• Check Federal, State and/or local codes in your state before using vent-free products. Some
areas of the country do not allow vent-free products.
• International Fuel Gas Code Standard 620-6 under “Prohibited Use” states that; “One or more
unvented room heaters shall not be used as a sole source of comfort heating in any dwelling
unit”. Refer to the International Fuel Gas Code and International Fuel Gas Standard, Charter 6,
section 6-11, standard 620-2 for conformation of the above statement.
• Code pertaining to bathroom installations. Refer to the 2000 International Fuel Gas Code,
section 303.3 “Prohibited locations”. under Exception 3. for prohibited use when installing
unvented heaters in a bathroom. It states, “A single wall mounted unvented room heater
equipped with an oxygen depletion safety shutoff system and installed in a bathroom
provided that the input rating does not exceed 6000 Btu per hour (1.76kW) and the bathroom
is not a confined space”.
• Code pertaining to bedroom installations. Refer to the 2000 International Fuel Gas Code,
section 303.3 “Prohibited locations”. under Exception 4. for prohibited use when installing
unvented heaters in a bedroom. It states, “A single wall mounted unvented room heater
equipped with an oxygen depletion safety shutoff system and installed in a bedroom provided
that the input rating does not exceed 10,000 Btu per hour (2.93kW) and the bedroom is not a
confined space”.
• The contractor installing this equipment has the responsibility to ensure the product being
installed meets all local and State building codes. Please check with your local code officials if
you have any questions related to vent-free products.
Code Limitations