Rittal 3311.700, 3311.710, 3311.600, 3311.900, 3311.800 Assembly And Operating Instructions Manual

TopTherm LCP Hybrid
3311.600 3311.800
3311.610 3311.810
3311.700 3311.900
3311.710 3311.910
Montage-, Installations- und Bedienungsanleitung Assembly and operating instructions
Thank you for choosing a Rittal Liquid Cooling Package (also referred to hereafter as "LCP").
This documentation applies to the LCP Hybrid unit.
Take time to read this documentation carefully.
Pay particular attention to the safety instructions in the text and to section 2 "Safety instructions".
This is essential for: – secure assembly of the Liquid Cooling Package – safe handling and – trouble-free operation.
Please keep the complete documentation readily availa­ble so that it is always on hand when needed.
We wish you every success!
Yours Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
Rittal GmbH & Co. KG Auf dem Stützelberg
35745 Herborn Germany
Tel.: +49(0)2772 505-0 Fax: +49(0)2772 505-2319
E-mail: info@rittal.de www.rimatrix5.com www.rimatrix5.de
We are always happy to answer any technical questions regarding our entire range of products.
2 Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
Table of contents
Table of contents
1 Notes on documentation .................. 4
1.1 Storing the documents.................................. 4
1.2 Symbols used in these operating instructions 4
1.3 Associated documents ................................. 4
1.4 Normative instructions .................................. 4
1.4.1 Legal information concerning the operating instruc-
tions ..................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Copyright ............................................................. 4
1.4.3 Revision ................................................................ 4
2 Safety instructions ............................ 5
2.1 Important safety instructions ......................... 5
2.2 Service and technical staff ............................ 5
2.3 RoHS compliance ......................................... 5
3 Device description ............................ 6
3.1 General functional description ....................... 6
3.2 Air routing ..................................................... 8
3.3 Equipment assembly..................................... 9
3.3.1 Unit components .................................................. 9
3.3.2 Air/water heat exchanger with cold water
connection ......................................................... 10
3.4 Proper and improper usage ........................ 10
3.5 Supply scope of a Liquid Cooling Package . 11
12 Accessories .................................... 29
13 Further technical information ........... 30
13.1 Hydrological information............................. 30
13.2 Characteristic curves and tables................. 30
13.2.1 General .............................................................. 30
13.2.2 Determination of the dew point ........................... 30
13.2.3 Pressure loss ...................................................... 31
13.2.4 Cooling output at a room temperature of 21°C ... 33
13.2.5 Cooling output at a room temperature of 22°C ... 35
13.2.6 Cooling output at a room temperature of 23°C ... 37
13.2.7 Cooling output at a room temperature of 24°C ... 39
13.2.8 Cooling output at a room temperature of 25°C ... 42
13.3 Overview drawing....................................... 45
14 Preparation and maintenance of the
cooling medium .............................. 49
15 List of spare parts ........................... 50
16 Glossary ......................................... 51
4 Transportation and handling ........... 12
4.1 Transportation ............................................ 12
4.2 Unpacking .................................................. 12
5 Assembly and siting ....................... 13
5.1 General....................................................... 13
5.1.1 Installation site requirements ............................... 13
5.1.2 Installation guidelines .......................................... 13
5.2 Assembly procedure ................................... 14
5.2.1 General .............................................................. 14
5.2.2 Seal the server enclosure .................................... 14
5.2.3 Dismantle the rear server enclosure door ............ 14
5.2.4 Fit the door latch mechanisms ............................ 15
5.2.5 Fit the LCP Hybrid .............................................. 15
5.2.6 Fitting the potential equalisation .......................... 16
5.2.7 Install the air routing kit (optional) ........................ 16
5.2.8 Remove the mounting aid ................................... 16
6 Installation ...................................... 18
6.1 Cooling water connection ........................... 18
6.2 Bleeding the air from the heat exchanger .... 19
6.3 Installing the cover ...................................... 20
7 Commissioning checklist ................ 22
8 Troubleshooting ............................. 24
9 Inspection and maintenance .......... 25
10 Storage and disposal ..................... 26
11 Technical specifications ................. 27
11.1 10 kW versions ........................................... 27
11.2 20 kW versions ........................................... 28
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package 3

1 Notes on documentation

1 Notes on documentation

1.1 Storing the documents

The assembly, installation and operating instructions as well as all applicable documents are an integral part of the product. They must be passed to those persons who are engaged with the unit and must always be avail­able and on hand for the operating and maintenance personnel.
1.2 Symbols used in these operating in­structions
The following symbols are used in this documentation:
Danger! Hazardous situation which may lead to
death or serious injury if the instructions are not followed.
Warning! Hazardous situation which may lead to
death or severe injury if the instructions are not followed.
in this documentation. Liability for indirect damages as­sociated with the supply or use of this documentation is excluded to the extent allowable by law.

1.4.2 Copyright

The distribution and duplication of this document and the disclosure and use of its contents are prohibited un­less expressly authorised.
Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights created by a patent grant or registration of a utility model or design are reserved.

1.4.3 Revision

Rev. 1A of 08/10/2014
Caution! Hazardous situation which may lead to (minor) injuries if the instructions are not followed.
Note: Information concerning individual proce-
dures, explanations, or tips for simplified ap­proaches. It also indicates situations which may result in material damage.
This symbol indicates an "Action Point" and shows that you should perform an operation/procedure.

1.3 Associated documents

In conjunction with these assembly, installation and op­erating instructions, the superordinate system docu­mentation (if available) also applies.
Rittal GmbH & Co. KG is not responsible for any damage which may result from failure to comply with these as­sembly, installation and operating instructions. The same applies to failure to comply with the valid docu­mentation for the accessories used.

1.4 Normative instructions

1.4.1 Legal information concerning the operating
We reserve the right to make changes in content. Rittal GmbH & Co. KG will not be held liable for any mistakes
4 Rittal Liquid Cooling Package

2 Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions
The Liquid Cooling Packages produced by Rittal GmbH & Co. KG are developed and produced with due regard to all safety precautions. Nevertheless, the unit still pos­es a number of unavoidable dangers and risks. The safety instructions provide you with an overview of these dangers and the necessary safety precautions.
In the interests of your own safety and the safety of oth­ers, please read these safety instructions carefully be­fore assembly and commissioning of the Liquid Cooling Package. Follow the user information found in these instructions and on the unit carefully.

2.1 Important safety instructions

Danger! Injury due to falling loads! Do not stand under suspended loads
when transporting the unit with a hoist trolley, a forklift, or a crane.
Warning! Danger of cut wounds, espe­cially from the sharp edges of the heat exchanger module!
Put on protective gloves before begin­ning assembly or cleaning work!
Warning! Injury due to falling loads! If the server rack is not fully populated, there is a risk of it tipping over when the Liquid Cooling Package is swung away. Heavy equipment should be installed in the bottom part of the server enclosure. Where necessary, secure the server en­closure to the floor to prevent it tipping over.
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! The medium necessary for the control system, i.e. cooling water, must be avail­able throughout the entire operating time.
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! It is vital that the manufacturer's con­sent is obtained before adding anti­freeze!
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! During storage and transportation below
freezing point, the water circuit should be drained completely using com­pressed air!

2.2 Service and technical staff

The installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of this unit may only be carried out by qualified, trained mechanics. Only properly instructed personnel may work on a unit while in operation.

2.3 RoHS compliance

The Liquid Cooling Package fulfils the requirements of EU Directive 2011/65/EC on the Restriction of Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Elec­tronic Equipment (RoHS) of 1 July 2011.
Note: The corresponding information about the
RoHS Directive can be found on our website at www.rittal.com.
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! Do not modify the unit! Use only original spare parts!
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! Proper operation can only be ensured if
the unit is operated under the intended ambient conditions. As far as possible, be sure that the ambient conditions for which the unit is designed are complied with, e.g. temperature, humidity, air puri­ty.
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package 5

3 Device description

LCP Hybrid
Server rack
12 345
3 Device description

3.1 General functional description

The LCP Hybrid is essentially an air/water heat exchang­er. It cools the room by cooling the hot air from devices in a server enclosure to the ambient temperature. This prevents the temperature at the installation site from ris­ing as a result of heat loss from the IT components. To this end, the device is fitted to the rear of a server enclo­sure.
Air routing follows the "front to back" cooling principle, and is effected by the device fans built into the server en­closure. The expelled warm air is routed through the air/ water heat exchanger of the Liquid Cooling Package. To this end, the fans of the built-in 482.6 mm (19") equip­ment must be capable of overcoming the airside pres­sure loss from the LCP Hybrid.
There, the air is cooled and then flows out into the am­bient air at the rear.
Note: The water inlet temperature must always be
selected (controlled) to be above the dew point for the existing ambient temperature and humidity in the data centre. The dew point can be found in the Mollier h-x diagram (fig. 2).
Furthermore, we advise compliance with the ASHRAE standard "ASHRAE TC 9.9, 2011 Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Envi­ronments".
Note: As an alternative to use of the h-x diagram, in
section 13.2.2 "Determination of the dew point", you will find tables showing the dew point for selected temperatures and air hu­midity levels.
Fig. 1: Air routing on the LCP Hybrid – Side view
1 Cold ambient air 2 Server rack with installed equipment
3 Hot airflow from 482.6 mm (19 4 LCP Hybrid with air/water heat exchanger 5Cooled air
Immediately in front of the heat exchanger is a row of heat pipes. These heat pipes support even distribution of the thermal load over the entire height of the heat ex­changer.
In the heat exchanger, the thermal energy (heat loss from the devices) is transferred to a cold water system.
6 Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
) equipment
3 Device description
0 g/kg
1.05 kg/m3
1.10 kg/m3
2 g/kg
4 g/kg
6 g/kg
8 g/kg
10 g/kg
12 g/kg
14 g/kg
16 g/kg
30% 20% 15% 10% 5%
18 g/kg
20 g/kg
Rel. Humidity
11˚ 10˚
60 kJ/kg
1.15 kg/m3
1.20 kg/m3
20 kJ/kg
1.25 kg/m3
40 kJ/kg
Dew point curve
Mollier h-x diagram for humid air – pressure 0.950 bar (537.000 m / 10.000˚C / 80.000% rF)
Fig. 2: Mollier h-x diagram for humid air
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package 7
3 Device description

3.2 Air routing

In order to ensure adequate cooling in the server enclo­sure, it is important to ensure that the hot air from the fans of the installed equipment is routed directly via the LCP Hybrid and is prevented from accumulating inside the server enclosure.
Targeted air routing in the server enclosure has a major effect on the heat loss to be dissipated. It is therefore im­portant to assemble the device and the additional in­stalled equipment in the server enclosure as described in section 5.2 "Assembly procedure".
In order to ensure targeted air routing in the system, the server enclosure should be divided vertically into warm air and cold air sections. The division is accomplished in the rear section of the server assembly to the left and right of the 482.6 mm (19") level using air baffle plates, which, depending on the enclosure width and the num­ber of server enclosures to be cooled, can be ordered as accessories (see section 12 "Accessories").
This prevents the hot air from flowing back at the sides adjacent to the server installations and forming hot spots (fig. 3).
If the air baffle plates remain in the front section of the server enclosure, hot spots may form in the server en­closure (fig. 4).
Fig. 4: Incorrect arrangement of the partitioning plates (air baf-
fle plates)
1 Cold ambient air 2 Partitioning plates in the front section 3 Formation of a hot spot 4 Installed devices 5 Misdirected hot airflow 6 LCP Hybrid with air/water heat exchanger 7Cooled air
If devices which require sideways air throughput are built into the server enclosure (e.g. switches, router, etc.), these may be cooled via targeted repositioning of the air
baffle plates.
Note: When using devices which require sideways
air throughput, repositioning of the air baffle plates means that the entire width of the heat exchanger is not used to optimum effect.
Fig. 3: Correct arrangement of the partitioning plates (air baffle
1 Cold ambient air 2 Installed devices 3 Partitioning plates in the rear section 4Hot airflow 5 LCP Hybrid with air/water heat exchanger 6Cooled air
8 Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
3 Device description

3.3 Equipment assembly


3.3.1 Unit components

Fig. 5: Arrangement of the partitioning plates (air baffle plates)
for devices with sideways air throughput
1 Cold ambient air 2 Partitioning plate in the front section 3 Installed devices 4 Cold airflow in the server enclosure 5 Hot airflow in the server enclosure 6 Partitioning plate in the rear section 7 LCP Hybrid with air/water heat exchanger 8Cooled air
Additionally, please observe the following regarding in­stalled equipment in the server enclosure:
Ensure that the 482.6 mm (19") equipment is distrib­uted as evenly as possible inside the server enclosure. This prevents selective loading of the heat exchanger.
Install heavy equipment with high heat generation at the bottom of the server enclosure, and passive com­ponents with low heat generation at the top.
If the server enclosure is not fully populated, seal the open height units (U) in the 482.6 mm (19") level with blanking plates, available as Rittal accessories (see section 12 "Accessories").
Fig. 6: LCP Hybrid – Door closed
1 LCP door with air/water heat exchanger 2Door bracket 3Cooling water connection 4 Door handle 5 Server enclosure
The Liquid Cooling Package is comprised of a rear door with heat exchanger and a side frame.
The door is fitted with a special door bracket at the rear of the server enclosure, and seals the server enclosure with 4-point locking. There is a maintenance door fitted on the inside of the Liquid Cooling Package. Whilst closed, this provides ac­cess protection for the heat exchanger.
Note: Foam strips may also be used as an alterna-
tive to air baffle plates.
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package 9
3 Device description
Fig. 7: LCP Hybrid – Maintenance door open
1 Vent valves 2 Air/water heat exchanger with heat pipes 3Ventilation hose 4 Maintenance door
3.3.2 Air/water heat exchanger with cold water
The air/water heat exchanger is fitted as a rear door in the Liquid Cooling Package. The cooling water connec­tion is connected to the main inlet and return connec­tions by two DN 25 (G1") externally threaded pipes. The connection nozzles are positioned vertically downwards.
Fig. 8: Connection nozzles at the bottom of the LCP Hybrid
1 Door bracket hinge 2LCPHybrid 3 Server enclosure 4 Cooling water connection, inlet 5Cooling water connection, return
The cooling water is generally connected to the cold wa­ter system using an optional connection hose. Alterna­tively, the LCP Hybrid may also be connected on-site with the installed pipework.

3.4 Proper and improper usage

The Liquid Cooling Package is used to dissipate high heat losses and for the effective cooling of the waste air from IT components built into a server enclosure.
The unit is state of the art and built according to recog­nised safety regulations. Nevertheless, improper use can pose a threat to the life and limb of the user or third parties, or result in possible damage to the system and other property.
Consequently, the unit must only be used properly and in a technically sound condition! Any malfunctions which impair safety should be rectified immediately. Follow the operating instructions!
Proper use also includes following the operating instruc­tions and fulfilling the inspection and maintenance con­ditions.
10 Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
Inappropriate use can be dangerous. Examples of inap­propriate use include:
– Use of impermissible tools. – Improper operation. – Improper rectification of malfunctions – Use of replacement parts which are not authorised by
Rittal GmbH & Co. KG.

3.5 Supply scope of a Liquid Cooling Package

The Liquid Cooling Package supply includes:
Qty. Parts
1 Liquid Cooling Package, ready for connection
1 Assembly instructions
5 Posidrive raised countersunk screw
3 Contact washer
7 Screw
3 Device description
1Bleed tool
Tab. 1: Supply scope of an LCP Hybrid
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package 11

4 Transportation and handling

4 Transportation and handling

4.1 Transportation

The Liquid Cooling Package is delivered on a pallet in a protective box.
Caution! Because of its height and narrow base,
the Liquid Cooling Package is subject to tipping. Risk of toppling, especially after the unit is removed from the pallet!
Caution! Transportation of the Liquid Cooling Package without a pallet: Use only suitable and technically sound lifting gear and load-bearing devices with sufficient load capacity.

4.2 Unpacking

Remove the unit's packaging materials but not the mounting aid.
Note: Damage and other faults, e.g. incomplete de­livery, should be reported immediately, in writing, to the shipping company and to Rittal GmbH & Co. KG.
Place the unit in its intended location.
Fig. 9: Mounting aid
Note: After unpacking, the packaging materials
must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. They consist of the following materials:
Wood, polythene, polypropylene, corrugated cardboard, steel.
Check the unit for any damage that may have oc­curred during transport.
12 Rittal Liquid Cooling Package

5 Assembly and siting

5 Assembly and siting

5.1 General

5.1.1 Installation site requirements

In order to ensure problem-free operation of the Liquid Cooling Package, the following conditions for the instal­lation location should be observed:
Supply connections required at the installation site
Type of connection Connection description:
Cooling water con­nection:
Tab. 2: Supply connections required at the installation site
Note: Please also observe the instructions and data relating to the cold water connection as out­lined in section 6.1 "Cooling water connec­tion".
15°C inlet temperature (depend­ing on relative humidity) Max. 6 bar permissible operating pressure Volumetric flow: depending on design (see section 13.2 "Charac­teristic curves and tables") DN 25 (G1") external pipe thread
taken to ensure that external air streams are not pointing directly at the rear of the LCP Hybrid. Such counterflows prevent hot air from being expelled by the LCP Hybrid, leading to the formation of a hot spot inside the server enclosure.
Server rack
LCP Hybrid
Recommendation: To facilitate easy servicing of the Liquid
Cooling Package, maintain a distance of at least 1 m between the rear of the device and the nearest wall.
Floor conditions
– The floor of the installation space should be rigid and
– Choose the installation site so that the unit is not situ-
ated on a step or uneven surface, etc.
Recommendation: Room temperature +22°C at 47% relative air humidity, according to ASHRAE guidelines. The room temperature must correspond to the required air intake temperature.
Caution! Risk of tipping over! Stand-alone enclosures should be se-
cured to the floor to prevent them tip­ping over.
12 345
Fig. 10: Incorrect external air stream
1 Cold ambient air 2 Server rack with installed equipment 3 Hot spot caused by failure to expel hot air 4 LCP Hybrid with air/water heat exchanger 5 External air stream onto the LCP Hybrid
A serial layout is the best option. This means that cold air produced by the LCP Hybrid is drawn in by a server en­closure positioned behind it. The LCP Hybrid installed there cools the air from this enclosure, and so on.
If several server enclosures are positioned adjacent to one another, each enclosure must be partitioned sepa­rately. To this end, we recommend using a partition be­tween two enclosures, and a corresponding side panel as the termination.

5.1.2 Installation guidelines

The positioning in the rack aisles must be considered when planning the layout. In particular, care should be
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package 13
5 Assembly and siting
Fig. 11: Serial layout
Secure one air baffle plate from the LCP Hybrid acces­sories to one of the rear supports in the server rack (fig. 12).
Fig. 12: Air baffle plate in the server rack
1 Server rack 2 Air baffle plate
If devices which require cooling via sideways air throughput (e.g. switches, router, etc.) are built into the server enclosure, the air baffle plates will need to be repositioned to allow for cooling (fig. 5):
Attach the air baffle plate in the front section on one side of the server rack.
Attach the air baffle plate in a suitable place in the rear section on the other side of the server rack.

5.2 Assembly procedure

5.2.1 General

Before the Liquid Cooling Package can be bayed onto a server enclosure, the following work should be carried out: – Seal the server enclosure,
– Dismantle the rear server enclosure door, if available – Remove the lock pieces with the divided rear door and – Fit the side panels.
After baying the Liquid Cooling Package, the optional air routing kit may be installed.

5.2.2 Seal the server enclosure

In order to ensure targeted air routing in the system, the server enclosure is vertically divided into hot air and cold air zones by sealing the 482.6 mm (19") level.
Proceed as follows to seal the 482.6 mm (19") level:
If the server enclosure is only partially configured, seal the open sections of the 482.6 mm (19") level using blanking plates. Screw these tightly into the server rack from the rear.

5.2.3 Dismantle the rear server enclosure door

For baying the LCP Hybrid, the rear door of the server enclosure (if available) will need to be removed. The frame of the LCP Hybrid is bayed to the server enclosure frame in place of the existing server door.
Proceed as follows to dismantle the server enclosure door:
Remove the sealing bungs from the four door hinges using an appropriate tool (e.g. screwdriver).
Release and open the server enclosure door.
On each hinge, loosen the locking screw used to se­cure it to the server enclosure.
Fig. 13: Removing a door hinge
Blanking plates in the various height units (U) and narrow air baffle plates are available as Rittal accessories (see section 12 "Accesso­ries").
14 Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
Note: Support the server enclosure door so that it will not fall as the hinges are loosened. If nec­essary, work with a second person.
Remove the server enclosure door from the enclosure, including the hinges, to the rear.
If divided rear doors were fitted to the server enclo­sure, the lock pieces in the centre will additionally need to be removed.

5.2.4 Fit the door latch mechanisms

To lock the LCP Hybrid with the server enclosure, the four lock pieces included with the supply are mounted on the handle side.
4 x M6 x 12
5 Assembly and siting
MD= 9 Nm
Fig. 14: Lock piece
Rotate the first lock piece so that the "L" marking is legible.
Screw the lock piece through the bottom opening on one of the four mounting positions in the server enclo­sure.
In the same way, attach the three other lock pieces to the lock side of the server enclosure.

5.2.5 Fit the LCP Hybrid

Note: At least two people must work together to in-
stall the LCP Hybrid.
Leaving the LCP Hybrid in its packaging, position it be­hind the server enclosure on which it is to be fitted.
Open the packaging.
With at least two people, lift the LCP Hybrid out of the packaging and set it upright.
Rotate the LCP Hybrid on the mounting aid, in such a way that the mounting points and the cooling water connections are on the right-hand side.
Push the LCP Hybrid against the server enclosure on the mounting aid, and align it in such a way that the mounting points in the door hinge of the LCP Hybrid are aligned with the corresponding openings in the server enclosure.
Fig. 15: Mounting the LCP Hybrid – Exterior
1 Server enclosure 2 Mounting point 3 Door hinge
Screw the LCP Hybrid onto the four mounting points
to which standard server enclosure door hinges are attached.
The LCP Hybrid is additionally screw-fastened to the in­side of the server enclosure at the top and bottom.
Swing the LCP Hybrid away from the server enclosure to give you access to the rear of the server enclosure.
Secure the LCP Hybrid on the inside top using two screws included with the supply.
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package 15
5 Assembly and siting

5.2.6 Fitting the potential equalisation

In order to ensure reliable potential equalisation between the server enclosure and the LCP Hybrid, it is addition­ally necessary to fit the special potential equalisation screw.
Screw the potential equalisation screw and contact washer included with the supply into the point marked with an earth symbol above the bottom two assembly screws, as far as they will go (fig. 17, item 2).

5.2.7 Install the air routing kit (optional)

It is also important to ensure correct routing of the heat­ed air through the LCP Hybrid for the devices installed at the top and bottom of the server enclosure. To this end, the air routing kit (3311.160) available as an accessory should be mounted at the rear on the inside of the server enclosure frame.
First, insert one air baffle plate each from above into the corresponding fastening plate.
Fig. 16: Mounting the LCP Hybrid – Inside top
1 Server enclosure 2 Assembly screws (2x) 3LCPHybrid
Secure the LCP Hybrid at the inside bottom using two
screws included with the supply.
Fig. 18: Air routing kit at the bottom of the server enclosure
1 Assembly screw, air baffle plate – fastening plate (3x) 2 Server enclosure 3 Assembly screw, fastening plate – server enclosure (3x) 4 482.6 mm (19") level 5 Fastening plate 6 Air baffle plate
Secure the air baffle plate in this position using a total
of three assembly screws.
Mount the fastening plate, including the air baffle plate, at the bottom rear of the server enclosure frame, and secure it in this position, likewise with three assembly screws.
Note: The side position of the air baffle plate is de-
termined by the 482.6 mm (19") chassis.
Fig. 17: Mounting the LCP Hybrid – Inside bottom
1LCPHybrid 2 Position for potential equalisation 3 Assembly screws (2x) 4 Server enclosure
16 Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
Fit the second air baffle plate in the server enclosure as outlined above.

5.2.8 Remove the mounting aid

Finally, remove the mounting aid beneath the Liquid Cooling Package.
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