Rinnai RES-ED440H-W, RES-ED480H-W, RES-ED450H-W, RES-ED4100H-W Instruction Manual

Read this instruction manual attentively and keep this operating handbook well for future reference uses
RES -ED4 4 0H- W RES -ED4 5 0H- W RES -ED4 8 0H- W
RI T-00 03 -15 4
UNIT (Pcs)
1 1 2
1 3 4 5
Electric Water Heater Instruction Manual Hanging Bolt Pressure Relief Valve Hook
PT. BA HAGIA INTI TAM A Jak arta - In dones ia
Before Us e...... ....1
Product ’s Features..........1
Part Name s...... ....2
Specifi cation. ....... ..3
Dimensi on..... .....3
Install ation.. ....... .4~6
Install ation Not ice.... ......6
Operati ng Instru ctions. ....... ..7
Daily and C ommon Mai ntenance..........7
Electri cal Diagr am..........8
Tro ublesho oting..........9
Packing L ist ..... .....Ba ck Cover
Pro blem
Remedy Met hod s
I nd i ca t or l am p n ot lighti ng
No hot wat er co min g out
Wate r leakage from tank
ELCB can ’t re set
1. No powe r or po wer p lug i s not conn ect ed we ll
2. Too low temperatu re
adjust men t
3. ELCB no t yet s wit ch on Switch o n the E LCB
4. Th e int eri or wire material damage d
5. Indic ato r lam p dam age d
6. Heati ng el eme nt da mag ed
7. Water is ov er he ate d
1. Defic ien t hea tin g tim e.
3. Temperature-c ont rol ler malfun cti on
4. Heati ng el eme nt da mag ed
1. Water tap i s tur ned o ff
2. Water pre ssu re is t oo lo w
3. Pipe co nne cti on is n ot
connec ted p rop erl y
1. Th e var iou s mou th’s connec tio n are n ot hermet ica lly s eal ed
2. Th e tan k lea kage
1. ELCB da mag ed
2. Elect ric l eak age
2. Mix wat er va lve f or ho t water to o low
Keep on he ati ng
Adjust t he mi xed w ate r valve fo r hot w ate r to be high.
Reques t to Afte r S ale s Servic e for r epa ir.
Reques t to Afte r S ale s Servic e for r epa ir.
Reques t to Afte r S ale s Servic e for r epa ir.
Reques t to Afte r S ale s Servic e for r epa ir.
Che ck elec trici ty sou rce and fixing plug must be goo d.
Ad jus t the te mp eratu re con trol t o be t he hi ghest tem perat ure.
Tur n on the water tap
Add wate r pum p
Correc tly c onn ect i t accord ing t o dia gra m’s requir eme nts
Hermet ica lly s eal t he connec tio n mou th we ll
No water c omi ng ou t
Operati ng Instru ctions
lTo s tar t u sin g, ope n t he tap at heat er out let and the n inle t v alv e t o f ill in the
tank, when the tank ful fil led , water wil l come s teadily out of the ta p. Close the outlet t ap no w.
lPlug in the pow er supp ly and press re set of the ELCB swi tch till ind icator
goes on.
lTur n on pow er knob an d se lect whic h wa tta ge will us e (5 00W, 1000 W,
1500W selectable ).
lSelect m aximal w ater tem perature with turn t emp erature knob clo ckw ise t o
low, m edium or high tempe rat ure . (if after se lec ted max water temperat ure the lamp ind ica tor n ot goes on ple ase s ele ct water tem per atu re to be higher).
lHot water oper ati ons : A fter the electr ica l water heater normally wo rks and
the heats for a long per iod of time, you c an u se the hot wat er in the t ank , yo u need mix ed water valve to mixin g hot wate r and cold water, as yo ur proper temperat ure a fte r finishin g use s, sh ut off the m ixed water v alv e.
Cautions :
ØWhen adjus tin g the water te mpe rat ure of the wat er ex iting mout h, th e
shower must not spra y dire ctl y to the hum an body; you sh oul d test th e water temp era tur e first to avo id bu rni ng or damage s.
ØTemperature set ting: Acco rdi ng to your required tem perature , rotate the
temperat ure adjusting knob by the cloc kwi se direc tio n. You c an se lec t to use the heat ing t emperatures w ith g rad es in the temp era tur e ranges of thirty to seventy five degrees Cel siu s fr om c los ing to t he low, medium and high bands o r fro m low to high.
ØPower se lec tin g: Thi s unit offers thr ee pow er band for yo ur selectio ns.
Band 1: 500W, Ba nd 2 : 10 00W, Band 3 : 1 500 W.
Part Name s
lFrequent ly che cki ng the connection of power so urc e’s plu g a nd the outl et is
in good cond iti on. The pl ug’s outlet is well con nec ted the ground or n ot.
lWhen it isn ’t operat ed for a long period of ti me, ty pically in the lo w
temperat ure zone s, you mu st emp ty the tank to avoid the wate r free ze in the tank which w ill c ause the tank dam age .
lIn order to a ssu re the e lec tri cal wate r h eat er work wit h h igh efficiency, yo u
had better cl ean the hea tin g parts once a year. Remov e th e wa ter dir t’s deposits a ccu mulated on the el ect ric al heating p art s and t he tank base.
Daily and C ommon Mai ntenanc e
Machine body
Hot water
outlet pipe
Power source wire
with electricity
leakage protection
Drainage pipe joint
selector switch
Indicator lamp
Wattage Selector Switch
Pressure-relief valve
Electri cal Diagr am
Before Use
Thank you fo r usi ng Rinnai elect ric s tor age water he ate r .
We would like to inv ite you to re ad thi s manu al car efu lly be for e usin g and pay attentio n to th e sec urity char act eri stics and in sta lla tion instruct ion s especially.
Keep this in str uction manual w ell f or fu ture refer enc e.
lReliable heat ing e lem ent advanced stain les s hea ter, with electrici ty
leakage pr ote cti on device.
lAut om atic ov er te mp eratu re prot ectio n devic e and o ver pre ssure
protecti on de vice.
2. Durable:
lAdva nced durable ou ter s hell. lTank wi th t itanium enam ele d, g ood toughnes s, h igh strength , pr olo ng its
3. Ene rgy savi ng:
lUltra thic k, mi cro hole pol yur eth ane foamin g tec hni que, super ior t hermal
retardat ion , power/energy saving .
4. Co nve nie nce: l A dju sta ble heating tem per ature between 3 0 - 8 0 .
lTh ree p ower selectio n (50 0W, 1000W, 15 00W ).
5. Mu lti fun ction:
lClos ed stru ctu re, can pro vid e ho t wa ter for toi let , ki tch en a nd o the r
l Fo r fam ilies, com pan ies , hotel, beauty p arl or and other serv ice p laces. lThis heaters ar e advanc ed style of our pro duc t, so pl ease ref er to th e
manual to us e it.
0 0
Produ ct's Feat ures
Power Selection
Element Element
Indicator lamp
Thermo Breaker
+ 8 hidden pages