Rigol DSG830, DSG815 User guide

User’s Guide
DSG800 Series RF Signal Generator
July 2015
RIGOL Technologies, Inc.

Guaranty and Declaration

© 2015 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. All Righ t s Reserved.
Trademark Information
RIGOL is a registered trademark of RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
Publication Number
Software Version
00.01.02 Software upgrade might change or add product features. Please acquire the latest version of the manual from RIGOL website or contact RIGOL to upgrade the software.
RIGOL products are covere d by P.R.C. and f oreign pa tents, issue d and pendin g. RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications
and pricing policies at company’s sole decision.
Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice. RIGOL shall not be liable for either incidental or consequential losses in
connection with the furnishing, use or performance of this manual as well as any information contained.
Any part of this document is forbidden to be co pie d, pho toc o pied or rearranged
without prior written approval of RIGOL.
Product Certification
RIGOL guar antees this pr oduct confo rms to the national and industrial standards in China as well as the ISO9001:2008 standard and the ISO14001:2004 standard. Other international standard conformance certification is in progress.
Contact Us
If you have any problem or requirement when using our products or this manual, please contact RIGOL. E-mail: service@rigol.com Website: www.rigol.com

Safety Requirement

General Safety Summary

Please review the following safety precautions carefully before putting the instrument into operation so as to avoid any personal injury or damage to t he instrument and any product connecte d to it. To prevent potential hazards, please us e the instrument only specified by this manual.
Use Proper Power Cord.
Only the power cord designed for the instrument and authorized for use within the local country could be used.
Ground the Instrument.
The instrument is grounded through the Protective Earth lead of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, it is e ssential t o connect the ea rth terminal of the power cord to the Protective Earth terminal before connecting any inputs or outputs.
Connect the Probe Correctly.
If a probe is used, do not connect the ground lead to high voltage since it has isobaric electric potential as the ground.
Observe All Terminal Ratings.
To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings an d markers on the instrume nt and check your manual for more information about ratings before connecting the instrument.
Use Proper Overvoltage Protection.
Make sure that no overvoltage (such as that caused by a t hunderstorm) can reach the product, or else the operator might be exposed to the danger of electrical shock .
Do Not Operate Without Covers.
Do not operate the instrument with covers or panels removed.
Do Not Insert Anything Into the Holes of Fan.
Do not insert anything into the holes of the fan to avoid damaging the instrument.
Use Proper Fuse.
Please use the specified fuses.
Avoid Circuit or Wire Exposure.
Do not touch exposed junctions and components when the unit is powered.
II DSG800 User's Guide
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures.
If you suspect damage occurs to the instrument, have it inspected by RIGOL authorized personnel before further oper at io ns. Any maintenance, adjustment or replacement especially to circuits or accessories must be performed by RIGOL authorized personnel.
Keep Well Ventilation.
Inadequate ventilation may cause an increase of instrument temperature which would cause damage to the instrument. So please keep the instrument well ventilated and inspect the intake and fan regularly.
Do Not Operate in Wet Conditions.
In order to av oid short circuiting t o the interi or of the device or electric shock, please do not operate the instrument in a humid environment.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
In order to avoid damage to the device or personal injuries, it is i mportant to o perate the device away from an explosive atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
To avoid the influence of dust and/or moisture in the air, please keep the surface of the device clean and dry.
Electrostatic Prevention.
Operate the instrument in an electrostat ic discharge protective environ ment to a void damage induced by static discharges. Always ground both the internal and external conductors of cables to release static before making connections.
Proper Use of Battery.
If a battery is supplied, it must not be exposed to high temperature or in contact with fire. Keep it out of the reach of children. Improper change of battery (note: lithium battery) may cause explosion. Use RIGOL specified batte ry only.
Handling Safety.
Please handle with care during transportation to avoid dam age to keys, knob interfaces and other parts on the panels.
DSG800 User's Guide III
injury or loss of life.
damage to this product or other property.
It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could result in injury or hazard immediately.
It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could result in potential injury or hazard.
It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could product.
Protective Terminal

Safety Terms and Symbols

Terms Used in this Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:
Warning statements indicate conditions or practices that could result in
Caution statements indicate conditions or practices that could result in
Terms Used on the Product. These terms may appear on the product:
result in damage to the product or other devices connected to the
Symbols Used on the Product. These symbols may appear on the product:
IV DSG800 User's Guide

Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen

Überprüfen Sie diefolgenden Sicherheitshinweise sorgfältigumPersonenschädenoderSchäden am Gerätundan damit verbundenen weiteren Gerätenzu vermeiden. Zur Vermeidung vonGefa hren, nutzen Sie bitte da s Gerät nur so, wiein diesem Handbuchangegeben.
Um Feuer oder Verletzungen zu vermeiden, verwenden Sie ein ordnungsgemäßes Netzkabel.
Verwenden Sie für dieses Gerät nur das für ihr Land zugelassene und genehmigte Netzkabel.
Erden des Gerätes.
Das Gerät ist durch den Schutzleiter im Netzkabel geerdet. Um Gefahren durch elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden , ist es unerlässlich, die Er dung durchzufüh ren. Erst dann dürfen weitere Ein- oder Ausgänge verbunden werden.
Anschluss einesTastkopfes.
Die Erdungsklemmen der Sonden sindauf dem gleichen Spannungspegel des Instruments geerdet. SchließenSie die Erdungsklemmen an keine hohe Spannung an.
Beachten Sie alle Anschlüsse.
Zur Vermeidung von Feuer oder Stromschlag, beachten Sie alle Bemerkungen und Markierungen auf dem Instrument. Bef olgen Sie die Bedienun gsanleitung für weitere Informationen, bevor Sie weitere Anschlüsse an das Instrument legen.
Verwenden Sie einen geeigneten Überspannungsschutz.
Stellen Sie sicher, daß keinerlei Überspannung (wie z.B. durch Gewitter verurs acht) das Gerät erreichen kann. Andernfallsbestehtfür den Anwender die GefahreinesStromschlages.
Nicht ohne Abdeckung einschalten.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht mit entfernten Gehäuse-Abdeckungen.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht geöffnet.
Der Betrieb mit offenen oder entfernten Gehäuseteilen ist nicht zulässig. Nichts in entsprechende Öffnungen stecken (Lüfter z.B.)
Passende Sicherung verwenden.
Setzen Sie nur die spezifikationsgemäßen Sicherungen ein.
Vermeiden Sie ungeschützte Verbindungen.
Berühren Sie keine unisolierten Verbindungen oder Baugruppen, während das Gerät in Betrieb ist.
DSG800 User's Guide V
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nich t im Fehlerfall.
Wenn Sie am Gerät einen Defekt vermuten, sorgen Sie dafür, bevor Sie das Gerät wieder betreiben, dass eine Untersuchung durch RIGOL autorisiertem Personal durchgeführt wird. Jedwede Wartung, Einstellarbeiten oder Austausch v on Teilen am Gerät, sowie am Zubehör dürfen nur von RIGOL autori s i e rt e m Personal durchgeführt werd en.
Belüftung sicherstellen.
Unzureichende Belüftung kann zu Temperaturanstiegen und somit zu thermischen Schäden am Gerät führen. Stellen Sie deswegen die Belüftung sicher und kontrollieren regelmäßig Lüfter und Belüftungsöffnungen.
Nicht in feuc h te r U mg ebung betrei be n .
Zur Vermeidun g von Kurzschluß im Geräteinne ren und Stromschlag betreiben Sie das Gerät bitte niemals in feuchter Umgebung.
Nicht in explosiver Atmosphäre betreiben.
Zur Ve rm e idung von Personen- und Sachschäden ist es unumgänglich, das Gerät ausschließlich fernab jedweder explosiven At mosphäre zu betreiben.
Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken halten.
Um den Einfluß von Staub und Feuchtigkeit aus der Luft auszuschließen, halten Sie bitte die Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken.
Schutz gegen elektrostatische Entladung (ESD).
Sorgen Sie für eine elektrostatisch geschützte Umgebung, um somit Schäden und Funktionsstörungen durch ESD zu vermeiden. Erden Sie vor dem Anschluß immer Innen- und Außenleiter der V erbindungsleitung, um st atische Aufladung zu entladen.
Die richtige Verwendung desAkku.
Wenneine Batterieverwendet wird, vermeiden Sie hohe Temperaturen bzw. Feuer ausgesetzt werden. Bewahren Sie es außerhalbder Reichweitevon Kindern auf. Unsachgemäße Änderung derBatte rie (Anmerkung: Lithium-Batterie) kann zu einer Explosion führen. VerwendenSie nur von RIGOL angegebenenAkkus.
Sicherer Transport.
Transportieren Sie das Gerät sorgfältig (Verpackung!), um Schäden an Bedienelementen, Anschlüssen und anderen Teilen zu vermeiden.
VI DSG800 User's Guide
Schäden oder den Tod von Personen zur Folge haben können.
Schäden am Gerät hervorrufen können.
weist auf eine Verletzung ode r Gefäh r dun g hin, die sofort geschehen kann.
weist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefäh rdung hin, die möglicherweise nicht sofort geschehen.
weist auf eine Verletzun g ode r Gefährdung hin und bedeutet, dass Gegenstände auftreten kann.

Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole

Begriffe in diesem Guide. Diese Begrif fe können in diesem Handbuch aufta uchen:
Die Kennzeichnung WARNING beschreibt Gefahrenquellen die leibliche
Die Kennzeichnung Caution (Vorsicht) beschreibt Gefahrenquellen die
Begriffe auf dem Produkt. Diese Bedingungen können auf dem Produkt erscheinen:
eine mögliche Beschädigung des Instruments oder anderer
Symbole auf dem Produkt. Diese Symbole können auf dem Produkt erscheinen:
Gefährliche Spannung
Schutz-erde Gehäusemasse Erde
DSG800 User's Guide VII

General Care and Cleaning

General Care
Do not store or leave the instrument where it may be exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time.
Clean the instrument regularly according to its operating conditions. To clean the exterior surface, perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect the instrument from all power sources.
2. Clean the loose dust on the outside of the i nstrument with a lint -f ree cloth (with a mild detergent or water). When cleaning the LCD, take care to a void sca rifying it.
To avoid damage to the ins t rument, d o not expose it to caustic liquids.
To avoid short-circuit and personal injury resulting from moisture, make sure the instrument is completely dry before reconnecting it to power

Environmental Consideratio ns

The following symbol indicates that this product complies with the WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC.
Product End-of-Life Handling
The equipment may contain substances that could be ha rmful to the envi ronment or human health. In order to avoid the release of such substances into the environment and harm to human health, we encourage you to recycle this product in an appropriate system that w ill ensure that most of the materials are reuse d or recycled appropriately. Please contact your local authorities for disposal or recycling information.
VIII DSG800 User's Guide
DSG800 User's Guide IX

DSG800 Series Overview

DSG800 series RF signal generator provides all-round modulation plans. It provides standard AM/FM/ØM functions as well as optional pulse modulation function and pulse train generator. All the modulation functions support b oth external and i nternal sources. Besides, to fulfill the application requirements of the production lines, severe test verifications are performed on DSG800 during the design and pro duction phases to ensure its stability and reliability. DSG800 provides clear panel layout and is easy-to-operate. It can output stable, accurate and pure signals. Besides, it is small in size and light in weight. DSG800 is an ideal tool for various fields such as communication, computer, instrumentation, research, education, production a nd maintenance.
Main Features:
Up to 1.5 GHz/3 GHz frequency The typical value of amplitude precision is not great e r than 0.5 dB -110 dBm to +20 dBm output power High signal purity; the typical value of phase noise is lower than -105
dBc/Hz@20 kHz
Provide 2 ppm internal clock (standard) as well as an optional 5 ppb highly
stable clock
Provide AM/FM/ØM analog modulation functions (standard) Provide optional pulse modulation with up to 70 dB on/off rati o; it also provi des
optional pulse train generator
All the modulation functions support both internal and external modulation
It is designed with a height of 2U which saves the rack space; it also provides
the rack mount kit
Provide USB/LAN remote con trol interfaces (standard) and standard SCPI
command set
Provide the system flatness calibration (cable, attenuator, amplifier and etc.)
X DSG800 User's Guide

Document Overview

Main Topics in this Manual
Chapter 1 Quick Start
This chapter introduces the front panel, rear panel and user inte rface of the RF signal generator as well as the precautions when using the instrument for the first time.
Chapter 2 Front Panel Ope rations
This chapter introduces the functions of the keys at the front panel of the RF signal generator as w e ll as the menu functions under the keys in details.
Chapter 3 Remote Control
This chapter introduces how to control the RF signal generator remotely.
Chapter 4 Application Examples
This chapter provides some application examples of the RF signal generator.
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
This chapter lists the common failures that might occur when using the RF signal generator as well as their solutions.
Chapter 6 Specifications
This chapter lists the technical specifications and general specifications of the RF signal generator.
Chapter 7 Appendix
This chapter provides the accessory list of the RF signal generator as well as the service and support information.
DSG800 User's Guide XI
Frequency Range
9 kHz to 1.5 GHz
9 kHz to 3 GHz
Format Conventions in this Manual
1. Key:
The key at the front panel is denoted by the format of "Text Box + Key Name (Bold)" in the manual. F o r example , FREQ denotes the FREQ key.
2. Menu:
The menu is denoted by the format of "Character Shading + Menu Word (Bold)" in the manual. For example, LF denotes t he low frequency menu item under
3. Connector:
The connector at the front or rear panel is denoted by the format of "Square Brackets + Con ne cto r Na me (Bol d)" i n the manual. For example, [RF OUTPUT 50Ω].
4. Operation Step:
The next step of operation is denoted by an arrow "" in the manual . For example, FREQ LF denotes pressing FREQ at the front panel and then pressing LF.
Content Conventions in this Manual
DSG800 series RF signal generator includes t wo models (DSG8 15 and DSG83 0). The illustrations in this manual are based on DSG830.
Manuals of this Product
The manuals of this product include the quick guide, user’s guide, programming guide, data sheet and etc. The latest versions of the manuals can be downloaded
XII DSG800 User's Guide
Contents RIGOL
Guaranty and Declaration ......................................................................... I
Safety Requirement ................................................................................ II
General Safety Summary ........................................................................... II
Safety Terms and Symbols ....................................................................... IV
Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen ......................................................... V
Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole ............................................................. VII
General Care and Cleaning ..................................................................... VIII
Environmental Considerations ................................................................. VIII
DSG800 Series Overview.......................................................................... X
Document Overview ............................................................................... XI
Chapter 1 Quick Start ......................................................................... 1-1
General Inspection ................................................................................ 1-2
Appearance and Dimensions ................................................................... 1-3
Front Panel Overview ............................................................................. 1-5
Rear Panel Overview ............................................................................. 1-11
To Use DSG800 for the First Time .......................................................... 1-15
To Connect the Power Supply .......................................................... 1-15
Power-on Inspection ...................................................................... 1-15
To Set the System Language ........................................................... 1-15
User Interface ...................................................................................... 1-16
To Use the Built-in Help System ............................................................. 1-19
Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations ...................................................... 2-1
To Set the Freque n cy/LF Parameters ....................................................... 2-2
Frequency ...................................................................................... 2-2
LF Output ...................................................................................... 2-2
To Set the Amplitude Parameters ............................................................ 2-4
Amplitude ...................................................................................... 2-4
Flatness Calibration ......................................................................... 2-4
Amplitude Unit ................................................................................ 2-5
Sweep .................................................................................................. 2-6
Sweep Manner ................................................................................ 2-6
Sweep Direction .............................................................................. 2-6
Sweep Type .................................................................................... 2-7
Sweep Mode.................................................................................. 2-10
Single Sweep ................................................................................. 2-10
To Reset the Sweep ....................................................................... 2-10
Trigger Mode ................................................................................. 2-11
Modulation .......................................................................................... 2-14
Amplitude Modulation (AM) ............................................................. 2-14
Frequency Modulation (FM)............................................................. 2-17
Phase Modulation (ØM) .................................................................. 2-20
DSG800 User's Guide XIII
RIGOL Contents
Pulse Modulation (Option DSG800-PUM) .......................................... 2-23
Store and Recall ................................................................................... 2-29
File Type ....................................................................................... 2-30
Save ............................................................................................. 2-30
Recall ........................................................................................... 2-34
Rename ........................................................................................ 2-34
Delete .......................................................................................... 2-34
Copy ............................................................................................ 2-34
To Create a Directory ..................................................................... 2-35
Filename Prefix ............................................................................. 2-35
Format ......................................................................................... 2-35
System Update .............................................................................. 2-35
To Set the System Parameters ............................................................... 2-36
Language ..................................................................................... 2-36
Reset............................................................................................ 2-36
I/O Configuration .......................................................................... 2-39
Display Setting .............................................................................. 2-41
Power Status ................................................................................. 2-42
Information ................................................................................... 2-42
License ......................................................................................... 2-43
Self-test ........................................................................................ 2-44
Sanitation ..................................................................................... 2-44
Chapter 3 Remote Control ................................................................. 3-1
Remote Control Overview ....................................................................... 3-2
Remote Control Via USB ......................................................................... 3-3
Remote Control Via LAN .......................................................................... 3-4
Chapter 4 Application Examples ........................................................ 4-1
To Output a RF Signal ............................................................................. 4-2
To Output a RF Sweep Signal .................................................................. 4-3
To Output a RF Modulated Signal ............................................................. 4-5
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting ................................................................ 5-1
Chapter 6 Specifications .................................................................... 6-1
Tec hnic al Specifications .......................................................................... 6-2
Frequency ....................................................................................... 6-2
Amplitude ....................................................................................... 6-4
Internal Modulation Generator (LF) ................................................... 6-5
................................................................................... 6-6
Input and Output............................................................................. 6-8
General Specifications ............................................................................ 6-9
Chapter 7 Appendix ........................................................................... 7-1
Appendix A: DSG800 Accessories and Options........................................... 7-1
Appendix B: Warranty ............................................................................. 7-2
Index ........................................................................................................ 1
XIV DSG800 User's Guide
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL

Chapter 1 Quick Start

This chapter guides users to quickly get familiar with the appearance, dimensions, front panel, rear panel and user interface of DSG800 series RF signal generator.
The topics of this chapter:
General Inspection Appearance and Dimensions Front Panel Overview Rear Panel Overview To Use DSG800 for the First Time User Interface To Use the Built-in Help System
DSG800 User's Guide 1-1
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start

General Inspection

1. Inspect the shipping container for damage
Keep the damaged shipping container or cushioning material until the contents of the shipment have been checked for completeness and the instrument has passed both ele ctrical and mechanical tests.
The consigner or carrier shall be liable for the damage to instrument resulting from shipment. RIGOL is not responsible for free maintenance/rework or replacement of the unit in such cases.
2. Inspect the instrument
In case of any damage, or defect, or failure, notify your RIGOL sales representative immediately.
3. Check the accessories
Please check the accessories according to the packi ng l is t s. If t he accessories are incomplete or damaged, please contact your RIGOL sales representative immediately.
1-2 DSG800 User's Guide
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
261.5 208

Appearance and Dimensions

Figure 1-1 Front View (unit: mm)
Figure 1-2 Top View (unit: mm)
DSG800 User's Guide 1-3
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
Figure 1-3 Side View (unit: mm)
1-4 DSG800 User's Guide
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
Restore the instrument to the preset state (the factory
3.5 inch TFT hig h-resolution (320×240) color LCD. The

Front Panel Overview

The front panel of DSG800 series RF signal generator is as shown in the figure below. You can click the number in the figure to view the corresponding introduction.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Restore to Preset Key
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Figure 1-4 Front Panel
default state or user-stored state). For the detailed information, refer to "
2. LCD
current settings and state of the instrument can be clearly displayed. For the detailed information, refer to " Interface".
DSG800 User's Guide 1-5
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
Display switching key. In the menu page of any function,
can use the knob or direction keys to switch the parameter
selected. In addition, y ou can press any f uncti on key to e xit
Menu softkeys correspon ding to the menus display ed at the Menu page up/do w n key.
Set the frequency parameters of the RF output signal as Set the amplitude parameters of the RF output signal and
Set the sweep type, sweep manner, sweep mode and etc.
Set the related parameters of amplitude modulation (AM),
3. Menu Control Keys
4. Function Keys
you can pr ess th is key to open the parameter information display interface of the current function. At this point, you
tabs to view the parameter information of different functions. Pressin g this key a gain will swit ch to the f unction menu corresponding to the parameter tab currently
the parameter information display interface.
left of the softkeys respectively. Pressing the softkey will activate the corresponding menu.
well as the related parameters of LF output. For the detailed information, refer to "
To Set the Frequency/LF
provide the flatness calibration function. For the detailed information, refer to "
To Set the Amplitude
For the detailed information, refer to "Sweep".
frequency modulation (FM), phase modulation (ØM), pulse modulation and pulse generator. For the detailed information, refer to "
1-6 DSG800 User's Guide
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
The numeric keyboard supports Chinese characters, English uppercase The multiplexing keys of the numbers and letters are used to directly input the
Used to switch among Chinese, English and number input In number input mode, press this key to input 1.
The multiplexing key of 0 and space. In number input mode, press this key to insert a decimal
In Chinese input mode, this key is invalid.
When setting a parameter, the knob is used to modify the
switch the parameter tabs.
5. Numeric Keyboard
/lowercase characters, numbers and commonly used symbols (include the decimal point, #, space and positive/negative s ign +/-). It is mainly used to edit the f il e or folder name and set the parameters.
desired numbers or letters.
modes. When setting a parameter, the input mode is f ixed at number and this ke y is used to in put the sign ("+" or "-") of the value.
In English input mode, press this key to switch between uppercase and lowercase letter inputs.
In number input mode, press this key to input 0. In Chinese or English input mode, press this key to input a space.
point at the current cursor position. In English input mode, press this key to input "#".
6. Knob
value at the cursor or modify the parameter value at the current step. When editing a filename, it is used to select the desired character. For the storage function, it is used to select the current directory or file. In the parameter inf ormation display inte rface, it is used t o
DSG800 User's Guide 1-7
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
When setting a parameter, Step is used to set the step of
direction keys ar e u sed to switch the parameter tabs.
It is use d to turn on or off t he RF signal generator. You can
due to misoperation.
Store and recall various types of files (such as the
Set the system-related parameters. For the detailed
7. Direction Keys/Step Key
the parameter currently selected; the direction keys are used to enter the parameter editing state and move the cursor to the specified digit. For the storage function, the direction keys are used to collapse and expand the directory currently selected. When editing a filename, the direction keys are used to select the desired character. In the parameter information display interface, the
8. Power Key
use the following method to enable or disable this key. Press Syst Pwr Status to select "Default" or "Open". When "Default" is selected, you need to press this key to start the instrument after the instrument is powered on. When "Open" is selected, the instrument will start automatically after it is powered on.
Besides, this key provides the delayed switching function (namely, the instrument can be turned on or off only when you press this key and hold it down for a certain period of time) to avoid the shut-down of the instrument
9. Store and Recall Key
instrument state). For the detailed information, refer to "
Store and Recall".
10. System Setting Key
information, refer to "To Set the System Parameters".
1-8 DSG800 User's Guide
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
Used to turn on or off the RF output.
Used to turn on or off the RF modulation output.
turned off.
To get the help information of any front panel key or key.
When setting a parameter, this key is used to clear the
exit the current menu and return to the previous menu.
11. Output Control Keys
— Press this key; the backlight of the key and the RF
label in the function status area in the user interface are illuminated. At this point, the RF output is turned on and the [RF OUTPUT 50Ω] connector outputs RF signal according to the current configuration.
— Press this key again; the backlight of the key turns of f
and the RF label in the function status area in the user interface is grayed out. At this point, the RF output is turned off.
— When a modulation function (AM, FM, ØM or Pulse
Mod) is turned on, press this key; the backlight of t he key and the MOD label in the function status area in the user interface are illuminated. At this point, the RF modulation output is turned on and the [RF OUTPUT 50Ω] connector outputs the mo dulated R F signal according to the current configuration (the backlight of RF/on must be illuminated).
— Press this key again and the backlight of the key
turns off. At this point, the RF modulation output is
12. Built-in Help System
menu softkey, press this key and then press the desired
13. Exit Key
number in the editing window and exit the parameter input state. When editing a filename, this key is used to clear the characters in the input bar. In the keyboard test state, this key is used to exit the current test state. When the instrument is working in the remote mode, you can press this key to return to the local mode. After you select the next level of menu, this ke y is us ed to
DSG800 User's Guide 1-9
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
When the LF output is turned on, this connector is used to
When the backlight of RF/on is illuminated, this
modulated signal.
To avoid dama ging the inst rument, the reverse DC v oltage on t he
14. LF Output Conne ctor
output the LF signal.
15. RF Output Connector
connector is used to output the RF signal and RF sweep signal. When the backlights of RF/on and Mod/on are both illuminated, this connector is used to output the RF
RF output connector cannot exceed 50 V and the reverse power cannot e xceed +30 dBm (1W) in the 1 MHz to 3 GHz frequenc y
1-10 DSG800 User's Guide
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
The function of this connector is determined by the
When the pulse modulation source is "Int" and the pulse
set to "Single" or "Train".

Rear Panel Overview

The rear panel of DSG800 series RF signal generato r is as sh own in the figure below . You can click the number in the figure to view the corresponding introduction.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
Figure 1-5 Rear Panel
1. Pulse Signal Input/Output Connector
current working mode of pulse modulation.
When the pulse modulation source is "Ext", this connector is used to input the external pulse signal.
output is turned on, this connector is used to output the pulse signal generated by the internal generator. This output signal is related to the pulse "Mode" and can be
DSG800 User's Guide 1-11
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
When the modulation source of AM or FM/ØM is
When the RF output frequency or amplitude is
stable (namely, the signal is valid).
Power-on Time
RF Valid
RF Valid
… …
When the trigger mode of SWEEP is “Ext”, this
exter nal gated s ignal.
2. External Modulation Input Connector
set to "Ext", this connector is used to input the external modulating signal.
3. Signal Valid Output Connector
modified, after a certain response and processing time of the internal circuit of the instrument, the instrument outputs RF signal with the specified frequency and amplitude via the RF output connector at the front panel. During this process, the [SIGNAL VALID] connector outputs a pulse sync signal, indicating that the RF output signal is valid. — High Level (+3.3 V): indicate that the RF
signal is in configuration.
— Low Level (0 V): indicate that the RF signal is
4. External Trigger Input Connector
connector is used to input the external trigger signal. You can press Trig Slope to set the polarity of the trigger signal to "Pos" or "Neg". When the pulse modulatio n source is "Int" an d the trigger mode is "Ext Trig", it is used to input the exter nal trigg er signal. When the pulse modulatio n source is "Int" an d the trigger mode is "Ext Gate", it is used to input the
1-12 DSG800 User's Guide
Chapter 1 Quick Start RIGOL
Power input connector. It is used to output the internal 10 MHz reference
It is used to input the external 10 MHz reference
data sheet of this product.
The instrument complies with LXI Core 2011 The instrument complies with USBTMC class
5. Power Input Connector
This RF signal generator can accept 100 V to 240 V, 45 Hz to 440 Hz AC power supplies. The power consumption of the instrument cannot exceed 60 W.
6. Reference Signal Output Connector
clock signal which is used to synch r onize the generator with other instruments. For more information about the specifications of the clock signal output from this connector, refer to the data sheet of this product.
7. Reference Signal Input Connector
8. LAN
clock signal which is used to synchronize the generator with other instruments. For more information about the s pecifications of the external clock signal input from this connector, refer to the
Device standard. It supp orts WebServer, Socket and other remote control modes. This interface is used to connect the RF signal generator to the PC or network f or remote control.
protocol. This interface is used to connect the PC for remote control.
DSG800 User's Guide 1-13
RIGOL Chapter 1 Quick Start
This interface is used to connect the USB storage
OCXO is an oven controlle d crystal oscillator. It is
please refer to the data sheet of this product.
device to update the system or store the system states and etc.
11. OCXO (Option OCXO-B08)
a frequency reference source with higher temperature stability.
Note: Sixty minutes of warm-up is required for
the OCXO to reach its rated frequency. For the ordering information of this option,
1-14 DSG800 User's Guide
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