Rittal SK 3293.540, SK 3293.140, SK 3393.100, SK 3393.140, SK 3381.100 Assembly Instructions Manual

Umweltorientierte Kühltechnik
SK 3293.100 SK 3293.140 SK 3281.100 SK 3293.500 SK 3293.540 SK 3393.100 SK 3393.140 SK 3381.100
SK 3
SK 3393.540
Kühlgerät Cooling Unit Climatiseur Koelaggregaat Kylaggregat Condizionatore
per armadi Refrigerador
para armarios
Montageanleitung Assembly Instructions Notice de montage Montage-instructie Montageanvisning Istruzioni di montaggio Instrucciones de montaje
Umschalten auf PerfektionUmschalten auf Perfektion
Montage von Schaltschrank-Kühlgeräten
Bei der Montage ist zu beachten, daß Warmluftein- und Kaltluftaustritt nicht zu verbauen sind. Eine ungehinderte Luft­zirkulation im Innenkreislauf ist zu ge­währleisten. Ein Abstand zu den Luft­aus- und -eintrittsöffnungen von 200 mm bis zur Installation ist einzuhalten. Wird das Gerät vom Netz getrennt, darf ein erneutes Einschalten erst nach einer Wartezeit von > 5 min. erfolgen.
Einsatz von Türpositionsschaltern bei Kühlgeräten
Serie .100 / .140: Die o.g. Wartezeit muß z.B. durch die Verwendung eines Zeitrelais sichergestellt werden. Serie .500 / .540: Die o.g. Wartezeit wird durch den integrierten Microcontroller sichergestellt. Pro Gerät ist ein potentialfreier Türpositionskontakt zu verwenden; es dürfen auf keinen Fall mehrere Geräte über einen Türend­schalter betrieben werden. In Umgebungen mit erhöhter elektro­magnetischer Störung muß eine geschirmte Leitung verwendet werden. Der Türkontakt ist über zusätzliches Relais, das in der Nähe des Gerätes pla­ziert ist, zu schalten. Die Leitungen sind getrennt von den Netzleitungen zu ver­legen. Auf kurze Leitungswege achten!
Einsatz von Motor- bzw. Trafoschutzschaltern bei Kühlgeräten
Drehstromgeräte sind über einen Motorschutzschalter an ein TN-Netz mit geerdetem Sternpunkt anzuschließen. Beim Einsatz von Schaltschrank-Kühl­geräten der Serie .140 / .540 mit Transformatoren und Geräten in Sonder­spannung, die ebenfalls mit Trafo ausgerüstet sind, sind normale Motor­schutzschalter von ihrer Einschalt­charakteristik nicht mehr ausreichend. Deshalb müssen kundenseitig Trafo­schutzschalter installiert werden. Diese sind auf den auf dem Typenschild angegebenen Nennstrom einzustellen.
Installation of cooling units
Please make sure during installation that warm air inlet and cold air outlet are not obstructed. An unobstructed air circu­lation in the inside circuit has to be ensured. A distance of 200 mm from air inlet and air outlet openings to the installed equipment should be respected. After disconnection of the cooling unit, waiting period of > 5 min. before reactivation.
Use of door operated switch with cooling units
Series .100 / .140: The mentioned above waiting period has to be ensured by using a time relay. Series .500 / .540: One potential-free door operated contact has to be used per unit, never operate more than one unit via one door operated switch. In environments with high electromagnetic interference a shielded cable has to be used. The door contact is to be connected via an additional relay, which is placed near the unit. The cables and the supply line are to be laid separately. Please ensure that the cables are as short as possible.
Use of motor or transformer protection switch with cooling units
Three-phase devices are to be connected via a motor protection switch to a TN network with earthed neutral. If units of series .140 / .540 are used with transformers and units with special voltage, also equipped with transformer, standard motor protection switches are not sufficient due to their closed cricuit condition. That is why transformer protection switches have to be installed by the customer, and have to be adjusted to the rated current on the type plate.
Montage des climatiseurs d’armoires électriques
Veiller lors du montage à n’obstruer ou gêner ni l’entrée de l’air chaud ni la sortie de l’air froid. L’air doit pouvoir circuler librement dans le circuit intérieur. Respecter un écartement de 200 mm entre l’appareil installé et les ouvertures d’entrée et de sortie d’air. Lorsque l’appareil a été coupé du secteur, attendre au moins 5 minutes avant de le remettre en circuit.
Utilisation d’un interrupteur de porte avec les climatiseur
Séries .100 / .140: La durée d’attente mentionnée plus haut sera assurée en installant un relais retardeur. Séries .500 / .540: Utiliser un interrupteur de porte sans potentiel pour chaque appareil. Ne jamais faire fonctionner plusieurs appareils avec un seul interrupteur de porte. Lorsque le milieu ambiant est soumis à d’importantes interférences électro­magnétiques, utiliser un câble avec contacteur de protection. Monter le contact de la porte avec un relais supplémentaire placé à proximité de l’appareil. Lors de la pose des conduc­teurs, veiller à les séparer des lignes d’alimentation et choisir la voie la plus courte.
Utilisation d’un contacteur-disjoncteur ou disjoncteur de protection pour transformateur dans les climatiseurs d’armoires électriques
Les appareils à courant triphasé doivent être connectés par un contacteur­disjoncteur au réseau TN avec neutre mis à la terre. Dans le cas des climati­seurs d’armoires électriques des séries .140 / 540, équipés de transformateurs et dans le cas des appareils avec tensions spéciales également équipés de trans­formateurs, les propriétés d’enclenche­ment des disjoncteurs standard ne sont pas suffisantes. Le client devra alors prévoir des disjoncteurs de protection pour transformateurs et les régler sur la valeur du courant nominal indiquée sur la plaque signalétique.
Montage van schakelkast­koelaggregaten
Bij de montage dient erop te worden gelet dat de aanzuigopeningen van de warme lucht en de inblaasopeningen van de koude lucht niet mogen worden gemodificeerd. Anders kan geen ongehinderde luchtcirculatie in het binnencircuit worden gegarandeerd. Tussen de luchtaanzuig-, luchtinblaas­openingen en de installatie dient een afstand van minimaal 200 mm te worden aangehouden. Wordt het aggregaat van het net gescheiden, dan mag het pas na een wachttijd van tenminste 5 minuten opnieuw worden ingeschakeld.
Toepassing van deurschakelaars bij koelaggregaten
Serie .100 / .140: De hierboven genoem­de wachttijd dient door toepassing van bijv. een tijdrelais te worden zeker­gesteld. Serie .500 / .540: Per aggregaat dient één potentiaalvrij deurcontact te worden toegepast; er mogen in geen geval meerdere aggregaten op één deurschakelaar worden aangesloten. In omgevingen waar verhoogde elektro­magnetische storingen voorkomen, dient een afgeschermde kabel te worden toegepast. Het deurcontact kan via een extra relais, dat in de buurt van het aggregaat is aangebracht, worden geschakeld. De kabels diene geschei­den van de netvoedingskabels te worden gelegd. Let erop dat zo kort mogelijke kabels worden gebruikt!
Inzet van motor respectievelijk transformatorbeveiligingsschakelaar bij koelaggregaten
Draaistroomaggregaten zijn via een motorbeveiligingsschakelaar aan een TN-stelsel met geaard sterpunt ann te sluiten. Bij de toepassing van schakel­kast-koelaggregaten van de serie .140 / .540 met transformatoren en aggregaten met afwijkende spanningen die ook zijn voorzien van een transformator zijn standaard motorbeveiligingsautoma­ten niet voldoende als gevolg van hun inschakelkarakteristiek. Daarom dienen trafobeveiligingsschakelaars door de klant zelf te worden geïnstalleerd en te worden ingesteld volgens de op het type­plaatje aangegeven nominale stroom.
Montering av apparatskåpskylaggregat
Vid montering måste beaktas att varmluftsintag och kalluftsutblås inte är spärrade. En fri luftcirkulation inuti skåpet måste garanteras. Utrymmet mellan luftintag, utblåsöppningar och installationerna måste vara 200 mm. Efter att kylaggregatet stängts av kan det startas först efter 5 minuter.
Användning av dörrkontakt med kylaggregat
Vid serierna .100 / .140 måste den ovan nämnda väntetiden åstadkommas genom ett tidrelä. Vid serierna .500 / .540 måste en potentialfri dörrkontakt användas per enhet, det får heller aldrig användas mer än en enhet per dörrkontakt. I miljöer med hög elektromagnetisk påverkan måste en skärmad kabel användas. Dörrkontakten ska kopplas via ytterligare ett relö, vilket placeras nära enheten. Kablage dras skiljt från nätledningen. Se till att kablarna är så korta som möjligt!
Användning av motor- resp transfor­matorskyddsbrytare med kylaggregat
Trefasaggregat ansluts via en motorskyddsbrytare till ett TN-nät med jordad nollpunkt. Om kylaggregat ur serierna .140 / .540 används med transformatorer och enheter med specialspänning, även de utrustade med transformatorer, räcker inte standard motorskyddsbrytare beroende på deras slutna kretsar. Därför måste transformatorskyddsbrytare installeras, Dessa ska ställas in på den på typskylten angivna nätströmmen.
Installazione di condizionatori
Durante il montaggio accertarsi che l’entrata aria calda e l’uscita aria fredda non siano ostruite. Occorre assicurare la libera circolazione dell’aria nel circuito interno, nonchè rispettare una distanza di 200 mm dalle aperture di entrata e scarico aria al luogo di installazione. Una volta disinserito l’apparecchio è possibile riavviarlo soltanto dopo > 5 min. di attesa.
Impiego di interruttori di posiziona­mento porta nei condizionatori
Serie .100 / .140: il suddetto tempo di attesa prima di riavviare l’apparecchio deve essere rispettato utilizzando ad es. un relais a tempo. Serie .500 / .540: il tempo di attesa sopra indicato viene assicurato dal microcontroller integrato. Si deve utilizzare un interruttore di posiziona­mento porta per ogni apparecchio; non è possibile in nessun caso azionare più apparecchi con un interruttore. In ambienti particolarmente soggetti ad interferenze elettromagnetiche occorre utilizzare un cavo schermato. L’interruttore per la porta dovrà essere collegato ad un ulteriore relais, situato vicino all’apparecchio. I cavi e le linee elettriche devono essere posati in sede separata. Prevedere linee di connes­sione con lunghezza limitata.
Impiego di interruttori di protezione trasformatore nei condizionatori
I normalli interruttori di protezione dei motori, per le loro caratteristiche, non sono più sufficienti per essere impiegati su condizionatori della serie .140 / .540 con trasformatori e apparecchiature a tensione speciale, dotate anch’esse di trasformatore: Il cliente dovrà quindi installare interruttori di protezione del trasformatore, da tarare in base al valore della corrente nominale indicato sulla targhetta.
Montaje de refrigeradores
En el montaje debe tenerse en cuenta que la entrada de aire caliente y la salida de aire frío no se encuentren obstruidas. Debe garantizarse una circulación adecuada del aire en el circuito interior. Debe mantenerse una distancia de 200 mm entre las escota­duras de salida y de entrada de aire hasta el punto de instalación. Tras la desconexión del aparato deben trans­currir >5min. hasta la próxima conexión.
Uso de interruptores de posición de puerta en refrigeradores
Serie .100 / .140: El tiempo de reposo mencionado arriba debe garantizarse mediante el montaje de un relé de tiempo. Serie .500 / .540: Debe utilizarse un contacto libre de potencial de posición de puerta por aparato; en ningún caso deberá utilizarse un sólo interruptor final para más de un aparato. En entornos con elevada perturbación electromagnética debe utilizarse un cable apantallado. El contacto de puerta debe conectarse a través de un relé adicional situado cerca del aparato. Los cables deben tenderse separados de los cables de red. Procure que los cables sean lo más cortos posibles.
Uso de interruptores de protección de motores o de transformadores en refrigeradores
Los aparatos de corriente trifásica deben conectarse mediante un inter­ruptor de protección de motores a una red TN con toma de tierra en forma de estrella. Con la aplicación de los refrige­radores para armarios de las series .140 / .540 con transformadores y apa­ratos con tensión especial, equipados también con transformadores, los interruptores de protección de motor normales son insuficientes a causa de sus características de conexión. Por tal motivo el cliente deberá instalar un interruptor de protección de transforma­dor. Estos deben ajustarse en función de la corriente nominal indicada en la placa de características.
SK 3293.... / 3281.100 / 3393.... / 3381.100*
Abb. 3.1 Montageausschnitte Fig. 3.1 Mounting Cut-out Fig. 3.1 Découpe de montage Afb. 3.1 Montage-uitsparingen Bild 3.1 Håltagning Fig. 3.1 Dime di foratura Fig. 3.1 Recorte del montaje
SK 3298.... / 3279.100 / 3260.500
Abb. 3.2 Gerätemontage Fig. 3.2 Mounting Fig. 3.2 Montage de l’appareil Afb. 3.2 Apparaatmontage Bild 3.2 Aggregatmontage Fig. 3.2 Montaggio dell’apparecchio Fig. 3.2 Montaje del aparato
Tab. 2.1 T ec hnisc he Daten Tab. 2.1 T ec hnical Data Tab. 2.1 Données techniques Tab. 2.1 T ec hnisc he gegevens Tab. 2.1 T ekniska data Tab. 2.1 Caratteristiche tecniche Tab. 2.1 Datos técnicos
SK 3293.100 SK 3293.500
SK 3293.140 SK 3293.540
SK 3281.100
SK 3393.100 SK 3393.500
SK 3393.140 SK 3393.540
SK 3381.100
SK 3298.100 SK 3298.500
SK 3279.100
SK 3260.500 SK 3260.140
spannung Operating
voltage Tension
nominale Bedrijfs-
spanning Anslut-
Tensione nominale
Tensión de servicio
230 V, 50/60 Hz
400 V, 50/60 Hz
115 V, 50/60 Hz
230 V, 50/60 Hz
400 V, 50/60 Hz
115 V, 50/60 Hz
230 V, 50/60 Hz
115 V, 50/60 Hz
400 V– 3~ 50/60 Hz
strom Rated
current Courant
nominal Nominale
stroom Märk-
ström Corrente
nominale Intensidad
3.1 A/
3.6 A
1.8 A/
2.1 A
6.5 A/
7.6 A
4.2 A/
4.4 A
2.5 A/
2.6 A
8.6 A/
9.2 A
5.5 A/
5.7 A
11.5 A/
12.0 A
2.3 A/
2.6 A
rung T
Pre-fuse TDuty cycle Power
current Courant de
de sécurité T
zekering T
Startström Försäkring gLInkopp-
Fusibili T Ciclo d’in-
di spunto Intensidad
Fusible T Duración de arranque
8.5 A/
6 A/
10.0 A
6 A
4.6 A/
4 A/
5.8 A
4 A
16.4 A/
10 A/
20.1 A
10 A
9.8 A/
6 A/
11.4 A
6 A
5.7 A/
6 A/
6.6 A
6 A
19.8 A/
10 A/
23.1 A
10 A
17.5 A/
10 A/
16.5 A
10 A
36.0 A/
16 A/
37.0 A
16 A
9.5 A/
6 A/
9.5 A
6 A
Anbau Einbau External Installation Internal Installation Implanté Intégré Aanbouw Inbouw Utanpå Inbyggnad Montaggio sporgente Montaggio incassato Montaje exterior Montaje interior
Refrigerant Permis-
Fluide frigori­gène
Kylmedel Tillåtet
Fluido frigorigeno
Fluido frigorífico
R134 a, 525 g
R134 a, 525 g
R134 a, 525 g
R134 a, 550 g
R134 a, 550 g
R134 a, 550 g
R134 a, 525 g
R134 a, 525 g
R134 a, 525 g
400 360 320
Ø 7
(4 x)
Ø 9.5
(4 x)
400 360 320
Ø 7
(4 x)
Ø 9.5 (4 x)
Teileinbau Partially Internal Installation Partiellement intégré Gedeeltelijke inbouw Delvis inbyggnad Montaggio semincassato Montaje parcial
sible pressure
Pression de régime autor.
p. max. Temperatuur-
Pressione max.
Presión máxima admis.
25 bar 25 bar 25 bar 24 bar 24 bar 24 bar 25 bar 25 bar 24 bar
M 8 SW 13
Temperature range
Plage de température
bereik Temperatur-
område Campo di
temperatura Campo de
+ 20 – + 55°C
+ 20 – + 55°C
+ 20 – + 55°C
+ 20 – + 55°C
+ 20 – + 55°C
+ 20 – + 55°C
+ 20 – + 55°C
+ 20 – + 55°C
+ 20 – + 55°C
Anbau External Installation Implanté Aanbouw Utanpå Montaggio sporgente Montaje exterior
* Nur für 400 mm tiefe PS/ES Schränke SK 3393.... / 338.1100, A = 250 mm, B = 300 mm
Nur für Schränke über 400 mm Tiefe SK 3393.... / 338.1100 A = 250 mm, B = 340 mm
Nur für Schränke über 400 mm Tiefe SK 3293.... / 328.1100 A = 300 mm, B = 340 mm
Nennleistung Nutzkühlleistung Kältemittel zul.
Durée de
mise en
circuit Inschakel-
vermogen Märkeffekt Effektiv
nominale Potencia
L35 L35 L35 L50
450 W/500 W
100 %
500 W/580 W 470 W/520 W
100 %
520 W/605 W 470 W/520 W
100 %
520 W/605 W 590 W/660 W
100 %
670 W/750 W 610 W/680 W
100 %
690 W/780 W 610 W/680 W
100 %
690 W/780 W 830W/1040W
100 %
940W/1170W 860W/1080 W
100 %
975W/1210W 900W/750W
100 %
Ø 9.5
(4 x)
External Installation
Montaggio sporgente
Montaje exterior
400 300
Ø 9.5
(8 x)
A 8.4
M 8 SW 13
Useful cooling output
Puissance frigorifique de rég.
Nuttig koelvermogen
10 x 8
M 8 x 30
kyleffekt Potenza
frigorifera utile Potencia
frigorífica útil
DIN 3168/EN 814 L35 L35 L35 L50
825 W/960 W 680 W/720 W
825 W/960 W 680 W/720 W
825 W/960 W 680 W/720 W
1100W/1150 W 830W/850W
1100W/1150W 830W/850W
1100W/1150W 830W/850W
1400W/1450W 1100W/1150W
1400W/1450W 1100W/1150W
1740W/1630W 1340W/1220W
Anbau External Installation Implanté Aanbouw Utanpå Montaggio sporgente Montaje exterior
Internal or Partially Internal Installation
Montaggio semincassato o incassato
Noise level
Niveau sonore
Ljudnivå Kapslingsklass
Livello di rumore
Nivel de ruido
62 dB (A) 62 dB (A) 62 dB (A) 62 dB (A) 62 dB (A) 62 dB (A) 62 dB (A) 62 dB (A) 65 dB (A)
Teileinbau Partially Installation Partiellement Intégré Gedeeltelijke inbouw Delvis inbyggnad Montaggio semincass. Montaje parcial
Teileinbau, Einbau
Partiellement intégré, intégré
Delvis inbyggnad, inbyggnad
Montaje parcial, montaje interior
Einbau Internal Installation Intégré Inbouw Inbyggnad Montaggio incassato Montaje interior
Schutzart Innenkreislauf Außenkreislauf
Protection categ. Internal circuit External circuit
Degré de protect. Circuit intérieur Circuit extérieur
Beschermklasse Inwendig circuit Uitwend. circuit
Inre kretslopp Yttre kretslopp
Grado di protez. Circuito interno Circuito esterno
Protección Circuito interior Circuito exterior
Abmessungen (B x H x T) mm
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm
Dimensions (L x H x P) mm
Afmetingen (B x H x D) mm
Mått (B x H x D) mm
Dimensioni (L x A x P) mm
Dimensiones (anch. x alt. x prof.) mm
M 6 SW 13
EN 60 529 IP 54
IP 34 IP 54
IP 34 IP 54
IP 34 IP 54
IP 34 IP 54
IP 34 IP 54
IP 34 IP 54
IP 34 IP 54
IP 34 IP 54
IP 34
400 x 950 x 230 35 kg 400 x 950 x 230 38 kg 400 x 950 x 230 38 kg 400 x 950 x 230 38 kg 400 x 950 x 230 41 kg 400 x 950 x 230 41 kg 400 x 1265 x 260 48 kg 400 x 1265 x 260 51 kg 400 x 1265 x 260 60 kg
Einbau Internal Installation Intégre Inbouw Inbyggnad Montaggio incassato Montaje interior
A 8.4
B 4.8 x 13
Gewicht Farbton
Weight Colour
Poids Coloris
Gewicht Kleur
Vikt Färgton
Peso Colore
Peso Color
RAL 7032
RAL 7032
RAL 7032
RAL 7032
RAL 7032
RAL 7032
RAL 7032
RAL 7032
RAL 7032
10 x 4
1. Application
2. Technical data
3. Assembly
4. Electrical connection
5. Commencing operation and control behaviour
6. BUS System (Model No. SK 3124.000)
7. Technical information
8. Maintenance
9. Scope of supply and guarantee
10. Fault indication and fault analysis
11. Programming
1. Application
Enclosure cooling units are designed and built to dissipate heat from enclosures, by cooling the air inside the enclosure and protecting tem­perature sensitive components. Enclosure cool­ing units are particularly suitable for the temperature range of + 40 ° C to + 55 ° C.
2.Technical Data
(see table 2.1)
3. Assembly
The cooling unit can be mounted either inter­nally, partially internally or externally. Make cutouts and drill holes at the mounting position (see fig. 3.1). Cut the enclosed seal to the required length and attach it to the unit (see fig. 3.2). In the case of external mounting screw set-screws M8 x 30 into the blind nuts at the rear face of the unit and fix them by means of washers A 8.4 and nuts M8. In the case of parti­ally internal mounting the unit has to be divided by removing the lamella grille and unscrewing the nuts M8. For external, partially internal and internal mounting see fig. 3.2. Prior to mounting, ensure that:
the site for the enclosure, and hence the arrangement of the cooling unit, is selected so as to ensure good ventilation;
the location is free from excessive dirt and moisture;
the round cut-out for air extraction is located in the upper area of the enclosure;
the mains connection ratings, as stated on the name plate, are available;
the ambient temperature is no higher than +55 ° C;
the packaging shows no signs of damage;
the enclosure is sealed on all sides. Condensation will occur if the enclosure is leaky;
the separation of the units from one another and from the wall should not be less than 200 mm;
air inlet and outlet are not obstructed on the inside of the enclosure;
units are only fitted vertically in the specified position. Max. deviation from true vertical: 2 ° ;
condensate discharge must be made up by means of the material provided in the dis­patch bag. The discharge tube must be free from kinks and must be arranged sloping away from the unit;
electrical connection and repair are carried out only by authorized specialist personnel. Use only original replacement parts!
To avoid an increase in condensation, a door operated switch (e.g. PS 4127.000) should be used which will switch the cooling unit off when the enclosure door is opened (see
4.Electrical Connection
The connected voltage and frequency must corre­spond to the values stated on the name plate. The cooling unit must be connected to the mains via an isolating device, which ensures at least 3 mm contact opening when switched off. The unit must not have any additional temperature control con­nected before it. Line protection should be provid­ed by means of the pre-fuse specified on the name plate. Observe the relevant regulations during installation!
Connect the mains connection to the plug-in ter­minal strip X10, see page 35.
Version .....500 / .540
Door limit switch, see
Collective fault signal connection, see
Note the designations on the terminal strip (see wiring diagram).
The unit must be disconnected prior to checking the protective earth conductor, high voltage and the insulation in the enclosure.
5. Commencing Operation and Control Behaviour
Following the completion of mounting and a waiting period of approximately 30 minutes (to allow oil to collect in the compressor in order to ensure lubrication and cooling) electrical connec­tion can be made.
5.1 Control by Thermostat
Version .....100 / .140
The cooling unit operates automatically, i.e. follow­ing the electrical connection, the evaporator fan will run continuously to circulate the air inside the enclosure. This provides a uniform temperature distribution in the enclosure. The built-in tempera­ture controller (setting the desired internal tempe­rature) effects automatically controlled switch-off of the cooling unit by the value of the fixed switching difference setting of 5 K. This is set at the factory to + 35 ° C.
5.1.1 Temperature Setting at the Controller
Fig.5.1 Thermostat
°C °C
1. Remove the setting knob after slackening the
2. Remove locking plate.
3. Replace the setting knob and set the desired
temperature. Setting range + 20 ° C to + 55 ° C.
4. Replace the locking plate and fix the setting
knob by tightening the screw.
5.2 Control by Microcontroller
Version .....500 / .540
Fig. 5.2 Microcontroller
After electrical connection the internal fan turns on and circulates the enclosure air. This helps assure even temperature distribution within the enclosure. The condensor fan and compressor are controlled by the microcontroller. The minimum run time is 90 seconds. The switching difference is 5 – 10 K and is set at the factory. In order to maximize energy efficiency the thermostat should be set to the highest enclosure temperature as allowed by the electronics.
5.2.1 Operation of the Microcontroller
The display terminal H1 consists of a 3 position 7-segment display which indicates the enclosure internal temperature in ° C or ° F (changeable, see section 5.2.2) as well as any fault codes. The actual enclosure internal temperature is con­stantly displayed. If a fault occurs then the fault number is indicated in the left position. When pro­gramming the microcontroller the program level and parameter value is indicated on the display. When the “TEST” button is pushed the compres­sor and the fans will run for 5 minutes regardless of the internal temperature or door limit switch. This allows for a system test after an extended shutdown period (e.g. after the winter).
5.2.2 Programming (see diagram 5.1 page 39)
In the EEPROM of the microcontroller various parameters are stored which can be changed through using the “ENTER” and “ ” buttons, 9 different parameters are changeable as outlined in table 5.1. To access the programming mode push both the “ENTER” and “ ” buttons simulta­neously for 10 seconds. The left digit will then indicate the program level and the LED for the “ENTER” and “ ” buttons will blink. By pushing
the “ ” button the program level can be advan-
ced to the next level. In order to access levels
5 through 9 a security code must be entered. If no
buttons are pushed for 60 seconds the display will
return to the standard mode which displays the
enclosure temperature. Programming of the para-
meters is made easy with diagram 5.1 on page
39. A description of the parameters to be pro-
grammed can be found in table 5.1. All parame­ters are stored in the EEPROM and are retained when power is shut off to the air conditioner.
H1 = Display Terminal H2 = LED °C H3 = LED °F H4 = LED ENTER H5 = LED
+ 9 hidden pages