Interface Unit (HIU), the Field Interface Unit (FIU), the Field Termination Unit (FTU) and the Front Panel Unit (or FPU).
Issue 15 Jun 13 PD-T8403 8
Figure 2 shows a simplified functional block diagram of the TrustedTM 24V dc Digital Input module.
Module T8403
Figure 2 Functional Block Diagram
1.1. Field Termination Unit (FTU)
The Field Termination Unit (FTU) is the section of the I/O module that connects all three FIUs to a single field device. The FTU primarily contains passive components necessary for front-end signal conditioning, field signal over-voltage protection, and EMI/RFI filtering. W hen installed in a TrustedTM Controller or Expander Chassis, the FTU field connector interconnects to the I/O cable assembly attached at the rear of the chassis.
The SmartSlot link is passed from the HIU to the field connections via the FTU. These signals go directly to the I/O cable assembly and maintain isolation from the I/O signals on the FTU. The SmartSlot link is the intelligent connection between active and standby modules for co-ordination during module replacement.
1.2. Field Interface Unit (FIU)
The Field Interface Unit (FIU) is the section of the module that contains the specific circuits necessary to interface to the particular types of field I/O signals. Each module has three FIUs, one per slice. For the TMR 24V dc Digital Input module, the FIU contains an individual analogue to digital (A/D) converter for each of the 40 field inputs.
The FIU receives isolated power from the HIU for logic. The FIU provides additional power conditioning for the operational voltages required by the FIU circuitry. An isolated 6.25Mbit/sec serial link connects each FIU to one of the HIU slices.
The FIU also measures a range of on-board “house-keeping” signals that assist in monitoring the performance and operating conditions of the module. These signals include power supply voltages, current consumption, on-board reference voltages, board temperature, and condensation.
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