RLE LD5000 User Manual

RLE Technologies
RLE Technologies
RLE Technologies 208 Commerce Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524 800.518.1519 970.484.6650 (fax) www.rletech.com
©2006 RLE Technologies 11005 Rev 5.1 (03/2006)
User Guide: LD5000 Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Product Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1-1 Description......................................................................................................................................................1
1-2 Operation.........................................................................................................................................................1
1-3 Mechanical Description...................................................................................................................................1
1-4 Installation.......................................................................................................................................................1
1-5 Floor Map........................................................................................................................................................1
1-6 LCD User Interface.........................................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2: Connections and Settings.............................................................................................................................4
2-1 Display Board .................................................................................................................................................5
2-2 Leak Detection Board .....................................................................................................................................5
2-3 Microprocessor Board.....................................................................................................................................6
2-4 Input Power.....................................................................................................................................................6
2-5 Power ON/OFF Switch ...................................................................................................................................6
2-6 RS-232 Connector...........................................................................................................................................6
2-7 Switches .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3: Installation ...................................................................................................................................................9
3-1 Installing the Unit............................................................................................................................................9
3-2 Connecting the Water Leak Detection Cable ..................................................................................................9
3-3 Apply Power to the Unit ...............................................................................................................................11
Chapter 4: 4-20MA output testing...............................................................................................................................12
Chapter 5: LCD Default Display.................................................................................................................................13
Chapter 6: LCD Main Menu........................................................................................................................................14
6-1 Status Option.................................................................................................................................................14
6-2 Setup Menu ...................................................................................................................................................14
6-3 Log/Data........................................................................................................................................................15
6-4 System...........................................................................................................................................................16
6-5 Reset Menu ...................................................................................................................................................17
6-6 Comms Command.........................................................................................................................................17
Chapter 7: LCD Setup Menu.......................................................................................................................................18
7-1 TripPoints......................................................................................................................................................18
7-2 Clock Option .................................................................................................................................................18
7-3 Re-Alarm.......................................................................................................................................................18
7-4 Ft/M Function ...............................................................................................................................................19
7-5 Calibrate........................................................................................................................................................19
7-6 FcDft Option ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Chapter 8: Mapping the Cable.....................................................................................................................................21
8-1 Mapping Directions.......................................................................................................................................21
Chapter 9: RS-232 Interface Startup ...........................................................................................................................23
Chapter 10: RS-232 Main Menu .................................................................................................................................24
Function Commands ..........................................................................................................................24
Chapter 11: RS-232 Function Commands................................................................................................................... 27
SC - System Configuration.................................................................................................................27
LS - Leak Status .................................................................................................................................27
CA - Current Alarms..........................................................................................................................27
AH - Alarm History............................................................................................................................28
CH - Clear Alarm History ..................................................................................................................29
TD - Trend Data Table (Leakage Current).........................................................................................29
CT - Clear Trend Data Table..............................................................................................................30
TI - Display Date/Time ......................................................................................................................30
NS - Network Status (RS-485)...........................................................................................................31
MR - Reset Modbus Status Counters .................................................................................................31
ND - Network Display (RS-485)........................................................................................................32
MT – Modbus Display (Trace)...........................................................................................................32
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Table of Contents User Guide: LD5000
Chapter 12: System Configuration.............................................................................................................................. 33
System Name - 1................................................................................................................................ 33
Clock - 2 ............................................................................................................................................ 34
RS-485 Baud - 3 ................................................................................................................................ 34
Relays - 4........................................................................................................................................... 35
Cable Feet/Meters - 5 ........................................................................................................................ 38
Calibration - 6.................................................................................................................................... 38
LCD Setup -7..................................................................................................................................... 39
Diagnostics - 8................................................................................................................................... 40
Mapping Mode - 9 ............................................................................................................................. 40
Chapter 13: Calibration Menu .................................................................................................................................... 44
Display Leg1 and Leg2 - 1 ................................................................................................................ 45
Cable Length Offset - 2 ..................................................................................................................... 46
Leak Distance Offset - 3.................................................................................................................... 47
Cable Length - 4 ................................................................................................................................ 48
Cable Resistance - 5 .......................................................................................................................... 49
Calculate Leak Distance Offset - 6.................................................................................................... 50
Calculate Cable Resistance - 7 .......................................................................................................... 51
Calculate Cable Length Offset - 8 ..................................................................................................... 52
Step Calibrate - 9 ............................................................................................................................... 53
Auto Calibrate - 10 ............................................................................................................................ 54
Cable Leak Threshold - 11 ................................................................................................................ 55
Cable Contamination Threshold - 12................................................................................................. 56
Use Default Values - 13..................................................................................................................... 57
Change Calibration Password - 14..................................................................................................... 58
Change LCD User Password - 15...................................................................................................... 59
Leak Alarm Delay (seconds) - 16...................................................................................................... 60
Contamination Alarm Delay (seconds) - 17 ...................................................................................... 61
Trend Interval (minutes) - 18............................................................................................................. 62
Exit - 19 ............................................................................................................................................. 63
Chapter 14: Diagnostics Menu ................................................................................................................................... 64
Cable Readings - 1............................................................................................................................. 64
Dip Switch Readings - 2.................................................................................................................... 65
Force 4 to 20mA Output - 3............................................................................................................... 66
Cable Relay On - 4 ............................................................................................................................ 67
Cable Relay Off - 5............................................................................................................................ 67
Output Leak Relay (K1) On - 6 ......................................................................................................... 68
Output Leak Relay (K1) Off - 7 ........................................................................................................ 68
Output Fault Relay (K2) On - 8......................................................................................................... 69
Output Fault Relay (K2) Off - 9 ........................................................................................................ 69
Appendix A: Modbus Communication....................................................................................................................... 70
A-1 Implementation Basics ................................................................................................................................. 70
A-2 Packet Communications for the LD5000 ..................................................................................................... 71
A-3 Modbus Dip Switch Settings for the LD5000 .............................................................................................. 73
A-4 RTU FRAMING........................................................................................................................................... 74
A-5 LD5000 LCD Modbus Status Screen (Comms) ........................................................................................... 74
A-6 LD5000 LCD Modbus Status RS-232.......................................................................................................... 75
Appendix B: Bootloader Firmware V1.2.................................................................................................................... 77
B-1 Permanent Code ........................................................................................................................................... 77
B-2 Diagnostic Commands.................................................................................................................................. 77
B-3 Updating the Flash Firmware. ...................................................................................................................... 77
Appendix C: Preventive Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 79
Appendix D: Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 80
Appendix E: Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................ 82
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User Guide: LD5000 List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1-1 LD5000 LCD Interface
Figure 1-3 LD5000 Enclosure Interior .......................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2-1 LD5000 Leak Detection Boards ..................................................................................................................4
Figure 3-2 Cable Installation Methods ........................................................................................................................10
Figure 4-1 4-20mA Testing ........................................................................................................................................12
Table 1: Exception Codes...........................................................................................................................................70
Table 2: Read Output Registers Packet Structure........................................................................................................71
Table 3: Output Registers...........................................................................................................................................71
Table 4: Read Input Registers Packet Structure ..........................................................................................................72
Table 5: Input Registers...............................................................................................................................................72
Table 6: Status Flags (Register 30001):.......................................................................................................................72
Table 7: Preset Single Register Packet Structure.........................................................................................................72
Table 8: Preset Multiple Registers Packet Structure ...................................................................................................73
Table 9: Baud rate .......................................................................................................................................................73
Table 10: Modbus Slave Address................................................................................................................................ 73
Table 11: Query Sample.............................................................................................................................................74
Table 12: Response Sample........................................................................................................................................74
Figure 1-2 R2 Contrast Adjustment...................................................................2
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User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 1: Product Overview


The LD5000 is a complete monitoring system that detects and reports the presence of water and other conductive liquids. The LD5000 couples RLE distance read leak detection cable with an advanced control panel. Each LD5000 monitors up to 5,000 feet of leak detection cable. When a conductive liquid comes in contact with the water leak detection cable an alarm sounds and the distance to the leak is shown on the LD5000’s four line display.
The LD5000 allows a single person to perform the mapping of the cable - the process of determining the relationship between a known point along the cable and the value as measured by the LD5000.


When the LD5000’s analog circuitry measures a current in excess of the user-defined leak threshold, the unit’s microprocessor computes the distance to the leak. The unit then annunciates the leak and logs the alarm in its event log. The leak relay and fault relay each have two outputs. An additional 4-20mA output allows the device to interface with third party management systems.
The LD5000 produces an alarm in the following conditions:
Leak Detected
Cable Break
Loss of Communications
The LD5000 is a supervised system - it continually monitors the cable for continuity. A cable break or excess contamination of the cable causes a cable break indication and activates a relay.


The LD5000 with LCD is built with three circuit boards:
The display board is connected to the microprocessor board with a ten conductor ribbon cable. The
display board is mounted on the inside of the unit’s door.
The microprocessor board is mounted on top of the leak detection board. A reset switch is
provided to reset the microprocessor without cycling power to the unit.


The LD5000 with LCD is a wall mounted device. Before applying power to the unit, insure that all connections are correct and all screw terminals are secure. The EMI suppression core must be installed on the leader cable that exits the LD5000 to conform to CE standards.


Users may purchase a water leak detection cable reference map with their LD5000. Once all the water leak detection cable is installed, compare this reference map with the actual cable installation. Note any discrepancies and return the map to the original author for correction. Keep a copy for use until the updated map can be reinstalled near the control panel.
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Chapter 1: Product Overview User Guide: LD5000


The LD5000’s LCD is a 4 line by 20 character backlit display with a six button keypad. The interface’s menu structure is as follows:
¾ Main Menu
o Status
Current Cable Status Cable Length Cable Current
o Setup – (Password Protected)
Trip Points
Detection Trip
Contamination Trip
Clock Re-Alarm Ft/M
o Log/Data
History Trend HistClr TrndClr
o System (Water Leak Detection Cable mapping)
View Map StartMap
o Reset
Reset Update FaultRly LeakRly
o Modbus
Navigate through the menu(s) with the left and right arrows. Esc cancels any action and returns to the previous menu. Enter ( change the values. Further LCD interface information can be found beginning on pages 13-17. If any of the LD5000’s passwords are lost or misplaced, contact RLE Technologies to help reset the passwords.
) selects a submenu and commits changes. The - (minus) and + (plus) keys
Figure 1-1 LD5000 LCD Interface Figure 1-2 R2 Contrast Adjustment
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User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 1: Product Overview
Power Supply & Power Switch
Power Input Terminal Block
RA-232 Serial Cable Interface
Figure 1-3 LD5000 Enclosure Interior
A dedicated circuit breaker must be provided in the building within
close proximity to the RLE unit and be clearly marked as the disconnecting device for this unit.
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Chapter 2: Connections and Settings User Guide: LD5000
The LD5000 is comprised of three boards. All three boards are accessed when the device’s front cover is opened. The display board is located on the inside of the door. The microprocessor board is stacked on top of the leak detection board. Since the leak detection board is longer than the microprocessor board, the connectors on the leak detection board extend past the end of the microprocessor board. These two boards are secured to the inside of the unit.
The connectors on the leak detection board, found at the bottom of the following photograph, are labeled TB1 through TB5. The connectors on the microprocessor board are labeled TB1 and P3. The switches on the microprocessor board are labeled SW1 through SW4.
Pin 1 Pin 1
SW2 – RS-485 and RS-232 Baud Rate,
and 4-20mA Output Settings
TB5 – Fault/Leak
Relay Outputs
TB4 – Fault/Leak
Relay Outputs
Figure 2-1 LD5000 Leak Detection Boards
SW4 – Termination Setting
TB3 –
TB2 – Cable
Pin 1
TB1 – 24V
Input Power
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User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 2: Connections and Settings


2-1.1 R2: Contrast

This dial adjusts the 4x20 LCD’s contrast. Turn the knob clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust the contrast as necessary.


2-2.1 TB1: Input Power

This is a factory wired three position connector with the following connections (for reference only):
TB1-1 ground TB1-2 24VDC negative (-) TB1-3 24VDC positive (+)

2-2.2 TB2: Cable Interface

The Water Leak Detection Cable connects to TB2. A fifteen foot Non-Sensing cable is provided to connect the LD5000 to the Water Leak Detection Cable. Connect the cable wires to TB2 as follows:
TB2-1 White wire TB2-2 Black wire TB2-3 Green wire TB2-4 Red wire

2-2.3 TB3: 4-20mA Output

A 4-20mA loop powered output is provided on TB3.
Four mA = no alarm Five mA = leak at 0 distance 19mA = full scale distance specified by SW2 positions 6-8 (see page 14) 20mA = cable fault
Connect the 4-20mA wires to TB3 as follows:
TB3-1 4-20mA positive (+) TB3-2 4-20mA negative (-)

2-2.4 TB4 & TB5: Relays

Terminals TB4 and TB5 are Form C Relay Outputs. Each terminal has two outputs. TB4 provides a connection to one of the leak alarm relay outputs and one of the fault relay outputs; TB5 provides a second set of contacts for the same leak and fault alarms.
The six contacts on TB4 and TB5 are labeled Leak NO, Leak C, Leak NC, Fault NO, Fault C, and Fault NC. Connect the alarm relay wires to TB4 and TB5 as follows:
TB4-1 Leak alarm normally open (NO) TB4-2 Leak alarm common (C) TB4-3 Leak alarm normally closed (NC) TB4-4 Fault alarm normally open (NO) TB4-5 Fault alarm common (C) TB4-6 Fault alarm normally closed (NC) TB5-1 Leak alarm normally open (NO) TB5-2 Leak alarm common (C)
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Chapter 2: Connections and Settings User Guide: LD5000
TB5-3 Leak alarm normally closed (NC) TB5-4 Fault alarm normally open (NO) TB5-5 Fault alarm common (C) TB5-6 Fault alarm normally closed (NC)
Two LEDs, labeled Fault and Leak, are located between TB4 and TB5. They indicate the status of the relays. The leak detection relay is activated when a leak is detected. The cable break relay is activated when a cable fault is detected.
Both relays can be configured to be unsupervised or supervised. If the relay is set to supervised, the relays will be closed as long as no alarm condition exists. A leak, cable trouble, or power failure will cause the appropriate relay to open.
The relays can also be configured to latched or unlatched. A latched alarm requires a manual reset of the system once a leak or cable problem is no longer present.


2-3.1 TB1: RS-485 Connector

TB1 connects the RS-485 network. A grounded shield contact is provided for connection to shielded cable. If the shield contact is used, verify the power connector is properly grounded and there is no voltage potential between units on the network. The RS-485 port is set to no parity, 8 databits, 1 stop bit (n, 8, 1). Connect the RS-485 wires to TB1 on the top PC board as follows:
TB1-1 A (+) TB1-2 B (-) TB1-3 Shield


The LD5000 mounted in the metal enclosure requires an 85-264VAC connection (2 wire & ground). Connect the 85-264VAC to the input terminal block. Connect the 85-264VAC to the input terminal block.
Do not apply power until connections are complete.


An internal power switch is used to power the unit on and off. This switch contains an integrated breaker rated at two amps.


The RS-232 port uses only the transmit, receive, and ground pins (2, 3 and 5). The manufacturer sets the baud rate at 9600. The user may adjust the baud rate through SW2 on the microprocessor board. The RS­232 port is set to no parity, 8 databits, 1 stop bit (n, 8, 1).A straight through cable should be used to connect a terminal or PC to the LD5000.
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User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 2: Connections and Settings
Figure 2-2 LD5000 Wiring Diagram


2-7.1 SW1: Setting RS-485 Address

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
SW1, positions 1 through 8, are used to set the RS-485 address. The address can range from 00000001 to 11111111.

2-7.2 SW2: Baud Rate Settings, LCD Display, 4-20mA Scale

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For All SW Settings:
1 – Switch is on.
0 – Switch is off.
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Chapter 2: Connections and Settings User Guide: LD5000
Baud rate settings for the RS-232 port and the RS-485 port are both set through this dip switch. The RS­232 baud rate is set with switch positions 1 and 2. The RS-485 baud rate is set with switch positions 3 and
2-7.2.1 SW2, Positions 1 & 2
The manufacturer sets the baud rate of the RS-232 connection to 9600 baud. Manipulating the positions of switches 1 and 2 adjusts the baud rate as follows:
(Switch position) 01 = 1200 10 = 2400 00 = 9600 11 = 19,200
2-7.2.2 SW2, Positions 3 & 4
The manufacturer sets the baud rate of the RS-485 connection to 9600 baud. Users can set the baud rate using SW2, positions 3 and 4, and manipulating them as follows:
(Switch position) 00 = 1200 10 = 9600 01 = 2400 11 = 19,200
2-7.2.3 SW2, Position 5
SW2, position 5 enables or disables the LCD.
0 = Disable 1 = Enable
2-7.2.4 SW2, Position 6-8
SW2, positions 6 through 8, designate the length of cable attached to the LD5000. This insures the 4­20mA output readings are correct for the LD5000 system. Without an accurate length setting, the unit would not return the proper 4-20mA reading to diagnose the condition of the cable.
Switch settings are listed below. If the length of cable falls between two amounts, use the settings for the higher of the two amounts:
(Switch position) 000 = 0 - 500 ft. (0 - 152.4 m) 001 = 0 - 1000 ft. (0 - 304.8 m) 010 = 0 - 1500 ft. (0 - 457.2 m ) 011 = 0 - 2000 ft. (0 - 609.6 m) 100 = 0 - 2500 ft. (0 - 762.0 m) 101 = 0 - 3000 ft. (0 - 914.4 m) 110 = 0 - 4000 ft. (0 - 1219.2 m) 111 = 0 - 5000 ft. (0 - 1524.0 m)

2-7.3 SW4 - Termination Setting

SW4-1 is used to set termination on the unit. ON (down) indicates termination and OFF (up) indicates no termination.
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User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 3: Installation


The LD5000 is a wall mounted device. To secure the device to the wall, first remove the aluminum back panel and all electronics from the enclosure. There are knockouts on the top and bottom of the enclosure designed to accommodate .5” conduit. Remove as many as necessary. There are two holes in the top back of the unit spaced 10.5” apart. Use drywall anchors to secure the unit to the wall. Put two more drywall anchors through the two holes in the bottom back of the unit. Reinstall the back panel and reconnect the electronics.


The LD5000 is packaged with a 15’ length of leader cable. One end of this leader cable connects into the LD5000. This end of the cable is finished with a terminal connector. The other end features a mating connector which connects with the leak detection cable. The end of the cable is finished with a removable end terminator.
Attach (clip) the plastic EMI Suppression core to the 15’ leader cable. The plastic core should slide freely once it is placed on the cable. Make sure the core is located close to the end of the leader cable that attaches to the LD5000 terminal block connection (TB2). Connect the 15' leader cable with the EMI Suppression core to the LD5000; plug the terminal connector into the cable interface terminal block TB2. From left to right, with the screws of the connector facing up, the wires that screw into the terminal connector should be colored white, black, green, and red. If the terminal connector is removed from the end of the cable, make sure the wires are in this same order when the connector is reapplied. Once the leader cable is plugged into the terminal blocks, it is ready to be connected to the leak detection cable. To do this, unscrew the end terminator from the end of the leader cable. Attach the first length of water leak detection cable to the leader cable. Route the water leak detection cable according to the cable layout diagram, if provided. Lay the cable according to the following guidelines. Secure the end terminator on the unoccupied end of the leak detection cable.
Figure 3-1 Water Leak Detection Cable

3-2.1 Securing Cable to the Floor

Secure the cable to the floor with either J-clips or one of the other approved methods shown in Figure 3-2 Cable Installation Methods. J-clips are the manufacturer’s recommended installation method and can be installed as follows:
Place one J-clip every three feet along the length of the water leak detection cable and one at each
turn of the cable.
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Chapter 3: Installation User Guide: LD5000
If the cable is installed over an obstruction, clip the cable on both sides, as close to the obstruction
as possible.
Do not install the cable directly in front of an air conditioner. Allow a minimum of six feet
between the unit and the cable. If the cable is too close to the air conditioning unit’s air stream, the moisture from the humidifier may cause false leak readings. If the cable must be installed in front of an air conditioning unit, place the J-clips 12 to 18 inches apart.
3-2.1.1 Recommended Cable Installation
It is important to finish the end of the leak detection cable with the end terminator. If the end terminator is not present, a cable fault will register. Note any variances between the cable layout diagram and the actual cable installation.
Laid freely on the floor.
Only recommended in
spaces with no access.
Secured to floor with J-clips.
Secured to floor with mastic. Installed in protective covering.
Secured to floor with tie wrap.
Figure 3-2 Cable Installation Methods
Secured to pedestal with tie wrap.
Do Not Secure as Shown
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User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 3: Installation


Once the leak detection cable is connected to the unit, power may be applied.
A dedicated circuit breaker must be provided in the building within
close proximity to the RLE unit and be clearly marked as the disconnecting device for this unit.
The LD5000 operates on 85-264VAC power. An AC power supply should be run to the location of the unit. Before applying power to the unit, make sure the AC breaker switch is turned off.
Once the power is turned off, strip the end of the AC supply so the three wires inside are exposed. Strip the end of each of the three wires and feed the end of the power supply into the LD5000 enclosure. The three wires must now be inserted into the terminal block in the lower right corner of the enclosure. As is labeled in the enclosure, the live power line is placed inside the left hand opening of the terminal block. The Earth ground line is placed into the terminal block’s center station. The neutral line is placed into the opening on the right side of the terminal block.
Once all the wires are placed inside the terminal block, tighten the three screws across the bottom of the terminal block until the wires are securely held in place. Turn the AC supply back on. Flip the LD5000’s power switch on to activate the unit. Wait approximately one minute. No alarm should be present.
On the LCD, enter the Status menu. Press Enter () twice. The cable length is displayed. If this reading varies by more than ±5% of the actual length of cable installed, verify the installation.
Use the switch settings on page 8 to set the cable length scale for the analog 4-20mA loop. Set the clock, system name, relay configuration, feet/meters, LCD setup (re-alarm time, password), etc.
Wait at least 30 minutes before calibrating the LD5000. Calibrate the LD5000 through the front panel Setup Menu (page 14) or through the RS-232 configuration port System Configuration Menu (page 33). Auto calibration is recommended.
Map the cable per the instructions in Chapter 8: Mapping the Cable beginning on page 21.
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Chapter 4: 4-20MA output testing User Guide: LD5000
The LD5000’s 4-20mA output is loop powered and tested by the manufacturer. The manufacturer guarantees its performance upon delivery. Should the 4-20mA output need to be tested in the field, follow these steps. The following procedure is performed with the cable connected, unless otherwise indicated.
1. Remove the two position plug from TB3.
2. Remove any wires from the terminal and install a 200Ohm resistor to TB3-2. Then apply
+24V to TB3-1 and ground of the 24V supply to the other side of the resistor.
3. Reinstall the plug on TB3.
4. With the system on and no alarms present, measure the DC voltage across the resistor. A
value of 0.8VDC should register. This equates to 4mA, or normal operation.
5. Remove the water leak detection cable and wait for the unit to activate its cable trouble alarm.
Measure the DC voltage across the resistor. A value of approximately 4.0VDC should be measured. This equates to 20mA, or a fault alarm. Reconnect the water leak detection cable.
6. Place water on the end of the water leak detection cable. Measure the DC voltage across the
resistor. The value will be proportional to the length of cable set on the dip switches. A value of approximately 3.8V, which equates to 19mA, will be read if the length of the cable is identical to the length set by the switches. Dry the cable.
7. Place water on the start of the cable. Measure the DC voltage across the resistor. A
measurement of approximately 1.2VDC, or 5mA, should be measured. This corresponds to a leak at zero distance. Dry the cable.
8. Remove the resistor from the plug and reattach any wires as necessary.
Figure 4-1 4-20mA Testing
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User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 5: LCD Default Display
When the LD5000 is powered up, diagnostics are performed. The boot ROM and flash program code are verified. While these diagnostics are being performed, the following text is displayed on the LCD:
****** LD5000 ****** * RLE Technologies * ** Copyright 2000 ** ************************
Once the diagnostics are complete, the LCD alternates between the following panels:
** LD5000 Display ** * RLE Technologies * * Copyright 1999 * 01/10/01 09:44:32
Any time a screen within the LCD interface is left idle for more than one minute, it will return to this default display.
ystem Status:
Press a Key For Menu
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Chapter 6: LCD Main Menu User Guide: LD5000
A limited selection of system set-up, configuration, and display functions begin in the Main Menu. For a more comprehensive selection of functions, use the RS-232 interface.
The LCD is accompanied by a six button control panel. The - (minus) and + (plus) keys are used to decrease and increase values on the display. The left and right arrow keys are used to move the cursor through the display. The Esc key backs the display up one menu level at a time. The Enter (↵) key selects an option and commits changes.
From the Main Menu, use the left and right arrow keys to position the arrow on the LCD in front of the appropriate menu choice. Press the Enter (↵) key to select the option.
*** Main Menu ***
->Status Setup Log/Data System Reset Comms
The Status option displays the Cable Status Screens. The first screen of this option shows the current status of the cable. The second screen, accessed by pushing the Enter () key when the cursor is next to the down option, displays the length of the cable monitored by the LD5000 and the leakage current on the cable. A threshold for the current reading can be set through the TripPoints option in the Setup Menu. This will help avoid false leak readings due to cable contamination. Press the Esc key to exit the cable status screen and return to the Main Menu.
** Cable Status ** System Normal
** Cable Status ** Length: 300ft Current: 0 uA Up ->Down
** Cable Status ** Contam Dly: 0/120 Leak Delay: 0/20
The Setup option displays the password protected Setup Menu. Use the - (minus) and + (plus) keys to enter the correct numerical values. Use the right and left arrow keys to move to the next position in the password sequence. Press the Enter () when the password is correct. The manufacturer’s default password for this menu is 1234. To disable this feature, enter 0000 as the password in the Calibration Menu section of the RS-232 interface.
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User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 6: LCD Main Menu
The Setup Menu allows authorized users to configure the LD5000’s settings. This menu is described in greater detail in Chapter 7: LCD Setup Menu. Press the Esc key to exit the Setup Menu and return to the Main Menu.
nter Password:
0000 ^
** Setup Menu **
->TripPoints Clock Re-Alarm Ft/M Calibrate FcDft


The Log/Data option displays the Log/Data Menu. This menu provides a view of the History Log and the Trend Data and an option to clear both the History Log and the compiled Trend Data.

6-3.1 History Log

The History Log displays the most recent 100 events recorded by the unit. Events are displayed in the following manner: Number-Status-Description Date Time whereas: Number is a sequential event number assigned to the event.
Status is R = Returned to normal, A = Alarm, or F = Forced to Normal. Description is a detail of the nature of the event. Date is the date the event occurred. Time is the time at which the event occurred.

6-3.2 Trend Data

The Trend Data displays the leakage current on the cable. One measurement is taken at the user set interval (1 min - 1440 min; factory default is 1440 min (1day)). The log retains the 288 most recent entries. Analyzing the Trend Data can help determine the location of long term contamination build up (degradation), etc. on the cable. Press the Esc key to exit the Log/Data Menu and return to the Main Menu.
** Log/Data Menu **
-> History Trend HistClr TrendClr TrndIntv
larm Log: 23/23
023-R-System Booted 01/10/01 09:54:11
->Down Up
** Log/Data Menu ** History ->Trend HistClr TrendClr
rend Data: 1/4
TD001-Leakage=0uA 01/10/01 16:02:56 Down ->Up
larm Log: 21/23 021-A-Leak @ 55ft 01/10/01 10:15:27 Down ->Up
rend Data: 2/4 TD002-Leakage=0uA 01/11/01 16:02:56 Down ->Up
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Chapter 6: LCD Main Menu User Guide: LD5000
rend Data: 3/4 TD003-Leakage=0uA 01/12/01 16:02:57 Down ->Up
lear the Alarm Log?
Accept -> Cancel
odify Trend Interval 1440 Minutes +/- then (Enter)


The System option displays the System Menu. This menu allows a user to map the water leak detection cable that is attached to the LD5000. Mapping the cable is a key step in pinpointing a leak. Cable should not be mapped until it is properly installed in its intended area, and the system is calibrated for the length of cable installed. Whenever additions or adjustments are made to the water leak detection cable, the cable should be remapped.

6-4.1 ViewMap

The ViewMap option allows the user to view the current system map.
rend Data: 4/4 TD004-Leakage=0uA 01/12/01 16:02:56 Down ->Up
lear the Trend Log?
Accept -> Cancel

6-4.2 StartMap

The StartMap option begins the mapping process:
For a complete set of LCD interface cable mapping instructions, refer to Chapter 8: Mapping the Cable. Press the Esc key to exit and return to the Main Menu.
** System Menu **
->ViewMap StartMap
apping Data: 1/6 Pnt#1 Dist=68ft Pnt#2 Dist=176ft
apping Data: 5/6 Pnt#5 Dist=494ft Pnt#6 Dist=675ft
apping Data: 3/6 Pnt#3 Dist=247ft Pnt#4 Dist=378ft
->Down ->Up
16 970.484.6510 www.rletech.com
User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 6: LCD Main Menu
** System Menu **
ViewMap ->StartMap
** System Menu **
Begin Mapping Mode?
Mapping Mode On
Press any key to End Mapping Mode

The Reset option displays the Reset Menu. This menu allows the operator to reset the system, reset individual relay outputs and update alarms.

** Reset Menu **
->Reset ->Update Fault Rly Leak Rly

6-5.1 Leak Rly

This command silences the leak relay output. A new leak will retrigger this alarm.

6-5.2 Fault Rly

This command silences the fault relay output. A new cable fault will retrigger this alarm.
6-5.3 Reset
This command forces all alarms off. If an alarm condition is still present after the Reset command is executed, the alarm is reactivated. However, it will not be reentered in the Alarm History Log.

6-5.4 Update

This command updates and resets all alarms. This command forces all alarms off. If an alarm condition is still present after the Update command is executed, the alarm is reactivated and another entry is made in the Alarm History Log.


This command displays Modbus information like the address, baud rate, and other statistics. The information can be reset by pressing Enter (↵). Press Esc to exit.
odbus Adr:001 600 4in: 0 Out: 0 Min: 0 Out: 0
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Chapter 7: LCD Setup Menu User Guide: LD5000
The Setup Menu allows authorized users to adjust the LD5000’s settings. Each menu option displays a different adjustable parameter. Press Esc to exit the Setup Menu and return to the Main Menu.
** Setup Menu **
->TripPoints Clock Re-Alarm Ft/M Calibrate FcDft


The TripPoints option allows users to modify the detection and contamination trip points for the LD5000. These trip points help the system avoid false alarm readings. Throughout this menu, the user can also set the leak alarm and contamination alarm delays (20 to 3600 seconds). Press Esc to exit the TripPoint Menu and return to the Setup Menu.
** TripPoint Menu **
->Leak LeakDelay Contam ContDelay
odify Detection
TripPoint: 150 uA
odify Leak Alarm Delay: 20 Seconds +/- then (Enter)
** TripPoint Menu ** Leak LeakDelay
->Contam ContDelay
odify Contamination
TripPoint: 050 uA
odify Contamination Alarm Delay: 120 Seconds +/- then (Enter)
The Clock option allows users to modify the LD5000’s date and time settings. Press Esc to exit the Set Clock function and return to the Setup Menu.
et Clock: 01/10/01 10:51 ^ ^


The Re-Alarm option allows users to determine the number of minutes between annunciations of the same alarm. Enter 000 to disable this feature. Factory default is “0” (disabled). Press Esc to exit and return to the Setup Menu.
18 970.484.6510 www.rletech.com
User Guide: LD5000 Chapter 7: LCD Setup Menu
nter Realarm (Min): 000 ^
The Ft/M function designates whether the unit’s distance readings are displayed in feet or meters. Press Esc to exit and return to the Setup Menu.
elect Feet / Meters
->Feet Meter


The Calibrate option allows users to manually input the number of feet of cable connected to the LD5000. This automatically calibrates the system to the cable length entered. Enter the exact cable length attached to the system to ensure accurate calibration. Press the Esc key to exit and return to the Setup Menu.
nter Cable Length:
^^ Range (901-1101)
able Auto Calibrate
Step 1 of 4
able Auto Calibrate : Step 2 of 4
It may be necessary to restore the system to factory defaults before calibrating, or if the following error message is received on the LCD display:
“Error Length Not in Range Press Any Key To Return”
eak Detected Alarm Can’t Calibrate Press Any Key To Return
rror Length Not In Range Press Any Key To Return
able Break Alarm Can’t Calibrate Press Any Key To Return
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Chapter 7: LCD Setup Menu User Guide: LD5000
able Auto Calibrate : Step 3 of 4
****** LD5000 ****** * RLE Technologies * ** Copyright 2000 ** ************************
able Auto Calibrate: Step 4 of 4 Cable Auto Cal Done Saving Changes. .
The FCDFT option will allow the user to restore the LD5000 to factory calibration default settings.
estore Factory Defaults?
->Accept Cancel
rasing Data . . Writing Data . . Done, Press any key to continue
20 970.484.6510 www.rletech.com
+ 64 hidden pages