Rittal 3311.490, 3311.491, 3311.492, 3311.493 Assembly And Operating Manual

Assembly and operating instructions
2 Rittal LCU DX
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a Rittal Liquid Cooling Unit DX (also referred to hereafter as "LCU DX").
This documentation applies to the following devices in the LCU DX series (DX = Direct Expansion): – LCU DX 3 kW single –LCU DX 3 kW redundant – LCU DX 6.5 kW single – LCU DX 6.5 kW redundant
Those sections where information only applies to one of the units are labelled accordingly in the documentation.
Please take the time to read this documentation carefully and pay particular attention to the safety instructions in the text and to section 2 "Safety instructions".
This is the prerequisite for: – secure assembly of the LCU DX – safe handling and – the most trouble-free operation possible.
Please keep the complete documentation readily availa­ble so that it is always on hand when needed.
We wish you every success!
Your, Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
Rittal GmbH & Co. KG Auf dem Stützelberg
35745 Herborn Germany
Tel.: +49(0)2772 505-0 Fax: +49(0)2772 505-2319
E-mail: info@rittal.de www.rimatrix5.com www.rimatrix5.de
We are always happy to answer any technical questions regarding our entire range of products.
Rittal LCU DX 3
1 Notes on documentation .................. 4
1.1 CE label ........................................................ 4
1.2 Information on electromagnetic compatibility . 4
1.3 Storing the documents .................................. 4
1.4 Symbols in these operating instructions ........ 4
1.5 Associated documents ................................. 4
1.6 Normative instructions .................................. 4
1.6.1 Legal information concerning the operating
instructions ...........................................................4
1.6.2 Copyright ............................................................. 4
1.6.3 Revision ................................................................ 4
2 Safety instructions ............................ 5
2.1 Important safety instructions: ........................ 5
2.2 Service and technical staff ............................ 6
2.2.1 Personal safety equipment ................................... 6
2.3 Operator requirements .................................. 6
2.3.1 Abbreviated instructions ....................................... 6
2.3.2 System log ........................................................... 6
2.3.3 F-gas regulation ................................................... 7
2.3.4 Chemicals – Climate Protection Ordinance ........... 7
2.4 RoHS compliance ......................................... 7
3 Device description ............................ 8
3.1 General functional description ....................... 8
3.2 Air routing ..................................................... 8
3.3 Device assembly ........................................... 8
3.3.1 Internal unit (evaporator coil) ................................. 8
3.3.2 External unit (inverter-controlled cooling unit) ........ 9
3.3.3 Refrigerant lines and electrical pilot wires .............. 9
3.4 Proper and improper usage .......................... 9
3.5 Scope of supply for the LCU DX ................. 10
4 Transport and handling .................. 11
4.1 Transport .................................................... 11
4.2 Unpacking .................................................. 11
5 Assembly and siting ....................... 12
5.1 General ....................................................... 12
5.1.1 Siting location requirements ................................ 12
5.1.2 Relative positioning of the internal unit to the
external unit ........................................................ 12
5.1.3 Supply connections required at the installation
site .....................................................................12
5.1.4 Electromagnetic interference .............................. 12
5.2 Assembly procedure ................................... 12
5.2.1 Preparatory tasks ............................................... 12
5.2.2 Mounting the internal unit ................................... 13
5.2.3 Mounting the internal unit accessories ................ 13
5.2.4 Mounting the external unit .................................. 14
6 Installation ...................................... 16
6.1 General information ..................................... 16
6.2 Notes on pipework ...................................... 16
6.3 Connecting the condensate discharge ........ 18
6.4 Electrical connection ................................... 18
6.4.1 General .............................................................. 18
6.4.2 Connecting the external unit ............................... 19
6.4.3 Connecting the internal unit ................................ 19
6.5 Checking the entire system prior to
commissioning ........................................... 19
6.6 Installing the server .................................... 20
7 Operation ....................................... 22
7.1 Control and display devices ....................... 22
7.2 Switching the LCU DX on and off ............... 22
7.2.1 Switching on the internal and external units ........ 22
7.2.2 Switching off the internal and external units ........ 22
7.2.3 Switching off in an emergency ............................ 22
7.3 Setting the setpoint temperature ................ 22
8 Troubleshooting ............................. 24
8.1 General ...................................................... 24
8.2 List of error messages ................................ 24
9 Inspection and maintenance ........... 25
10 Storage and disposal ...................... 26
11 Technical specifications .................. 27
11.1 LCU DX 3 kW ............................................. 27
11.2 LCU DX 6.5kW ........................................... 28
11.3 Information about the refrigerant ................ 29
11.4 Cooling output ........................................... 29
11.4.1 LCU DX 3 kW ..................................................... 30
11.4.2 LCU DX 6.5 kW .................................................. 31
11.5 Overview drawings ..................................... 32
11.5.1 Internal unit LCU DX 3 kW and 6.5 kW ............... 32
11.5.2 Dimensions of internal unit LCU DX 3 kW and
6.5 kW ............................................................... 33
11.6 RI flow chart LCU DX ................................. 34
11.7 Circuit diagram ........................................... 35
11.7.1 Functional diagram, internal unit ......................... 35
11.7.2 Connection internal unit – external unit, external
interfaces ........................................................... 36
11.7.3 Circuit diagram, external unit .............................. 37
12 Spare parts .................................... 38
13 Accessories .................................... 39
14 Glossary ......................................... 40
15 Customer service addresses .......... 41
1 Notes on documentation
4 Rittal LCU DX
1 Notes on documentation
1.1 CE label
The declaration of conformity has been issued by the company Hannich GmbH and is included with the sup­ply of the LCU DX.
The cooling unit bears the following mark:
1.2 Information on electromagnetic com­patibility
The LCU DX is a class A device as defined by EN 55022. Under certain circumstances, the device may cause ra­dio interference in domestic environments. In such cas­es, the operator may be asked to implement appropriate measures.
1.3 Storing the documents
The assembly and operating instructions as well as all other applicable documents are an integral part of the product. They must be passed to those persons who are engaged with the unit and must always be available and on hand for the operating and maintenance person­nel.
1.4 Symbols in these operating instructions
The following symbols are used in this documentation:
This symbol indicates an "Action Point" and shows that you should perform an operation/procedure.
1.5 Associated documents
The general plant documentation for the room where the equipment is situated (construction specifications for the ventilation system) also applies in conjunction with these assembly and operating instructions.
1.6 Normative instructions
1.6.1 Legal information concerning the operating instructions
We reserve the right to make changes in content. Rittal GmbH & Co. KG and/or Hannich GmbH are not respon­sible for any damage which may result from failure to comply with these assembly and operating instructions. The same applies to failure to comply with the valid doc­umentation for any accessories used.
1.6.2 Copyright
The distribution and duplication of this document and the disclosure and use of its contents are prohibited un­less expressly authorised. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights created by a patent grant or registration of a utility model or design are reserved.
1.6.3 Revision
Rev. 0A of 25/01/2016
Danger! Hazardous situation which will result in death or serious injury if the instructions are not followed.
Warning! Hazardous situation which may lead to death or serious injury if the instructions are not followed.
Caution! Hazardous situation which may lead to (minor) injuries if the instructions are not followed.
Note: Information concerning individual proce­dures, explanations, or tips for simplified ap­proaches. Also indicates situations which may result in material damage.
Rittal LCU DX 5
2 Safety instructions
2 Safety instructions
The devices in the LCU DX series from Rittal GmbH & Co. KG are developed and manufactured with due re­gard for all safety precautions. Nevertheless, the unit still poses a number of unavoidable dangers and residual risks. These safety instructions provide an overview of these dangers and the necessary safety precautions. In the interests of your own safety and the safety of oth­ers, please read these safety instructions carefully be­fore assembling and commissioning the LCU DX! Follow the user information found in these instructions and on the unit carefully.
2.1 Important safety instructions:
Danger! Electric shock! Contact with live electrical parts may re­sult in fatal injury. Before switching on, ensure that there is no possibility of accidental contact with live electrical parts. The unit has a high discharge current. Before connecting to the supply circuit, therefore, it is essential to make a 6 mm² earth connection (see section 11.7 "Cir­cuit diagram").
Danger! Injury caused by fan impellers. Keep persons and objects away from the fan impellers. Do not remove covers until the power supply is disconnected and impellers are immobilised. Always use mechanical protection when work­ing. Shut down the respective fan during maintenance work, if possible. Tie long hair back. Do not wear loose clothing. The fans will start up again automatically following a power disruption.
Danger! Hot components may cause in­jury! The external unit and the pipelines are hot during operation, and may cause burns on direct contact.
Danger! Risk of poisoning from refriger­ant gases created under the influence of heat. When carrying out welding and solder­ing work, shortness of breath or asphyx­iation may occur. The refrigerant is heavier than air, and in high concentrations may cause short­ness of breath and asphyxiation, by dis­placing the oxygen.
Danger! Risk of poisoning from refriger­ant gases created under the influence of heat. When carrying out welding and solder­ing work on the refrigerant circuit, use protective gloves and breathing appara­tus with a filter. Even a very low concentration of refrig­erant may cause the refrigerant to de­compose in combination with a naked flame, and cause acute shortness of breath.
Danger! Risk of injury from incorrect in­stallation. Installation of the refrigerant lines and other media connections must only be carried out by qualified plumbers or cooling technology specialists.
Danger! Threat to the environment from escaping refrigerant! Never allow the refrigerant to escape into the environment if at all possible (see section 2.3.3 "F-gas regulation").
Danger! Injury due to falling loads! Do not stand under suspended loads when transporting the unit with a hoist trolley, a forklift, or a crane.
Warning! Danger of cut injuries, espe­cially from the sharp edges of the fan module and heat exchanger module. Put on protective gloves before begin­ning assembly or cleaning work.
2 Safety instructions
6 Rittal LCU DX
As a general requirement, please observe the following five safety rules to DIN EN 50110-1 (VDE 0105-1) when working in and on the LCU DX, in order to avoid acci­dents:
1. Switch off! Switch off the on-site power supply to the LCU DX.
2. Secure against reactivation.
3. Ensure that all poles are de-energised.
4. Earth and short-circuit.
5. Cover or shield adjacent, live parts.
2.2 Service and technical staff
The installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of this unit may only be carried out by trained, qualified mechanical, electro-technical and refrigeration engi­neering specialists. Only properly instructed personnel may service a unit while in operation.
2.2.1 Personal safety equipment
Personal safety equipment, which should as a minimum include thermally insulated gloves and protective gog­gles, is to be worn during any work on this unit when personnel might come into contact with refrigerant (see section 11.3 "Information about the refrigerant"). Additionally, in the event of fire, airtight respiratory masks must be worn.
2.3 Operator requirements
In accordance with EU Regulation 842/2006, for a total refrigerant fill volume of more than 2.5 kg (R410A), the operator must carry out a leak test at least once a year. This fill volume is achieved or exceeded with a pipe length of > 28 m. Any leaks that are detected must be repaired immedi­ately.
2.3.1 Abbreviated instructions
The operator must ensure that abbreviated instructions containing the following information are available in a readily accessible location on the LCU DX:
1. Name, address and telephone number of the instal­lation company, its customer service department, or the customer service department of the owner/op­erator, or as a minimum requirement, the individual responsible for the cooling system, together with the address and telephone number of the fire brigade, police, hospitals and burn victims centres.
2. Type of refrigerant: R410A, comprising 50% di­fluoromethane R32 (CH
) and 50% R125 penta-
fluoroethane (C
3. Instructions for switching off the cooling system in an emergency (see section 7.2.3 "Switching off in an emergency");
4. The maximum permissible pressures (see sec­tion11 "Technical specifications").
2.3.2 System log
Under DIN EN 378, the operator is required to keep a system log and ensure that it is regularly updated. The system log should contain the following information:
1. Details of all repair work
2. Quantity and type (new, reused or recycled) of refrig­erant added, quantity of refrigerant removed
Warning! Injuries from escaping refriger­ant. Escaping gas may freeze the skin. Be­fore working on the cooling circuit, put on protective gloves and goggles.
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! Do not modify the unit. Use only original spare parts.
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! Proper operation can only be ensured if the unit is operated under the intended ambient conditions. As far as possible, observe the ambient conditions for which the unit was designed, e.g. tem­perature, humidity, air purity.
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! All media required for the control sys­tem, such as the correct fill volume of re­frigerant, must be available throughout the entire operating period of the device.
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! Installation, and in particular the laying of the refrigerant pipework between the internal and external unit, must only be carried out by trained, qualified and ac­credited cooling system specialists.
Caution! Risk of malfunction or damage! In order to prevent EMC-related mal­functions during operation, and to allow access for servicing purposes, cross­wiring through the LCU DX to the bayed racks is prohibited.
Note: Rittal offers leak testing of the device as a service.
Rittal LCU DX 7
2 Safety instructions
3. Outcome of any analysis of reused refrigerant, if available
4. Origin of reused refrigerant
5. Amendments to and replacement of system com­ponents
6. Results of all regular routine checks and
7. Any significant shutdowns
2.3.3 F-gas regulation
Regulation (EC) No. 842/2006 of the European Parlia­ment and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on certain fluor­inated greenhouse gases entered into force on 4 July
2006. The Regulation regulates the reduction of emis-
sions, the use, recovery and destruction of certain fluor­inated greenhouse gases, and the labelling and disposal of products and equipment containing such gases.
Leak test pursuant to Article 3 (containment)
3kg – 30kg at 12-month intervals (or 6 kg in hermet-
ically sealed systems), – 30 kg – 300 kg at 6-month intervals, – more than 300 kg at 3-month intervals.
2.3.4 Chemicals – Climate Protection Ordinance
This Ordinance applies in addition to the aforementioned Regulation (EC) No. 842/2006 of the European Parlia­ment and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on certain fluor­inated greenhouse gases.
2.4 RoHS compliance
The LCU DX fulfils the requirements of EU Directive 2011/65/EC on the Restriction of Use of Certain Hazard­ous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) of 8 June 2011.
Note: Corresponding information about the RoHS Directive may be found on our website at www.rittal.com/RoHS.
3 Device description
8 Rittal LCU DX
3 Device description
3.1 General functional description
The Liquid Cooling Unit DX (DX = Direct Expansion) is essentially a split cooling unit used to dissipate heat losses from server enclosures or for the effective cooling of devices built into a server enclosure. The air routing in the LCP DX supports the "front to back" cooling principle of the devices built into the server enclosure. The hot air expelled by the devices in the server enclosure is drawn in by the fans at the rear di­rectly from the server enclosure or Micro Data Center and then routed through the heat exchanger module. In the heat exchanger module, the heated air is directed through a heat exchanger (refrigerant evaporator), and its thermal energy (heat loss from the server enclosure) is removed from the refrigerant via evaporation. This pro­cess cools the air to a freely selectable temperature, and it is then routed directly in front of the 482.6 mm (19") level in the server enclosure or Micro Data Center. The setpoint (outlet temperature from the cooling unit or server air intake temperature) may be set in the range +18°C to +28°C.
Fig. 1: Air routing on the LCU DX – Top view
1 Installed equipment in the server 2 Server enclosure/Micro Data Center 3Air outlet 4 Heat exchanger 5Fan 6 Air inlet
In the LCU DX, the temperature of the incoming cold air (server air intake) is controlled by continuously compar-
ing the actual temperature with the setpoint temperature (preset to +22°C). If the actual temperature exceeds the setpoint tempera­ture, the speed of the compressor is automatically in­creased, providing a greater cooling output from the heat exchanger, until the setpoint temperature is reached. In the LCU DX, the measured temperature of the extract­ed warm air is used to determine and control the re­quired fan speed. Any condensate incurred is collected in the integral con­densate collecting tray below the heat exchanger, and from there is routed outside via a condensate discharge hose.
3.2 Air routing
In order to achieve sufficient cooling in the server enclo­sure, it is important to ensure that the cooling air passes through the interior of the built-in devices rather than flowing past at the sides. Targeted air routing inside the server enclosure has a major effect on the thermal output to be dissipated. In order to ensure targeted air routing in the system, the server enclosure should be divided vertically into warm air and cold air sections. Essentially, this is already en­sured by the 482.6 mm (19") arrangement and the in­stallation of "front to back" vented servers. Consistent sub-division is achieved with additional plastic foam strips and air baffle plates on the left and right of the
482.6 mm (19") level (see section 13 "Accessories").
If the LCU DX is used to cool a TS IT server enclosure, it is important that this is sealed, by fitting the enclosure with side panels, roof and gland plates. Any existing ca­ble entries should be sealed e.g. using suitable brush strips. Whilst the system is in operation, both the front and the rear doors should be kept completely shut. No slotted doors should be used. When using in the Micro Data Center, the LCU DX is in­serted in a sealed safe structure for application-related reasons.
3.3 Device assembly
3.3.1 Internal unit (evaporator coil)
The internal unit of the LCU DX may be bayed either on the right or left of a server enclosure or Micro Data Center. To this end, the internal unit is mounted directly
Note: The 482.6 mm (19") level must likewise be completely sealed. This is already the case in a fully configured server enclosure. With a partially configured server enclosure, the open height units (U) of the 482.6 mm (19") level must be sealed with blanking plates, which are available as Rittal accessories (see section 13 "Accessories").
Rittal LCU DX 9
3 Device description
on fixing brackets on the rear wall of the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil has two condensate collecting trays to enable installation on the left or right of the enclosure. The bottom condensate discharge in each case remains unused. The internal unit is comprised of the following compo­nents: – Housing of powder-coated sheet steel. – Two condensate collecting trays in the enclosure (bot-
tom/top) so that the evaporator coil can be used in
two installation positions. The discharge connection of
the condensate tray has a diameter of 12 mm. – Direct refrigerant evaporator coil of inner-grooved
copper core pipes with aluminium membranes. The
evaporator coil is pressurised with exhaust air from the
server in order to ensure heat absorption (heat dissi-
pation) via the refrigerant flowing into the copper
pipes. – Evaporator coil fan as linear controlled EC fan. – Full electronic control of all components in the internal
unit, for evaporator coil fan speed control, server in-
take air temperature control, and power demand from
the external unit. The controller has temperature sen-
sors built into the intake and exhaust side of the inter-
nal unit, as well as on the evaporator coil itself. – Additional temperature sensor in the server front.
3.3.2 External unit (inverter-controlled cooling
The external unit is comprised of the following compo­nents: – Housing of weather-proof, stove-enamelled sheet
steel. – Compressor for compressing and circulating the re-
frigerant from the low-pressure side (internal unit) to
the high-pressure side (external unit). The motor is ac-
tivated by an external inverter, which controls the
speed of the compressor and therefore allows the
cooling output to be precisely adapted to the actual
cooling requirement. – Full electronic control of all components and measure-
ment devices on the external unit, including various
sensors and pressure measuring devices. – Condenser for condensing the compressed refriger-
ant so that it can be returned to the evaporator coil via
the expansion valve in liquid form. The condenser is
comprised of copper core pipes with aluminium mem-
branes and a DC fan motor, which is speed-controlled
to adjust the output. – Electronic expansion valve to supply the evaporator
coil with the required volume of refrigerant, so as to
ensure the corresponding optimum thermal absorp-
tion capacity to suit the current output requirements.
The expansion valve is electronically regulated via the
pilot wire from the evaporator coil.
3.3.3 Refrigerant lines and electrical pilot wires
The medium connection lines between the internal unit and the external unit are comprised of the following components: – Pair of refrigerant lines as a refrigerant suction line (re-
turn) and refrigerant liquid line (inlet), including conden­sate insulation. Refrigerator-quality copper pipes should be cleaned and dried (to DIN EN 12735-1/DIN
1786) and sealed before use.
– Electrical and pilot wire lines between the internal unit
and the external unit in a UV-resistant design.
3.4 Proper and improper usage
The LCU DX is used to dissipate low to medium heat losses and for the effective cooling of devices built into a server enclosure/Micro Data Center. The unit is de­signed solely for static use in sealed rooms. The unit is state of the art and built according to recog­nised safety regulations. Nevertheless, improper use can pose a threat to the life and limb of the user or third parties, or result in possible damage to the system and other property. Consequently, the unit must only be used properly and in a technically sound condition! Any malfunctions which impair safety should be rectified immediately. Proper usage also includes following the operating in­structions and fulfilling the inspection and maintenance conditions. Inappropriate use can be dangerous. Examples of inap­propriate use include: – Use of another external unit – Improper operation – Use of a refrigerant other than R410A – Use of a refrigerant fill volume other than that specified – Installation of the external unit in an unsuitable position – Improper rectification of malfunctions – Use of replacement parts which are not authorised by
Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
– Non-static use, e.g. on moving or vibrating machines
3 Device description
10 Rittal LCU DX
3.5 Scope of supply for the LCU DX
The supply of an LCU DX in the "single" variant includes the following:
The supply of an LCU DX in the "redundant" variant in­cludes the following:
Qty. Parts
, ready to connect, consisting of:
1 Internal unit
1 Remote control/operating unit
1 Holder for operating unit (482.6 mm (19") con-
sole, 3 U)
1 Temperature sensor, server front
1 Condensate discharge hose with copper si-
1 External unit
1 Set of accessories for mounting the internal
unit and for the air block panel
1 Assembly and operating instructions
Tab. 1: Scope of supply of an LCU DX, "single" variant
Qty. Parts
, ready to connect, consisting of:
1 Internal unit
2 Remote control/operating unit
1 Holder for operating unit (482.6 mm (19") con-
sole, 3 U)
2 Temperature sensor, server front
1 Condensate discharge
2 External unit
1 Set of accessories for mounting the internal
unit and for the air block panel
1 Assembly and operating instructions
Tab. 2: Scope of supply of an LCU DX, "redundant" variant
Rittal LCU DX 11
4 Transport and handling
4 Transport and handling
4.1 Transport
The LCU DX is delivered shrink-wrapped on a pallet.
4.2 Unpacking
Remove the packaging materials from the unit.
Check the unit for any damage that may have oc-
curred during transport.
Place the unit in its intended location.
Caution! Because of its height and narrow base, the LCU DX is liable to tip over. Risk of toppling, especially after the unit is re­moved from the pallet!
Caution! Transportation of the LCU DX without a pallet: Use only suitable and technically sound lifting gear and load-bearing devices with sufficient load capacity.
Note: After unpacking, the packaging materials must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. They consist of the following materials: Wood, polyethylene film (PE film), strap, edge protectors.
Note: Damage and other faults, e.g. incomplete de­livery, should be reported immediately, in writing, to the shipping company and to Rittal GmbH & Co. KG.
5 Assembly and siting
12 Rittal LCU DX
5 Assembly and siting
5.1 General
5.1.1 Siting location requirements
To ensure proper functioning of the LCU DX, the follow­ing conditions for the siting location of the device must be observed.
Climatic conditions
When choosing a siting location for the internal unit and external unit, please observe the values pre­scribed in section 11 "Technical specifications" for the
ambient temperature, dewpoint and air purity. According to ASHRAE Directive TC 9.9, a maximum room temperature of 30°C at 50% relative humidity must be observed at the internal unit's siting location. This equates to a dew point of 19°C. If these limits are ex­ceeded, there is a risk of condensation forming on the air outlet of the internal unit.
Floor conditions
– The floor of the installation space should be rigid and
level. – Choose the location carefully so that the unit is not sit-
uated on a step or uneven surface, etc.
Minimum required thermal output in the enclosure
In order to achieve continuous operation of the LCU DX, a heat load of at least 1 kW (3 kW version) or 3 kW (6.5 kW version) respectively must be installed in the en­closure. Otherwise, intermittent operation of the system may occur.
5.1.2 Relative positioning of the internal unit to
the external unit
The internal unit and the external unit must be connect­ed with a suitable copper pipe connection to DIN EN 378-2. The entire system must then be filled with refrig­erant (cf. section 6.2 "Notes on pipework"). The following distances and geodetic height differences must not be exceeded when installing the internal unit and external unit:
5.1.3 Supply connections required at the installa­tion site
Power is usually supplied to the external unit.
LCU DX 6.5 kW
5.1.4 Electromagnetic interference
– Interfering electrical installations (high frequency) are
to be avoided.
5.2 Assembly procedure
5.2.1 Preparatory tasks
The internal unit may be mounted both on the right and on the left of the TS IT server enclosure. Before the internal unit of the LCU DX can be installed in a TS IT server enclosure, the following work should be carried out.
Slide the 482.6 mm (19") mounting angles 50 mm away from you.
Recommendation: Where necessary, these values should be achieved by installing an additional room air­conditioning system.
Position Distance
Maximum equivalent pipeline length
LCU DX 3 kW: 30 m LCU DX 6.5 kW: 50 m
Of which maximum height difference
12 m
Tab. 3: Distances and height differences
Connection type Connection description
Electrical connection LCU DX 3 kW
230 V, 1~, N, PE, 50 Hz
Electrical fuse provid­ed by the customer
16 A, miniature circuit-breaker with C characteristic
Refrigerant connec­tion
Copper pipework
Tab. 4: Supply connections for the LCU DX 3 kW
Connection type Connection description
Electrical connection LCU DX 6.5 kW
230 V, 1~, N, PE, 50 Hz
Electrical fuse provid­ed by the customer
20 A, miniature circuit-breaker with C characteristic
Refrigerant connec­tion
Copper pipework
Tab. 5: Supply connections for the LCU DX 6.5 kW
Note: Installation in a Micro Data Center is de­scribed in the assembly instructions for the Micro Data Center. The assembly parts re­quired for the internal unit are included with the supply of the Micro Data Center.
Note: The LCU DX may only be operated in combi­nation with 482.6 mm (19") mounting angles. Installation with a 482.6 mm (19") mounting frame is not possible.
Rittal LCU DX 13
5 Assembly and siting
Fig. 2: Move the 482.6 mm (19") level sideways
Ensure that the front distance from the 482.6 mm (19") mounting angle to the front edge of the TS frame is at least 100 mm.
Fig. 3: Move the 482.6 mm (19") level in the depth
Position the punched section with mounting flange as shown in the assembly drawing (Fig. 18) and attach it to the inner level of the TS frame (mounting side).
Remember to maintain a distance of at least 15 cm between the roof plate and the top edge of the internal unit.
Locate the two mounting devices supplied loose for installing the internal unit into the lower punched sec­tion with mounting flange.
Fig. 4: Arrangement of the internal unit
1 Internal unit 2 Rear wall of internal unit 3 Mounting device 4 Punched section with mounting flange 5 Assembly screw
5.2.2 Mounting the internal unit
Position the internal unit on the mounting devices in such a way that the air outlet opening is on the opera­tor side of the server enclosure, and the fans are in the rear section. The end face of the internal unit must be flush with the front edge of the TS frame.
Align the internal unit horizontally.
In this position, screw the internal unit to the punched section with mounting flange using the attachment points provided (at the top and bottom of the rear pan­el).
5.2.3 Mounting the internal unit accessories
Install the remote control (3U trim panel) with the built­in operating units at the top of the 482.6 mm (19") lev­el, on the maintenance side of the rack.
Fig. 5: Mounting the internal unit accessories
1 Remote control (3U trim panel) 2 Control and display device 1 3 Control and display device 2 4 Second control and display device 1 for "redundant" ver-
For the "single" version, fit the external temperature sensor included with the supply in a suitable position in front of the server installations.
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1 2
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