Part Number: 71-0304
Revision: P3
Released: 11/4/14
Read and understand this instruction manual
before operating instrument. Improper use of the
gas monitor could result in bodily harm or death.
Periodic calibration and maintenance of the gas
monitor is essential for proper operation and correct readings. Please calibrate and maintain this
instrument regularly! Frequency of calibration
depends upon the type of use you have and the
sensor types. Typical calibration frequencies for
most applications are between 1 and 3 months,
but can be required more often or less often
based on your usage.
03 Series Operator’s Manual
RKI Instruments, Inc. warrants the 03 Series Single Gas Monitor sold by us
to be free from defects in materials, workmanship, and performance for a
period of two (2) years from the date of shipment from RKI Instruments,
Inc. This includes the instrument and the original sensor. Replacement
parts are warranted for one (1) year from the date of their shipment from
RKI Instruments, Inc. An y part s found d efective within the ir warranty period
will be repaired or replaced, at our option, free of charge. This warranty
does not apply to those items, which by their nature, are subject to
deterioration or consumption in normal service, and which must be
cleaned, repaired, or replaced on a routine basis. Examples of such items
are as follows:
Absorbent cartridges
Filter elements, disks, or sheets
Pump diaphragms and valves
Warranty is voided by abuse including mechanical damage, alteration,
rough handling, o r r epair procedures not in accordance with the instruction
manual. This warranty indicates the full extent of our liability, and we are
not responsible for removal or replacement costs, local repair costs,
transportation costs, or contingent expenses incurred without our prior
This warranty covers instruments and parts sold to users only by
authorized distributors, dealers, and representatives as appointed by RKI
Instruments, Inc.
We do not assume indemn ification for any accident or damage caused by
the operation of this gas monitor and our warranty is limited to replacement
of parts or our complete goods.
Performing an Easy Span Adjustment (Zero Adjustment for OX-03) in E--CAL. 39
Performing a Manual Span Adjustment (Zero Adjustment for OX-03) in M--CAL45
Performing an Easy Span Adjustment (Zero Adjustment for OX-03) in E--CAL. 57
Performing a Manual Span Adjustment (Zero Adjustment for OX-03) in M--CAL58
WARNING: Understand this manual before operating the 03 Series.
Substitution of components may impair intrinsic safety.
To prevent ignition of a hazardous atmosphere, batteries
must only be changed in an area known to be
nonhazardous. This unit has not been tested in an
oxygen enriched atmosphere (above 21%).
03 Series Operator’s ManualTable of Contents
Using an advanced microprocessor controlled detection system, the 03
Series Personal Si ngle Channel Gas M onitor detect s the presence of either
carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), or oxygen (O2). The 03
Series’ compact size and easy-to-use design make it ideally suited for a
wide range of applications, including sewage treatment plants, tunnels,
hazardous waste sites, petrochemical facilities, oil fields, mines, and
chemical plants. The 03 Series is even small enough to be placed
conveniently in a pocket. The 03 Series offers the fo llowing features:
•Compact design
•Fast, accurate response with backlit digital liquid crystal display (LCD)
•Visual, audible, an d vibration alarms
•Microprocessor control for reliability, ease of use, and advanced
•Resistance to RF (radio frequency) interference
•Datalogging including interval trend data and alarm trend data
•Peak, STEL, and TWA indication for CO-03 & HS-03
•Minimum and maximum indication for OX-03
•Over range alarm
•Gas, battery, sensor failure, and system failure alarms
•Over 3,000 hours operation on one set of alkaline batteries
•Rotatable alligator clip for “hands free” gas monitoring, belt clip optional
•CSA certification for intrinsic safety in Class I, Division I, Groups A, B,
C, and D hazardous atmospheres pending
WARNING: The 03 Series detects oxygen deficiency and elevated
levels of oxygen, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen
sulfide, all of which can be dangerous or life thre at eni ng.
When using the 03 Series, you must follow the
instructions and warnings in this manual to assure
proper and safe operation of the unit and to minimize the
risk of personal injury. Be sure to maintain and
periodically calibrate the 03 Series as described in this
1 • Introduction03 Series Operator’s Manual
Table 1: 03 Series Specifications
Target GasCarbon Monoxide
Hydrogen Sulfide
Detection Range0 to 500 ppm0 to 100.0 ppm0 to 40.0% vol.
Display Increment1 ppm0.5 ppm0.1% vol.
Electro ChemicalElectro ChemicalGalvanic Cell
Alarm PointsLow
25 ppm
50 ppm
25 ppm
200 ppm
5.0 ppm
30.0 ppm
1.0 ppm
5.0 ppm
Low 19.5% vol.
High 23.5% vol.
Sampling MethodDiffusionDiffusionDiffusion
Response TimeT90 in 30 secondsT90 in 30 secondsT90 in 20 seconds
Accuracy± 5% of reading or
± 5 ppm CO
(whichever is
± 5% of reading or
± 2 p pm H2S
(whichever is
± 0.5% O
IndicationDigital LCD
CSA classified, “C/US”, as Intrinsically Safe. Exia. Class I,
Groups A, B, C, & D. Temperature Code T3.
PowerTwo AAA size alkaline batteries standard, Duracell MN2400 or
PC2400, Eveready Energizer E92 or EN92
At 25 °C: Over 3,000 hours, no alarms or backlighting
Operating Hours
CaseHigh-impact plastic, dust and weather proof
•Rubber protective boot
•Alligator clip
03 Series Operator’s ManualSpecifications • 2
Table 1: 03 Series Specifications
Dimensions and
Operating T emp. &
•Calibration adapter
•Calibration kit
•Belt clip
•Wrist strap
•IrDA/USB cable for downloading data to computer
•Product CD, includes 03 Seri es Da t a logging Program and
03 Series User Setup Program
2.2” (54mm) W x 2.6” (67mm) H x 0.9” (2 4mm) D;
2.8 oz. (80 g)
-20°C to +50°C, 16 - 95% RH
(non condensing)
-20°C to +50°C,
0 - 95% RH (non
3 • S p e c i f i c a t i o n s03 Series Operator’s Manual
This section describes the components of the 03 Series.
IrDA Port
Buzzer O pening
Control Buttons
Alarm LED
Dif f usion Port
Figure 1: Components of the 03 Series
Wrist Strap
Batt ery Cover Scre
The 03 Series’ sturdy, high-impact plastic case is bl ue and consists of a
front and rear cas e. The case is suitable for use in many environmental
conditions, indoors and out. The unit is dust proof and weather resistant.
The front case has an LCD (liquid crystal display) that shows various
indications. Below the LCD are two bl ack contro l butto ns. The lef t butt on is
labeled “AIR” and the right button is labeled “POWER MODE”.
The buzzer opening is located in the top lef t corner of the fron t case. To the
right of the buzzer is the diffusion port for the sensor.
The alarm LED lens is located at the top of the front case.
The battery compartment is located in the rear case. Access to the
compartment is accomplished by turning the captive battery cover screw
counterclockwise and by removing the battery cover.
There are two spri ng bars on the r ear case. On e is on t he le ft an d one i s on
the right. They are the same type of spring bar that is used to retain a
watch band and are used to mount the alligator clip or optional belt clip.
A feature in the lower left corner of the rear case is used to install the
optional wrist strap.
03 Series Operator’s ManualDescription • 4
Sensor Gasket, Sensor Membrane, and Charcoal Filter
The sensor membrane is a paper-like filter disk that is held in place by the
sensor gasket and fits into a recessed area on the inside of the front case.
The sensor membrane covers the diffusion port and protects the sensor
from dirt and moisture. The sensor membrane should be inspected
periodically and replaced if contaminated by dirt or moisture. See
“Replacing the Sensor Membrane and Charcoal Filter” on page 68 for
sensor membrane replacement instructions.
The CO-03 includes a charcoal filter disk which is located in the sensor
gasket. The charcoal filter disk removes gases from the sampled air that
will cause a response on the CO sensor such as H2S and certain
hydrocarbons. If false or elevated CO readings are noticed, especially in
the presence of H2S, change the charcoal filter disk. See “Replacing the
Sensor Membrane and Charcoal Filter” on page 68 for replacement
The 03 Series uses either an oxygen, CO, or H2S sensor. The sensor is
protected by the white sensor membrane which is held in place by the
sensor gasket. The sensor membrane allows ambient air to diffuse past it
to the sensor. The three sensors used in the three 03 Series models use
different detection principles as described below.
Oxygen Sensor
The oxygen sensor is a galvanic type of sensor. A membrane covers the
cell and allows gas to diffuse i nto the cell at a rate proportion al to the par tial
pressure of oxygen. The oxygen react s in the cell and prod uce s a volta ge
proportion al to the concentration of oxygen. The voltage is measured by
the 03 Series’ circuitry, converted to a measurement of gas concentration,
and displayed on the LCD.
CO and H
The CO and H
S Sensors
S sensors are electrochemical sensors that consist of two
precious metal electrodes in an acid electrolyte. A gas permeable
membrane covers the sensor face and allows gas to diffuse into the
electrolyte. The gas reacts in the sensor and produces a current
proportional to the concentration of the target gas. The current is amplified
by the 03 Series’ circuitry, converted to a measurement of gas
concentration, and displayed on the LCD.
The LCD is visible through the front case. When the 03 Series is in
Measuring Mode, the target gas concentration, battery condition, and
alarm indications are displayed on the LCD. Various other items are
5 • D e s c r i p t i o n03 Series Operator’s Manual
displayed when th e LCD is in other modes, such as Calibration Mode.
When either of the two control buttons are pressed, the LCD backlight
comes on for 20 seconds.
Control Buttons
Below the LCD are two control buttons: POWER MODE and AIR. The
POWER MODE button turns the 03 Series on and off. The functions
performed by the control buttons are summarized in the following table:
Table 2: 03 Series Control Buttons
Button Function
•Turns the unit on and off.
•Turns the LCD back ligh t on.
•Resets the alarm circuit (gas alarms).
•Enters Display Mode.
•Enters Calibration Mode with the AIR button.
•Enters Setup Mode with the AIR button.
•Turns the LCD back ligh t on.
•Adjusts LCD reading when the fresh air
adjustment is performed.
•Enters Calibration Mode with the POWER MODE
•Enters Setup Mode with the POWER MODE
•Increases or decrease s settings when the unit is in
Calibration Mode or Setup Mode.
Alarm LED
The 03 Series ha s one red alar m LE D. It al ert s you to g as, low bat tery, and
sensor failure alarm s. The ala rm LED is lo cated at the top of th e fron t case
beneath a clear plastic lens.
A solid-state ele ctronic buzzer is mounted inside the 03 Seri es. An openin g
in the top left co rner of the fr ont case allows the buzzer’s sound to ema nate
from the case. The buzzer sounds for gas alarms, unit malfunctions, and
the dead battery alarm. It also serves as an indicator during normal use of
the various LCD display options.
A vibrating motor (vibrator) is mounted inside the 03 Series. The vibrator
vibrates momentarily during the power-up sequence and for gas alarms.
03 Series Operator’s ManualDescription • 6
IrDA Port
An infrared (IR) communications port is located just to the left of the alarm
LED at the top of the front case beneath the clear lens. The data
transmitted through the port is in standard IrDA protocol. A computer’s
infrared port or an IrDA/USB cable connected to a computer’s USB port
can be used to download data saved by the 03 Series to a computer using
the 03 Series Data Logger Management Program. See the 03 Series Data
Logger Manage ment Program operator’s manual for data logging and
downloading instructions.
Printed Circuit Board
The primary function of the 03 Ser ies’ pri nted circui t board is to am plify the
signal sent to it from the sensor, convert the signal to a meaningful
measurement of gas concentration, display the gas concentration on the
LCD, store STEL, TWA, and peak gas readings, and activate the alarm
circuit if an alarm poin t has been reached. It monitors battery le vel , ba tte ry
failure, and se nsor failure. It also controls various operating modes of the
NOTE:The printed circuit board contains no user serviceable parts.
Two AAA-size alkaline batteries run the 03 Series. At 25°C the alkaline
batteries last at least 3,000 hours. The battery icon on the LCD shows
remaining batter y lif e .
When the 03 Series detects low battery voltage, a low battery warning is
activated. When battery voltage is too low for normal operation, the 03
Series sounds a dead battery alarm.
The alkaline batteries can be replaced by removing the battery cover on
the rear case. Turn the captive battery cover screw counterclockwise to
release the door. See “Replacing the Batteries” on page 64 for detailed
battery changing instructions.
WARNING: To prevent ignition of a hazardous atmosphere, batteries
must only be changed in an area known to be
7 • D e s c r i p t i o n03 Series Operator’s Manual
Protective Rubber Boot
A protective rubber boot is installed over the 03 Series.
Figure 2: Rubber Boot
Alligator and Belt Clips
The 03 Series is available with two types of clips: the alligator clip
(standard) a nd the belt clip (opti onal). The a lligator clip is shown in Figure 3
below . The alligator cl ip can be used to a ttach the 03 S eries to clot hing or a
belt. Teeth in the clip’s jaws prevent the unit from slipping off. The clip can
be rotated in 45 degree turns if necessary.
Alligator Clip
Figure 3: Alligator Clip
03 Series Operator’s ManualDescription • 8
The belt clip is shown in Figure 4 below and is used to easily clip the 03
Series on a belt.
Belt Clip
Figure 4: Belt Clip
9 • D e s c r i p t i o n03 Series Operator’s Manual
Start Up
This section explains how to start up the 03 Series and to get it ready for
NOTE:The screens shown in this section are for a CO-03. If you are
using a different version of the 03 Series, your instrument screen
will vary slightly from those shown below.
Start-up Procedure
1. Press and briefly hold down the POWER MODE button. The backlight
will turn on and a ll the d isplay segmen ts will turn o n. Relea se the bu tton
when you hear a beep.
2. The vibrator vibrates and the alarm light flashes momentarily.
3. The initial startup screen depends on how
This parameter al ong with the
parameters mentioned in Step 5 and the
parameter mentioned in Step 12 below cannot be set using the 03
Series’ instrument menus, but are set using the 03 Series User Setup
Program. See the 03 Seri es User Setup Progra m Operator’s Manual for
information regarding changing various instrument parameters that are
not available for adjustment in the instrument’s operating modes.
Bump Fail Behavior is set to None (factory setting) or if it is set to
Can Not Use and the most recently performed bump test pas sed,
proceed to Step 5.
Bump Fail Behavior is set to Can Not Use and the most recently
performed bump test failed, the following screen will appear.
Cal. Limit Display and Cal. Limit Check
Bump Fail Behavior is set.
Auto Zero Adjustment
The instrument cannot be used until a successful bump test or
calibration is performed. See “Calibration Mode” on page 31 for
4. If
Cal. Limit Display is set to Off, proceed to Step 6.
03 Series Operator’s ManualStart Up • 10
5. If Cal. Limit Display is set to On (factory setting), the screen that
appears next depends on how
Cal. Limit Check is set.
•If the unit is du e for calibration and
Confirm to use (factory setting), then the follow ing scre en sequ ence
will occur.
Cal. Limit Check is set to
The alarm LED and buzzer will pulse several times.
To continue the startup sequence without performing a calibration,
press and release the AIR button. Continue to Step 6.
To perform a calibration, press and release the POWER MODE
button. Depending on the valu e ente r ed in to the
Time parameter using the 03 Series User Setup Program, the
instrument will displa y either the A--CAL menu item or the E--CAL
menu item in Calibration Mode. See “Calibration Mode” on page 31
for instructions.
WARNING: You must press either the POWER MODE or AIR button to
continue. If you do not press a button, the buzzer will
continue to beep and the LED will continue to flash for 6
seconds every 5 seconds.
One Touch Cal
11 • S t a r t U p03 Series Operator’s Manual
•If the unit is du e for calibration and Cal. Limit Check is set to Can’t
use, then the following screen sequence will occur.
The alarm LED and buzzer will pulse several times. Press and
release the POWER M ODE button . Depending on the value en tered
into the
Setup Program, the instrument will display either the A--CAL menu
item or the E--CAL menu item in Calibration Mode. The above
screen will remain on the display until the unit is either tu rned off or
Calibration Mode is entered. The 03 Series cannot be used until a
complete calibration has been performed either by selecting A-CAL, E--CAL, or M--CAL in the Calibration Mode menu. See
“Performing an Automatic Span Adjustment (Zero Adjustment for
OX-03) in A--CAL” on page 34, “Performing an Easy Span
Adjustment (Zero Adjustment for OX-03) in E--CAL” on page 39, or
“Performing a Manual Span Adjustment (Zero Adjustment for OX-
03) in M--CAL” on page 45 for cal i bration instructions.
One Touch Cal Time parameter using the 03 Series User
WARNING: You must perform a successful calibration in order to
continue to normal operation. If you do not perform a
successful calibration, the screen sequence will
continue, the buzzer will continue to beep, and the LED
will continue to flash for 6 seconds every 5 seconds and
the unit will not enter normal operation.
•If a calibration is due and Cal. Limit Check is set to None, the
sequence below will occur twice.
03 Series Operator’s ManualStart Up • 12
Press and release the POWER MODE button during this time to go
to the A--CAL or E--CAL menu item in Calibration Mode depending
on the value entered into the
03 Series User Setup Program. If no button is pressed, the
instrument will continue with the warmup sequence in Step 6 once
the sequence shown above has finished.
•If calibration is not due, then the following screen appears for a few
seconds indicating when the next calibration is due. “NEXT” and
“CAL” alternate on the bottom of the screen.
One Touch Cal Time parameter of the
14. 2.17
NOTE:The following screens in Step 6 only appear if Bump Test Limit
6. If
7. If
Display is set to On using the 03 Series User Setup Program. The
standard factory setting for this function is Off.
Bump Test Limit Display is set to Off (factory setting), proceed to
Step 8.
Bump T est Limit Display is set to On using the 03 Series User Setup
Program, the next screen will depend on how
is set in Setup Mode or using the 03 Series User Setup Program.
•If the unit is due fo r bump test ing an d
Confirm to use (factory setting), then the following screen
sequence will occur.
14. 2.17
Bump Test Limit Check
Bump T est Limit C heck is set
13 • S t a r t U p03 Series Operator’s Manual
The alarm LED and buzzer will pulse several times.
To continue the startup sequence without performing a bump test,
press and release the AIR button. Continue to Step 8.
To perform a bump test, press and release the POWER MODE
button. The instrument will display the BUMP menu item in
Calibration Mode. See “Performing a Bump Test in BUMP” on
page 48 for instructions.
WARNING:You must press either the POWER MODE or AIR button to
continue. If you do not press a button, the screen
sequence will continue, the buzzer will continue to beep
and the LED will continue to flash for 6 seconds every 5
•If the unit is due fo r bump test ing an d Bump T est Limit Check is set
Can’t use, then the following screen sequence will occur.
The alarm LED and buzzer will pulse several times. Press and
release the POWER MOD E but ton to go to the BUMP menu item in
Calibration Mode. The above screens will remain on the display until
the unit is either turned off or Calibration Mode is entered. The 03
Series cannot be used until a bump test has been performed. See
“Performing a Bump Test in BUMP” on page 48 for bump test
WARNING:You must perform a successful bump test in order to
03 Series Operator’s ManualStart Up • 14
continue to normal operation. If you do not perform a
successful bump test, the buzzer will continue to beep and
the LED will continue to flash for 6 seconds every 5
seconds and the unit will not enter normal operation.
•If a bump test is due and Bump Test Limit Check is set to None,
the sequence below will occur twice.
Press and release the POWER MODE button during this time to go
to the BUMP menu item in Calibration Mode. If no button is pressed,
the instrument will continue with the warmup sequence in Step 8
once the sequ ence shown above has finished.
NOTE:If a successful calibration is performed, the next bump test date is
reset and starts over even though a bump test w as n ot p erfo rmed .
•If bump testing is not due, then the following screen appears for a
few seconds indicatin g when the next bump test is du e. “NE XT” and
“BUMP” alternate on the bottom of the scr een.
14. 2.17
14. 2.17
8. The Date/Time Screen appears for a few seconds.
This screen displays the current date and time.
9. The Battery Voltage Screen appears for a few seconds.
15 • S t a r t U p03 Series Operator’s Manual
The screen displays the current battery voltage.
CAUTION: If the unit gives a low battery warning or dead battery alarm,
change the alkaline batteries before using the unit.
10.The display then indicates the following items for about a second each:
•Full scale value
•Warning setpoint (low gas alarm)
•Alarm setpoint (hi gh ga s alar m )
•STEL alarm setpoint (CO and H2S only)
•TWA alarm setpoint (CO and H2S only)
11. If the 03 Series experiences a sensor failure during start up, the
following screen will appear.
The instrument cannot be used if a sensor failure occurs. Replace the
failed sensor.
Auto Zero Adjustment is set to On (factory setting is Off), then the
03 Series will perform an au tom at ic fresh ai r adju stm en t.
- - -
If the fresh air adjustment is successful, the unit will proceed to Normal
Mode. If the sensor fails the air adjustment, the screen will indicate the
failure. If a failur e occur s, pre ss and r elease th e P OWER MO DE bu tton
to proceed to Normal Mode. Replace the failed sensor as soon as
03 Series Operator’s ManualStart Up • 16
WARNING: If the Auto Zero Adjustment feature is turned on, make
sure that you start-up the 03 Series in a known fresh air
environment, an environment free of combustible or toxic
gasses and of normal oxygen content, 20.9%. If you do
not start-up the unit in a fresh air environment, the fresh
air adjustment will not be accurate.
13.The 03 Series is now operating in Measuring Mode and monitoring for
gas. The Normal Opera ti on Scre en app ea rs an d the in str um en t beeps
The gas concentration of the target gas is displayed along with the
battery charge level in th e lower l eft co rner. The heart symbol displaye d
in the upper right corner flashes while the instrument is functioning
properly. If it disappears or is steadily on, the unit is experiencing a
microprocessor error. The backlight turns off after 20 seconds.
Performing a Fresh Air Adjustment
Before using the 03 Series, set the fresh air reading. Performing this
adjustment ensures accurate gas readings in the monitoring environment.
1. Find a fresh air environment of normal oxygen content (20.9%) that is
free of toxic or combustible gases.
2. With the unit on and in Measuring Mo de, press and hol d the AIR button.
The LCD displays “hold” prompting you to hold the AIR button.
17 • S t a r t U p03 Series Operator’s Manual
- - - -
3. Release the AIR button when the following screen appears. The unit
will set the reading t o 0 ppm (20.9% for the OX-03) and return to
Measuring Mode.
- - - -
Turning Off the 03 Series
1. Press and hold the POWER MODE button for about five seconds to
turn off the unit. The buzzer will pulse while the POWER MODE button
is being pressed before the unit turns off.
2. Release the button when the LCD is blank. The unit is off.
NOTE:If Power Off Password Protection is turned On (factory setting is
Off) using the 03 Series User Setup Program, a password is
required to turn the 03 Series off. When the password screen
appears, adjust each digit with the AIR button and press and
release the POWER MODE button to move on to the next digit.
Once the password has been entered, the instrument will shut off
and the LCD will be blank.
03 Series Operator’s ManualStart Up • 18
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