environmental SenSorS
• This product is not intended for life or safety applications.
• Do not install this product in hazardous or classified locations.
• Read and understand the instructions before installing
this product.
• Turn off all power supplying equipment before working on it.
• The installer is responsible for conformance to all applicable codes.
(89 mm)
(122 mm)
(30 mm)
inStallation GUiDe
HWL SerieS HWL SerieS
Wall Mount Humidity Sensor
Installer’s Specifications
HS Element Digitally pr ofiled thin-film capacitive (32 bit mathematic s)
U.S. Patent 5,844,138
Accuracy at 2 5°C from 10-80% RH* 2%, 3%, or 5% models;
±1% at 12-60% RH in voltage output mode;
±1% at 12-60% RH in mA outpu t mode with temp. transmit ter;
±1% at 20-40% RH in mA output mode
(Multi-point calibration, NIST traceable)
Reset Rate** 24 hours
Stability ±1% @ 20°C (68°F) annually, for two years
Operating Humidity Range 0 to 100% RH (non-condensing)
Hysteresis 1.5% typical
Linearit y Included in Accuracy spe c.
Temperature Coeffic ient ±0.1% RH/°C above or below 25°C (typical)
Analog Output 4-20mA version: 2-wire, polarity insensitive, (clipped and cappe d)
0-5V/0-10V versions: 3-wire, obser ve polarity
Scaling 0-100% RH
Operating Temperature Range 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F)
Input Power* ** 4-20mA version: loop powered 12-30VDC only, 30mA max.
0-5V/0-10V versions: 12-30VDC/24VAC, 15mA max.
Optional Temperature Transmitter O utput Digital, 4-20mA, (clipp ed and capped) or
0-5V/0-10V output; accuracy ±0.5°C (±1°F) typical
EMC Conformance – CE Option EN 50081-1, EN 50082-1, EN 61000-4 -4, EN 61000-4 -5, EN
61000-4-3, ENV 50204, EN 61000-4-6
*Specified accuracy with 24VDC supplied power with rising humi dity. RTD/Thermistors are not
compensated for internal heating o f product.
**Reset Rate is the time required to recover to 50% RH after e xposure to 90% RH for 24 hours.
***One side of transformer second ary is connected to signal common, so an Isolation transforme r
or dedicated power supply may b e required.
Shielded cabling is required fo r conformance to EMC standards. Technical informati on is available
from factory upo n request or is available on our website: www.veris.com
quick install
Select a mounting location away from ventilation sources. The sensor should be 1.
mounted on a vertical wall, about 4 ½ feet above the floor.
Affix the backplate to the wall.2.
Wire the device. Refer to wiring diagram.3.
Install Cover. 4.
Z202637-0Y PAGE 1 ©2010 Veris Industries USA 800.354.8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / support@veris.com 09101
Alta Labs, Enercep t, Enspector, Hawkeye, Trustat, Veris, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo are trademark s or registered tradema rks of Veris Industries, L.L .C. in the USA and/or othe r countries.

ProDuct iDentification
NIST US or EU Temp. Sensor Type Display Accuracy
(1% and 2% only)
X = No
(2%, 3%, and 5% only)
NIST US or EU Temp. Sensor Type Display Accuracy
(1% and 2% only)
X = No
(2%, 3%, and 5% only)
S = Standard
C = CE
= No
1 = 1%
2 = 2%
3 = 3%
5 = 5%
1 = 1%
2 = 2%
3 = 3%
5 = 5%
S = Standard
C = CE
HWl SerieS
T = Temp*
X = No Temp
(Stop here)
T = Temp*
TA = Transmitter
D = Transmitte r
and resis tive
X = No Temp
(Stop here)
A = Transmitte r: 10° - 35°C (50°
- 95°F and 0° - 50 °C (32° - 122°F)
(switchab le)
B = 100R Platinu m, RTD
C = 1k Platinum, RTD
D = 10k T2, Therm istor
E = 2.2k, Ther mistor
F = 3k, Therm istor
G = 10k CPC, Ther mistor
H = 10k T3, Thermi stor
J = 10k Dale, Ther mistor
K = 10k with 11k shunt, Thermi stor
M = 20k NTC, Ther mistor
N = 1800 ohm TAC, Thermi stor
Q = 1uA/C, Linite mp
R = 10k US, Thermis tor
S = 10k 3A 221
T = 100k, The rmistor
U = 20k “D”, Thermis tor
None = Sele ct for TA temp option onl y
B = 100R Platinu m, RTD
C = 1k Platinum, RTD
D = 10k T2, Therm istor
E = 2.2k, Ther mistor
F = 3k, Therm istor
G = 10k CPC, Ther mistor
H = 10k T3, Thermi stor
J = 10k Dale, Ther mistor
K = 10k with 11k shunt, Ther mistor
M = 20k NTC, Ther mistor
N = 1800 ohm TAC, Thermi stor
Q = 1uA/C, Linite mp
R = 10k US, Thermis tor
S = 10k 3A 221
T = 100k, The rmistor
U = 20k “D”, Thermis tor
inStallation GUiDe
Options Available
Temp Cal Cert O ption Value
X = No Cert
1 = 1pt Cal
2 = 2pt Cal
Temp Cal Cert O ption Value
X = No Cert
1 = 1pt Cal
2 = 2pt Cal
1 = Push Button Over ride
2 = Set Point Slider
3 = Push Button Over ride
and Set Po int Slider
A = 1k
F = 10k
G = 20k
K = 50k
M =100k
Options Available
1 = Push Button Over ride
2 = Set Point Slider
3 = Push Button Over ride
and Set Po int Slider
* In order for unit to display both tem p and RH, use the
TA or D temp selection.
Temp displayed on LCD is read from temperature
transmitter, not resistive element.
A = 1k
F = 10k
G = 20k
K = 50k
M =100k
1. Remove the cover by pressing the tab at the top of the sensor while pulling
outward from the top of the cover.
2. Remove the backplate by unfastening the sensor from the bottom of the backplate
and pivoting the sensor outward.
Z202637-0Y PAGE 2 ©2010 Veris Industries USA 800.354.8556 or +1.503.598.4564 / support@veris.com 09101
Alta Labs, Enercep t, Enspector, Hawkeye, Trustat, Veris, and the Veris ‘ V’ logo are trademark s or registered tradema rks of Veris Industries, L.L .C. in the USA and/or othe r countries.
3. Punch out openings in the backplate.
4. Position the sensor vertically on the wall, 4 ½ feet above the floor.