Ricoh Caplio G4 Digital Camera
Capture the moment
Capture the moment
with a swifter sh utter!
with a swifter sh utter!
optical zoom
digital zoom
World's fastest shutter response*
leaves standard 35mm cameras far behind.
Choice of
three power
Shutter response: 0.14 seconds
(six types)
Start-up time : 1.9 seconds
See inside for details.

Don't miss a momen t.
This camera
never keeps you waiting.
Ever m iss a shot because your c amera c o uldn't keep
up with you ? The Caplio G 4 was designed to keep
t hat f rom e ver ha ppening again. With a start -up
time of j ust 1.9 seconds, it 's soon read y to go. A nd
with a shut t er re s ponse t i me of 0.14 sec o nd s -- the
world's fa st est * -- it performs with split-second ac curacy.
Catch your subjec t in mid-smile or mid-air. You ca n
even get a shot of a fast-moving car. Whatever sub ject you choose, Ricoh's patented hybrid auto focusing
Shutter releas e t ime lag
0.14-second shutter release time lag
Start pressing
the shutter button
Focus lock achieved
(shutter button
depressed halfway)
To reflect real shooting situations
more closely, Ricoh measures the
shutter release lag from the time the
user touches t he shutter, rather than
the time when focus lock is achieved.
syst e m tec hnolog y ke eps you in the clear.
*As of August 19, 200 3 for all autofocus digital cameras . Speed meas ured as ti me between pressing shut te r relea se but ton and starting ex posure in autofocus mode without using focus lock.
No other digital camera comes close.
Brilliant 1cm macros
Capture the smallest of details,
even those practically invisible
to the human e ye, from an astonishing distance of only 1 cm!
No o ther digita l camera in i ts
class comes th is close and clear.
It also has a built-in flash for
shots as close as 16 cm, wi th
no white-out ef f ec t.
Instant PC transfers
Transferring files to a PC couldn't be easier! Simply turn off the
camera and link the Caplio G4 up via a USB cable. The Ricoh
Gat e sof tware install ed on the computer will then instantl y s ta rt
transferring images to an automatically created folder at a rate of
three megabytes per second. Mac OS X users can import images
with iPhoto while Windows XP users can take advantage of the
WIA driver interface.
Continuous shooting capabilities
Analyze golf swings and other action sequences by taking advantage of the Caplio G4's various continuous modes. In M-continuous
mode, with the shutter button held down the camera memorizes
the last 16 shots in one file for two seconds of footage. This comes
in handy when you are uncertain about the start or finish of a particular action. In S-continuous mode, it c an ta k e a series of 16 shots
in one file for two seconds of footage with just one press of the shutter butt on. When reviewing the 16 shots
du ring pl ayback,
each frame can be
e nlarged individually,
and you can quickly
browse back and forth
through all 16 shots
to create the feel of
an anima t ed mov i e.