RIMOLDI CFR1 05 Parts List

C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
CFR1 05
C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
Thank you for having purchased this complete unit produced by GRUPPO CF ITALIA. Before starting to operate with this semi-automatic unit, please read these instructions in order to get a better understanding of the operation of the machine. These instructions will show you how to work in compliance with current regulations.
No part of this manual may be copied in any way without rst asking permission from CF ITALIA s.r.l. The contents of this manual may undergo changes without advance notice.
For further copies of this manual, or for explanations concerning any information or technical notes described in this manual, please contact:
C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
Statement of compliance
CF ITALIA S.r.l. having main ofces in GALLARATE (VA)
- Corso Colombo 42 , manufacturer of the electronic and pneumatic thread levelling machine known as:
CF R1 05 Serial number Date of manufacture 2005
The machine has been designed and tested to comply with current directives:
98/37 (repealing EEC directives 89/392) 91/368 EEC and 93/68 amending and modifying 89/392 (partly current) 73/23 EEC (electrical material) 89/336 EEC (electromagnetic compatibility)
of the Regulations for Implementing EEC Directives and the following National Laws and Regulations:
DPR 547/55 (preventing accidents at the work place) DPR 459/96 (implementing Directive 89/392) Law 791 del 1977 (implementing Directive 73/23) DL 476/92 (implementing Directive 89/336) DL 345/99 (noise limits) DPR 303/56 (general workplace hygiene rules)
And all the UNI and CEI standards referring to the manufacture and operation of the machine.
The Technical Manager Flavio Montagnoli
Dichiarazione di conformità
La CF ITALIA S.r.l. con sede in GALLARATE (VA) ­Corso Colombo 42, costruttrice della macchina rasali elettronica e pneumatica denominata:
CF R1 05 Con numero di matricola Anno di costruzione 2005
Che la macchina stessa è stata progettata e collaudata nel rispetto delle vigenti direttive:
98/37 (abrogazione delle Direttive 89/392 CEE) 91/368 CEE e 93/68 ad emendamento e modica della 89/392 (ed in parte in vigore) 73/23 CEE (materiale elettrico) 89/336 CEE (compatibilità elettromagnetica)
dei Regolamenti di attuazione delle Direttive CEE e delle seguenti Leggi e Regolamenti Nazionali:
DPR 547/55 (prevenzione infortuni sul lavoro) DPR 459/96 (recepimento della Direttiva 89/392) Legge 791 del 1977 (recepimento della Direttiva 73/
23) DL 476/92 (recepimento della Direttiva 89/336) DL 345/99 (limiti di rumorosità) : 73 Db DPR 303/56 (norme generali per l’igiene del lavoro)
E di tutte le Norme UNI e CEI che riguardano direttamente la costruzione della macchina o il suo funzionamento.
Il Responsabile Tecnico Flavio Montagnoli
C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
CF ITALIA S.r.l. guarantees that all the COMPLETE UNITS are free from defects in terms of materials and / or manufacture, for a period of 6 months in daily shift use. This warranty does not cover any faults due to ordinary wear, to unauthorized operations or modications, to improper or incompetent use of the unit, to lack of maintenance, to wrong or insufcient maintenance, to unsuitability of the power supply (electricity and air), to the use of spare parts and/or accessories not made by CF ITALIA and, nally, does not cover any damage to electronic parts caused by the weather. Therefore, parts which are worn because of normal use of the machine will not be replaced. The warranty guarantees the Customer only repair or replacement of the defective parts. It does not cover any other claims or requests, including claims due to loss of production or damage to things or injury to people due to the use of the CF ITALIA unit, even when this is due to a fault on the machine. The warranty also does not cover requests for replacing the units. Operations performed under the warranty may be carried out at our premises or at the Customer’s. In the latter case, the Customer must pay the expenses and transport risks. Any replaced items will become the property of CF ITALIA S.r.l. Decisions about the validity of the requests for operations performed under warranty, and/or the relevant technical proceedings, shall be taken exclusively by CF ITALIA S.r.l. This warranty replaces any other warranty or condition, whether express or implied, including any warranty of suitability of the unit for specic purposes. This is the only and the complete agreement governing the relations with the Customer as far as the warranty is concerned. Should any dispute arise concerning the contents, the limits of application or any other feature of this warranty, the text in the Italian language shall be the only valid one. Any disputes before the law shall be settled at the court of Busto Arsizio. CF ITALIA S.r.l. reserves the right to change or to amend the data provided in this publication, for technical or business reasons.
C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
The CF R1 05 type machine
Serial number .....................................................................................
been assembled properly, in the manner laid down by the Standards listed in the Statement of Compliance
enclosed herewith
E 400
And carefully tested and checked by our technician
Pier Luigi Fusè
July 2005
CF ITALIA s.r.l.
The serial number and the data of the machine are
NB: when asking for technical help or when ordering spare
parts, always mention the serial number of the
C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
C F R 1 0 5 : I N S T R U C T I O N S A N D M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
This manual (UMM) and all its attachments are an integral part of the CF ITALIA unit and contain the safety information laid down by the Directives and Standards listed in the Statement of Compliance. Before using the machine, the purchaser must make sure that the staff which is to use it is aware of the contents of this manual, especially the safety warnings. CF ITALIA srl will not be held liable, either before civil or criminal law, for any accidents due to failure to comply with even one of the instructions contained in this manual.
0.0 General notices
Before you install the machine, make sure the area you are installing it in is large enough.
Make sure there is a sufcient air suction system in the room to ensure 12 to 15 complete exchanges of air per hour.
If you have to install or remove the machine, only use lifting and handling equipment which are suitable to the weight and the geometrical features of the piece to be lifted/handled.
Do not allow unauthorized or unqualied staff to start up, adjust, run or repair the machine. Also refer to this manual for the necessary operations.
Before cleaning and/or servicing the machine, and before removing any guard, make sure that the main switch is in its “OFF” (O) position so as to cut the power off from the machine while the operator is working.
All the controls and maintenance operations requiring removal of the safety guards are performed under the exclusive responsibility of the user. We therefore advise that these operations should be performed only by specialized and authorized technical staff.
In order to avoid running risks, only use electrical equipment which is earthed and complies with safety standards.
Do not tamper for any reason with the wiring system, the air supply or any other mechanism.
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