Ricoh PJ X2440 Product Sheet

Business Projection Systems
brightness up
5,000 hours
lamp life; 6,000
hours in Eco
Projector Part Number 432167 Replacement Lamp 51374 4
Replacement Air Filter 43 2214
System Digital Light Processing (DLP) Technology
Resolution XGA - 1024 x 768 dp i
Liquid Crystal Panel
White Li ght Output (Brightness)
Color Reproduction 1,073,000,000 Colors (10 bit)/16,770,000 (8 bit)
Contrast Ratio
Screen Size (Diagonal) Up to 30" - 30 0" diago nal scre en
Projector Mode Standard, Rear, Ceiling, Rear Ceiling
Light Source Type Mercur y Lam p
Light So urce Lif e
Projection Lens
Supported OS
Built-in Speaker 2W Mono
Dimensions (WxDxH) 11.74" x 9.33" x 4.14" (298 x 237 x 105 mm)
Weight 5.74 lbs (2.6 kg)
Power Source 100-2 40V; 50 /60 Hz
Power Consumption While Operating
Storage & Transportation Environment Temperatu re -4 ~ 140˚ F; Humi dity: 2 0 ~ 80%
Fan Noise
Supported Utilities
Options N/A
Included with Projector
Aspect Ratio
High Contrast Mode
Standard Mode
Eco Mode
Lens Type
Zoom/Fo cus
Zoom Rati o
Throw Distance
Throw Ra tio
Lens Shi ft (V/H)
Keysto ne (V/ H)
Input Signals
Input Interfaces
Output Interfaces
Network Interfaces
Service/Control Interfaces
Advanced Network Utility
JPEG Conversion Utility
Projec tor Man ageme nt Utility
Standard Mode
Eco Mode
Standard Mode
Eco Mode
HDMI x 1, HDMI (MHL) x1, VCG x1, Compos ite (V ideo), 3. 5 mm diam eter Min i Jack
NTSC , PAL, SEC AM, PA L-M, PAL-60 , NTSC 4 .43, 6 0Hz, 5 0Hz
3.5 mm dia meter Mini Jack (au dio out)
AV Mute (Blan k), Freeze, Re- size (Mag nify), Ke yston e (Manua l Only), Pa sswor d Protec tion, Wa ll Color M ode, Ken singt on Lock , Eco Mode, 3D Proj ectio n Ready
CD- ROM with u ser man ual, Quick Star t Guide , RGB cab le, Powe r cord, Wa rranty
sheet a nd regis tratio n (US only), Remote control a nd bat teries , Carr ying C ase
(Included for PJ X2440 andPJ W X244 0 only)
PJ X244 0
0.5 5"
3,00 0 lm (lum ens)
220 0:1
5,000 Hours
6,000 Hours
Fixed ( built- in)
3.9'- 4 0.0'
1.95 - 2.15
Manual: Ve rtical Only
(audio in)
RS-232C x1, USB (Typ e A) x1
262W or le ss
216W or les s
34 dB or le ss
31 dB or les s
Warranty: The RICOH PJ X2440 is under warranty against defects for a period of three years from the date of purchase. Consumables are under warrant y for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase or until depleted, whichever comes first. Please refer to warranty documents shipped with the product for more details. For maximum performance and yield, we recommend using genuine Ricoh parts and supplies.
Ricoh USA , Inc., 70 Valley Stream Parkway, Mal vern, PA 19355, 1-800-63- RICOH ©2017. Ricoh USA, Inc. A ll rights reserved. R icoh® and the Ricoh lo go are registered tradema rks of Ricoh Company, Ltd. All other t rademarks are the prope rty of their respec tive owners. The content of thi s document, and the appear ance, features and specific ations of Ricoh product s and services are subje ct to change from time to time w ithout notice. Product s are shown with optiona l features. While care has be en taken to ensure the accurac y of this information, Ricoh make s no representation or war ranties about the accurac y, completeness or adequa cy of the informati on contained herein, and shal l not be liable for any errors or o missions in these materia ls. Actual results will v ary depending upon use o f the products and ser vices, and the conditions an d factors affecting p erformance. The only war ranties for Ricoh product s and services are as se t forth in the express warr anty statements accom panying them.