Programming Quick Guide
- FS5100D
Make sure that the scanner has the correct cable to
plug in the PC as below described:
*Note : Please insta ll PL-230 3 driver for USB se rial
Reset Configuration to Defaults
If you are unsure of the scanner configuration or have
scanned the incorrect codes, please scan from A1 to A6 for
USB HID or B1 for RS232 or USB Serial. This will reset the
scanner to its factory defaults.
* Note: Pl eas e ins tall P L-2 303 dri ver for U SB Seri al .
Keyboard Country(For USB HID only)
Scan the appropriate country code as below to program the
keyboard layout for your country or language. As a general
rule, the following characters are supported, but need special
care for countries other than the United States:
@ | $ # { } [ ] = / ‘ \ < > ~
Barcode Configuration Method:
Please follow the below 4 steps to complete the
"Symbologies Enable" or "Symbologies Disable"
1. Start Configuration
2. Choose one of 1D Symbologies
3. Enable setting: scan Enable-1, then Enable-2
Disable setting: scan Disable-1, then Disable-2
4. End Configuration
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