4” x 6” Three-Way Speaker
Dear Customer,
The RS460 4” x 6” 3-way speakers, when used as described, will give you years of
dependable ser vice in your car, truck, RV or mini-van. We have taken numerous measures in quality control to ensure that your product arrives in top condition, and will
perform to your satisfaction. In the rare event that your RS460 4” x 6” 3-way speakers
contain a damaged or missing item, does not perform as specifi ed, requires warranty
service, or you have an installation problem, DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO
THE STORE. PLEASE CALL OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER FROM THE U.S.A. AND CANADA 1-800-445-1797 and ask to speak with a member of our technical service team,
or submit your questions by E-Mail to and a member
of our technical service team will respond by E-Mail to your questions. Our in-house
technical service team will expedite delivery of your part, advise you on installation,
or help troubleshoot a problem with you. If your product needs warranty service, our
technical service team representative will help you obtain the fastest remedy possible
under the warranty.
Parts & Specifi cations
• 4” x 6” Polypropylene Coated Paper Cones
• 6 Oz. Magnet
• Foam Rubber Surrounds
• 100 Watts Maximum Peak Power per Pair
• 20 Watts RMS Power per Pair
• 115 - 20,000 Hz Frequency Response
• Bridgeless 1.5” Midrange speakers
• .5” Dome Tweeters
• Quick Connect Terminals
8 Spring Nuts
8 Screws
2 Speakers
2 Grills
If you are installing the RS460 speakers to upgrade/replace your existing speakers, remove the existing speakers from your vehicle, disconnect the speaker wires and mark
the polarity. Place the RS460 speakers in the location you selected in your vehicle and
connect the existing speaker wires. Make sure to keep the polarity of the speakers and
wires correct (positive wire to positive speaker terminal and negative or ground wire to
negative terminal)
Speaker Depth
Before you install your speakers you must make sure you
e enough depth/space behind the mounting surface.
You do not want the back of the speaker magnet to touch any part
of your vehicle, or interfere with the operation or function of any
component in your vehicle. (ie. windows or trunk lid)
Before mounting the speakers in a precut hole, use the template to check
that the holes for the speaker and the screws will line up correctly.
You should only mount your speakers in factory precut holes. We
DO NOT recommend that you cut holes for mounting the speakers. If
there are no factory precut holes consider having the speakers professionally installed.
1. Connect the speaker wires to
the speaker. Maintain polarity by
connecting the positive wire to the
positive speaker terminal, and the
negative wire to negative speaker
2. Slip the supplied spring nuts into
place and align the holes.
25/8" or 61/2 cm
The small hole of
the spring nut is
on this side of panel
Frequently Asked Questions
What if there is no sound?
1. Your stereo may have a blown fuse. Replace fuse with the same amperage and
. You may have improper wiring. Refer to the wiring guide that came with your stereo/
amplifi er. Check all wires for a secure connection.
What if the sound volume is low?
r stereo may not have enough power, you may have to install an amplifi er to
drive the speakers
Why do I have a whining noise coming from the speakers?
You may have poor fi lt
ering of your alternator. If that is the case then you
may need to add an alternator fi lter to the power lead.
Why do I have odd sounding noises coming from the speakers?
You may have corroded battery terminals and/or a weak battery. If the terminals on
attery are corroded clean them, then check the sound. If the sound system is still
the b
making noises check battery strength. If it is low, recharge or replace the battery.
Why does the speaker have sound coming from one channel only?
First make sure the balance control is set correctly. If the balance is set correctly
r stereo may be defective or the speaker may be defective. To troubleshoot
this problem you MUST change both positive and negative leads of each channel with
the positive and negative leads of the opposite channel, if the same speaker has no
sound then the speaker is no good, if the opposite speaker has no sound then your
stereo may be defective.
Visit us on the WEB
For Information and Technical Assistance,
Call Toll-Free in U.S.A. and Canada.
Limited Warranty
Tools Needed To Install
• Nail Set/Center Punch
• Safety Glasses
• Phillips Screwdriver
• Hammer
• Marker/Pen
• Electric Drill
with 1/16" bit
• Wire Cutter
• Electrical Tape
Before You Install
We understand that automotive audio equipment installations can be troublesome at
times, even to the most experienced of installation technicians. If you are not confi -
dent working with electrical wiring, removing and reinstalling interior panels, carpeting, dashboards or other components of your vehicle, please call our TOLL-FREE help
line 1-800-445-1797 and our in-house technical service team will answer your installation questions.
Before installing these speakers, check the vehicle’s manual for locations of
ortant vehicle components such as air bags, CO2 systems, fuel systems,
& electrical systems installed in the vehicle. Accidental deployment of air bags
may result in serious injury.
Spring Nut
3. Screw the speaker into
place with screws (provided).
4. Firmly attach the speaker
grill cover.
Speaker wires with female disconnects on
one end are recommended. When connecting the speaker wires to your speakers in a
new installation, you should follow the wiring
instructions from your audio system’s manufacturer.
Attach the quick disconnect connectors to
the speaker terminals as shown. Maintain
proper polarity by attaching the Positive
Wire(+) to Positive Terminal(+) and the Nega-
e Wire(-) to Negative Terminal(-).
For most systems the positive wire attaches
to the positive speaker terminal and the negative wire attaches to the negative terminal.
Maintain proper polarity by attaching the
Positive Wire(+) to Positive Terminal(+) and
the Negative Wire(-) to Negative Terminal(-)
VIRTUA L REAL ITY SO UND LA BS® products are des igned a nd manu factu red to provide a hig h level of trouble -free performa nce. VIRTUAL RE ALIT Y SOUND LABS ® warra nts, to th e origi nal pur chase r, that its pr oduct s are fre e from defects i n
materi al and wo rkmanship fo r 30 days fr om the da te of orig inal pu rchas e. As par t of our c ommitment to pr oduct excelle nce,
VIRTUA L REAL ITY SO UND LA BS® and/or its af fi liates routi nely im prove the d esign s, mate rials o r produ ction m ethod s of
its exis ting pr oduct s. Beca use it is i mprac tical to public ize all ch anges in ever y produ ct, we res erve the right to make such
chang es with out noti ce.
If during the 30 da y warra nty period you r new product is fo und to be defecti ve, VIRT UAL REA LITY S OUND L ABS® wi ll repa ir
such defect, or replace the pro duct, w ithou t charg e for par ts or la bor sub ject to the follow ing con ditions:
1. All repairs mus t be per formed by VIRT UAL REA LITY S OUND L ABS® a nd/or its affi liates in Ea tontown, N ew Jersey.
2. The equ ipmen t must not have been altere d or bee n damag ed thro ugh negligence, acc ident , or impr oper op eration.
3. The re place ment of parts a re exempted from t his warranty w hen rep lacement is necessary d ue to normal wear a nd tear.
4. All war rant y claim s must be a ccomp anied by a copy of the s ales receip t or bill of s ale.
5. Repair or replacem ent par ts sup plied by V IRTUAL R EALI TY SOU ND LA BS® und er this wa rranty are protecte d only fo r the
unexpi red portion o f the ori ginal wa rranty.
6. In the cas e of car s tereo s, th is warr anty d oes not e xtend to th e el imi nat ion of c ar s tat ic o r mo tor n oise; c orrec tio n of antenna
problems; cos ts incu rred fo r the removal or rei nstal lation of the prod uct; damage to tapes, sp eakers, acce ssori es or car electrical systems.
7. VIRTUAL REA LIT Y SOUND L ABS® w ill not be r espon sible f or any cha rge incurre d for installat ion.
VIRTUA L REAL ITY SO UND LA BS® wil l make ever y effo rt to pr ovide warrant y ser vice wit hin a rea sonab le period of tim e.
SERVIC E, PLEA SE CALL TOL L FREE 1-80 0-445-1797, 8:30am - 4:30pm ES T.
In orde r to provide you with t he prop er warr anty s ervi ce, we req uest th at you adh ere to the f ollowing proc edure:
1. Include a c opy of your sales r eceip t or bill of s ale wit h your uni t when it i s retur ned for wa rran ty ser vice.
2. I f it is n ece ssa ry t o re tur n yo ur p rod uct fo r se rvi ce, ple ase ret urn it s ecu rel y pa cke d, pr efe rab ly i n th e or igi nal shi ppi ng carton,
and fre ight an d insur ance pr epaid to the following add ress: V IRTUAL R EALI TY SOU ND LABS, Ser vice Depar tment, 41 James
Way, Eatontown , New Jer sey 07724.
3. Pleas e inclu de a deta iled explanat ion of the problem you are h aving.
4. If your product is found by VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LA BS® to have a d efect in materi al or wor kmans hip, within the
warranty period, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge and returned to you prepaid. Where permitted by Iaw VIRTUAL
REAL ITY SO UND LA BS® lia bilit y shall be limite d to that set fort h in this wa rranty. This warrant y shall be the exclusive re medy
of the purchaser.
VIRTUA L REAL ITY SO UND LA BS® make s no othe r warra nty of any kind, exp ress ed or imp lied; and all imp lied wa rrant ies, ar e
hereby d iscla imed by VIRTUAL R EALI TY SOU ND LAB S® and exc luded f rom thi s warra nty, VIRT UAL REA LITY S OUND L ABS®
and/or its affi lia tes, the manufa cture r, distri butor an d seller shal l not be liable for a ny injury, loss o r damag e, inci denta l or con-
seque ntial, arisi ng out of th e use or in tende d use of the product.
©2008 I ntelle ctual S oluti ons Inc., All rig hts res erve d. All designs, logos a nd imag es are th e exclusi ve property of Intell ectua l Solut ions
Inc. and/or its af fi liates. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending. 071108 Printed in China 00000