RKI Instruments 30-0951RK-IR-01 User Manual

30-0951RK-01, 30-0951RK-HS-01,
30-0951RK-OC-01, and 30-0951RK-IR-01
Flow Through Adapters
Part Number: 71-0281RK Revision: P1 Released: 6/3/13
1/4 inch OD Tube
Sample Exhaust
Sensor Chamber
Sensor Adapter Sens or Chamber
Sensor Adapter
3.20 max
Screw Onto Sensor
1/4 inch OD Tube Sample Inlet Fitting
The attached detector head operator’s manual can be used in conjunction with this supplement for the 30-0951RK-01, 30-0951RK-HS-01, 30-0951RK-OC-01, or the 30-0951RK-IR-01 flow through adapter. The flow through adapter includes a sensor adapter and a sensor chamber with two compression fittings. A sensor adapter gasket seals to the 1/ 2” NPT combust ible sens or wh en i nstal led. A sens or ada pter O -ring seal s to all other types of detectors when installed . This O-ring is different for different types of detectors. A detector chamber O-ring seals the sensor chamber to the sensor adapter. This O-ring is the same for all versions. Calibration instructions are the same as those outlined in the attached detector head manual with the exception that the calibration ga s must be
connected either to the inlet fitting tubing or pump inlet as opposed to a calibration cup.
Installation instructions are slightly different and are outlined below.
Figure 1: Outline and Mounting Dimensions/Component Location
1. The flow through adapter is normally shipped in stalled to the detector. If it is not installed, screw the flow through adapter onto the detector tightening firmly by hand.
CAUTION: Make sure the flow through adapter is installed tightly and after installation is
complete, verify that the flow through adapter is still tightened firmly onto the detector to avoid possible leaks.
2. If necessary, re-orient the sensor chamber so the inlet fitting faces away from the mounting surface by unscrewing the three thumbscrews, rotating the sensor chamber, and tightening the three thumbscrews.
3. Install and startup the detector head as described in the detector head operator’s manual. Make sure there is sufficient room between the detector and the mounting surface for the flow through adapter.
4. The inlet and exhaust fittings accept 1/4” OD rigid metal tubing such as copper,
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