wide zoom lens
Digital Camera Caplio
For the l ove of
Wide-angle 28-85mm optical 3x zoom
Compact, light and 29mm slim for superior mobility
Aper ture Priori ty and Manual Exposure modes
Higher shooting spe ed and expanded macro capabilities
Enhanced expandability
Focal lengths ar e 35mm film camera e quiv alents.
Photo shows optional equipment.

It has arrived. A compact digital camera with the power to capture
the essence of beauty. The power to bring your vision alive.
The Caplio GX8 with 8.24 effective megapixels. Stunning image quality.
Vivid colors and deep gradation. For the love of photography.
Awash in early morning sunlight, each tiny cherry blossom petal appears distinct while also forming a lush forest of pink.
Shot at wide-angle 28mm, the photograph makes you feel like you re actually there.

8.24 effective megapixels for vivid image quality.
The Caplio GX8 s advanced technology for stunningly vi vid pho tography fi ts inside a remark a bl y compact body. The CC D, t he
ca mera s core imaging unit , is 8.24 effect i ve megapixels. And
Ricoh s superior Smoo th Imaging Engine image processing sys tem achi eves high-speed processing of high-resolution images
while suppressing image noise. Even in large-sized prin t s, im a ges
are vivid an d beautifully clean and sharp.
Creative control with Aperture Priority
and Manual Exposure.
Bring your creative v ision alive in landscapes and portr ait s wit h
Aperture Priority mode. With precise control over depth of fi eld,
you can put beaut i f u ll y f o cused a t ten t i on on a f ore gr oun d subject,
or maintain shar p e ven focus throughout the scene. Also, the
Caplio GX8 gives you control over the shutter speed, which r anges
in Manual Exposure mode from 1/2000 to 30 seconds.
F8.1 1/100 ISO: 100 (28mm
F8.1 1/4 ISO: 64 (28mm
1/ 3- EV- st ep e xposure corr ect ion
for subtle lighting conditions.
Approach scenes with extreme difference in brightness between
your subject and the background like a pro. The Caplio GX8 lets
you avoid over- or underexposure by making EV adjustments in
1/ 3 steps wi thin a range of 2.0EV.
Powerful wide- angle 28-85mm 3x opt ical zoom.
Wide -angle e xpression is t he forte of Ri c oh cameras. The Capli o
GX8 t akes i t to a new level wi th an opt i cal 3x zoom beginning
at wide-angle 28mm. The zoom lens, consisting of 9 elements in
7 groups, ensures adequate peripheral light in wide-angle edges.
Four aspherical lenses and four lenses wi th high refract ive
index and low d isper sion are ar ranged to ensure well-balanced
correction of aberration in all zoom
ranges. Phot ographers have neve r
encountered such advanc ed optic al
performance in a d ig i t al c amera so
compact .