Processor Interface Adaptor
This document provides general information for the TrustedTM Processor Interface Adaptor T813x.
The Adaptor provides easy access to the communications ports of the Trusted
(T8110B) in the Controller Chassis for DCS and other links. The unit is also used to enable a number
of extended facilities available on the Trusted
IRIG B time synchronisation signals, enabling the use of Dual (‘enhanced’) Peer to Peer and enabling
the Trusted
system to become Modbus Master.
• Allows easy access for external systems to communicate with a Trusted
• Easy installation (connects directly to the rear of the Controller Chassis).
• Two RS422/485 configurable 2 or 4 wire connections.
• One RS422/485 2 wire connection.
• Fault/fail connections for Active and Standby Processors.
• Processor diagnostics connection.
• PSU shutdown monitor connections.
• Enables IRIG B122 and IRIG B002 time synchronisation signals.
• Enables Modbus Master on the Trusted
• Enables ICS2000 to Trusted
TMR Processor including facilities for the reception of
Communications Interface.
TMR Processor
Issue 4 Sep 07 PD-T813X 1

Issue Record
Number Date Revised by Technical CheckAuthorised by Modification
2 Sep 05 J W Clark Format
3 Aug 06 N Owens I Vince P Stock Dual Peer to Peer
4 Sep 07 N Owens I Vince P Stock Port purposes
Interface Adapter T813X
Issue 3 Aug 06 PD-T813X 2

Interface Adapter T813X
Figure 1 Photo T813X
Issue 3 Aug 06 PD-T813X 3

Interface Adapter T813X
Table of Contents
1. Description......................................................................................................................................7
1.1. Processor Interface Connector (SK1)..........................................................................................8
1.2. Fault/Fail Connectors (J2 & J3) ...................................................................................................9
1.3. Diagnostic Connector (J4) ...........................................................................................................9
1.4. PSU Shutdown Monitor Connector (J6).......................................................................................9
1.5. Serial Port 1 (Diagnostic) Connectors (J7 and J12) ..................................................................10
1.6. Serial Ports 2 and 3 Connectors (J8 to J11) ..............................................................................10
1.7. IRIG B Connector (J5) ...............................................................................................................10
1.8. Mating Connectors.....................................................................................................................11
2. Installation ....................................................................................................................................12
3. Input Configuration .......................................................................................................................13
3.1. Serial Ports ................................................................................................................................13
3.2. IRIG-B Ports...............................................................................................................................13
4. Available Options..........................................................................................................................14
5. Specifications ...............................................................................................................................15
Figure 1 Photo T813X............................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 2 Adaptor Layout ......................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Correct Installation Position.................................................................................................... 12
Tab l es
Table 1 Connector SK1 Pinout ............................................................................................................... 8
Table 2 Fault/Fail Connectors................................................................................................................. 9
Table 3 Diagnostic Connector ................................................................................................................ 9
Table 4 PSU S/D Monitor Connectors .................................................................................................... 9
Table 5 Serial Port 1 Diagnostic Connectors........................................................................................ 10
Table 6 Serial Ports 2 & 3 Connectors ................................................................................................. 10
Table 7 IRIG B Connector .................................................................................................................... 10
Table 8 Mating Connectors................................................................................................................... 11
Table 9 Available Options..................................................................................................................... 14
Issue 3 Aug 06 PD-T813X 4

Interface Adapter T813X
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Issue 3 Aug 06 PD-T813X 5