Intelli gent technolog y
meet s compact smart design
for brilliant pictures.
28-200 mm
optical 7.1x zoom
Cor r ect ion
fu nction
Effective megapixel
5.13 CCD
Large 2.5-inch high-quality LCD monitor Top shutter release
time lag: 0.007 sec. Skew correction function 1cm macro
As of September 6, 2005, the Caplio R3 is th e world smallest and slimmest digital camera with an optical
5x or greater zoom lens.
Number of shots measured using CIPA standard parameters. Actual performanc e may va r y according to
usage conditions.
Shutter release time lag with focus lock engaged and Vibration Correction OFF.
Focal lengths are 35mm film camera equivalents.
Battery power lasts
approx. 310 shots

High-power 28-200mm optical 7.1x zoom
28mm field of view
Wid e-ang le 28mm
delivers dynamic perspectives.
Ricoh’s Caplio digital cameras are famous for delivering
wide- angle 28mm pers pect ives that are impossible to
capture with a common 35mm camera. Dynamic 28mm
shows its strength especially in ex pansive scenes li ke
stadiums and large buildings. Wide angle also enables
you to achieve creative effects by, for instance, exagger ating the size of your subject relative to background ob jects. Best of all, the Caplio R3 is so sli m and lightweight
that this dazzling power of expression slips conveniently
in your poc ket.
Great perspective a t w ide-angle 28mm
35mm field of view

le ns, ne w Vibra t ion Correct ion funct ion, and much m ore.
Frame the scene with 200mm zoom
105mm field of view
As of September 6, 2005, the Caplio R3 is the world’s smallest digital camera with an optical 5x or greater optical zoom lens.
200mm field of view
200mm zoom ena bles uniq ue framing.
Vibration Correction function adjusts
for handshake.
The Caplio R3 is the world’s slimmest and most compact
hi gh-po wer zoom lens di gi t al ca mera . With it s 28mm 200mm 7.1x optical zoom lens, you hav e in f ini te possibil it ies for framing shots. For instance, make your subject
stand out majest ical ly from the
background. Plus, t he new Caplio
R3 has a Vibration Correction
f unct ion that helps to deliver
sharp zoom pictures free from
t he blurry effects of handshake.
Section marked indicat es f raming .