Robotiq Hand-e User Manual

Robotiq Hand-E for CB-Series Universal Robots
Original Notice
© 2018 Robotic Inc.
Instruction Manual |
Revisions 7
1. General Presentation 9
1.1. Gripper nomenclature 10
1.2. Object picking 12
1.3. Setup and control 13
2.1. Warning 14
2.2. Intended Use 15
3.1. Scope of Delivery 17
3.1.1. Robotiq Hand-E Gripper URKit 17
3.2. Required Tools and Equipment 18
3.3. Environmental and Operating Conditions 19
3.4. Mechanical Installation 20
3.4.1. Installing the fingers/fingertips/holders on the Gripper 20
3.4.2. Installing the Gripper onto the robot 22
Single Gripper 22
Multiple Grippers 23
3.5. Electrical Setup 24
3.5.1. Pinout Interface 24
3.5.2. Coupling to controller 24
Single Gripper 27
Multiple Grippers 27
3.6. Testing the Gripper with the Robotiq User Interface (RUI) 30
3.7. Installation for Universal Robots 32
3.8. URCap Package 33
3.8.1. Installing URCap Package 34
Single Gripper 34
Multiple Grippers 35
3.8.2. Uninstalling URCap Package 38
3.8.3. License Agreement 39
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
4. Control 42
4.1. Overview 42
4.2. Gripper Register Mapping 44
4.3. Robot Output Registers &Functionalities 45
4.4. Robot Input Registers &Status 48
4.5. Picking Features 51
4.5.1. Force control 51
4.5.2. Re-Grasp 52
4.5.3. Object detection 53
4.5.4. Brake engagement 53
4.6. Control Logic Example 54
4.7. Modbus RTUCommunication 55
4.7.1. Connection Setup 56
4.7.2. Read holding registers (FC03) 57
4.7.3. Read input registers (FC04) 58
4.7.4. Preset multiple registers (FC16) 59
4.7.5. Master read & write multiple registers FC23 60
4.7.6. Modbus RTU example 62
4.8. Control over Universal Robots with URCaps 72
4.8.1. Gripper Dashboard 73
Overview 73
Single Gripper 73
Multiple Grippers 75
Features 75
4.8.2. Gripper Calibration menu and wizard 76
Features 78
4.8.3. Gripper Toolbar 80
Overview 80
Single Gripper 81
Multiple Grippers 82
Features 83
Gripper activation 83
Gripper operation window 84
Show/hide Gripper Toolbar 85
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
4.8.4. Gripper Node 85
Command window 86
Features 88
Edit action screen 90
Single Gripper 90
Multiple Grippers 91
Features 92
Grip Check node 93
About 95
Error messages overview 96
Gripper Program Template 96
Advanced Gripper Functions 98
Single Gripper 98
Multiple Grippers 101
4.8.5. Retro-compatibility of URCaps with legacy driver programs 104
4.9. Control over Universal Robots without URCaps 105
4.9.1. Gripper Toolbar 105
Overview 105
Features 105
Toolbar collapsed 105
Toolbar expanded 106
4.9.2. Demo Scripts 107
4.9.3. Custom Programs 108
4.9.4. Provided Variables and Functions 109
5. User Interface 112
6. Specifications 113
6.1. Technical dimensions 114
6.1.1. Couplings 115
6.1.2. Fingers and fingertips 123
Rack 123
Basic aluminum finger 124
Fingertip holder 124
Flat silicone fingertip 125
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
Grooved fingertip 126
6.2. Mechanical specifications 127
6.2.1. Specifications: 127
Payload and force 128
Maximum payload/External force vs. Custom finger design 129
Friction grasp and form-fit grasp 130
Maximum payload by grasp type 130
6.2.2. Center of mass and tool center point 131
6.2.3. Moment and force limits 133
6.3. Electrical specifications 134
7. Maintenance 135
7.1. Gripper cleaning 136
7.2. Periodic inspection 138
7.3. Rack &pinion mechanism cleaning 139
8. Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories 140
9. Troubleshooting 143
10. Warranty andPatent 145
11. Contact 146
12. Harmonized Standards, Declarations and Certificates 147
12.1. Translation of original EC declaration of incorporation 147
12.2. Applied standards 148
12.3. Ingress Protection Certificate 149
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual


Robotiq may modify this product without notice, when necessary, due to product improvements, modifications or changes in specifications. If such modification is made, the manual will also be revised, see revision information. See the latest version of this manual online at
Revision 2018/09/11
l Updated Section 3 according to the robot used (CB-Series vs. e-Series)
l Updated Section 4
l Input &Output Registers
l Control over Universal Robots depending on the robot software used (PolyScope 3.6 and later version vs. PolyScope 5.0 and
later versions)
l Added LEDand move functions to the list of available functions
l Updated Section 8 with new spare parts, kits and accessories
Revision 2018/05/24
l Official release
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
© 2018 Robotiq Inc. All rights reserved.
This manual and the product it describes are protected by the Copyright Act of Canada, by laws of other countries, and by international treaties, and therefore may not be reproduced in whole or in part, whether for sale or not, without prior written consent from Robotiq. Under copyright law, copying includes translation into another language or format.
Information provided by Robotiq in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Robotiq for its use. There may be some differences between the manual and the product if the product has been modified after the edition date.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

1. General Presentation

The terms "Gripper", "Robotiq Gripper", "Hand-E Gripper" and "Hand-E" used in the following manual all refer to the Robotiq Hand-E Gripper. The Robotiq Hand-E Gripper is a robotic peripheral designed for industrial applications. Its design makes it a unique robotic end-of-arm tool to quickly pick, place and handle a large range of parts of varying sizes and shapes.
The following manual uses the metric system. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are in millimeters.
The following section presents the key features of the Gripper and must not be considered as appropriate to Gripper operation, each feature is detailed in the appropriate section of the manual. Safety guidelines must be read and understood before any operation is attempted with theGripper.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

1.1. Gripper nomenclature

The Hand-E Gripper is a parallel gripper Its two fingers are actuated by a single motor.
Fig. 1-1: Robotiq Hand-E
Please refer to the Scope of Delivery section and Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories section for details on standard and optional parts. The Hand-E basic gripper unit includes aluminum fingers, as shown in the figure above.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
The user can install fingers directly on the racks, or fasten fingertips to fingertip holders, which are in turn installed on the racks. Refer to the Installing the Gripper onto the robot section for more information on how to integrate custom fingers and fingertips to Hand-E.
Fig. 1-2: Mounting of a finger on a rack
When ordered as a kit (please refer to the Scope of Delivery section), a fingertip starting kit is included (please refer to the Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories section). These fingertips should be mounted onto fingertip holders.
Fig. 1-3: Mounting of a fingertip on a fingertip holder (example)
It is possible to customize your own fingers or fingertips. You can install custom fingers directly on the racks and the fingertips on the fingertip holders.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

1.2. Object picking

The Hand-E Gripper has a single actuator for opening and closing the fingers. It also allows internal gripping.The fingers can pick hollow parts from the inside by applying pressure with the outer surface of the fingers.
See the figure below for a representation and refer to the Picking Features section for details on the possible position commands of your Gripper.
Fig. 1-4: Hand-E Gripper internal and external gripping.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

1.3. Setup and control

The Gripper is powered and controlled directly via a single device cable that carries a 24V DC supply and Modbus RTU communication over RS-485. Please refer to the Electrical Setup section for wiring information and to the Control section for control of the Gripper (software packages are available for control via some types of robotcontrollers).
Robotiq Universal Controller is available when industrial communication protocols are required (other then Modbus RTU over serial).
A gripper coupling is required for using Hand-E; the coupling will provide mechanical and electrical connectivity. Please refer to the Mechanical Installation section for installation of the coupling, to the Technical dimensions section for technical drawings, and to the Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories section for available couplings.
The Hand-E Gripper has an embedded object detection feature using indirect sensing methods. When picking an object with the "go to" command, the Gripper status will allow you to know if an object is picked or not via a simple object detection bit (0 or 1). When an object is detected, the Gripper will stop. If the object is being dropped, the Gripper will automatically close to keep the object until the object is detected or until the position target from the "go to command" is reached. For details on object detection, please refer to the Control section.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

2. Safety

The operator must have read and understood all of the instructions in the following manual before handling the Robotiq Hand-E Gripper.
The term "operator" refers to anyone responsible for any of the following operations on the RobotiqHand-E Gripper:
l Installation
l Control
l Maintenance
l Inspection
l Calibration
l Programming
l Decommissioning
This documentation explains the various components of the Robotiq Hand-E Gripper and general operations regarding the whole lifecycle of the product from installation to operation and decommissioning.
The drawings and photos in this documentation are representative examples; nonetheless, discrepancies may be observed between those and the delivered product.

2.1. Warning

Any use of the Gripper in noncompliance of these warnings is inappropriate and may cause injury or damage.
l The Gripper needs to be properly secured before operating the robot.
l Do not install or operate a Gripper that is damaged or lacking parts.
l Never supply the Gripper with an alternative current source.
l Make sure all cord sets are always secured at both ends, at the Gripper and at the robot.
l Always meet the recommended keying for electrical connections.
l Make sure no one is in the robot and/or Gripper path before initializing the robot's routine.
l Always meet the Gripper's payload specifications.
l Set the Gripper's pinch force and speed accordingly, based on your application.
l Keep fingers and clothes away from the Gripper while the power is on.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
l Do not use the Gripper on people or animals.
l For welding applications, make sure there are no Gripper parts on the ground path of the welding power source.
Risk assessment and final application:
The Robotiq Hand-E Gripper is meant to be used on an industrial robot. The robot, the Gripper and any other equipment used in the final application must be evaluated via a thorough risk assessment. It is the robot integrator's duty to ensure that all local safety measures and regulations are met. Depending on the application, there may be risks that require additional protection/safety measures; for example, the work-piece the Gripper is manipulating might be inherently dangerous to the operator.

2.2. Intended Use

The Gripper unit is designed for gripping and temporarily securing or holding objects.
The Gripper is not intended for applying force against objects or surfaces.
The product is intended for installation on a robot or other automated machinery and equipment.
Always comply with local and/or national laws, regulations and directives on automation safety and general machine safety.
The unit should be used exclusively within the range of its technical data. Any other use of the product is deemed improper and unintended use. Robotiq will not be liable for any damages resulting from any improper or unintended use.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

3. Installation

The following subsections will guide you through the installation and general setup of your Robotiq Hand-E Gripper.
Before installing:
l Read and understand the safety instructions related to the Hand-E Gripper.
l Verify your package according to the scope of delivery and your order.
l Have the required parts, equipment and tools listed in the requirements readily available
When installing:
l Meet the recommended environmental conditions.
l Do not operate the Gripper, or even turn on the power supply, before it is firmly anchored and the danger zone is cleared.
The fingers of the Gripper may move and cause injury or damage.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

3.1. Scope of Delivery

3.1.1. Robotiq Hand-E Gripper URKit
Standard upon delivery
l Robotiq Hand-E Basic Gripper Unit: HND-GRP-001
l Hand-E Aluminum Finger Kit
l Screw kit
l USBto RS485 signal converter:ACC-ADT-USB-RS485
l Coupling for connection to the robot controller:GRP-CPL-062
Please refer to the Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories section for a list of available couplings.
l Robotiq device cable: CBL-COM-1065-10-HF
The following are not included in the standard delivery:
l Options such as adapter plates or couplings for mounting on various industrial robots, fingertips or finger pads.
l Hardware required for options; accessories or fixtures for the Hand-E Gripper, unless specified.
l Power supply units, power supply wiring or fuses.
When bought as a kit, the Hand-E Gripper will come in a package with the appropriate coupling, fingers/fingertips and cabling. Please refer to the Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories section.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

3.2. Required Tools and Equipment

The following tools are required to install the Hand-E Gripper:
l 4 mm hex key to mount the Gripper onto its coupling.
l Metric hex key according to your coupling to mount the coupling onto the robot.
Optional tools if installing fingertip/holder kits: HND-FIN-ALU-KIT, HND-TIP-RUB-KIT, HND-TIP-VGR-KIT, HND-TIP-HLD-KIT
l 2,5 mm hex key
The following parts are required for setup :
l Power supply (see below).
l Fuse, see information below.
l Emergency stop is not provided, but its use is strongly advised.
The Gripper needs to be supplied by a DC voltage source. This power supply is not included with the Gripper. Required power supply must match the Robotiq device. The following table shows the specifications with regards to the power supply required to operate the Gripper and the optional Robotiq Controller.
Output voltage 24 V DC ±10%
Output current 1 A
Recommended power supply with internal protection, otherwise fusing is
2 A fuse at 25°C [77°F]
Table 3-1: Hand-E power supply requirements.
Suggested fuse is a: Phoenix Contact # 0916605 2 A thermal, use AWG #20 wiring.
If your power supply could exceed the specified regulation, over-voltage protection is required.
Robotiq recommends the use of the following power supplies:
l For the 1A output current: TDK-Lambda DPP Series, 100W Single Output DIN Rail Mount Power Supply: DPP30-24.
Optional Robotiq Universal Controller can use the same power supply.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

3.3. Environmental and Operating Conditions

Minimum storage/transit temperature
Maximum storage/transit temperature
Minimum operating temperature
Maximum operating temperature
Humidity (non-condensing) 20-80% RH
Vibration < 0.5G
Other IP 67
Table 3-2: Environmental and operating conditions of the Hand-E Gripper.
-30°C [-22°F]
60°C [140°F]
-10°C [14°F]
50°C [122°F]
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

3.4. Mechanical Installation

3.4.1. Installing the fingers/fingertips/holders on the Gripper

The figures below list the material and tools needed to mount fingers or fingertips/holders onto the racks of the Hand-E Gripper.
Fig. 3-1: Mounting the fingers on the racks
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
Fig. 3-2: Mounting fingertips on holders (and then on the racks)
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

3.4.2. Installing the Gripper onto the robot

Single Gripper
Use a coupling to attach the Gripper to the robot. Be sure to use the appropriate coupling for your robot model. If there is no coupling for your robot, you can process a blank coupling or Robotiq can create a custom version for you. Some couplings may require an additional adapter plate. To create your own coupling and/or adapter plate you can refer to the Couplings section. To see the details of the available couplings and adapter plates, please refer to the Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories section.
Here are the steps to follow to mount the Gripper to your robot (see figure below). Note that all screws must be locked in place using medium strength threadlocker.
1. Screw the adapter plate or the coupling to the robot.
2. Screw the coupling to the adapter plate (if applicable).
3. Screw the Gripper onto its coupling.
Fig. 3-3: Installing the Gripper to a robot using an adapter plate and a coupling.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
Multiple Grippers
When installing multiple grippers on one robot, every gripper must have its own coupling.
1. Install a mounting plate (not included) on the robot arm (AGC-APL-159-02).
2. Mount the grippers' couplings on the mounting plate using the provided M6 X 10mm screws.
3. Mount the grippers onto the coupling using the provided M5 X 35 mm screws.
Fig. 3-4: Dual Hand-E Gripper Configuration
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

3.5. Electrical Setup

Power and communication are established with the Hand-E Gripper via a single device cable. The device cable provides a 24V power supply to the Gripper and enables serial RS485 communication to the robot controller.
RS485 signals (485+, 485- and 485 GND) are isolated from the main 24V power supply. GND can be connected to any other ground reference as long as the voltage potential between the grounds does not exceed 250V. Grounding reference is at the user's discretion.

3.5.1. Pinout Interface

The Gripper interfaces with its coupling via a 10-spring pin connector located on its outer surface.
The coupling used in the figure above is used for reference only and corresponds to bolt pattern ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6.

3.5.2. Coupling to controller

An optional Robotiq Universal Controller may be used between the Gripper and the network/robot controller if fieldbus communication is required.
If a Robotiq Universal Controller is used, please refer to the instruction manual of the Robotiq Universal Controller. The figure below represents the wiring scheme of the Hand-E Gripper with device cable, power supply, fuse (refer to the Required Tools and Equipment section) and grounding.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
Fig. 3-5: Robotiq Hand-E with pigtail cable and device cable wiring scheme.
Use proper cabling management. Make sure to leave enough slack in the cabling to allow movement of the Gripper along all axes without pulling out the connectors. Always protect the controller side (robot side) connector of the cable with a strain relief cable clamp.
The figure below illustrates the Hand-E Gripper pigtail connector from the coupling (GRP-CPL-062 or AGC-CPL-XXX-002), the device cable on the robot side (CBL-COM-2065-10-HF) and their associated pinout.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
Table 3-3: Pinout of the Hand-E Gripper pigtail and device cable.
If additional cables are used, suggested cable specifications are as follows:
Power supply, fusing
l minimum #22 AWG TEW, 300 V or 600 V
RS485 signal
l minimum #24 AWG TEW, 300 V or 600 V
l A and B signals must be balanced at 120 Ohms
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
Single Gripper
Prior to any software installation on Universal Robots, connect the white, blue and bare wires to the Robotiq RS-485 signal converter (ACC-ADT-RS485-USB) as shown in the figure below. Also connect the red (24V) and black (0V) wires in the terminal blocks of the robot controller.
Fig. 3-6: Hand-E Gripper wiring to Universal Robots controller.
Multiple Grippers
It is possible to connect and control up to four grippers on the same UR robot. Only one USB to RS485 converter (ACC- ADT-USB­RS485) must be used. Use M12 splitters (ACC-SPLIT-M12-2:1) to connect all the grippers pigtails to one 10m cable (CBL-COM-2065-10-HF) that connects to the RS485 to RS232 converter.
Fig. 3-7: Multiple grippers wiring.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual

3.6. Testing the Gripper with the Robotiq User Interface (RUI)

Once installed and properly secured, your Robotiq Hand-E Gripper should be tested with the Robotiq User Interface test software using the provided USB converter. To do so :
Follow the instructions to install the Robotiq User Interface, or RUI (refer to the instruction manual of the RUI)
Use the provided RS-485 to USB converter ACC-ADT-USB-RS485 (refer to the figure below) to plug into a PC with the Robotiq User Interface installed.
Power up your Gripper with the previously recommended power supply.
Execute the RUI software and select ''auto-connect''on the connection screen.
You are now connected to your Gripper; you can click "activate" to begin using the Gripper.
The Activate command will initiate movement of the Gripper for the auto-calibration procedure. Do not interfere with the Gripper. Be sure you have met robot safety measures.
Fig. 3-8: RS-485 to USB converter ACC-ADT-USB-RS485 pinout.
Robotiq Hand-E Gripper - Instruction Manual
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