Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 1
SUBJECT: Table In for matio n DATE: May 15,1993
PAGE: 1 o f 2
PREPARED BY: H . Ko b ayas hi
Action Required
Retrofit Information
Paper larger than A1 size may not stack c ompletely on the lower exit way tray. There are
three position settings of the lower exit way tray which can be selected by customers.
Certain types of copy paper can then be stacked. However, even though the lower exit
way tray has been changed to one of the three position settings, this may still not alleviate
the problem completely. This is one of the machine limitations. The following information
is the three position settings of the lower exit way tray.
Type A–The rear support plate [A] is at the upper position. The copy guide plate [ B] is
Type B–The rear support p late is at the lower position. The copy guide plate is installed.
Type C–The rear support plate is at the upper position. The copy guide plate is removed.
Typ e A
Revision of service manual
Information only
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
Typ e B
Typ e C

Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 1
SUBJECT: Table In for matio n DATE: May 15,1993
PAGE: 2 o f 2
The installation of the table is as follows:
1. Hook the rear support plate [ A] on the table (Insert the two shoulder screws [B] into
the rear support plate holes [ C] .)
2. Install the leading portions [D] o f the three lower copy trays into the appropriate holes
[ E] as shown and set the three lower copy trays to the appropriate rear support plate
cutout [F].
3. Hook the co py guide plate [ G] onto the table. (Insert the two shoulder screws [ H] into
the copy guide plate holes [ I] .) and install it (2 knob screws).
4 . Adhere the two guide mylars [J] to the copier rear table as shown. (Align the edge of
the mylars to the 3rd wire [ K] of the cop y exit section from the both ends.)
10 ~ 20mm
10 ~ 20mm
0 ~ 2mm
0 ~ 2mm