Risco AGILITY Users Manual

User Manual
This guide is delivered subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
This guide contains proprietary information belonging to RISCO Group. Such information is supplied solely for the purpose of assisting explicitly and properly authorized users of the system. No part of its contents may be used for any other purpose, disclosed to any person or firm , or re pro duced by any me an s , ele c t roni c or me chani c al , without th e ex p r ess prior written permission of RISCO Group. The information contained herein is for the purpose of illustration and reference only. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Corpora t e and indiv idual name s an d da t a used in ex am pl e s here in belong to th eir respective owners.
Agility User Manual
All rights reserved.
2008 RISCO Group August 2008
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Agility User Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction......................................................................................... 5
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Chapter 2 Local System Operation.................................................................... 11
Chapter 3 Remote System Operation.................................................................18
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Chapter 4 User Functions and Settings............................................................. 23
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Chapter 5 System Specifications....................................................................... 32
Chapter 6 EN 50131 Compliance........................................................................ 33
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Agility User Manual
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Agility User Manual
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of System. The and home automation needs for many residential and commercial applications.
of any protected door, window, hallway, room, or area. Status information is presented visually or verbally. It supports the capabilities of communicating with a Central Monitoring Station or to your mobile phone using friendly and easy to understand verbal messages as well as SMS or E-mail messages. This manual describes how to operate your system. It will guide you through programming instructions for main system features as well as basic arming and disarming commands for the system.
has been specifically designed to meet a wide range of security, safety
is designed to recognize abnormal conditions and inform the system of the status
- RISCO Group's Flexible Wireless Security
1.1 Main Features
Up to 32 wireless zones (1 way or 2 way wireless detectors) + 4 optional wired zones (only with I/O expander) 32 User codes + Grand Master code 4 fixed authority levels for user Proximity tag for each user 3 partitions 3 wireless keypads (1 way or 2 way) 3 wireless sirens (internal or external) 8 Remote controls (1 way or 2 way) 250 Events Log 16 Follow Me destinations 4 outputs ( I/ O e x p and er ) X-10 support
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Agility User Manual
1.2 Agility Architecture
throughout the premises, which provide external, perimeter and internal burglary protection. The system is supervised, meaning that the panel checks the status of each sensor to detect problems. If the panel detects trouble it will notify you with beeps and indicator lights on the panel itself.
The following diagram shows the components that make up the system:
controls and monitors a variety of sensors, detectors, and contacts placed
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Agility User Manual
1.3 User Operating Tools
system can be operated using several devices, some of which have been designed as bi-directional. If you have purchased a bi-directional device your system is capable of sending a return reply status indication from the panel to the device for each command that is sent to it. Depending on your purchase you can operate your system via the following:
2-Way 8 Button Remote Control:
Using the bi-directional 8 button remote control you can arm, disarm, send a panic alarm, activate outputs and more. Being bi-directional the remote control receives a reply status indication, via its 3 colored LEDs and internal buzzer siren, from the panel for each command that it has sent to the panel. For higher security, commands can be defined to be activated with a 4 digit PIN code.
Agility 2-Way Wireless Keypad:
Using the bi-directional wireless keypad you can program and operate your system according to your needs. Being bi-directional the keypad receives a reply status indication from the panel for each command that it has sent to the panel. To use functions of the keypad you can use a code or a proximity tag.
4 Button Key fob:
Using the 4 button key fob you can arm, disarm, send a panic alarm and activate outputs.
Remote Phone Operation:
Using any remote, touch-tone phone you can perform remote operations such as arming, disarming, listening in and talking to the premises and more. The system can also provide audible information such as event occurrences and the status of your system
If your system is equipped with a GSM/GPRS module it can provide information about the system such as event occurrences by SMS. You can also operate the system using SMS commands for arming and disarming the system and more
Configuration Software:
RISCO Group's Configuration Software enables the installer to program the system and operate the system locally or remotely
Web Browser:
Using the web you can perform a variety of operations on your system such as arming, disarming, output activation, receive status information and viewing event logs
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Agility User Manual
1.4 Status Indications
LED Indicators
The LED indicators provide typical system indications, as discussed below. Some indicators have additional functions, which are explained later on.
Power LED
The Power LED indicates system operation.
Condition Description
Power OK
Rapid flash Slow flash
Arm/Alarm LED (Red)
Condition Description
System armed
Rapid flash Slow flash
Stay LED
Condition Description
System armed at STAY
System disarmed
Ready LED (Green)
Condition Description
System ready
Open zones
Slow Flash
Trouble LED
Condition Description
Rapid Flash Off
No trouble
Indicates AC trouble
Indicates low battery trouble
System in Exit delay
System is ready to be armed while a specially designated entry/exit door remains open
When all LEDs flash one after another in sequence the system is in Installation mode.
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Agility User Manual
Status Button / Se rvice Cal l (Li sten & Talk )
The button on the main unit can be defined as a system status indicator or as a S.O.S button. Once pressed, a service call will be established to the monitoring station, which then enables 2-way communication with the premises.
Voice Messaging
Three types of spoken messages are heard when using the or remotely to your mobile:
Event messages:
Upon selected event occurrence, the remote Follow Me (FM) telephone number, informing you of a security situation by playing a pre-recorded Event announcement message.
Status messages:
Upon remote access of the system by initiating a call from a remote telephone or receiving a call from the system, the current system status by playing a pre-recorded Status message.
Local Announcement messages:
operations, the
can announce various local messages to residents.
Upon event occurrence or user’s keypad
locally in the premises
initiates a call to a
announces the
SMS Messaging
Using the GSM/GPRS Module the system can send predefined SMS event messages to a remote Follow Me (FM) telephone number, informing you of the status of the security system and certain events that occurred in the system. For example:
Email Messaging
Using the Agility IP Module the system can send event messages by Email to predefined e- mail addresses informing you of the status of the security system and certain events that occurred in the system. For example:
Subject: Alarm Security Message: Intruder Alarm System Name: John's Residence Event: Fire Alarm, Zone 5, Entrance door Time: 01 April 2008; 16:12 Partition: Partition 1, First floor Service Contact: Monitoring Station 01, 03-5676778
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Sound Indications
In addition to the visual indications provided by the audible notification after certain events.
Condition Description
Intrusion alarm Fire alarm Exit delay Entry delay Confirm operation Reject operation Arm/Disarm squawk
Continues rapid beeping
Staggered rapid beeping
Slow buzzer beeps until the Exit Delay time period expires Slow buzzer beeps until the Entry Delay time period expires. A one-second tone Three rapid error beeps 1 siren chirp: System armed 2 siren chirps: System is disarmed 4 siren chirps: System disarmed after an alarm
Agility User Manual
LEDs, your system produces
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Agility User Manual
Chapter 2 - Local System Operation
2.1 Arming your system
Arming your system causes the intrusion detectors to trigger an alarm when violated. The arming operation will be followed by a local message announcement (if defined).
Before arming the system check the to be armed. If the system is NOT ready to be armed secure or bypass the violated zone(s), and then proceed. Failing to arm the system will be indicated by the system Your
offers the following kinds of arming:
: If you are unable to arm the system, press the status key to view system messages.
Away (Full) arming:
Away arming prepares all of the system's intrusion detectors to activate an alarm if violated, and is used when leaving the premises. The system will arm after the designated countdown time (Exit delay) and a local message will sound. Once you have armed the system, exit via the designated final exit door.
Ready LED and make sure that the system is ready
To arm using=Away (Full) arming=procedure
Quick mode:
High security mode: Press + code
Quick mode:
High security mode Press
Send SMS : [Code][A], example,
+ code or proximity tag
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