Programming Quick Guide
- OM7222J/ OM7222JW/
Make sure that the sca nner ha s the cor rect cabl e to plug in the P C
as below described::
*Note : Please install PL-2303 driver for USB serial
Reset Configuration to Default :
(For USB HID, RS232, USB Serial)
If you are unsure of the scanner configuration or have scanned
the incorrect codes, please scan the following barcode. This will
reset the scanner t o its factory defaults.
Keyboard Language (For USB HID Only)
Scan the barcode corresponding to the keyboard type
Redundancy Level
This scanner offers two levels of decode redundancy. Select higher
redundancy levels for decreasing levels of bar code quality. As
redundancy levels increase, the decoder’s aggressiveness decreases.
Select the redundancy level appropriate for the bar code quality.
barcode must be successfully read twice
barcode must be successfully read three times

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