Chapter 1
Overview – TA0262
Chapter 1. Overview – TA0262 ..................................................................................................... 1-1
Chapter 2. Getting started: Arduino Robot Arm 4dof Mechanical Claw Kit ................................ 1-1
2.1. What is Arduino? ................................................................................................................. 1-1
2.2. What is IDUINO UNO? ....................................................................................................... 1-1
Chapter 3. Software installation .................................................................................................... 2-2
3.1. Arduino Software/IDE ......................................................................................................... 2-2
3.2. Play with your first “Hello World” LED example ............................................................... 2-3
Chapter 4. Hardware installation ................................................................................................... 3-5
4.1. Unboxing and Component list ............................................................................................. 5-5
4.2. Circuit soldering ................................................................................................................... 5-6
Chapter 5. Software debugging ..................................................................................................... 6-8
5.1. Arduino UNO Code Uploading ........................................................................................... 8-8
5.2. Servo debugging .................................................................................................................. 8-9
5.3. Power supply ...................................................................................................................... 9-11
Chapter 6. System Debugging ................................................................................................... 11-12
6.1. Rack mounting ................................................................................................................. 12-12
6.2. Rack debugging ............................................................................................................... 12-33
6.3. Overall system debugging ................................................................................................ 33-34
7. Have fun with your arm robot .................................................................................................. 34-35
7.1. Manually control .............................................................................................................. 35-35
7.2. PC control interface ......................................................................................................... 35-35
Chapter 1
Overview – TA0262
Chapter 1. Overview – TA0262
In this instruction, we will introduce you through the fun project of the Arduino Robot Arm 4DOF
Mechanical Claw Kit. This DIY Arduino UNO based Bluetooth robot kit is based on Arduino Uno
development board. This very simple and easy to build kit is the perfect Arduino Project for
Beginners and is a great learning platform to get into Robotics and Engineering.
The Robot Arm comes flat pack for assembly and requires very minimal soldering to get it up and
running. Integrates 4 SG90 servos that allows 4 Degree of motion and can pick up light items with the
claw. Arm control can be performed by the 4 potentiometers. Let’s get started!
Chapter 2. Getting started: Arduino Robot Arm 4dof
Mechanical Claw Kit
2.1. What is Arduino?
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino
boards can read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into
an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your
board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use
the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on
2.2. What is IDUINO UNO?
The iDuino Uno is on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as
PWM outputs), 6 analogue inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an
ICSP header, and a reset button.
It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a
USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
Chapter 3
Figure 1 Installation of drivers
Figure 2 Check Your special COM and note it down the number
Find your Serial COM
number and note it down.
Software installation
Chapter 3. Software installation
In this section, we will introduce you the development platform where you translate creative mind
into codes and let it fly.
3.1. Arduino Software/IDE
Download from here. Open Windows-based app by double clicking it and follow the instruction to
complete (Remember to install everything driver for Arduino). Easy!
Connecting your UNO board with your computer
Connecting UNO and your PC by a blue USB cable, and if connected correctly you will see the green
power LED light up and another orange LED is blinking.
We need to figure out which channel COM is currently communicating between PC and UNO.
Following the path: Control panel | Hardware and Sound | Devices and Printers | Device Manager |
Ports (COM & LPT) | Arduino UNO (COMx)
Chapter 3
Software installation
Note down the COM number as we require this later. As the COM port may vary from time to time,
this step is vital. In this case for demonstration purpose, we are using the COM 4.
3.2. Play with your first “Hello World” LED example
Firstly, let’s tell IDE where to find our Arduino port and which board you are currently using: The
following instruction (Figure 3 and 4) shows the details:
Configuration of the Board
Chapter 3
Software installation
It’s time to play with you first simple example. Following the path by File | Examples | 01. Basics |
Blink. A new code window would pop up, press the arrow symbol to upload. You will notice the
orange LED is blinking almost every second.
Chapter 4
Hardware installation
Chapter 4. Hardware installation
4.1. Unboxing and Component list
1. 4 x Servo SG90 with
servo package (screw
and nuts included)
2. 4 x Base racks with
protection cover (easy to
remove) and screw
3. Robot Arm extension
board with separate
power jack (Please see
power solution)
4. USB cable
5. Iduino UNO Board
In the rack package, from the
left to right:
1. M3 * 30mm
2. M3 * 10mm
3. M3 * 8mm
4. M3 * 6mm
5. Tapping skew
6. M3 nut
Chapter 4
Hardware installation
4.2. Circuit soldering
This Robot Arm Kit requires very minimal soldering to get everything working and running. The
Robot Arm Extension Board is used to connect interface between controller, in this project, the four
potentiometers and Iduino UNO Board.
Caution: Please be careful when using hot Soldering Iron.
Figure 3 Basic illustration of Robot ARM board
1. One Robot Arm
Extension Board
2. One 12V Black Power
3. 52P Pin headers
4. One blue External Power
supply interface
5. One Black Bluetooth
Then solder Pins for the servos
and Power jack.
Please be aware that the Pins for
servo interface are facing
upwards, for Iduino interface
Chapter 4
Hardware installation
Then solder the four
The jumper cap is used for
shortcut Robot Arm Extension
Board and Iduino UNO Board,
which means you do not have to
power the Iduino UNO board
Insert in the jumper cap as we are
using one external power supply,
12V battery Box.
Then put four silver covers on the
naked potentiometers.
Now you have completed the
soldering part!
Chapter 5
Double click the icon to open
the program and open the file in
the path: File | Open
Open the me_arm3.0 Arduino
Software debugging
Chapter 5. Software debugging
5.1. Arduino UNO Code Uploading
The Robot will perform on how it is programmed. Understanding and absorbing what is inside of
Iduino UNO board, i.e. the programming code is a critical part of learning process. In this section, our
end goal is to make sure servos and potentiometers are functioning well.
If this is your first Arduino project, please follow the instruction carefully. Firstly, download the
related codes from our website.
Chapter 5
Software debugging
Click the upload button with
right arrow on the Tool Bar to
upload your file to UNO
Done uploading status, if not,
check the Board and Ports in the
3.2 section to make sure you’re
connecting your UNO correctly
5.2. Servo debugging
Then let’s test out our servos to see whether they’re running smoothly. The servos should rotate
smoothly as you play round with corresponding potentiometers. If not, make sure you have uploaded
your code correctly with “Done upload” sign described above and insert the servo board firmly onto
the UNO board with each of the pins correctly lined up. Most importantly, plug in the reliable power
supply correctly where power supply instructions will be illustrated in the next part. Carefully read it
otherwise you may burn out your Arduino core microcontroller.
Chapter 5
Software debugging
Servo has three pins:
- Signal
The rotation angle is
regulated by PWM (pulse
width modulation) signal
duty cycle.
The frequency of PWM
usually is in range from
30 to 60Hz – this is so
called refresh rate. If this
refresh rate is too small
then then accuracy of
servo reduces as it starts
losing its position
periodically if rate is too
high, then servo can start
to chatter. It is important
to select optimal rate, that
servo motor could lock
its position.
Please ensure each servo works well as they are hard to remove.
Connect the servo
interface to the UNO
servo slot one-by-one,
from slot 4 to slot 1 which
are controlled by the