Rinnai Infinity VT16 REU-VR1620WG, Infinity HD200 REU-VRM2632WC, Infinity VT20 REU-VR2024WG, Infinity HDi200 REU-VR2632FFUG, Infinity VT24 REU-VR2426WG Installation Manual

Continuous Flow Water Heaters
Installation Manual
Models are not suitable as a spa or swimming pool heater.
Internal Rinnai continuous ow internal water heaters (‘i’ models) must be installed with an approved Rinnai ue system.
Appliance must be installed, commissioned and serviced by a licensed tradesperson in
Your Rinnai continuous ow water heater complies with NZS 5262. A declaration to this effect can be found on the Energy Safety web site; www.energysafety.govt.nz.
To suit models:
Rinnai Innity VT16 REU-VR1620WG Rinnai Innity HD200 REU-VRM2632WC
Rinnai Innity VT20 REU-VR2024WG Rinnai Innity HDi200 REU-VR2632FFUG
Rinnai Innity VT24 REU-VR2426WG Rinnai Innity HD250 REU-VR3237WG
Rinnai Innity VT26 REU-VR2626WG Rinnai Innity EF24 REU-K2430WG
Rinnai Innity VTa26 REU-VR2626WGT Rinnai Innity EF250 REU-KM3237WD
Rinnai Innity EFi250 REU-KM3237FFUD
i = internal a = aggressive water
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance
can cause property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
For assistance or additional information contact Rinnai on 0800 TO RINNAI (0800 86 746 624).
Before installation 3
Applicable models 3
Appliance location 4
General installation information 6
Connections and ttings 8
Dimensions - VT and HD range 9
Dimensions - EF range 10
EF250 models: Earthing the unit 11
Condensate Drain - EF models only 12
Controllers - general 14
Controllers - Universal installation 16
Controllers - Kitchen Deluxe installation 17
Controllers - Bathroom Deluxe installation 18
Controllers - communication cables 19
Commissioning 21
Recommended solar system layout 22
Dip switch settings 23
Rinnai New Zealand Ltd. Continuous Flow Water Heater Installation Manual:
Before installation
Unpack appliance and ue components (if applicable) and check for damage. DO NOT install any damaged items.
Check all components have been supplied and that you have the correct gas type.
Read these instructions to get an overview of the steps required before starting the installation. Failure to follow these instructions could cause a malfunction of the appliance. This could result in serious injury and property damage.
For Rinnai continuous ow water heaters used in solar installations, refer ‘Recommended Solar System Layout’.
The Rinnai Innity EF models are 32 kg. Please use care when lifting and seek assistance if required.
This appliance must be installed in accordance with:
• Current AS/NZS3000, AS/NZS3500, NZS 5261 and G12/AS1
Rinnai installation instructions
• Local regulations and municipal building codes
Installation, service and removal must be by an authorised person only.
32 kg
These installation instructions apply to the following Rinnai continuous ow water heaters.
Rinnai Innity VT16 External REU-VR1620WG
Rinnai Innity VT20 External REU-VR2024WG
Rinnai Innity VT24 External REU-VR2426WG
Rinnai Innity VT26 External REU-VR2626WG
Rinnai Innity VTa26 External REU-VR2626WGT
Rinnai Innity HD200 External REU-VRM2632WC
Rinnai Innity HDi200 Internal REU-VR2632FFUG
Rinnai Innity HD250 External REU-VR3237WG
Rinnai Innity EF24 External REU-K2430WG
Rinnai Innity EF250 External REU-KM3237WD
Rinnai Innity EFi250 Internal REU-KM3237FFUD
i = internal a = aggressive water unit
Applicable models
Rinnai New Zealand Ltd. Continuous Flow Water Heater Installation Manual:
Appliance location
Installation in environments free from corrosive compounds
Air surrounding the water heater, venting and vent termination(s) is used for combustion and must be free from compounds that cause corrosion of internal components. These include corrosive compounds that are found in aerosol sprays, detergents, bleaches, cleaning solvents, oil based paints/varnishes, and refrigerants. Therefore Rinnai recommends outdoor models be used for these locations where possible. The water heater, venting and vent termination(s) should not be installed in any areas where the air may contain these corrosive compounds.
If it is necessary for a water heater to be located in areas which may contain corrosive compounds, Rinnai strongly recommends the following:
Indoor/internal water heaters:
• DO NOT install in areas where contaminated air is present
• Consider before installation where air has the ability to travel within the building
Chemicals that are corrosive in nature should not be stored or used near the water heater
• Where possible, install the water heater in a sealed closet so that it is free of contaminated
indoor air
Outdoor/external water heaters and vent terminations of indoor/internal water heaters:
• Install as far away as possible from exhaust vent hoods
• Install as far away as possible from air inlet vents—corrosive fumes may be released
through these vents when air is not being brought in through them
Chemicals that are corrosive in nature should not be stored or used near the water heater
or vent termination
Damage and repair due to corrosive compounds in the air is not covered by warranty.
Internal models
Internal models are designed for indoor installations only. They may be installed in an enclosure if the requirements of NZS 5261 are satised. An enclosure is dened as a compartment, enclosed area or partitioned off space primarily used for the installation of the appliance. If installed in an enclosure either internally or externally, the location should be ventilated to allow gas to dissipate.
They must be mounted on a vertical structure with the water and gas connections on the underside pointing downwards. For appliances installed in roof spaces or elevated structures, specic requirements apply. Refer to NZS 5261 section 1.6 for details.
This appliance MUST be used with an approved Rinnai ueing system. The use of a non-Rinnai ueing system may result in a dangerous situation and violates regulations.
This appliance must be located so that the ue terminal exits the building at a suitable point, refer ‘Minimum Clearances Required for Flue Terminals’, NZS 5261:2003.
Manufacturer’s instructions for model REU-KM3237FFUD (EFi250); for reference j, gas appliances over 200 MJ/h input, use ≥ 300 mm.
Rinnai New Zealand Ltd. Continuous Flow Water Heater Installation Manual:
Appliance location
External models
External models are designed for outdoor installations only. They must be located
in an above ground open-air situation with natural ventilation, without stagnant
areas, and where gas leakage and products of combustion are rapidly dispersed
by wind and natural convection.
They must be mounted on a vertical structure with the water and gas connections
on the underside pointing downwards. For appliances installed on elevated
structures or under oors specic requirements apply. Refer to NZS 5261 for
This appliance must be located so that the ue terminal exits the building at a suitable point, refer ‘Minimum Clearances Required for Flue Terminals’, NZS 5261:2003.
Manufacturer’s instructions for model REU-KM3237WD (EF250); for reference j, gas appliances over 200 MJ/h input, use ≥ 300 mm.
When multiple units of the same model are installed on the same vertical face, with the ue terminals at the same height, they can be installed next to each other (as shown).
All models
This appliance must be placed as close as possible to the most frequently used hot water outlet or outlets to minimise the delay for hot water delivery.
For installations where the distance between the water heater and the outlets is considerable,
a ow and return system can be used to minimise the waiting time for hot water delivery. Alternatively, multiple appliances can be strategically placed to serve different outlets. Contact Rinnai for further information.
An AC 230 V, 10 Amp, earthed power point must be provided adjacent to the appliance. For outdoor installations, this power point must be weatherproof. It must be clear of the gas and water connections to the appliance and also the ue exhaust and water pressure relief valve. The power cord of the appliance is 1.5 m long.
All appliances must be installed to ensure access can be gained without hazard or undue difculty for inspection, repair, renewal or operational purposes. Sufcient clearances shall allow access to and removal of all serviceable components.
Appliances should not be mounted higher than 3.5 m above the ground or oor level unless the customer can arrange permanent and safe access or can provide another means of access such as scissor or boom lifts.
Rinnai New Zealand Ltd. Continuous Flow Water Heater Installation Manual:
General installation information
Catch pan
It is important a suitably drained catch pan is tted (especially for internal units) where damage could be caused by discharge from the water heater. Provision must be made for safe disposal of any leaking water to an external location.
Flued water heaters (internal units)
The chart below highlights the maximum ue length and number of bends. It also shows the difference between a short and long ue—this is important if changing settings (dip switches).
Number of 90 Degree Bends
0 1 2 3 4
Flue Length (m)
Short ue
Long ue
Maximum ue length
Mounting the appliance
Refer ‘Connections and Fittings’ for individual appliance weights. The wall or structure on which these units are to be mounted must be capable of supporting these weights and the associated pipe work.
Ensure suitable xing screws or bolts are used to secure the units to the walls, in accordance with NZS 5261 (section 5.0). Wooden plugs shall not be used.
The top bracket has a keyhole slot (circled below) so the appliance can be positioned by
hanging it on one screw while the other screws are secured.
Rinnai New Zealand Ltd. Continuous Flow Water Heater Installation Manual:
General installation information
Water delivery temperature
Local regulations and/or requirements of AS/NZS3500.4 must be considered regarding the temperature limitations of hot water supplied to areas used primarily for personal hygiene. The temperature of these areas may be limited to 55 °C or less.
If the appliance is to deliver water primarily for the purposes of personal hygiene in an early childhood centre, school, nursing home or similar facility as dened in AS/NZ3500.4 a Temperature Limiting Device (TLD), such as a Tempering Valve may be required (even if the appliance is set to 55 °C or less). For these types of applications contact Rinnai.
Diagram 1 - 55 °C Appliance
55 °C
Diagram 2 - Not a 55 °C Appliance
(TLD = Temperature Limiting Device)
> 55 °C > 55 °C < 55 °C < 55 °C
Requirements for Rinnai Continuous Flow Units Installed Without Controllers
Pipe sizing
Refer ‘Connections and Fittings’ for appliance gas consumption. If the gas pipe sizing is insufcient the customer will not get the full performance benet. Gas pipe sizing must
consider the gas input to this appliance as well as all the other gas appliances in the
premises. The gas meter and regulator must be specied for this gas rate. An approved sizing chart such as the one in NZS 5261 should be used.
Water pipe sizing and layout should be performed in accordance with AS/NZS3500. All hot water pipe work should be insulated to optimise performance and energy efciency.
When the continuous ow unit is set to deliver water at a temperature higher than 55 °C, it will be necessary to t a Temperature Limiting Device for delivery to areas used for the purposes of personal hygiene. Refer Department of Building and Housing G12.
Water supply
Refer ‘Connections and Fittings’ for applicable water pressures. Approved pressure limiting valves may be required if the stated maximum rated water supply pressures are exceeded. To achieve the rated ow, the stated minimum water supply pressures must be supplied. The water heaters will operate at lower pressures but will not achieve the rated ow.
Water chemistry and impurity limits are stated in our detailed warranty statement. Most metropolitan water supplies fall within these requirements. If you are unsure about the quality of the water, please contact Rinnai and we will provide you with the details of an authorised agency who are able to test your water for compliance to Rinnai standards. If sludge or foreign matter is present in the water supply, a suitable lter or strainer should be incorporated in the water supply to the water heater.
Rinnai New Zealand Ltd. Continuous Flow Water Heater Installation Manual:
Connections and ttings
Models Gas Consumption
Supply kPa
Fittings Condensate
Min. Max. Hot Cold Gas
VT16 Ext REU-VR1620WG
125 120 1000 15
(15 mm)R½(15 mm)R¾(20 mm)
VT20 Ext REU-VR2024WG
160 160 1000 16
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
VT24 Ext REU-VR2426WG
188 180 1000 17
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
VT26 Ext REU-VR2626WG
199 180 1000 17
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
199 180 1000 17
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
HD200 Ext REU-VRM2632WC
199 140 1000 21
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
HDi200 Int REU-VR2632FFUG
195 140 1000 21
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
HD250 Ext REU-VR3237WG
250 200 1000 29
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
EF24 Ext REU-K2430WG
162 240 1000 27
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
(15 mm)
EF250 Ext REU-KM3237WD
211 240 1000 32
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
(15 mm)
EFi250 Int REU-KM3237FFUD
211 240 1000 32
(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)R¾(20 mm)
(15 mm)
Service connection points
These dimensions are NOT an indication of the pipe sizes required.
An approved full ow isolation valve and disconnection union MUST be tted to the cold water inlet. A non-return valve is not required unless required by local regulations.
Isolation valves must be tted so the appliance can be removed.
Purge gas and cold water supply lines to remove air and swarf before nal connection of the appliance. Swarf in the gas or water supplies may cause damage.
Rinnai New Zealand Ltd. Continuous Flow Water Heater Installation Manual:
Dimensions - VT and HD range
Dimension (mm)
VT16 Ext
VT20 Ext
VT24 Ext
VT26 Ext
VTa26 Ext
HD200 Ext
HDi200 Int
HD250 Ext
A Width 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 470
B Depth 194 194 194 194 194 250 235~275 244
C Height - Unit 530 530 530 530 530 600 600 600
D Height - Including Brackets 571 571 571 571 571 636 641 644
E Hot Water Outlet (from wall) 87 87 87 87 87 95 91~131 115
F Hot Water Outlet (from centre) 105 105 105 105 105 110 110 61
G Cold Water Inlet (from wall) 68 68 68 68 68 74 70~110 99
H Cold Water Inlet (from centre) 10 10 10 10 10 27* 27* 52
I Gas Connection (from wall) 77 77 77 77 77 103 99~139 61
J Gas Connection (from centre) 83 83 83 83 83 89 89 110
K Condensate Outlet (from wall)
L Condensate Outlet (from centre)
M Gas: Length Gas Connection (from base) 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41
Cold: Length of Cold Water Inlet (from base) 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51
Hot: Length of Hot Water Outlet (from base) 39 39 39 39 39 42 42 42
* this measurement is to the left of the centre line
HDi200, height of ue spigot from base of unit ≈ 85 mm
+ 19 hidden pages