•Special offers available only to registered users
Submit registration information rletech.com.
Any information provided to RLE Technologies through the registration form will be regarded as
confidential. RLE will not sell or distribute any of the information to third parties.
Technical Support
Personal assistance is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST.
A request for assistance may be sent to support@rletech.com
Otherwise, please call us directly at: 800.518.1519, and press “2” for technical support.
The following information is located on the bottom of each LD5200 unit. Please have this information
available whenever a technical support call is placed:
Product Model Number
Product Serial Number
Product Manufacture Date
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide3
RLE Product Warranty
Seller warrants to the Ultimate Purchaser (the purchaser who buys for use and not for resale) that all
products furnished under this order and which are manufactured by Seller will conform to final
specifications, drawings, samples and other written descriptions approved in writing by Seller, and will be
free from defects in materials and workmanship. These warranties shall remain in effect for a period of
twelve (12) months after shipment. If the Seller installs the equipment or supplies technical direction of
installation by contract, said one year shall run from the completion of installation, provided installation is not
unreasonably delayed by Ultimate Purchaser. Parts replaced or repaired in the warranty period shall carry
the unexpired portion of the original warranty. A unit placed with the purchaser on consignment and then
later purchased will be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time the Seller receives notification of the
Purchaser's intent to purchase said consigned item. The foregoing is in its entirety is subject to the provision
that in no case will the total warranty period extend beyond 18 months from date Seller ships equipment
from point of manufacture.
Products are NOT life and safety certified. In no event shall the Seller be liable for loss, damage, or expense
directly or indirectly arising from the use of the units, or from any other cause, except as expressly stated in
this warranty. Seller makes no warranties, express or implied, including any warranty as to merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose or use. Seller is not liable for and Purchaser waives any right of action it
has or may have against Seller for any consequential or special damages arising out of any breach of
warranty, and for any damages Purchaser may claim for damage to any property or injury or death to any
person arising out of its purchase or the use, operation, or maintenance of the product. Seller will not be
liable for any labor subcontracted or performed by Purchaser for preparation of warranted item for return to
Seller's factory or for preparation work for field repair or replacement. Invoicing of Seller for labor either
performed or subcontracted by Purchaser will not be considered as a liability by the Seller.
The liability of Seller hereunder is limited to replacing or repairing at Seller's factory or on the job site at
Seller's option, any part or parts which have been returned to the Seller and which are defective or do not
conform to such specifications, drawings or other written descriptions; provided that such part or parts are
returned by the Ultimate Purchaser within ninety (90) days after such defect is discovered. The Seller shall
have the sole right to determine if the parts are to be repaired at the job site or whether they are to be
returned to the factory for repair or replacement. All items returned to Seller for repair or replacement must
be sent freight, prepaid to its factory. Purchaser must obtain Seller's Return Goods Authorization prior to
returning items. The above conditions must be met if warranty is to be valid. Seller will not be liable for any
damage done by unauthorized repair work, unauthorized replacement parts, from any misapplication of the
item, or for damage due to accident, abuse, or act of God.
This warranty shall be exclusive of any and all other warranties express or implied and may be modified only
by writing signed by any officer of the Seller. This warranty shall extend to the Ultimate Purchaser but to no
one else. Accessories supplied by Seller but manufactured by others carry any warranty the manufacturers
have made to Seller and which can be passed on to the Ultimate Purchaser.
Seller makes no warranty with respect to whether the products sold hereunder infringe any patent, U.S. or
foreign, and Purchaser represents that any specially ordered products do not infringe any patent. Purchaser
agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any liability by virtue of any patent claims where
Purchaser has ordered a product conforming to Purchaser's specifications, or conforming to Purchaser's
specific design.
Purchaser has not relied and shall not rely on any oral representation regarding the Product sold hereunder
and any oral representation shall not bind Seller and shall not be part of any warranty.
Figure 4.23 Coordinates Have Been Mapped - Return to the Map Configuration Page . . . 66
Figure 4.24 Click the Map Alarm Test Link to View All Mapped Points in an Alarm State . . 67
The LD5200 is a distance-read leak detection controller. It can operate as a stand-alone device
or connect to multiple RLE leak detection controllers through its Ethernet or EIA-485 ports.
When coupled with up to 10,000 feet (3084m) of RLE’s sensing cable, it reports the presence
of water and other conductive liquids. When a conductive liquid comes in contact with the
sensing cable, the following occurs:
♦ An audible alarm sounds.
♦ The distance to the leak is shown on the LD5200’s LCD touch screen and on the LD5200’s
web interface. An integrated reference map within the web interface will also show the
location of the leak.
♦ Notification is sent via email or Modbus/SNMP/BACnet/SMTP to a central control
location, such as a building management system (BMS).
1.2 Operation
1.2.1 Supervised System
The LD5200 is a supervised system - it continually monitors sensing cable, spot detectors, and
connected leak detection controllers for continuity and produces alarms for the following
♦ Leak detection
♦ Cable break
♦ Cable contamination
♦ Loss of communications
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide13
1 Product Overview
1.2.2 Distance-Read Leak Detection
When the LD5200’s circuitry measures a current in excess of the user-defined leak threshold,
the unit’s microprocessor computes the distance to the leak. The LD5200 then annunciates the
leak and logs the alarm in its event log. The leak is communicated via email/Modbus/SNMP/
BACnet/SMTP/4-20mA to an equipped monitoring system. The relay output sends
notification to an alarm panel or monitoring system.
1.2.3 User Configuration and Communication
All the functionality needed to operate the LD5200 as a stand-alone device is accessible from
the LCD touch screen. Virtual buttons line the right side of the screen. Press the button for the
task you want to perform, and the screen for that task is displayed. Avoid using a pen or other
sharp object to activate the buttons on the LCD. This will damage the display.
The web-based user interface provides more extensive configuration options and allows users
to create an interactive map - a graphical representation of the monitored environment and
leak detection equipment. This web interface can be used on site or remotely via network
Digital fault and leak relay outputs and a 4-20mA relay output and allow the LD5200 to
interface with third-party management systems. The LD5200 also provides Modbus outputs
via EIA-485, twisted-pair wire, or TCP/IP, as well as BACnet/IP or BACnet/MSTP, SNMP,
and SMTP outputs.
14LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
2.1 Prepare for Installation
To install the LD5200, you’ll need the following supplies:
Included with the LD5200
♦ Wall mount kit
♦ Cross-over cable (blue with yellow ends)
♦ 15 foot (4.57m) leader cable
♦ End-of-line terminator (EOL)
Available from RLE, sold separately
♦ SeaHawk Sensing Cable, up to 10,000 feet (3048m) of cable with a resistance of 2.800
ohms per foot, or up to 7,000 feet (2134m) of cable with a resistance of 4.000 ohms per
♦ Non-sensing cable
♦ J-Clips
Information Required
Consult with your IT administrator to determine the following network settings for the
♦ IP address
♦ Subnet mask
♦ Default gateway
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide15
2 Installation
2.2 Mount the LD5200
The LD5200 is a wall mounted device. Using the wall mount kit (included), mount the device
in a convenient location.
Figure 2.1
Once the unit is mounted on the wall, run conduit to the device to support your cabling needs.
LD5200 Wall Mounting Kit
2.3 Establish Physical Connections
The connectors for the LD5200 are accessible from the inside of the enclosure. Remove the
knock-outs on the bottom and top of the enclosure as necessary to accommodate conduit and
The LD5200 is built with two circuit boards:
♦ The display board is mounted on the inside of the LD5200’s door, and is connected to the
main board with a multi-wire connector. The display is a color touch screen that enables
configuration and management from the front panel.
♦ The main board is mounted inside the main compartment of the enclosure. A power supply
and power switch are also mounted in this main compartment.
The connectors on the main board, shown in Figure 2.2, are labeled TB1 through TB7 and P1
through P3. Switches are labeled SW1 through SW3 and the Status LED is labeled DS1. The
image of the board has been rotated to accommodate labels.
16LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
TB4 - (2) Form C Leak Relay Outputs
TB3 - Form C Maintenance Relay
TB1 - 4-20mA Output
TB2 - Cable Interface (W-B-G-R)
P1 - EIA-232 Connector
SW1 - EIA-485 Port 3 Termination
SW2 - EIA-485 Port 2 Termination
SW3 - EIA-485 Port 1 Termination
P2 - Ethernet Jack
TB7 - Input Power
TB5 - EIA-485 Port 3
TB6 Top - EIA-485 Port 1
TB6 Bottom - EIA-485 Port 2
SA1 - Audible Alarm
J4 - LCD Connection
P3 - Optional Power Connection
Power Input Terminal Block
(2) Form C Fault Relay Outputs
2 Installation
Figure 2.2
LD5200 Physical Connections and Switches
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide17
2 Installation
2.3.1 TB1: 4-20mA Output
The 4-20mA analog output allows the LD5200 to communicate with a 4-20mA loop powered
output. This connection is provided on TB1. The maximum range (20 mA) can be set to 1000,
2500, or 5000 feet. Connect the 4-20mA wires to TB1 as follows:
A 15-foot (4.57m) section of non-sensing cable is supplied with each LD5200. The leader
cable connects sensing cable to the LD5200, since sensing cable cannot connect directly to the
unit. Insert its four stripped wires into the appropriate slots in TB2 - from left to right: white,
black, green and red.
TB2-1 White wire
TB2-2 Black wire
TB2-3 Green wire
TB2-4 Red wire
Figure 2.3
NOTE If the terminal connector is removed from the end of the cable, make sure the wires are in the
same order, W - B - G - R, when the connector is reapplied.
For further information regarding sensing cable, refer to “Connect the SeaHawk Sensing
Cable” on page 21.
Cable Connection TB2
2.3.3 TB3: Maintenance Relay
Maintenance reminders can be configured through the LCD or the web interface. This relay
(TB3) is activated once the scheduled maintenance period has lapsed. If you wish, connect this
relay output to a BMS or NMS to monitor regularly scheduled maintenance intervals.
2.3.4 TB4: Two Fault/Leak Relay Outputs
TB4 houses two Form C relay outputs. These relays provide alarm notification when a leak,
cable fault, or cable contamination is detected.
The top row of TB4 (pins 1 - 6) provides a connection to one of the leak alarm relay outputs
and one of the fault relay outputs; the bottom row of TB5 (pins 7 - 12) provides a second set of
contacts for the same leak and fault alarms.
18LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
Connect the alarm relay wires to TB4 as follows:
TB4-1 Leak alarm normally open (NO)
TB4-2 Leak alarm common (C)
TB4-3 Leak alarm normally closed (NC)
TB4-4 Fault alarm normally open (NO)
TB4-5 Fault alarm common (C)
TB4-6 Fault alarm normally closed (NC)
TB4-7 Leak alarm normally open (NO)
TB4-8 Leak alarm common (C)
TB4-9 Leak alarm normally closed (NC)
TB4-10 Fault alarm normally open (NO)
TB4-11 Fault alarm common (C)
TB4-12 Fault alarm normally closed (NC)
Both relays (all alarms) can be configured to be latched or unlatched. A latched alarm requires
a manual reset of the system once a leak or cable problem is no longer present; see “Leak” on
page 50 for configuration instructions.
2.3.5 P1: EIA-232 Connector
2 Installation
An EIA-232 connection allows the LD5200 to be connected directly to a terminal or PC. The
EIA-232 uses a baud rate of 9600. The EIA-232 port is set to 8 databits, no parity, and 1 stop
bit (8, N, 1). A straight through cable should be used to connect a terminal or PC to the
LD5200 via the EIA-232 connector. This connection should only be used by advanced users
for specialized operations, including advanced diagnostics, uploading firmware, and
2.3.6 SW1: TB5 Port 3 Termination Switch
The switch position numbered 2 on SW1, when switched on (down position), places a
termination resistor across the + and - terminals of the EIA-485 port. This is used when the
TB5 connection on the LD5200 is the last unit on a EIA-485 network. SW1, switch position 1,
is currently inactive.
2.3.7 TB5 and TB6: EIA-485 Modbus Ports
TB5 and TB6 connect to an EIA-485 network. A grounded shield contact is provided for
connection to shielded cable. If the shield contact is used, verify the power connector is
properly grounded and there is no voltage potential between units on the network.The EIA485 ports have a selectable baud rate (9600, 19200, or 38400) and are set to 8 databits, no
parity, and 1 stop bit (8, N, 1). Connect the EIA-485 wires to TB5 and TB6 as follows:
TB5, EIA-485 port 3
TB5-1 A (+)
TB5-2 B (-)
TB5-3 Shield
TB6 (top row) EIA-485 port 1
TB6-1 A (+)
TB6-2 B (-)
TB6-3 Shield
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide19
2 Installation
TB6 (bottom row) EIA-485 port 2
TB6-4 A (+)
TB6-5 B (-)
TB6-6 Shield
2.3.8 SW2: TB6 Port 2 (Bottom Row) Termination Switch
The switch position numbered 2 on SW2, when switched on (down position), places a
termination resistor across the + and - terminals of the EIA-485 port. This is used when the
TB6 (bottom row) connection on the LD5200 is the last unit on a EIA-485 network. SW2,
switch position 1, is currently inactive.
2.3.9 SW3: TB6 Port 1 (Top Row) Termination Switch
The switch position numbered 2 on SW3, when switched on (down position), places a
termination resistor across the + and - terminals of the EIA-485 port. This is used when the
TB6 (top row) connection on the LD5200 is the last unit on a EIA-485 network. SW3, switch
position 1, is currently inactive.
2.3.10 P2: RJ45 Network
This 10/100 BaseT Ethernet connection allows the LD5200 to be connected directly to a local
area network. Use a crossover cable (shipped with the LD5200; blue cable with yellow ends)
for initial connection and configuration. The default settings are as follows:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
2.3.11 P3: Optional Power Connection
If a mechanical failure causes the provided AC power supply and connections to fail, a wall
adapter can be plugged into P3 and used to power the LD5200. This option is provided for
temporary, emergency situations only, and is not intended as a permanent power solution.
2.3.12 TB7: Input Power (from Input AC Power Supply)
TB7 is a factory-wired two position connector with the following connections (for reference
TB7-1 24VDC positive (+)
TB7-2 24VDC negative (-)
2.3.13 DS1: Status LED
A status LED is located at the top of the main board, and is labeled DS1. Indicators are as
Green - LD5200 is functioning properly
Red - LD5200 is in an alarm state
Yellow (flashing) - The LD5200’s bootloader is operational
20LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
2 Installation
2.4 Connect the SeaHawk Sensing Cable
IMPORTANT To avoid faulty leak detection readings, connect a minimum length of 35 feet (10.7m) of
sensing cable to the LD5200.
The LD5200 is shipped with a 15-foot (4.57m) leader cable. This leader cable was connected
to the LD5200 in Section 2.3.2 on page 18. The following directions will help you connect
sensing cable to the LD5200.
2.4.1 Connect Lengths of Sensing Cable
1 Unscrew the end-of-line (EOL) terminator from the end of the leader cable.
2 Attach the first length of sensing cable to the leader cable. Insert the male connector into the
female connector, and twist the collar on the female side of the connector to secure.
Figure 2.4
Route the sensing cable according to your cable layout diagram. Attach additional lengths
SeaHawk Sensing Cable
of sensing cable as necessary.
4 Secure the EOL terminator to the unoccupied end of the last length of sensing cable.
NoteIf the EOL terminator is not present at the end of the cable run, a cable fault will register.
If you are using a reference map, compare it with the actual cable installation. Revise any
discrepancies created through the physical installation of the cable.
2.4.2 Secure Sensing Cable to the Floor
Secure the sensing cable to the floor with either J-clips (RLE part #JC), or one of the other
approved methods shown in Figure 2.5. Available from RLE and designed specifically for use
with sensing cable, J-clips are the manufacturer's recommended installation method.
♦ Do not use conductive materials, such as Fire Block or caulk, on the sensing cable.
♦ To avoid contaminating the cable, clean the entire floor as much as possible. Use isopropyl
alcohol to clean the spots on the floor where J-clips will be placed.
♦ Place one J-clip every 5 to 6 feet (1.52 to 1.83m) along the length of the sensing cable and
one at each turn of the cable. Use more J-clips if a tighter configuration is required.
♦ If the cable is installed over an obstruction, clip the cable on both sides, as close to the
obstruction as possible.
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide21
2 Installation
♦ The J-clip’s adhesive backing does not work well on porous concrete floors. RLE
recommends using a drop of silicone or another nonconductive adhesive to help secure the
J-clip to the floor.
IMPORTANTDo not install the cable directly in front of an air conditioner. Allow a minimum of 4 to 6 feet
(1.22 to 1.83m) between the unit and the cable. If the cable is too close to the air conditioning
unit’s air stream, the moisture from the humidifier may cause false leak readings. If the cable
must be installed in front of an air conditioning unit, place the J-clips 3 feet (0.91m) apart.
Figure 2.5
Secure the Cable
2.5 Apply Power to the LD5200
A dedicated circuit breaker must be provided within close proximity to the LD5200
and be clearly marked as the disconnecting device for the LD5200 leak detection
Do not connect 120/230 VAC directly to the unit, or damage will occur to the
Make sure the dedicated circuit breaker is in the off position before connecting the
AC power wires to the LD5200.
1 Engage a certified electrician to run a power supply and necessary conduit to the location of
the LD5200.
2 Remove any necessary knock-outs from the bottom of the enclosure, and route the power
supply into the enclosure, to the power input terminal block. Insert the wires as noted on the
enclosure’s backplate: Neutral - Line - Ground. Ensure all connections are correct and all
screw terminals are tightened and secure.
3 Apply power to the LD5200. The device will boot (initialize).
22LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
2 Installation
4 When the LD5200 powers up, diagnostics are performed. The program code is verified.
Once the diagnostics are complete, the LCD displays the Main Menu. No alarm should be
present. If an alarm is present, verify all connections and consult Appendix D,
“Troubleshooting” on page 109.
2.6 Configure Communications
Use the LCD touch screen on the front of the LD5200 to configure communications.
IMPORTANT Consult your IT department before performing these steps. If you intend to change the IP
Address and/or Subnet Mask, obtain appropriate addresses from your IT department.
2 You’ll be prompted to enter a password. By default, there is no password on the LD5200.
To continue past the login screen, leave the password field blank and press the Enter button
You can establish an LCD password through either the LCD interface (“Leak Settings” on
page 37) or the web interface (Chapter 4, “Leak” on page 50).
3 You’ll see the LD5200 Setup Menu. Press the Down button until the System Settings option
is highlighted in blue. Press the Select button to access the System Setup Menu.
4 Push the Down button until the IP address is highlighted. By default, the IP address is Press the Select button to change the IP address.
5 Use the backspace button () to delete the current IP address. Enter the new IP address
for the unit, as provided by your Network Administrator. Press the Enter button to apply the
new IP Address.
6 Scroll down to the Net Mask, and use the same method to edit the Subnet Mask information
as necessary.
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide23
2 Installation
2.7 Test the System
Note If the LD5200 is already connected to a BMS or NMS, notify monitoring personnel before you
begin testing the system.
1 Using a sketch or mechanical drawing of the facility, add the cable routing, connection
points, and any accessories used. Record the distance marker when the cable changes
direction and in between connectors.
The more details you show, the greater the benefit later when you are locating leaks and
troubleshooting the system
2 To verify the LD5200’s accuracy, test three points within the length of sensing cable - one
at the beginning, one in the middle of the length, and another near the end of the length of
There are a variety of ways to simulate a leak:
♦ Pour a small puddle of water on the
cable while it rests on the floor.
♦ Dunk the cable in a cup of water.
♦ Soak a paper towel or rag and wrap it
loosely around the cable. This is
popular if the cable is used in pipe
applications. Be careful to wrap the
wet cloth loosely around the cable.
Do not put pressure on the cable.
IMPORTANT - To avoid inaccurate
readings, do not grip the cable with
your hand.
Figure 2.6
3 Verify that the LD5200 reports the leaks within a few feet of their actual physical location.
4 Remove the simulated leak source and return the system to its normal operating state.
Apply Moisture to the Cable for Testing Purposes
24LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
2.8 Calibrate Cable Resistance
Distance-read leak detection systems are resistance-based. RLE’s orange water sensing cable
has a base resistance of 2.8 ohms/foot, while most other sensing cables, including RLE’s green
chemical resistant sensing cable, have a resistance of 4.0 ohms/foot.
The resistance of each length of sensing cable may be slightly more or less than the base
resistance due to manufacturing variances. For this reason, the cable length displayed on the
home page of the web interface and on the status screen of the LCD may be slightly more or
less than the actual length of cable installed.
A system configured using base resistance values will still be very accurate. If you wish to fine
tune the resistance value of your LD5200 system to make it more precise, you may do so. This
will increase the accuracy of the system, and bring the LD5200’s reported installed cable
length value in line with the actual length of cable installed.
1 Ensure the LD5200 has been powered and has all the sensing cable attached to it, with no
alarms present.
2 Gather and record the following data from either the home page of the web interface or the
status page of the LCD:
2 Installation
Cable Length (as reported by the LD5200)
Cable Current
Leg 1 Resistance
Leg 2 Resistance
Record the resistance per foot setting, as reported by the LD5200. This can be found on the
Leak Configuration page of the web interface (Configuration > Leak Settings) or on the
Leak Settings screen of the LCD (Setup > Leak Settings).
Reported Resistance per Foot
3 Note the actual (physical + simulated) length of cable physically connected to the system.
For your reference:
♦ WCCS simulates 50 ft.♦ XCON simulates 150 ft.
♦ SDZ simulates 50 ft.♦ Nonsensing cable does not add
any length to a system
Record this sum:
Actual length of cable connected to LD5200
4 Verify the current reading on the cable from your recorded values above. This value must
be less than 15 μA in order to calibrate the system. If the current is higher than 15μA, clean
the cable. Isopropyl alcohol works well to remove any contamination that might have
gotten onto the cable during installation.
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide25
2 Installation
5 To calculate the most accurate resistance value for the system, divide the reported cable
length by the actual cable length, and multiply the quotient by the reported resistance.
For example:
Cable Length (as reported by the LD5200)391 feet
Cable Current0 μA
Leg 1 Resistance1088 Ohms
Leg 2 Resistance1095 Ohms
Reported Resistance2.800 Ohms/foot
One 15 foot leader cable (leader cable does not count toward the total length of cable
installed), one weighted cable connector (simulates 50 feet of cable), and one 330 foot
section of cable are connected to the system.
Actual length of cable connected to LD5200
380 feet
0 feet + 50 feet + 330 feet
The actual resistance of the cable installed with this LD5200 is 2.881 ohms per foot.
6 Replace the resistance per foot setting in the LD5200 with this newly calculated value. This
can be edited on the Leak Configuration page of the web interface (Configuration > Leak
Settings) or on the Leak Settings screen of the LCD (Setup > Leak Settings).
When using the web interface, remember to click the Submit Changes button to save the
adjusted resistance value.
In our example, adjusting the resistance value changed the reported cable length from 391
feet to 380 feet. This improves the accuracy of the system because the reported cable length
more closely matches the physical length of cable connected to the system.
26LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
2.9 Configure Security Settings
The LD5200 allows users to create a user name for web interface access and set two different
passwords for that user.
The Read Only password allows users to access the LD5200’s web interface and view the
conditions of the system, but does not allow users to make changes to the LD5200’s
The Read/Write password provides users with expanded access. This password allows users to
view the conditions of the system and make changes to the LD5200’s configuration.
By default, the LD5200’s username is: ld5200 (case sensitive)
By default, no password is assigned.
To access the web interface, type ld5200 in the User Name field, leave the password field
blank, and press return.
Web interface passwords can only be configured through the web interface. Refer to Chapter
4, “Web” on page 59 for further information.
2 Installation
2.10 General Operation
The LD5200 features both an LCD and a web interface. The LCD is accessible on the front of
the device’s enclosure, and allows users to quickly access, acknowledge, and configure system
settings, alarms, alarm history and device operations. The web interface provides more indepth access to the LD5200, and allows users to accomplish all the same tasks as the LCD,
while addressing some robust, expanded functionality that cannot be utilized through the
Both interfaces access the same information and data. If you make changes to the LD5200
through the LCD, the changes will show up on the web interface, and vice versa.
Refer to Chapter 3, “LCD Touch Screen Interface” on page 29 for detailed information
regarding the LCD. Refer to Chapter 4, “Web Interface” on page 47 for detailed information
regarding the web interface.
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide27
2 Installation
28LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
The LD5200’s LCD touch screen accommodates basic device configuration and operation. All
the functionality you need to operate the LD5200 as a stand-alone device is accessible from the
LCD touch screen.
Virtual buttons line the right side of the screen, and they operate much like mechanical buttons.
Press the button for the task you want to perform, and the screen for that task is displayed.
Avoid using a pen or sharp object to push the buttons - this will damage the LCD.
While button options vary throughout the menus, the most common button structure features
four buttons: Up, Down, Select, and Return. They work as follows:
UpScroll up through the options. The blue highlight indicates
which option you are accessing.
DownScroll down through the options. The blue highlight indicates
which option you are accessing.
SelectAccess the blue highlighted option to edit or confirm settings
and data. Press Enter () to submit a value. () is
the backspace. Esc returns to the previous menu.
ReturnReturn to the previous menu.
Table 3.1
LCD - Main Buttons
rletech.comLD5200 User Guide29
3 LCD Touch Screen Interface
LCD - Main Menu
3.1 Main Menu
When the LD5200 powers up,
diagnostics are performed. The boot
ROM and flash program code are
verified. Once the diagnostics are
complete, the LCD displays the Main
Any time a screen within the LCD
interface is left idle for more than five
minutes, it will return to this default
The Main Menu features basic system
information including the device
name, current date, time, firmware
version running on the system, and current alarm notification.
Four buttons run down the right side of the LCD and function as follows:
SilenceSilence the audible
AlarmsList current alarmsDisplay alarm history, acknowledge
StatusView status information
for master and all slave
SetupAccess and configure a
wide variety of system
Table 3.2
LCD Main Menu Buttons
3.2 Silence Button
The Silence button silences the audible alarm. Press the button once to silence the alarm.
Additional Options Accessible
Through Sub-Menus
No additional options
View network statistics, EIA-485
data, and the leakage trend log for
master and all slave units
Leak settings, virtual zones, slave
zones, 4-20mA output, preventative
maintenance, system settings, EIA485 / Modbus / N2 configuration,
BACnet configuration, and clear
alarm and trend log history
30LD5200 User Guide800.518.1519
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You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.