Rockwell Automation T3832 User Manual

ICS Regent
Historian Package for W
Sequence of Events and Process Historian
The Historian package for WINTERPRET package which allows the user to create Sequence of Events and Process Historian function blocks for Regent application programs. When installed on the PC, the historian package is seamlessly integrated with the base WINTERPRET
Sequence of Events function blocks are used to record time stamped process events which can be any discrete input or output point or any shared or system control relay of a Regent system. Proces the values of analog inputs or other word type data at defined sampling intervals.
s Historian function blocks are used to record
Function Blocks
Issue 1,
is an add-in software
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For both types of function blocks the recorded information is saved in the Regent’s memory and retrieved by using W
INTERPRET to monitor and collect the recorded information.
The retrieved information is saved to the disk in the form of ASCII log files which can be printed for detailed analysis of critical process operations.

Software Installation

The Historian package is installed on the PC running the W
package provides the necessary installation software to install this add-in historian package. The historian package should be installed at the same time or after you have installed the W
application software. The W
base package.
Historian Package for W

Installation Procedure

The files on the Historian package diskette are in compressed form. You cannot simply copy the files to your hard drive — they must be decompressed before they will run. You must have the WINTERPRET base package distribution disk in order to run the setup procedure to install the Historian package.
To install the Historian package, use the following sequence:
1. Insert the WINTERPRET base package distribution disk into drive A: or B:
2. Start Windows (if it isn’t already running).
3. Choose Run from the Program Manager’s File menu.
4. Type a:\ W
INTERPRET base package disk in drive B: type
5. In the WINTERPRET Setup dialog box enter the name of the directory in which you have installed the WINTERPRET base package (This assumes that you have already installed WINTERPRET). Choose Continue.
.) Choose OK or press ENTER.
in the text box. (if you inserted the
6. In the WINTERPRET Installation dialog box check the Historian package box.
7. Choose OK to have the setup program install the Historian package software.
When the installation is completed, you can run the W
INTERPRET application and create Sequence of Events and
Process Historian function blocks in you application programs.

Working with Historical Function Blocks

The Sequence of Events and Process Historian function blocks are created as part of an application program which may also contain other types of function blocks. A single application program is made up of as many as 50 function blocks of any type or combination.
When you installed the Historian package, additional software was added to W
to allow you to work with
Industrial Control Services
Historian Package for
Sequence of Events and Process Historian function blocks. With this
additional software you can create historian function blocks by opening a project, opening a program and opening (or creating) a function block.
For an overview about Regent application programs and function blocks and how to create them using WINTERPRET
, refer to Section 5, Working with Programs and Function Blocks in the Regent User’s Guide.

Sequence of Events Function Blocks

Sequence of events function blocks let you record changes of state in discrete I/O points and shared control relays. Using thes
e function blocks you can define a set of I/O points and shared variables for which changes are to be monitored and recorded. The points that you configure for SOE recording are called Event Entries. The record of these events is stored in the Regent's memory. After events are recorded, WINTERPRET can read them from the Regent, save them, and print them.
Each sequence of events function block has a Start contact to define when event recording is to begin and end, a Clear contact to define when the event
buffer is to be cleared, and a size value to define the size of the event buffer. There is also a Count register for monitoring the amount of the event buffer currently filled.
The event entries for a sequence of events function block must be discrete I/O points or shared control relays (including system control relays).
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When an application program containing a Sequence of Events function block is loaded and running, and the SOE Start contact is on, the events configured are monitored for state changes. When an event changes state, an entry is made in the SOE buffer which records the time stamp, and the status (on/off) of the event. As subsequent events occur, additional entries are stored in the SOE buffer. When the SOE buffer is full, new events overwrite the oldest events in the SOE buffer.
Historian Package for W

Process Historian Function Blocks

Process historian function blocks let the Regent record and time stamp the values of selected process variables. In a typical application, the process historian begins recordi when a start signal occurs. At periodic intervals, it records time stamps and values into a historical buffer in the Regent. When this historical buffer is full, recording continues by overwriting the oldest time stamps and values in the list.
Because the recording mode of the process historian is controlled by a start bit within the Regent, process historian can be used to capture selected process variable information during critical process control, alarm or interlock conditions. This historical recording can be performed at high speed (maximum once per scan) within the Regent. The data can be retrieved by monitoring the process historian function block using W historical data is saved to a Log file which can be viewed, printed, or analyzed using database, spreadsheet or other third party analysis software.
INTERPRET. When retrieved from the Regent the
Process historian function blocks can be included in programs containing other types of function blocks (such as ladder logic, continuous control, floating point math, analog scaling, ASCII output, and sequence of events).
Users of the process historian function blocks discover operating details of their processes that they had never before observed or recorded. Their analysis of this data leads to more accurate definition of the process safety interlocks which can result in fewer nuisance trips.

Monitoring and Collecting Historical Data From the Regent

The Regent is capable of buffering historical data in its memory without requiring any external communications equipment connected (like a PC running WINTERPRET function stores the information in the allocated historian buffers for each function block. To retrieve the information from the internal memory buffers, you can use WINTERPRET monitor and collect the historical buffers and save the information as Log files in ASCII text file form on the PC.
). This
Industrial Control Services
Historian Package for
INTERPRET can print these log files so you can obtain a hard
copy of the historical data. Printouts include time stamps, event tag names, event status and description.
Using WINTERPRET version 3.2 or later, the monitor and collect function can be configured to echo the collected historical data to a device (such as a comm port or printer port) while the historical collection occurs. This provides automatic printing of the historical data in real-time.

Using the Sequence of Events Editor

The Sequence of Events Editor lets you create and edit sequence of events function blocks. When you create an SOE function block you will define a list of event entries and the control parameters that govern the recording operations for the function block. Each sequence of events function block can have a maximum of 6500 event entries.
Sequence of Events function blocks are created using the Add Function Block or Insert Function Block from the Program Editor. After you have created a new sequence of events function block the Sequence of Events Editor window is opened as shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1. The Sequence of Events Editor Window.
Historian Package for W
Using the drop-down menus you can select commands to configure the sequence of events function block event entries, control parameters, print the function block and a host of other configuration operations.

File Menu

The File Menu gives you access to the standard function block file commands which include: Save Function Block, Revert to Last Saved, Compile, View Error Messages, Edit Function Block Description, Edit Function Block Details, Print Function Block, Print Setup, Log Off information on all of these commands refer to Commands Common to all Function Blocks in Section 5 of the Regent User’s Guide.

Edit Menu

Add Entry and Insert Entry

Choose Add Entry to create a new event entry at the end of the list of existing entries. Choose Insert Entry to insert a new event entry at the current cursor position. Normally the order of the event entries is not important because they simply represent the list of discrete events that are to be monitored and recorded as they change state.
and Exit. For more
After choosing Add or Insert Entry a dialog box will open where you can define the variable name for the event entry. The Add Entry dialog is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sequence of Events: Add Entry Dialog.
You only need to enter the name of the variable for each entry. The description of the variable will automatically be imported by the editor from the I/O, shared variable or system variable definitions.
Industrial Control Services
Historian Package for
An event variable must be defined as an I/O point, a shared control relay or system control relay. If you enter the name of a local control relay for an event entry, you will get an error when you compile the function block.
After you have used the Add Entry and Insert Entry commands, your event entries will be listed in the Sequence of Events Editor Window like those shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Example of Event Entries in the Sequence of
Events Editor Window.

Edit Entry

Use the Edit E
ntry command to edit and modify the
configuration for a specific event entry.

Delete Entry

Use the Delete Entry command to delete an event entry from the list. Select the entry you wish to delete and choose Delete Entry from the Edit menu.

Control Parameters

Use the Control Parameters command to define the execution parameters for the sequence of events function block. The control parameters you define apply to all of the event entries, not individual entries.
When you select the Control Parameters c Edit menu the following dialog box is opened:
ommand from the
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Historian Package for W
Figure 4. Sequence of Events Control Parameters.
Start Contact
The Start contact is a discrete variable name that an application program may turn on to enable the sequence of events to begin recording events. When the Start contact is turned off, the sequence of events stops recording. Typically, ladder logic is used to turn on the Start contact, based upon process events or time conditions such as alarms det timer timed out, etc.
The Start contact is automatically recorded by the sequence of events when it changes state. It does not have to be included in the event entries list.
Clear Contact
The Clear contact is a discrete variable name that an application program may turn on to clear all the events currently in the sequence of events buffer.
The Clear contact is automatically recorded by the sequence of events when it changes state. It does not have to be included in the event entries list.
t Register
The Count register is a shared variable register name that may be used by an application program to monitor the use of the events buffer. Typically, ladder logic is used to monitor the Count register and turn off the Start contact before the events buffer is full to ensure no events are overwritten. You may also configure your operators console to monitor the
Industrial Control Services
Historian Package for
Count register for changes to detect when there are new events that have been recorded and direct appropriate plant personnel to monitor and collect the SOE buffer using W
Size Field
A constant must be entered into the Size field to indicate the size of the events buffer. The larger the buffer, the more events can be recorded without old events being overwritten, and the more space the function block utilizes in the Regent.
The maximum value for the events buffer is 32,727. This represents 32,727 words of space (or 65,454 bytes of Regent memory) in which to store events. The maximum buffer space required to store the change-of-state of one variable is six words (three words for the entry and three words for the time stamp).
Therefore, the amount of Regent memory required to store the change-of-state of 1,000 variables of this type is:
1,000 events x (3 words per event + 3 words per timestamp) =
6,000 words (or 12,000 bytes of Regent memory)
Variables that change state within the same scan require only one time stamp to be recorded. Therefore, the buffer space used by two events that occur within the same scan can be as much as:
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(2 events * 3 words per event) + 3 words per timestamp =
9 words (or 18 bytes of Regent memory)
Historian Package for W

Search Menu

Go to Entry

The Go to Entry command lets you quickly move to different entries in the sequence of events entries list. From the Sequence of Events Editor's Search menu choose Go to Entry (
For your convenience, the dialog displays the number of event entries (indicated as line numbers) currently defined on the func
tion block.
Figure 5. Sequence of Events: Go to Entry.
Entry (Line) Number
Enter the entry number that you want to go to.
Choose Go to move to the entry number that you entered in the Entry Number text box.
Go to the first event entry in the list.
Go to the last event entry in the list.

Options Menu

The Options Menu allows you to enable and disable the Prompt for Delete option common to all delete operations used in WINTERPRET.

Window Menu

The Window menu commands are standard throughout all W
Window menu commands see Commands Common to all
windows. For more in
formation on using the
Industrial Control Services
Historian Package for
INTERPRET Windows in Section 3, Installing the
INTERPRET Application of the Regent User’s Guide.

Help Menu

The Help menu commands are standard throughout all W
INTERPRET windows. For more information on using the
Help menu commands see Commands Common to all W
INTERPRET Windows in Section 3, Installing the
INTERPRET Application of the Regent User’s Guide.

Using the Process Historian Editor

The Process Historian Editor lets you crea historian function blocks. When you create a process historian function block you will define a list of variable entries and the control parameters that govern the recording operations for the function block. Each process historian function block can have a maximum of 6500 variable entries (although a practical limit of about 500 entries is suggested). All variables entered are recorded at the interval specified by Sample Time. If you wish to record variables at different intervals, you must define them in function blocks with a Sample Time of the desired interval.
te and edit process
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Process Historian function blocks are created using the Add Function Block or Insert Function Block from the Program Editor. After you have created a new process historian function block the Process Historian Editor window is opened as shown in Figure 6.
Historian Package for W
Figure 6. The Process Historian Editor Window.
Using the drop-down menus you can select commands to configure the process historian function block variable entries, control parameters, print the function block and a host of other configuration operations.

File Menu

The File Menu gives you access to the standard function block file commands which include: Save Function Block, Revert to Last Saved, Compile, View Error Messages, Edit Function Block Description, Edit Function Block Details, Print Function Block, Print Setup, Log Off and Exit. For more information on all of these commands refer to Commands Common to all Function Blocks in Section 5 of the Regent User’s Guide.

Edit Menu

Add Entry and Insert Entry

Choose Add Entry to create a new variable entry at the end of the list of existing entries. Choose Insert Entry to insert a new variable entry at the current cursor position. The order of the variable entries is the order that the variables will appear in the historical log.
Industrial Control Services
Historian Package for
After choosing Add or Insert Entry a dialog box will open where you can define the variable name for the entry. The Add Entry dialog is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Process Historian: Add Entry Dialog.
You only need to enter the name of the variable for each entry. The description of the variable will automatically be imported by the editor from the I/O, shared variable or system variable definitions.
A variable entry must be defined as an I/O word variable (AI, AO, TI, DIW or DOW), a shared register, a shared floating point register, or a system register. If you enter the name of a local variable or a discrete variable for a variable entry, you will get an error when you compile the function block.
After you have used the Add Entry and Insert Entry commands, your variable entries will be listed in the Process Historian Window like those shown in Figure 8.
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