Roadstar 1450kt schematic

MODEL NO: - 1450KT, 2050KT, 2150KT
1. SCART details------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
2. Micro-Controller and Small Signal function Æ TDA9351.------------------------ 5-8
3. Tuner------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
4. Video SwitchÆ HEF4052BP------------------------------------------------------------ 10
5. Sound Processor -ÆTDA9859--------------------------------------------------------- 10
6. Sound Output -ÆAN17821-------------------------------------------------------------- 10
7. Vertical Output Stage Æ STV9302A-------------------------------------------------- 10
8. Video Output Amplifier ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
9. Power Supply------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
10. Memory IC Æ AT24C16---------------------------------------------------------------- 11
11. IC Description with Pin Details----------------------------------------------------- 12
11A. TDA9351------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-18
11B. HEF4052BP--------------------------------------------------------------------- 18-19
11C. STV9302A----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-20
11D. IC AT24C16--------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-21
11E. TDA9859------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21-23
11F. AN17821-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
11G.STR5Q0765----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-25
11H. Video Amplifier Transistors--------------------------------------------------- 25-26
12. Alignment Procedures------------------------------------------------------------------ 26
12.A. Procedure to enter Service Mode------------------------------------------ 26
12.B. Procedure to enter Design Mode------------------------------------------- 26
12.C. White Balance Adjustment--------------------------------------------------- 27
12.D. Screen Adjustment------------------------------------------------------------- 27
12.E. Design and Service data adjustment-------------------------------------- 27-31
12.F. Manufacturing and alignment procedures-------------------------------- 32-42
13. Block Diagram-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
14. Circuit Diagram------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
15. Track Side Layout--------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
Do not change any module unless the set is switched off.
The mains supply side of the SMPS transformer is live. Use an isolating transformer
Servicing of the CTV set should only be carried out by qualified person.
Components marked with warning symbol on circuit diagram are critical for safety and
must only be replaced with an identical component
Power resistor and fusable resistors must be mounted in an identical manner to the
original component.
Discharge the capacitors like Main Filter when working on these.
Do not solder when the set is on.
Do not connect any external device like Speakers etc. when the set is on.
When any signals are to be connected/ disconnected switch off the set.
Wear rubber shoes/non-conducting so that your body does not become a passage for
electric current.
VE01 chassis is capable of driving 14”, 20”, 21”, 21”PF tubes at appropriate currents. This
chassis is capable of working in the PAL / SECAM / NTSC systems. The sound system is
capable of giving 1.5W r.m.s. output into a load 8E speaker. One page simple TELETEXT,
TOPTEXT and FASTEXT is provided. The chassis is equipped with 21 pin scart connector which
can accept via scart the SVHS format from VCRs.
The details of various sections with IC details and pin voltages are covered in this manual. The
alignment procedure in field and also at manufacturing line is also covered in detail. The block
diagram, circuit diagram and track side layout of VE01 chassis is also attached in this manual for
easy reference.
Pin Name Description Signal Level Impedance
1 AOR Audio Out Right 0.5 V rms <1k ohm
2 AIR Audio In Right 0.5 V rms >10k ohm
3 AOL Audio Out Left + Mono 0.5 V rms <1k ohm
4 AGND Audio Ground
5 B GND RGB Blue Ground
6 AIL Audio In Left + Mono 0.5 V rms >10k ohm
7 B RGB Blue In 0.7 V 75 ohm
8 SWTCH Audio/RGB switch / 16:9
9 G GND RGB Green Ground
10 CLKOUT Data 2: Clockpulse Out Unavailable
11 G RGB Green In 0.7 V 75 ohm
12 DATA Data 1: Data Out Unavailable
13 R GND RGB Red Ground
0-2 V=TV, 5-8 V=WideScreen, 9.5-12 V=AV Mode
>10 kohm
14 DATAGND Data Ground
15 R
16 BLNK Blanking Signal 1-3 V=RGB, 0-0.4 V=Composite 75 ohm
17 VGND Composite Video Ground
18 BLNKGND Blanking Signal Ground
19 VOUT Composite Video Out 1 V 75 ohm
20 VIN
21 SHIELD Ground/Shield (Chassis)
RGB Red In / Chrominance
Composite Video In / Luminance
0.7 V (Chroma.: 0.3 V burst) 75 ohm
1 V 75 ohm
combination of microcontroller and chroma (Small Signal function). This IC performs all important
functions in TV receiver. The details of IC are bifurcated in two parts. Small Signal function and
:- This IC is a
2A.1: VISION IF AMPLIFIER: The vision IF amplifier can demodulate signals with positive and
negative modulation. The PLL demodulator is completely alignment-free. The VCO of the PLL
circuit is internal, and the frequency is fixed to the required value by using the clock frequency
of the Controller/ Teletext decoder as a reference. The setting of the various frequencies (38,
38.9, 45.75 and 58.75 MHz) can be made via the control bits IFA-IFC in sub address 27H.
Because of the internal VCO, the IF circuit has a high immunity to EMC interferences.
The selected CVBS signal can be supplied to pin 38, the IF video output. The selection
The video switch has one input for an external CVBS or Y/C signal.
between both signals is realized by means of the SVO bit in sub address 22H. The video ident
circuit can be connected to the incoming ‘internal’ video signal or to the selected signal. This
ident circuit is independent of the synchronisation and can be used to switch the time-constant
of the horizontal PLL depending on the presence of a video signal (via the VID bit). Because of
the availability of the Y/C input and the subcarrier output an external comb-filter can be applied.
In that case an external video switch (or comb-filter with integrated switch) must be used. The
subcarrier output is combined with a 3-level output switch (0 V, 4 V and 8 V). The output level
and the availability of the subcarrier signal is controlled by the CMB1 and CMB0 bits. The
output can be used to switch sound traps etc.
The sound IF amplifier is similar to the vision IF amplifier and has an external AGC decoupling
capacitor. The single reference QSS mixer is realised by a multiplier. In this multiplier the SIF
signal is converted to the intercarrier frequency by mixing it with the regenerated picture carrier
from the VCO. The mixer output signal is supplied to the output via a high-pass filter for
attenuation of the residual video signals. With this system a high performance hi-fi stereo
sound processing can be achieved. The AM sound demodulator is realised by a multiplier. The
modulated sound IF signal is multiplied in phase with the limited SIF signal. The demodulator
output signal is supplied to the output via a low-pass filter for attenuation of the carrier
harmonics. The AM signal is supplied to the output (pin 44) via the volume control. It is possible
to get the AM output signal (not controlled on amplitude) on the QSS intercarrier output. The
selection is made by means of the AM bit in subaddress 29H. Another possibility is that pin 35
is transferred to external audio input pin and pin 32 to (non-controlled) AM output pin. This can
be realised by means of the setting the control bits CMB0 and CMB1 in subaddress 22H.
demodulator is realised as narrow-band PLL with external loop filter, which provides the
necessary selectivity without using an external band-pass filter. To obtain a good selectivity a
linear phase detector and constant input signal amplitude are required. For this reason the
intercarrier signal is internally supplied to the demodulator via a gain controlled amplifier and
AGC circuit. The nominal frequency of the demodulator is tuned to the required frequency
(4.5/5.5/6.0/6.5 MHz) by means of a calibration circuit which uses the clock frequency of the
Controller/Teletext decoder as a reference. The setting to the wanted frequency is realised by
means of the control bits FMA and FMB in control byte 29H. When required an external sound
band-pass filter can be inserted in front of the narrow-band PLL. In that case pin 32 has to be
switched to sound IF input by means of the bits SIF (subaddress 21H) and CMB0/CMB1
(subaddress 22H). When the sound IF input is selected the subcarrier output or AVL function
are not available. From the output status bytes it can be read whether the PLL frequency is
inside or outside the window and whether the PLL is in lock or not. With this information it is
possible to make an automatic search system for the incoming sound frequency. This can be
The FM
realised by means of a software loop which switches the demodulator to the various
frequencies and then select the frequency on which a lock condition has been found. The
deemphasis output signal amplitude is independent of the TV standard and has the same value
for a frequency deviation of 25 kHz at the 4.5 MHz standard and for a deviation of 50 Khz for
the other standards. The audio control circuit contains an audio switch and volume control. In
the mono intercarrier sound versions, the Automatic Volume Levelling (AVL) function can be
activated. The pin to which the external capacitor has to be connected depends on the IC
version. For the 90 degree types the capacitor is connected to the EW output pin (pin 20). For
the 110 degree types a choice must be made between the AVL function and a sub-carrier
output for comb filter applications. This choice is made via the CBM0 and CMB1bits (in
subaddress 22H). When the AVL is active it automatically stabilises the audio output signal to a
certain level. The signal on the deemphasis pin (28) can be supplied to the SCART connector
via a buffer stage. It is also possible to use this pin as additional audio input. In that case the
internal signal must, of course, be switched off. This can be realised by means of the sound
mute bit (SM in subaddress 29H). When the IF circuit is switched to positive modulation the
internal signal on the deemphasis pin is automatically muted. The audio switch is controlled by
means of the INA/INB bits in subaddress 22H. It is, however, also possible to overrule the
audio switch position by means of the ADS and ADX bits (subaddresses 28H and 21H
and vertical sync pulses and a data-slicing circuit which extracts the digital teletext data from
the analog signal. The horizontal drive signal is obtained from an internal VCO which is running
at a frequency of 25 MHz. This oscillator is stabilised to this frequency by using a 12 MHz
signal coming from the reference oscillator of the micro controller/Teletext decoder. The
horizontal drive is switched on and off via the soft start/stop procedure. This function is realised
by means of variation of the T ON of the horizontal drive pulses. In addition the horizontal drive
circuit has a ‘low-power start-up’ function. The vertical synchronisation is realised by means of
a divider circuit. The vertical ramp generator needs an external resistor and capacitor. For the
vertical drive a differential output current is available. The outputs must be DC coupled to the
vertical output stage. In the types which are intended for 90 degree picture tubes the following
geometry parameters can be adjusted:
Horizontal shift
Vertical amplitude
Vertical slope
The IC contains separator circuits for the horizontal
Vertical shift
The types which are intended to be used in combination with 110 degree picture tubes have an
East-West control circuit in stead of the AVL function.
The additional controls for these types are:
EW width
EW parabola width
EW upper and lower corner parabola correction
EW trapezium correction
Vertical zoom
(including the SECAM cloche filter) are realised by means of gyrators and are tuned to the right
frequency by comparing the tuning frequency with the reference frequency of the colour
decoder. The luminance delay line and the delay cells for the peaking circuit are also realised
with gyrators. The circuit contains a black stretcher function which corrects the black level for
incoming signals which have a difference between the black level and the blanking level.
PAL/NTSC decoder does not need external reference crystals but has an internal clock
generator which is stabilised to the required frequency by using the 12 MHz clock signal from
the reference oscillator of the micro controller/Teletext decoder. Under bad-signal conditions
(e.g. VCR-playback in feature mode), it may occur that the colour killer is activated although
the colour PLL is still in lock. When this killing action is not wanted it is possible to overrule the
colour killer by forcing the colour decoder to the required standard and to activate the FCO-bit
(Forced Colour On) in subaddress 21H. The Automatic Colour Limiting (ACL) circuit
The IC can decode PAL, NTSC and SECAM signals. The
The chroma band-pass and trap circuits
(switchable via the ACL bit in subaddress 20H) prevents that over saturation occurs when
signals with a high chroma-to-burst ratio are received. The ACL circuit is designed such that it
only reduces the chroma signal and not the burst signal. This has the advantage that the colour
sensitivity is not affected by this function. The SECAM decoder contains an auto-calibrating
PLL demodulator which has two references, viz: the divided 12 MHz reference frequency
(obtained from the microcontroller) which is used to tune the PLL to the desired free-running
frequency and the bandgap reference to obtain the correct absolute value of the output signal.
The VCO of the PLL is calibrated during each vertical blanking period, when the IC is in search
or SECAM mode. The base-band delay line (TDA 4665 function) is integrated. This delay line
is also active during NTSC to obtain a good suppression of cross colour effects. The
demodulated colour difference signals are internally supplied to the delay line.
circuit the signal is controlled on contrast, brightness and saturation. The ICs have a linear
input for external RGB signals. It is possible to use this input for the insertion of YUV signals.
Switching between RGB and YUV can be realised via the YUV-bit in subaddress 2BH. The
signals for OSD and text are internally supplied to the control circuit. The output signal has an
amplitude of about 2 Volts black-to-white at nominal input signals and nominal settings of the
various controls. To obtain an accurate biasing of the picture tube the ‘Continuous Cathode
Calibration’ system has been included in these ICs. A black level offset can be made with
respect to the level which is generated by the black current stabilization system. In this way
different colour temperatures can be obtained for the bright and the dark part of the picture.
The black current stabilization system checks the output level of the 3 channels and indicates
whether the black level of the highest output is in a certain window (WBC-bit) or below or
above this window (HBC-bit). This indication can be read from the status byte 01 and can be
used for automatic adjustment of the Vg2 voltage during the production of the TV receiver.
During switch-off of the TV receiver a fixed beam current is generated by the black current
control circuit. This current ensures that the picture tube capacitance is discharged. During the
switch-off period the vertical deflection is placed in an overscan position so that the discharge
is not visible on the screen.
with embedded microcontroller is a control system designed for TV sets with analogue picture
and sound control. The system also offers an on screen display (OSD) and IR remote control of
all functions.
3. TUNER: ­tuning is based on frequency synthesis tunning.
GDC Tuner EWT 5F3T1 is controlled by I2C bus through IC TDA 9361.The
The integrated teletex decoder
LOW BAND E2- S9 48.25 – 161.25
MID BAND S10 – S41 168.25 – 463.25
HIGH BAND E21 – E69 471.25 – 855.25
main function of this device is to accept an AV input from SCART, external AV and switch the
required output at pin no Z which is applied to small signal processing IC.
The TDA 9859 selects signal from Three Stereo Sources or Six Mono Sources and out put
can be given to scart. The sound processor is I2C bus controlled and all settings of bus are
: TDA 9859 is designed to perform demodulation of FM TV sound.
: The HEF4052 is a dual four channel analog multiplexer. The
stored in sub address register.
It is supplied by 13 volts from the 13 volt DC coming from a separate winding in the SMPS
transformer. An out power of 1.5 Watt can be delivered into an 8 Ohm Load. This IC is also
having a feature of auto volume controller. Similarly stand by signal coming from
microcontroller is used to disable the sound out put from speaker.
for 90 degree and 110 degree deflection systems . One supply voltage for the scan is
required. The drive voltage is amplified by an amplifier. The supply voltage of this IC is 15
output amplifier section. IC TDA6107 or transistorized circuit can be used for video signal
: - IC AN17821 is used as the AF out amplifier for the Stereo application.
:- The STV 9302 is a vertical deflection circuit can be used
: The RBG output signal from TDA 9351 is applied to video
amplification and to be applied to cathodes of CRT for generation of R, G, and B colors. If IC
is used, then internal amplifiers are used to amplify the video signal. The transistorized
amplifier can be designed by using transistor circuit in which 9 transistors are used. Chassis
VE01 consist of transistorized video amplifier circuit.
SMPS transformer controlled by STR 0765, which is designed for deriving, controlling and
protecting switiching transistor of SMPS. The transformer produces 110 volts for FBT, 13 Volt
for audio O/p IC, 33 Volts for tuner and 5 and 8 Volts regulated voltages through IC TA7805
and TA7808.
EEPROM organized as 128 pages X 16 bytes. This is compatible with I2C standards, two
wire serial interface which uses a bi directional data bus and serial clock.
: The DC Voltages required at various part of the chassis are applied by
: The 24C16 is a 16 Kilo Bit electrically erasable programmable memory.
TDA 9351Æ TV Signal processor- Teletex decoder with embedded microcontroller
HEF 4052BP-Æ Video Switch
STV 9302-Æ Vertical Deflection Output
24C16-Æ Memory IC
TDA 9859-Æ Sound Processor
AN 17821-Æ Sound Output
KA 5Q0765-Æ STR
Video amplifier.
11A. TDA 9351:-
microcontroller and US Closed Caption decoder. The IC is used in television receivers with
90degree and 110 degree picture tubes. The ICs have supply voltages of 8 V and 3.3 V and
they are mounted in S-DIP envelope with 64 pins. This IC is having higher degree of
integration because delay line with adjustable delay time, PAL / SECAM / NTSC decoder has
been integrated. In addition to this some special features like Continuous Cathode
Calibration’, white point and black level offset, AVL are added in this version. As this is a
combination of microcontroller and TV signal processor, the features of IC are divided in two
TV Signal processor Important Features
Internal (switchable) time-constant for the IF-AGC circuit.
A choice can be made between versions with mono intercarrier sound FM
demodulator and versions with QSS IF amplifier.
The mono intercarrier sound versions have a selective FM-PLL demodulator which
This IC is the functions of a TV signal processor together with a
can be switched to the different FM sound frequencies (4.5/5.5/6.0/6.5 MHz).The
quality of this system is such that the external band-pass filters can be omitted.
Source selection between ‘internal’ CVBS and external CVBS or Y/C signals
Integrated chrominance trap circuit
Integrated luminance delay line with adjustable delay time
Asymmetrical ‘delay line type’ peaking in the luminance channel
Black stretching for non-standard luminance signals
+ 28 hidden pages