Hot Water
Experience Our Innovation
Experience Our Innovation
For over 35 years Australians have been enjoying the comfort, convenience
and reliability of Rinnai gas appliances. Our innovative products are designed
with the environment in mind, with low emission technology and high
eciencies, as well as a host of other great features.
Rinnai is committed to ongoing innovation - delivering ecient, well
designed and engineered lifestyle solutions oering a host of benets
including versatility, safety, control, water conservation as well as guaranteed
reliability. Backed with extensive warranty’s and after sales service teams,
Rinnai is proud to be the No.1 choice for Continuous Flow Hot water in
Australia. In addition, our innovative range of Solar Hot Water Systems boast
market leading eciencies that ultimately enjoy higher Government rebates.
There are many types of hot water
systems available for Australian
homes. Whether relating to safety,
convenience, available space,
environmental needs or ongoing
running costs, Rinnai will have a
system that suits.
04 Range Overview - Hot Water
05 Important Considerations
06 INFINITY Continuous Flow
08 INFINITY Smartstart®
09 INFINITY Enviro
10 Water Controllers
Solar Hot Water is not only
environmentally responsible
but is now very aordable.
12 Solar Hot Water
14 Range Overview - Solar
15 The Range at a glance
16 Accessories
17 Specications
18 Warranty
19 Additional Rinnai Appliances
Through innovation, we will endeavour to continue oering superior ranges
of home appliances that provide a clear insight into what the future holds for
Australian homes.
The Environment
Gas is one of the most greenhouse friendly fuel sources available. By choosing
a Rinnai Gas Hot Water System or Gas Boosted Solar System you can make a
dierence. Even Electric Boosted Solar hot water has substantial benets and
assists with the reduction of our carbon footprint.
Independent tests are used to give Energy Star Ratings to all gas Hot Water Systems
– the more stars the better. The Rinnai Continuous Flow INFINITY ranges are
highly ecient - all tested to 5+ Stars out of a maximum of 6. In addition, our
most ecient INFINITY 26 Enviro model has been awarded the equivalent of 7
Stars! Solar systems are not measured with stars but are awarded Renewable
Energy Certicates (RECs) based on measured environmental savings. Again
Rinnai systems lead the way being amongst the highest in the industry.
Water Wastage
Water conservation is top of mind in almost every city, town & community
in Australia today. Hot water and more specically showering & bathing,
contributes the highest proportion of water used in most households. Gas
Continuous Flow systems such as the popular Rinnai INFINITY have been
designed to minimise wastage with faster start-ups and the ability to operate
at lower ow rates, and are more compatible with water ecient xtures such
as shower roses and basin outlets.
The physical design of the home can also have an inuence over the type of
hot water system best for that application and where it should be installed.
The length of pipe run from the hot water system to any hot water tap
directly inuences how much water is potentially wasted prior to use. Where
possible, have your installer locate your hot water system as close as practical
to the most frequently used hot water tap – most likely the kitchen, but with
consideration to supplying the bathrooms as well.
If using a Continuous Flow System such as the Rinnai INFINITY, their small
compact size allows more exibility that traditional storage cylinders. In
addition, Rinnai have the Smartstart® pre-heat system that pre-heats the
water in the pipes before you turn on the tap, literally saving thousands of
litres of precious water. See page 8 and 16 for further details.
Range Overview - Hot Water
There are many types of hot water systems available for Australian homes. Rinnai hot water systems bring you the latest advanced
technologies that provide you with choices that can meet individual needs. Whether relating to safety, convenience, available
space, environmental needs or ongoing running costs, Rinnai will have a system that suits.
Temperature Controlled Gas Continuous Flow
The Rinnai INFINITY - a unit that only heats the water when you need it. As a tap is turned on, the unit senses the ow and begins
to heat the water instantaneously. Highly ecient and compact, these units can also be temperature controlled for added safety &
convenience. In addition they are literally ‘continuous ow’ and will never run out of hot water – even if you are last in the shower!
Solar Boosted Gas Continuous Flow
These systems are designed to utilise the energy from the sun via Solar Collectors (panels) mounted on the roof. Cold water passes
through pipes and is heated by the sun and returned to a storage cylinder located either on the roof or situated on the ground.
Utilising the same technology as the Rinnai INFINITY, a Continuous Flow gas boost system is incorporated for days that have low
solar gain. Rinnai Gas Boosted Solar Systems are highly ecient with substantial Government rebates applying for most domestic
Electric Boosted Solar Mains Pressure
Similar to the gas boosted unit, an electric boosted system has an element in the cylinder to provide boosting on lower solar gain
days. Whilst not as ecient as a gas boosted system, they are still an environmentally friendly alternative to a standard electric
storage cylinder. They are often the system of choice where gas is not available. Rinnai Electric Boosted Solar Systems also enjoy
substantial Government rebates applying for most domestic installations.
Correct Sizing
Number of occupants
The number of users in any installation is extremely important as it directly aects the size of unit that is required. Nobody likes a
cold shower so it is vital that any system is correctly sized for an application. Please talk to your Rinnai Hot Water Specialist about
the best model to suit your needs.
Below we have outlined some of the considerations for various Rinnai Hot Water Systems:
Gas Continuous Flow – Rinnai INFINITY
• Sizing Parameter – Number of shower outlets operating together
• Will not run out of Hot Water
• Size of the unit selected needs to consider how many showers/outlets may be operating at once
• An undersized unit may restrict the ow rate if multiple outlets are operated at once
Gas Boosted Solar – Rinnai Prestige & Rinnai Sunmaster
• Sizing Parameter – Number of Bedrooms in the home
• The storage Cylinder capacity determines the available solar heated hot water
• Gas booster is always available as a backup, therefore hot water will never run out
• Undersized system could mean the system is relying on the gas booster more often – increasing running costs
• Insucient solar panels would also reduce the solar gain causing reliance on the gas booster
Electric Boosted Solar - Rinnai Prestige & Rinnai Sunmaster
• Sizing Parameter – Number of Bedrooms in the home
• The tank size determines the amount of hot water available regardless of whether solar generated or electric boosted
• Hot water can run out if not correctly sized
• Choice of electricity tari aects availability of re-heated water:
- Normal (Peak) tari continually re-heats
- O-peak will generally not re-heat until overnight
Range Overview - Hot Water
Important Considerations
Comparison of Energy use
around the home
Source: Department of Environmental
& Climate Change NSW
Tonnes of Greenhouse
Gas Per Year
Source: Energy Strategies 2007 yourhome.gov.au
Based on Sydney
Gas Boost
Fridge Other
Gas 5 Star
Gas 5 Star
& Cooling
Household Energy Use
Hot Water systems in general are the largest users
of energy in most Australian homes, so it’s important
to consider all the factors before selecting a hot
water system. High eciency, correctly sized hot
water systems can directly lower the running costs
of a family.
The table opposite indicates where energy is
typically used in an average household. Naturally
this varies from State to State and even house to
house, but the common factoris that hot water will
nearly always be the largest consumer of energy.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Increased levels of greenhouse gases have been
identied as one of the major contributors to the
problem of global warming, so anything that can
help reduce our carbon footprint, is benecial to
the environment.
When purchasing a new hot water system, many
people simply put in what was there before without
considering the environmental impact of their
decision. The charts clearly shows that if you
make an informed decision and think about the
consequences to the environment, you in fact have
the opportunity to make a dierence. The purchase
and installation of Rinnai hot water systems and in
particular Gas Boosted Solar are a clear a step in the
right direction.
(5 Star)
Running Costs Per Year
Running Costs
Running Costs for Hot Water vary depending on the
type of system installed (Continuous Flow or Storage
Cylinder) and the fuel used (Electricity, Gas or Solar).
The Table (opposite) gives an indication of the
annual running costs of various common hot
water systems used in Australia. As hot water use
varies between households and climates, this graph
will change accordingly. We have calculated these
gures using a family of four, having one ve minute
shower a day each and using cold water for clothes
washing. It is a comparative guideline only, based
on various government websites.
Important Considerations
Continuous Flow Hot Water