MP C2004SP and MP C2504SP hardware configuration
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Dimensions are stated in width x depth x height (W x D x H)
Dimensions: 420 x 489 x 107 mm
Dimensions: 676 x 549 x 156 mm
1,000-sheet booklet finisher
Capacity: 1,250 sheets—A4
Dimensions: 563 x 620 x 960 mm
Weight: 39.6 kg
500-sheet internal finisher
Dimensions: 546 x 523 x 170 mm
Dimensions: 565 x 500 x 125 mm
Dimensions: 587 x 520 x 175 mm
Weight: 13.9 kg or less
MP C2004SP and MP C2504SP
Smart Operation Panel (std)
Dimensions: 587 x 685 x 788 mm
Capacity (std): 1,200 sheets
Minimum space requirements
Front: 750 mm
Left: 100 mm
Right: 500 mm
Rear: 100 mm
Dimensions: 444 x 450 x 150 mm
Dimensions: 561 x 497 x 63.8 mm
Dimensions: 587 x 685 x 120 mm
Dimensions: 587 x 685 x 247 mm
Dimensions: 435 x 515 x 150 mm
Note: Only the main options are listed i n
this chart. Refer to the EDP codes secti on
in the Sales handbook for a comprehensive
list of options.