*If any parts listed are missing or damaged please call Rock-Slide Engineering @
435-752-4580 prior to installation.
JK DANA 30 axle. The outer sleeve kit will need some minor trimming to allow for
JK DANA 30 axle. The inner sleeve kit will work as per the instructions.
JK DANA 44. The inner and outer kits will work as per the instructions.
It is easier to install the kit with the axle removed or with the vehicle on a hoist. It is
possible to install the kit with the axle installed in the Jeep, but some welds may be
harder to do without being able to move the housing. If the housing is assembled or
has the axle seals in place, welds near the differential housing will need to be done
incrementally in order to keep the heat down so the seals are not damaged. If done
slowly, 1.5”-2” at a time, and cooled in between welds, the seals will be fine.
Installation of the inner sleeve kit
1. Remove the necessary hardware to allow the inner sleeve to slide over the
2. Pre-drill ½” holes in the axle housing prior to installing the inner sleeve kit. Drill
approximately 10-15 holes in appropriate places to allow a plug weld to take
Installation Instruction RSEI 117

place. Be sure to distribute the holes appropriately to receive the maximum
3. Plug weld the inner sleeve kit into place
4. Weld the end of the inner sleeve to the shaft on the end.
5. Remove any excess weld if needed
Installation of the outer sleeve kit
1. First step is to clean up the axle. Place the Bombshell kit around the axle
and hold in place while you scribe around the perimeter of the shell. Use
these marks to clean up the axle with a flapper disc (or similar) in order to
obtain a clean strong weld.
2. Once you have it cleaned up place the Bombshell kit around the axle
housing and clamp in place.
3. Proceed by welding the kit to the housing. Weld all circular edges fully in
order to gain the strength advantage of the kit. These include the ends of
the pieces and any cutout that wraps around a bracket. On the straight or
axial edges, weld at least 50% of the length in 1.5”-2” sections. These edges
are not as critical to gain the strength. Fully weld the slots between the
upper and long lower piece.
Installation of the knuckle gussets
1. Weld the knuckle gussets in place as shown in the picture below.
Thank you for choosing Rock-Slide Engineering products. We value your business and welcome your
feedback/suggestions. If you have any concerns please contact us directly @ 435-752-4580. We are
here to help you!
Installation Instruction RSEI 117