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MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide I
Safety Requirement
General Safety Summary
Please review the following safety precautions carefully before putting the
instrument into operation so as to avoid any personal injury or damage t o t he
instrument and any product connecte d to it. To prevent potential haza rds, please us e
the instrument only specified by this manual.
Use Proper Power Cord.
Only the power cord designed for the instrument and authorized for use within the
local country could be used.
Ground the Instrument.
The instrument is grounded through the Protective Earth lead of the power cord. To
avoid electric shock, it is e ssential t o connect the ea rth terminal of the power cord to
the Protective Earth terminal before connecting any inputs or outputs.
Connect the Probe Correctly.
If a probe is used, do not connect the ground lead to high vol t age since it has
isobaric electric potential as the ground.
Observe All Terminal Ratings.
To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings an d markers on the instrume nt and
check your manual for more information about ratings before connecting the
Use Proper Overvoltage Protection.
Make sure that no overvoltage (such as that caused by a thunderstorm) can reach
the product, or else the operator might be exposed to the danger of electrical shock .
Do Not Operate Without Covers.
Do not operate the instrument with covers or panels removed.
II MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Do Not Insert Anything Into the Holes of Fan.
Do not insert anything into the holes of the fan to avoid damaging the instrument.
Use Proper Fuse.
Please use the specified fuses.
Avoid Circuit or Wire Exposure.
Do not touch exposed junctions and components when the unit is powered.
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures.
If you suspect damage occurs to the instrument, have it inspected by RIGOL
authorized personnel before further oper at io ns. Any maintenance, adjustment or
replacement especially to circuits or accessories must be performed by RIGOL
authorized personnel.
Keep Well Ventilation.
Inadequate ventilation may cause an increase of instrument temperature which
would cause damage to the instrument. So please keep the instrument well
ventilated and inspect the intake and fan regularly.
Do Not Operate in Wet Conditions.
In order to av oid short circuiting t o the interi or of the device or electric shock, please
do not operate the instrument in a humid environment.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
In order to avoid damage to the device or personal injuries, it is important to operate
the device away from an exp l osive atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
To avoid the influence of dust and/or moisture in the air, please keep the surface of
the device clean and dry.
Electrostatic Prevention.
Operate the instrument i n an ele ctrostatic discha rge protectiv e envi ronment to avoid
damage induced by static discharges. Always ground both the internal and external
conductors of cables to release static before making connections.
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Proper Use of Battery.
If a battery is supplied, it must not be exposed to high temperature or in contact with
fire. Keep it out of the reach of children. Improper change of battery (Note: lithium
battery) may cause explosion. Use RIGOL specified battery only.
Handling Safety.
Please handle with care during transportation to avoid damage to keys, knob
interfaces and other parts on the panels.
IV MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms Used in this Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:
Warning statements indicate conditions or practices that could result in
injury or loss of life.
Caution statements indicate conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other property.
Terms Used on the Product. These terms may appear on the product:
It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could
result in injury or hazard immediately.
WARNING It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could
result in
CAUTIONIt calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could
result in
Symbols Used on the Product. These symbols may appear on the product:
potential injury or hazard.
damage to the product or other devices connected to the
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen
Überprüfen Sie diefolgenden Sicherheitshinweise
sorgfältigumPersonenschädenoderSchäden am Gerätundan damit verbundenen
weiteren Gerätenzu vermeiden. Zur Vermeidung vonGefa hren, nutze n S ie bitte das
Gerät nur so, wiein diesem Handbuchangegeben.
Um Feuer oder Verletzungen zu vermeiden, verwenden Sie ein
ordnungsgemäßes Netzkabel.
Verwenden Sie für dieses Gerät nur das für ihr Land zugelassene und genehmigte
Erden des Gerätes.
Das Gerät ist durch den Schutzleiter im Netzkabel geerdet. Um Gefahren durch
elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden , ist es unerlässlich, die Er dung durchzufüh ren. Erst
dann dür fen weitere Ein- oder Ausgä nge verbunden werden.
Anschluss einesTastkopfes.
Die Erdungsklemmen der Sonden sindauf dem gleichen Spannungspegel des
Instruments geerdet. SchließenSie die Erdungsklemmen an keine hohe Spannung
Beachten Sie alle Anschlüsse.
Zur Vermeidung von Feuer oder Stromschlag, beachten Sie alle Bemerkungen und
Markierungen auf dem Instrument. Bef olgen Sie die Bedienun gsanleitung für weitere
Informationen, bevor Sie weitere Anschlüsse an das Instrument legen.
Verwenden Sie einen geeigneten Überspannungsschutz.
Stellen Sie sicher, daß keinerlei Überspannung (wie z.B. durch Gewitter verursacht)
das Gerät erreichen kann. Andernfallsbestehtfür den Anwender die
Nicht ohne Abdeckung einschalten.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht mit entfernten Gehäuse-Abdeckungen.
VI MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht geöffnet.
Der Betrieb mit offenen oder entfernten Gehäuseteilen ist nicht zulässig. Nichts in
entsprechende Öffnungen stecken (Lüfter z.B.)
Passende Sicherung verwenden.
Setzen Sie nur die spezifikationsgemäßen Sicherungen ein.
Vermeiden Sie ungeschützte Verbindungen.
Berühren Sie keine unisolierten Verbindungen oder Baugruppen, wä hrend das Gerät
in Betrieb ist.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nic h t i m Fehlerfall.
Wenn Sie am Gerät einen Defekt vermuten, sorgen Sie dafür, bevor Sie das Gerät
wieder betreiben, dass eine Untersuchung durch RIGOL autorisiertem Personal
durchgeführt wird. Jedwede W artun g, Einstellarbeit en oder Austausch v on Teilen am
Gerät, sowie am Zubehör dürfen nur von RIGOL autorisiertem Personal
durchgeführt werden.
Belüftung sicherstellen.
Unzureichende Belüftung kann zu Temperaturanstiegen und somit zu thermischen
Schäden am Gerät führen. Stellen Sie deswegen die Belüftung sicher und
kontrollieren regelmäßig Lüfter und Belüftungsöffnungen.
Nicht in feuc h te r Um g ebung betrei be n .
Zur Vermeidun g von Kurzschluß im Geräteinne ren und Stromschlag betreiben Sie das
Gerät bitte niemals in feuchter Umgebung.
Nicht in explosiver Atmosphäre betreiben.
Zur Ve rm e idung von Pe rsonen- und Sachschäden ist es unumgänglich, das Gerät
ausschließlich fernab jedweder explosiven At mosphäre zu betreiben.
Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken halten.
Um den Einfluß von Staub und Feuchtigkeit aus der Luft auszuschließen, halten Sie
bitte die Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken.
Schutz gegen elektrostatische Entladung (ESD).
Sorgen Sie für eine elektrostatisch geschützte Umgebung, um somit Schäden und
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Funktionsstörungen durch ESD zu vermeiden. Erden Sie vor dem Anschluß immer
Innen- und Außenleiter der V erbindungsleitung, um st atische Aufladung zu entladen.
Die richtige Verwendung desAkku.
Wenneine Batterieverwendet wird, vermeiden Sie hohe Temperaturen bzw. Feuer
ausgesetzt werden. Bewahren Sie es außerhalbder Reichweitevon Kindern auf.
UnsachgemäßeÄnderung derBa tterie (Anmerkung: Lithium-Batterie) kann zu einer
Explosion führen. VerwendenSie nur von RIGOL angegebenenAkkus.
Sicherer Transport.
Transportieren Sie das Gerät sorgfältig (Verpackung!), um Schäden an
Bedienelementen, Anschlüssen und anderen Teilen zu vermeiden.
VIII MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole
Begriffe in diesem Guide. Diese Begrif fe können in diesem Handbuch aufta uchen:
Die Kennzeichnung WARNING beschreibt Gefahrenquelle n die leibliche
Schäden oder den Tod von Personen zur Folge haben können.
Die Kennzeichnung Caution (Vorsicht) beschreibt Gefahrenquellen die
Schäden am Gerät hervorrufen können.
Begriffe auf dem Produkt. Diese Bedingungen können auf dem Produkt
DANGERweist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefährdun g hin, die sof ort
geschehen kann.
weist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefäh rdung hin, die möglicherweise
nicht sofort geschehen.
CAUTIONweist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefährdung hin und bedeutet, dass
eine mögliche Beschädigung des Instruments oder anderer
Gegenstände auftreten kann.
Symbole auf dem Produkt. Diese Symbole können auf dem Produkt erscheinen:
Schutz-erde Gehäusemasse Erde
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Measurement Category
Measurement Category
MSO2000A/DS2000A series digital oscillos copes can make measurements in
Measurement Category I.
This oscilloscope can only be used for measurements within its specified
measurement categories.
Measurement Category Definitions
Measurement category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly
connected to MAINS. Examples a re m e a s urements on circu its not derived from
MAINS, and specially protected (internal) MAINS derived circuits. In the latter case,
transient stresses are variable; for that reason, the transient withstand capability of
the equipment is made known to the user.
Measurement category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly
connected to the low volta ge install ation. Exa mples a re measure ments on househol d
appliances, portable tools and similar equipment.
Measurement category III is fo r measure ments perf ormed in the b uilding inst allation.
Examples are measurements on distribution boards, circuit-breakers, wiring,
including cables, bus-bars, junction boxes, switches, socket-outlets in the fixed
installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other equipment, for
example. Stationary motors with permanent connection to the fixed installation.
Measuremen t c ategory IV is for meas ur ements perform ed at the source of t he
low-voltage installation. Examples are electricity meters and measurements on
primary overcurrent protection devices and ripple control units.
X MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Ventilation Requirement
This oscilloscope uses fan to force cooling. Please make sure that the air intake and
exhaust areas are free from obstructions and have free air. When using the
oscilloscope in a bench-top or rack setting, provide at least 10 cm clearance beside,
above and behind the instrument for adequate ventilation.
Inadequate ventilation may cause temperature increase which would
damage the instrument. So please keep the instrument well ventilated
during operation and inspect the intake and fan regularly.
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
reach the p roduct, or else the ope rat or might expose to dan ger of electri c
Working Environment
Operating: 0℃ to +50℃
Non-operating: -40℃ to +70℃
0℃ to +30℃: ≤95% relative humidity
+30℃ to +40℃: ≤75% relative humidity
+40℃ to +50℃: ≤45% relative humidity
To avoid short circuit inside the instrument or electric shock, please do
not operate in humid environment.
Operating: below 3 km
Non-operating: below 15 km
Installation (Overvoltage) Category
This product is powered by mains conforming to installation (overvoltage) category
Make sure that no overvoltage (such as that caused by thunderbolt) can
Installation (Overvoltage) Cate g o ry Definitio n s
Installation (overvoltage) category I refers to signal level which is applicable to
equipment measurement terminals connected to the source circuit. In these
terminals, precautions are done to limit the transient voltage to the corresponding
low level.
Installation (overvoltage) category II refers to the local power distribution level
which is applicable to equipment connected to the AC line(AC power).
XII MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Pollution Degree
Degree 2
Pollution Degree Definitions
Pollution degree 1: No pollution or only dry, non-conductive pollution occurs. The
pollution has no influence. For example: a clean room or air-conditioned office
Pollution degree 2: Normally only dry, non-conductive pollution occurs. Occasionally
a temporary conductivity caused by condensation may occur. For example: general
indoor environment.
Pollution degree 3: Conductive pollution occurs, or dry, non-conductive pollution
occurs which becomes conductive due to condensation which is expected. For
example: Sheltered outdoor environment.
Pollution degree 4: Pollution that generates persistent conductivity through
conductive dust, rain, or snow. For example: outdoor locations.
Safety Class
Class 1 – Grounded Product
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
General Care and Cleaning
General Care
Do not store or leave the instrument where it may be exposed to direct sunlight for
long periods of time.
Clean the instrument regularly according to its operating conditions. To clean the
exterior surface, perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect the instrument from all power sources.
2. Clean the loose dust on the outside of the i nstrument with a lint-free cloth (with
a mild detergent or water). When cleaning the LCD, take care to av oid sca rifying
To avoid damage to the instrument, do not expose it to caustic liquids.
To avoid short-circuit and personal injur y resulting from moisture, make
sure the instrument is completely dry before reconnecting it to power
XIV MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Environmental Consideratio ns
The following symbol indicates that this product complies with the WEEE Directive
Product End-of-Life Handling
The equipment may contain substances that could b e ha rmful to the envi ronm ent o r
human health. In order to avoid the release of such substances into the envi ronment
and harm to human health, we encourage you to recycle this product in an
appropriate system that will e nsure tha t most of the materia ls are re used or recycle d
appropriately. Please contact your local authorities for disposal or recycling
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
MSO2000A/DS2000A Series Overview
MSO2000A is a mixed signal digital oscilloscope aimed at embedded system design
and test. It allows users to measure both analog and digital signals.
MSO2000A/DS2000A series is a multifunctional and high-performance digi tal
oscilloscope designed on t he basis of t he Ultra Vision t echnique developed by RIGOL.
It fulfills the design, debugging and test requi remen ts of the mainstream application
50,000 wfms/s (dot s di splay) waveform captu re rate
Real-time hardware waveform rec ording, playback and analysis functions; up to
65000 frames of waveform can be reco rde d; supp o rt digital channe l waveform
recording and playback
256 degree gray scale display
Superb performance
300 MHz, 200 MHz, 100 MHz and 70 MHz analog channel bandwidth
2+16-channel mixed signal digital oscilloscope (MSO2000A)
Built-in dual-channel 25 MHz signal sourc e (DS2000A-S and MSO2000A-S)
Low base noise, 500 μV/div to 10 V/div ultra-wide vertical dynamic range
Various functions
Various trigger functions
Various decoding functions
Various interfaces: USB Host, USB Device, LAN (LXI), AUX and USB-GPIB
29 waveform parameters auto measurement (with statistics)
Fine delayed sweep function
Built-in FFT function
Pass/fail test function
Wav e form math operat ion functions
XVI MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Support USB storage device storage and PictBridge printer
Conform to LXI-C class instrument standards; enable quick, economic and
efficient creation and reconfiguration of test system
Support remote command control
User-friendly design
8.0 inch WVGA (800*480) 160,000 color TFT LCD, with ultra-wide screen, vivid
picture, low power consumption and long service life
Easy to use digital channel grouping and group operation functions
Adjustable waveform brig htne ss
Auto setting of waveform display (AUTO)
Built-in help system
Support multiple languages menu, Chinese/English interface and
Chinese/English input
Novel and delicate industrial design and easier operation
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
record w avef orm as well as
Document Overview
Main Topics of this Manual:
Chapter 1 Quick Start Introduce the p reparations before using the
oscilloscope and provide a basic introduction
of the instrument.
Chapter 2 To Set the V ertical System Introduce the vertical system functions of
the oscilloscope.
Chapter 3 To Set the Horizontal
Chapter 4 To Set the Sample System Introduce the sample system functions of
Chapter 5 To Trigger the Oscilloscope Introduce th e trig ger mo de, tri gger co upling,
Chapter 6 MATH and Measurements Introduce how to make math operation,
Chapter 7 Digital Channel Introduce how to use the digital channels of
Chapter 8 Protocol Decoding Introduce how to decode the input signal
Chapter 9 Reference Waveform Introduce how to compare the input
Chapter 10 Pass/Fail Test Introduce how to monitor the input signal
Chapte r 11 Waveform Record
Chapte r 12 Display Control
Chapte r 13 Signal Source Introduce how to use the built-in signal
Chapte r 14 S tore and Recall Introduce how to store an d recall the setting
Chapte r 15 System Function Setting Intr o duce how to set the remote interface
Introduce the horizontal system functions of
the oscilloscope.
the oscilloscope.
trigger holdoff, trigger source and various
trigger types of the oscilloscope.
cursor and auto measurements.
the mixed signal digital oscilloscope.
using those common protocols.
waveform with the reference waveform.
using the Pass/Fail test.
Introduce how to
how to play back and analyze the recorded
Introduce how to control the display of the
file, waveform file and so on.
and system-related functions.
XVIII MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Chapte r 16 Remote Control Introduce how to control the oscilloscope
Chapte r 17 Troubleshooting Introduce how to deal with common failures
of the oscilloscope.
Chapte r 18 Specifications Provide the specifications and general
specif ications of the oscilloscope.
Chapte r 19 Appendix Provide common information such as options
and accessories.
Format Conventions in this Manual:
1. Key
The key at the front panel is deno te d by the f or mat of “Key Name (Bold) + Text
Box”. For example, Utility denotes the “Utility” key.
2. Menu Softkey
The menu softkey is denoted by the format of “Menu Word (Bold) + Character
Shading”. For example, System denotes the “System” menu softkey under
3. Operation Step
The next step of operatio n i s denoted by a n a rrow “”. For example, Utility
System denotes pressing Utility at the front panel and then pressi ng System.
4. Knob
Label Knob
Horizontal Scale Knob
MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide
Horizontal Position Knob
Vertical Scale Knob
Vertical Position Knob
Trigger Level Knob
Multifunction Knob
Content Con v entions in this Man ual:
MSO2000A/DS2000A series includes the following models. Unless otherwise noted,
this manual takes MSO2302A-S for an example to illustrate the functions and
operation methods of MSO2000A/DS2000A series.