Riverstone Networks 9365 User Manual

Alcatel-Lucent 9365 Base Station Router Femto
Simplifies the network architecture
for increased performance and greater
revenue opportunities
both in the home and outside. The 9365 BSR Femto consolidates the UTRAN elements in a single box as shown in Figure 1, reducing the number of network components, the latency, the complex ity of the net work, and therefore the cost.
The Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Femto is hardware-ready to support the serving GPRS support node (SGSN) and gateway GPRS sup port node (GGSN) functionalities in a single unit. These functions will be implemented by software upgrade.
Key Benefits
Flat IP architecture
Combines the UTRAN in a single box
Enables high bandwidth services, such as video in the home, via improved W-CDMA coverage
3GPP compliant
Single box, centralized aspects confined at IP layer
DSL backhaul and zero-touch installation process
Scalable technology
2 Alcatel-Lucent 9365 Base Station Router Femto
The demand for broadband is increasing rapidly but many W-CDMA
subscribers have limited in-house coverage and capacity, and use
traditional fixed-line Internet access instead. The challenge for mobile
operators is to offer less expensive in-building coverage to enable
converged service bundling. The Alcatel-Lucent 9365 Base Station Router
Femto (9365 BSR Femto) helps you deliver new applications to the
home user, improve in-home W-CDMA coverage and compete with
fixed line broadband services while reducing operating costs. Its flat IP
architecture is simple to install, cost-effective and efficient.
Seamless and cost-effective in-building cellular coverage
Seventy percent of calls are made indoors, but only two percent of buildings have purpose-built indoor coverage, and 50 percent of users complain about poor indoor service. Many new entrants are attacking this market.
The 9365 BSR Femto can increase your revenue opportunities by extend ­ing service availability to in-building areas, through enhanced quality of service (QoS), and by supporting broadband data services.
The Alcatel-Lucent 9365 Base Station Router Femto
The Alcatel-Lucent 9365 Base Station Router Femto is a small W-CDMA base station placed inside a building, which uses a digital subscriber line (DSL) connection to backhaul traffic. It addresses the domestic market for high-speed data via localized in-building wireless service provi ­sion ing. With the Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Femto, users can benefit from high-QoS wireless capabil ­ities, with the advantages of voice support and W-CDMA mobility
Low latency, fewer bottleneck nodes as traffic is offloaded, allows home networking with sticky applications
Low latency, low cost, and automatic configuration
Increases revenue potential
Compatible with all 3GPP-compliant W-CDMA handsets, and offers 3GPP backhaul interfaces (IuPS, IuCS, Gi and Gn) as required, for simple and cost-effective integration into an existing network
Optimizes CAPEX and OPEX, improves network efficiency and simplifies installation
No site visits required, saves OPEX
Simplifies evolution to IMS and 4G Long term Evolution (LTE)/SAE, also based on flat IP
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