Ford Raptor Step Slider Installation
Installation Instruction RSEI 119

Drivers Side Slider Assembly
Passenger Side Slider Assembly
Double Sided Sticky Squares and Alcohol Pad
5/16” SS Button Head Bolts
5/16” Stainless Steel Washers
*Optional: 2 LED Light Strips
*If any parts listed are missing or damaged please call Rock-Slide Engineering @ 435-752-4580 prior
to installation
Installation Instruction RSEI 119

1. Remove the stock rocker panel guards
2. The top bracket will be installed first (If the brackets are not symmetrical make sure
you install the correct bracket on the correct side)
3. The bracket start point is approximately 4 3/8 inches back from the front door seam.
4. Find your starting point and hold the bracket up against the truck. Hold the bracket up
against the truck panel matching the body angles. Position the bracket so that the back
of the bracket is up against the panel seam. This should leave the top of the bracket in
approximately a level position when installed on the truck. Providing a level bracket for
the slider to sit on in the next step:
Make sure to get the front of the bracket positioned as described in step 3.
a. This works best with two people holding the bracket and a third person marking
the holes
b. With bracket in the correct location, mark the location of the holes with a
marker on the panel of the truck. These will be the locations for the nutserts to
be installed in the body.
5. Carefully drill a 7/32’’ pilot hole into the center of the marked points into the truck’s
rocker side
a. **It is extremely important these holes are drilled precisely to insure the
slider will fit properly once the nutserts have been installed
Installation Instruction RSEI 119

6. From the center of the pilot hole, step up the hole size using a ½” bit to create a finish
hole that will be used to install the nutserts
7. Install nutserts in the holes that were just drilled into the body of the truck
a. We suggest using a crimping tool to optimize the integrity of the nutserts to
support the slider
b. If no crimping tool is available, follow these instructions
i. Install by using a 5/16’’x1.125’’ minimum length bolt with a 3/8’’ nut
ii. Put a small amount of grease on the bolt to reduce friction
iii. Hold the nut steady with an end wrench so the flange of the insert is flush
against the body panel
iv. Tighten the bolt against the nut to crimp the nutsert into place
v. If the nutsert is rotating, place a star-lock washer between the 3/8’’ nut
and nutsert
vi. Once the nutsert is crimped into place completely back out the bolt
vii. If the nutsert ever breaks loose and spins, repeat the process and crimp it
tighter to prevent spinning
Nutserts properly installed
8. Attach the top bracket to the truck
a. Hang bracket on truck and bolt through bracket into the nutserts. Leave bolts
loose until all bolts are installed. Go back and tighten bolts until the bracket is
firm against side of truck
9. Set step slider onto installed top bracket
Installation Instruction RSEI 119