Ricoh Caplio 400G wide Operation Manual

For the safe use of your camera, be sure to read the Safety Precautions thoroughly before use.
Operation Manual
Using These Manuals
The two manuals included are for your Caplio 400G wide.
Please read this first: Quick Start Guide (printed manual)
This booklet is designed to help you enjoy your Caplio 400G wide right away by providing quick explana­tions: "Getting Ready to Shoot", "Shooting Images", "Viewing Images", and "Connecting to Your PC." Before using your camera, first read this manual.
Please read as needed: Operation Manual (this manual).
This explains how to use all the functions of your Caplio 400G wide. To get the most out of your Caplio 400G wide, please read it through once and refer to it whenever necessary.
Using This Guide
Display examples:
This manual gives examples of LCD monitor display from Caplio G4 Wide that has shooting functions equivalent to those of this camera. The LCD Monitor Display examples and sample images shown in this manual are created for the purpose of explanation. The actual display may be different.
In this guide, still images, movies, and sounds are all referred to as "images" or "files."
The following symbols are used in this guide:
This indicates important information and restrictions.
This indicates an explanation of a technical term.
This indicates supplementary explanations and useful tips on camera operations.
This indicates page(s) relevant to a particular function. "p.xx" is used to refer you to pages in this manual.
Chapter 1 Using Your Camera
Section 1 Getting Started
Checking that Everything is Packed..................................... 7
Names of Parts..................................................................... 9
How to Use the Mode Dial.................................................. 10
Inserting the Batteries ........................................................ 11
Indication of the Number of Images You Can Take ................. 11
Using the Batteries ............................................................. 12
Inserting the Rechargeable Battery ......................................... 13
Removing the Rechargeable Battery ....................................... 13
Using the Rechargeable Battery ........................................ 13
Using the AC Adapter......................................................... 14
Setting up the AC Adapter ....................................................... 14
Removing the AC Adapter ....................................................... 15
Turning the Power On/Off .................................................. 16
To Turn the Camera On........................................................... 16
To Turn the Camera Off........................................................... 16
Setting the Date and Time (DATE SETTINGS).................. 17
Inserting an SD Memory Card (Available in Stores).......... 18
Inserting the SD Memory Card ................................................ 19
Removing the SD Memory Card .............................................. 19
How to Use the LCD Monitor.............................................. 20
Screen Examples when Shooting Pictures .............................. 20
The Screen During Playback ................................................... 23
Switching the Screen Display .................................................. 24
Button Functions ................................................................ 25
The Basics of the Shooting Menu/Playback Menu .................. 26
The Basics of the Setup Screen .............................................. 27
Screens .............................................................................. 28
Section 2 Basic Shooting
How to Hold the Camera.................................................... 34
How to Focus ..................................................................... 35
Shooting Still Images.......................................................... 36
Check the Focus and Shoot (Half-press)................................. 36
Capture the Moment Shooting (Full-press).............................. 37
When the Subject is not Centered on Your Composition (Fo-
cus Lock) ............................................................................ 38
Shooting with Scenery-Matching........................................ 39
Combination of Scene Mode and Function ........................ 41
Shooting with Multi-Shot..................................................... 42
Making Multi-Shot Settings (CONT. MODE)............................ 43
Shooting with Multi-Shot .......................................................... 44
Shooting with S Multi-Shot....................................................... 44
Shooting with M Multi-Shot ...................................................... 44
Shooting Movies................................................................. 45
Shooting with Optical Zoom ............................................... 46
Shooting with the Digital Zoom........................................... 47
Shooting Close-ups (Macro Photo) .................................... 48
Recording Voice Memos .................................................... 49
Section 3 Using Special Features for
Improved Photography
Using the Flash .................................................................. 51
Using the Self-Timer........................................................... 53
Shooting a Still Image with Sound (IMAGE WITH SOUND).... 54
Using the ADJ. (Adjust) Button........................................... 56
Changing the Exposure (EXPOSURE COMP.).................. 57
Examples of Exposure Compensation ..................................... 57
Using the ADJ. Button (Exposure) ........................................... 57
Using the Shooting Menu (Exposure)....................................... 58
Using Natural and Artificial Lighting (WHITE BALANCE) .. 60
Using the ADJ. Button (White Balance)................................... 61
Using the Shooting Menu (White Balance)............................... 63
Sensitivity Settings (ISO SETTING)................................... 65
Using the ADJ. Button (ISO Sensitivity)................................... 65
Using the Shooting Menu (ISO Sensitivity)............................... 66
Changing Shading for Shooting Text (DENSITY) .............. 67
Using the ADJ. Button (Text Density)...................................... 67
Using the Shooting Menu (Text Density) .................................. 68
Shooting Consecutively with Different White Balance
(WHITE BALANCE BRACKET) ......................................... 69
Choosing Picture Quality Mode/Image Size
(PIC QUALITY/SIZE) ......................................................... 71
About Picture Quality Mode ...................................................... 71
About Image Size ..................................................................... 71
Changing Picture Quality Mode/Image Size of a Still Image .... 72
Changing the Image Size for Shooting in TEXT Mode ............. 73
Changing the Image Size of a Movie........................................ 74
Manual Focus Shooting (FOCUS) ..................................... 75
Manual Focus Shooting ............................................................ 75
Shooting at a Fixed Distance.................................................... 76
Changing the Light Metering (PHOTOMETRY) ................. 77
Changing the Edge Quality of Still Images
(SHARPNESS)................................................................... 79
Shooting Consecutively with Different Exposures
(AUTO BRACKET)............................................................. 80
Setting the Exposure Time (TIME EXPOSURE)................ 82
Shooting Pictures Automatically at Set Intervals
(INTERVAL) ....................................................................... 83
Inserting the Date into a Still Image (DATE IMPRINT) ...... 85
Returning the Shooting Menu Settings to their Defaults
(RESTORE DEFAULTS).................................................... 86
Section 4 Playing Back/Deleting Still
Images, Movies, and Sounds
Viewing the Photo You Just Took (Quick Review)............. 88
Displaying an Enlarged View of the Still Image Displayed ....... 89
Deleting the Displayed Still Image or Movie ............................. 90
Viewing a Still Image or Movie........................................... 91
Viewing Still Images Recorded on an SD Memory Card .......... 91
Viewing Still Images Recorded on Internal Memory ................. 92
Viewing Movies......................................................................... 93
Adjusting the Movie Sound Volume.......................................... 93
Playing Back Sound........................................................... 94
Playing Back Sound.................................................................. 94
Playing Back Sound recorded with a Still Image ...................... 95
Adjusting the Volume................................................................ 95
Viewing at a Glance (Thumbnail Display) .......................... 96
Enlarged Viewing ............................................................... 97
Viewing an S Multi-Shot or M Multi-Shot Still Image in En-
larged Display Mode .......................................................... 98
Showing Photos in Order Automatically (SLIDE SHOW)... 99
Viewing on a Television ................................................... 100
Deleting Unwanted Still Images/Movies/Sounds.............. 101
Deleting One Still Image ......................................................... 101
Deleting All Frames at Once................................................... 102
Deleting Multiple Frames at Once .......................................... 103
Section 5 Direct Printing
About the Direct Print Function ........................................ 105
Sending Images to a Printer for Printing .......................... 106
Connecting the Camera to a Printer ...................................... 106
Printing One Image ................................................................ 106
Printing All Images ................................................................. 107
Printing Several Images......................................................... 108
Section 6 About Other Functions
Write-protecting Your Images (PROTECT)...................... 111
Protecting the Displayed Still Image ...................................... 111
Protecting All Still Images ...................................................... 113
Protecting Multiple Still Images, Movies, or Sounds at Once 114
Copying the Contents of Internal Memory to a Memory Card
(COPY TO CARD)............................................................ 115
Using a Printing Service (DPOF: Dee-Pof)....................... 116
Setting DPOF for the Still Image Displayed ........................... 116
Setting DPOF for All Still Images ........................................... 117
Setting DPOF for Multiple Still Images................................... 118
Changing the Image Size (RESIZE)................................. 119
Section 7 Changing Camera Settings
Getting the SD Memory Card Ready for Use
(CARD FORMAT)............................................................. 121
Write-protecting your images................................................. 121
Formatting Internal Memory (IN FORMAT) ...................... 122
Changing Auto Power-Off Settings (AUTO POWER OFF) ......... 123
Beep at Recording (BEEP SOUND)................................. 124
Changing File Name Settings (SEQUENTIAL NO.) ......... 125
Changing Image Confirmation Time (LCD CONFIRM.) ... 126 Adjusting the Brightness of the LCD Monitor
(LCD BRIGHTNESS)........................................................ 127
Changing Power-Save Mode Settings (Power-Save)....... 128
Changing the Display Language (LANGUAGE)............... 129
Changing the Playback Method for Viewing on TV
(VIDEO OUT MODE)........................................................ 130
Chapter 2 Playing Back Images (Pic-
tures/Movies) on a Computer (For Windows)
Section 1 Installing Software
Using the Software Provided............................................ 132
Software and OS Applicability Table...................................... 132
System Requirements for Using the Provided Software .. 133
Preparing to Download Images to Your Computer........... 134
Installation ........................................................................ 135
For Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000 ............................................ 135
Uninstalling the Software(For Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000) .. 136
For Windows XP .................................................................... 137
Uninstalling the Software(For Windows XP) .......................... 138
Installing Other Software.................................................. 139
Installing Acrobat Reader....................................................... 139
Installing DirectX.................................................................... 139
Section 2 Downloading Images to a
Connecting the Camera to a Computer............................ 141
For Windows XP .................................................................... 141
Downloading Pictures to Your Computer ......................... 143
For Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP ...................................... 143
How to Use RICOH Gate La............................................. 144
The RICOH Gate La Window................................................. 144
How to Use the Optional Settings.......................................... 145
How to Use the Background Illustration Settings ................... 146
Downloading Images from an SD Memory Card.............. 147
Images in an SD Memory Card.............................................. 147
Section 3 Displaying Thumbnail Images
(How to Use DU-10x)
Starting and Exiting DU-10x............................................. 149
DU-10x Window...................................................................... 149
Exiting DU-10x........................................................................ 149
Thumbnail Display Description......................................... 150
Switching the Ordering of Images.................................... 151
Changing the Display Size ............................................... 152
Viewing Images in a slide show ....................................... 154
To View a Slide Show ............................................................. 154
Using Auto Slide Show ........................................................... 155
How to Use the Slide Show Dialog Box.................................. 155
Renaming an Image in Thumbnail View .......................... 156
How to Rename an Image...................................................... 156
Copying a Reduced Image File........................................ 157
How to Copy an Reduced Image File..................................... 157
Enabling Functions Available with Other Models of Caplio.... 158
How to Enable GPS Linkage or Camera Memo Function ...... 158
Cameras and Available Options ............................................. 158
Functions You Can Use .......................................................... 159
Deleting Images ............................................................... 160
Using the File Menu................................................................ 160
Using the Shortcut Menu ........................................................ 160
Using the Keyboard ................................................................ 160
Viewing Image Information............................................... 161
Using the File Menu................................................................ 161
Using the Shortcut Menu ........................................................ 161
Displaying the Viewer Screen .......................................... 162
Using the Viewer Screen ........................................................ 162
Printing an Image............................................................. 163
To Print an Image ................................................................... 163
Using the [Print Setup] Dialog Box ......................................... 163
Checking the Printing Layout.................................................. 164
Making printer settings............................................................ 164
Printing Images....................................................................... 164
Chapter 3 Playing Back Images (Pic-
tures/Movies) on a Computer (For Macintosh)
Section 1 Installing Software
Using the Software Provided............................................ 166
Software and OS Applicability Table ...................................... 166
System Requirements...................................................... 167
Preparing to Download Images to Your Computer .......... 168
Installation........................................................................ 169
For Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2.2 ......................................................... 169
For Mac OS X 10.1.2 to 10.3.................................................. 170
Uninstalling the Software (For Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2.2) .............. 171
Uninstalling the Software (For Mac OS X 10.1.2 to 10.3)....... 171
Section 2 Downloading Images to a
Connecting the Camera to a Computer ........................... 173
Downloading Pictures to Your Computer......................... 174
For Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2.2 ......................................................... 175
For Mac OS X 10.1.2 to 10.3.................................................. 176
How to Use RICOH Gate La ............................................ 177
The RICOH Gate La Window ................................................. 177
How to Use Optional Settings................................................. 178
Chapter 4 Shooting with Camera
Section 1 About Camera Memos
Shooting with Camera Memos ......................................... 180
Text Camera Memo ............................................................... 180
Voice Memo........................................................................... 180
How to Use Camera Memos.................................................. 181
Section 2 Creating a Camera Memo List
Creating a Camera Memo List.......................................... 183
Starting and Quitting ListEditor .............................................. 183
How to Use ListEditor ............................................................ 183
Using the [ListEditor] Dialog Box ........................................... 185
Transferring the Camera Memo List to the Camera......... 186
Transferring from ListEditor ................................................... 186
Using the PC Card Adapter ................................................... 187
Section 3 Shooting with Camera Memos
Shooting with Camera Memos ......................................... 189
To Quit Shooting with Memos................................................ 190
Create or Correct a Memo Temporarily (Temporary Memo). 191
Creating a Temporary Memo ................................................. 191
Correcting a Temporarily Memo ............................................ 192
Correcting a Camera Memo to Create a New Temporary Memo 193
Viewing/Deleting a Camera Memo Attached to a Still Image 195
Attaching a Camera Memo to a Still Image...................... 196
Displaying and Changing a Camera Memo Attached to a Still
Image on the Camera....................................................... 197
Changing a Camera Memo.................................................... 197
Displaying a camera memo ................................................... 197
Displaying and Confirming a Camera Memo Attached to a Still
Image and Correcting It.................................................... 199
Viewing a Camera Memo on the Computer........................... 199
Editing a Camera Memo ........................................................ 199
Searching for a Camera Memo.............................................. 200
Printing Camera Memos Attached to Still Images............ 201
Printing an Image and a Camera Memo ................................ 201
How to Use the [Set Memo Detail] Dialog Box ...................... 201
Section 4 Using Voice Memos
About Voice Memos ......................................................... 203
How to Use Voice Memos...................................................... 203
Registering (Recording)/Playing Back/Changing a Voice
Memo ............................................................................... 204
Registering a Voice Memo..................................................... 204
Playing back a Voice Memo................................................... 206
Changing a Voice Memo........................................................ 207
Playing Back and Confirming a Voice Memo Attached to a Still
Image ............................................................................... 208
Play Back the Voice Memo.................................................... 208
A. How to Use the Keyboard............................................ 210
B. Specifications............................................................... 212
C. Optional Accessories................................................... 213
D. Using the Accessory Shoe........................................... 213
E. Using a Wide Conversion Lens.................................... 214
F. SD Memory Card Recording Capacities ...................... 214
G. Using Your Camera Abroad......................................... 214
H. Cautions on Use .......................................................... 215
I. Care and Storage.......................................................... 216
J. Troubleshooting............................................................ 217
K. Error Messages............................................................ 225
L. Warranty and Servicing................................................ 226
Section 1 Getting Started
Chapter 1 Using Your Camera
This section explains how to get your camera ready, from taking it out of the package to preparing to shoot.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
• In the unlikely event that something is missing or damaged, please contact the store where you purchased the camera.
• After checking the contents of the warranty card, please keep it in a safe place.
Checking that Everything is Packed
The following items should be included with the camera. Please make sure everything was packed.
Caplio 400G wide
AA Alkaline Batteries (2)
Neck Strap
LCD Hood
AV Cable
Used to connect the camera to a TV unit.
USB Cable
Used to connect the camera to a personal computer or Direct Print supported printer.
Warranty Card
Safety Precautions
The software and the operation manual are included on this CD-ROM.
Quick Start Guide
Attaching the neck strap to the camera
Use the camera with the accessory neck strap so as not to drop. Thread the tips of the strap through the camera's strap attachment pegs and attach them as shown.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
AC Adapter (AC-4a)
Used to supply power from a home outlet to the cam­era. Connect this adapter for long-time play or image transfer to a personal computer.
Other products sold separately:
• PC Card Adapter (FM-SD53)
• Soft Case (SC-40)
• Rechargeable Battery Set (BS-3)
Includes the Rechargeable Battery (DB-43) and Battery Charger (BJ-2).
• SD Memory Card (available in stores)
Optional Accessories
Battery Charger (BJ-2)
Rechargeable Battery (DB-43)
Wide Conversion Lens (DW-4)
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Names of Parts
It is necessary to know these in order to understand the explanations in this manual. Check the follow­ing.
Front View
Rear View
1. Shutter Release Button
2. Power Button
3. Mode Dial
4. Flash
5. Accessory Shoe
6. AF Window
7. Viewfinder
8. Terminal Cover
9. Lens
10. USB Terminal
11. AV Output Terminal
12. Speaker
13. Microphone
14. Strap Attachment Pegs
15. Auto Focus Lamp
16. Viewfinder
17. Flash Lamp
18. ADJ. Button
19. Z (Wide-angle)/9 (Thumbnail Display) Button
20. z (Telephoto)/8 (Enlarged View) Button
21. # Button/Q (Quick Review) Button
22. ! Button
23. $ Button/F(Flash) Button
24. " /N (Macro) Button
25. Battery/Card Cover
26. LCD Monitor
27. D (Delete)/T (Self-timer) Button
28. M Button
29. O Button
30. DISP Button
31. Tripod Screw Hole (underside)
To avoid damaging the connectors, do not put any objects into the camera's microphone or speaker hole.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Turn the Mode Dial to the symbol of the mode you want to use.
Mode Dial Symbols and Functions.
Symbol Mode Name Function
1 Setup Mode Allows you to set and confirm camera settings.
2 Voice Memo Mode Allows you to record sounds.
CALS Mode Allows you to fix the Picture Quality Mode and Image Size used for shooting still images at N1280.
4 Scene Mode Allows you to optimize the camera settings for movies and five different scenes.
5 Shooting Mode Allows you to shoot still images. 6 Playback Mode Allows you to playback and delete still images and movies.
In the CALS mode, the picture quality and image size are fixed at N1280 (Normal mode: 1280 x 960) suitable for construction site pho­tos. With simple operation of the Mode Dial, you can shoot photos in a construction environment without minding the setting of picture qual­ity or size.
How to Use the Mode Dial
The Mode Dial is on the top of the camera. The Mode Dial is used to select the desired mode and operation for shooting and playback (still image viewing).
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Inserting the Batteries
The following batteries can be used in the camera. Please choose which kind to use according to your needs.
Indication of the Number of Images You Can Take
*1 The number of shots in the Synchro-Monitor Mode (see P.24) The number of shots is based on a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, shooting at 30-second intervals and one out of every two being shot with the flash. If you set the camera to the Power-Save mode, the number of shots you can take will increase. In addition to the batteries, you can use the AC Adapter (sold separately).
Battery Type Feature
AA Alkaline Batteries (LR6) (included) You can obtain them anywhere, so they are convenient for travel.
However, in a low-temperature environment the number of shots you can take will decrease. Warm the batteries before use. It is recommended that you use the rechargeable battery when using the camera for a long time.
Rechargeable Battery (DB-43) (sold separately)
This is a lithium-ion battery. This is economical because you can recharge it using the battery charger BJ-2 (sold separately) and use it over and over again. They last a long time, so they are convenient for travel.
AA Nickel Batteries (available in stores) These batteries are not rechargeable. However, they last a long time as compared with AA Alkaline
Batteries when used with a digital camera.
Nickel-Hydrogen Battery (available in stores) This battery is economical because you can recharge and use it over and over again. Please use a
battery recharger available in stores.
Battery Type Number of Shots (Normal Mode) Number of Shots (Power-Save Mode) *1
AA Alkaline Batteries (LR6) approx. 100 approx. 110
Rechargeable Battery (DB-43) approx. 400 approx. 450
• The nickel-hydrogen battery may be inert and consequently it may not supply power immediately after it is purchased or when left unused for more than a month. In such a case, recharge the battery two or three times before use. The battery self-discharges with time even if the camera is not used, so recharge it before use.
• Other batteries, such as manganese dry cell (R6) and Ni-Cd, cannot be used.
• Please remove the batteries if you are not going to use the camera for a long period of time.
• The life of an AA alkaline battery (LR6) depends on the brand and the storage time from the date of production. In addition, the life of an alkaline battery becomes shorter at low temperatures.
• The Nickel-Hydrogen Battery is not factory-charged. Charge it before use.
• The battery may become very hot immediately after operation. Turn the camera off and leave it to cool down sufficiently before remov­ing the battery.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Insert the batteries following these steps.
Make sure the camera power is off.
Turn the battery/card cover's knob toward the mark to open the cover.
Insert the two batteries, making sure they are facing the correct way.
Close the battery/card cover and turn the knob toward the mark.
When the batteries wear out
Just before the batteries wear out, is displayed on the LCD Monitor. When this happens, replace the batteries with a fresh set.
• Before opening or closing the cover, make sure that no contaminants adhere on the camera. Remove water, sand, or mud from it. Do not open and close the cover in a place where such contaminants can easily get into the camera.
• Other batteries, such as manganese dry cell (R6) and Ni-Cd, cannot be used.
• With AA Alkaline Batteries (LR6), the number of shots may differ depending on the batteries.
• Please remove the batteries if you are not going to use it for a long period of time.
Using the Batteries
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Inserting the Rechargeable Battery
Make sure the camera power is off.
Turn the battery/card cover's knob toward the mark to open the cover.
Insert the rechargeable battery.
Close the battery/card cover and turn the knob toward the mark.
Removing the Rechargeable Battery
Make sure the camera power is off.
Turn the battery/card cover's knob toward the mark to open the cover.
Remove the rechargeable battery.
Close the battery/card cover and turn the knob toward the mark.
• Before opening or closing the cover, make sure that any contaminants adhering to the camera, such as water, sand, or mud, are removed from it. Do not open and close the cover in a place where such contaminants can easily get into the camera.
• Please remove the rechargeable batteries if you are not going to use the camera for a long period of time.
• Use the battery charger BJ-2 (sold separately) to recharge the battery.
Rechargeable Battery Charging Time (when using BJ-2)
DB-43 Approx. 220 min. (at room temperature)
Using the Rechargeable Battery
The DB-43 rechargeable battery (sold separately) is convenient for extended use because it can be used over and over again.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Setting up the AC Adapter
Make sure the camera's power is off.
Turn the battery/card cover's knob toward the mark to open the cover.
Insert the AC Adapter Battery.
Push the battery in until it is automatically locked by the yellow latch.
Plug the power cord into an outlet.
• Be sure to firmly attach cables and plug in cords.
• When you are not using the camera, unplug the AC Adapter from the camera and the power outlet.
• While in use, if you detach the AC Adapter or unplug it from the outlet, data may be lost.
• Use the AC adapter with the battery/card cover open.
Using the AC Adapter
When shooting or viewing still images for a long time, or when connecting to your computer, use of the AC Adapter (sold separately) is recommended.
Battery for use with the AC Adapter
AC Adapter
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Removing the AC Adapter
Make sure the camera's power is off.
Unplug the power plug from the outlet.
Turn the battery/card cover's knob toward the mark to open the cover.
Close the battery/card cover and turn the knob toward the mark.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
To Turn the Camera On
Press the power button.
The flash lamp and auto-focus lamp will alternate for several seconds.
To Turn the Camera Off
Press the power button.
Auto Power-off
• If the camera goes unused for a set period of time, it will automatically turn itself off to save power. To use the camera again, simply press the power switch.
• At time of purchase, the Auto Power-off function is set to one minute.
• The Auto Power-off function does not work when connected to your computer.
Power-Save Mode
• You can reduce the power consumption of the LCD Monitor and extend the life of your batteries.
• If you have activated Power-Save mode, the display on the LCD Monitor will turn off in Shooting Mode. When the LCD Monitor is dark, turn the SETUP Dial to check the Power-Save mode setting.
• For how to change the Auto Power-off time, see P.123.
• For how to set the Power-Save Mode, see P.128.
Turning the Power On/Off
The camera is switched On and Off as follows.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
To set the date and time, follow the steps below.
Make sure the power is on and then turn the Mode Dial to 1
1 (Setup Mode).
The Setup screen is displayed on the LCD Monitor.
Press the """" button to select [DATE SET­TINGS] and then press the OOOO button.
Set the year, month, date and time by pressing !"
If you hold down the !" buttons, you can increase/ decrease the value quickly.
In [FORMAT], choose the Date and Time format.
Check the display on the bottom of the screen and then press the OOOO button.
Once you have set the date and time, the display returns to the Setup screen.
• If the batteries are removed for about two weeks, the date and time settings will be lost. These settings must be made again.
• Any other changes you made with the Setup mode and Shooting menu will also be lost.
Setting the Date and Time (DATE SETTINGS)
You can take still images with the time or date stamped onto the picture. Immediately after purchasing the camera, the date and time settings will not be correct, so be sure to set the date and time before using this feature.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Inserting an SD Memory Card (Available in Stores)
You can record the still images and movies you have taken in the camera's internal memory or on an SD memory card (available in stores).
Protecting your images from being deleted
If you move the SD memory card's write-protection switch to LOCK, your still images cannot be accidentally erased, and the memory card cannot be formatted. If you return the switch to the former position, it is once again possible to erase images and format the card. It is recommended to switch to LOCK after recording important images. Note that you cannot shoot images in the LOCK state because no data can be recorded on the card. Unlock the card when shooting.
The internal memory capacity is 8MB.
Where images are recorded
When no SD memory card is inserted, the camera records images in the internal memory; when an SD memory card is inserted, it records images on the memory card.
When no memory card is loaded
Records to internal memory
Records to the SD memory card
When a memory card is loaded
For the number of images that can be stored on an SD memory card, see P.214.
• When an SD memory card is loaded, no data is recorded in the internal memory even after the SD memory card becomes full.
• Take care not to get any dirt on the SD Memory Card's metal parts.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Inserting the SD Memory Card
Make sure the camera's power is off.
Turn the battery/card cover's knob toward the mark to open the cover.
Make sure the card is facing the right way and then push the card all the way in until
it clicks
Close the battery/card cover and turn the knob toward the mark.
Removing the SD Memory Card
Make sure the camera's power is off.
Turn the battery/card cover's knob toward the mark to open the cover.
Press the card gently and release it.
The card pops out just a little.
Gently take the card out of the camera.
Close the battery/card cover and turn the knob toward the mark.
When loading the SD Memory Card, take care not to get any dirt on the card's metal parts.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
How to Use the LCD Monitor
The LCD Monitor can be used to view the subject when you are shooting an image, as well as for play­ing back movies and still images. Symbols and numbers indicating the camera's status and settings are displayed on the screen of the LCD Monitor.
Screen Examples when Shooting Pictures
Symbol Display Contents Refer to
1. Flash Flash Off
Current flash mode. P.51
Red-eye reduction
Forced Flash
Slow Synchro
2. WHITE BALANCE (No Display) AUTO White Balance set value. P.60
Tungsten light
Fluorescent light
3. FOCUS (No Display)
AF (Auto-Focus)
Focus set value. P.75
MF (Manual Focus)
(Infinite Telephoto)
4. Recording Destination Recording to internal memory. P.18
Recording to an SD Memory Card. P.18
Still Image Mode
Movie Mode
Voice Memo Mode
(When the shutter button is half-pressed)
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Symbol Display Contents Refer to
5. Flash Mode Types
* A musical note is displayed for an image shot with sound.
Still Image Shooting Mode. P.36
Movie Mode. P.45
CALS Mode. -
Multi-Shot Mode. P.42
S Multi-Shot Mode. P.44
M Multi-Shot Mode. P.44
TEXT Mode. P.39
Voice Memo Mode. P.49
6. INTERVAL Interval Interval Shooting. P.83
7. Camera Shake Indicates camera shake. Hold the camera still and shoot again. P.34
8. Picture Quality
Picture Quality setting. P.71
9. Remaining Number of Still Images (Value) Number of photos that can be taken with the current settings. -
10. Image Size (Setting Value) Image Size setting. P.71
11. ISO SETTING (Setting Value) ISO Speed set value. P.65
12. EXPOSURE COMP (Setting Value) Exposure compensation set value. P.57
13. AUTO BRACKET AB Auto-Bracket Shooting. P.80
WB-BKT White Balance Bracket. P.69
14. SHARPNESS SOFT Sharpness (edge quality) set value. P.79
(No display) Standard
Still Image Mode Movie Mode Voice Memo Mode
(When the shutter button is half-pressed)
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Symbol Display Contents Refer to
15.Camera Memo MEMO Shooting in the Camera Memo Mode. P.180
16. Date/Time Date Imprint mode. P.85
17. TIME EXPOSURE (Setting Value) Indicates exposure time. P.82
18. Battery
Insufficient Capacity
Remaining Battery Power. P.11
19. Zoom Bar - Zoom status. P.46
20. PHOTOMETRY (No Display) Multi Light Metering Method. P.77
21. Self-timer
After 10 Seconds
Self-Timer Shooting. P.53
After 2 Seconds
22. Macro Shooting Macro Shooting. P.48
23. Aperture Value - Aperture size. -
24. Shutter Speed - Shutter speed. -
25. Remaining Recording
(Value) Length of time remaining for shooting with the current settings. -
26. Recording Time (Value) Amount of time recorded. -
• The following symbols and corresponding numerals are displayed in orange if the initial setting is changed: WHITE BALANCE FOCUS ISO SETTING EXPOSURE COMP SHARPNESS TIME EXPOSURE PHOTOMETRY
• When shooting in particularly bright places, you may fail in preventing overexposure. In that case, the [!AE] symbol will be displayed.
• The LCD monitor may display messages to inform you of operational instructions or the camera status while in use.
Still Image Mode Movie Mode Voice Memo Mode
(When the shutter button is half-pressed)
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
The Screen During Playback
Still Image Mode Movie Mode Voice Memo Mode
Symbol Display Contents Refer to
1. PRINT DPOF specified. P.116
2. PROTECT Protected status. P.111
3. Playback data source Indicates playback from internal memory. P.91
Indicates playback from an SD Memory Card. P.91
4. Mode Types Still Image Mode. P.91
* A musical note is displayed for an image shot with sound.
Movie Mode. P.93
Voice Memo Mode. P.94
5. Picture Quality Fine
Picture Quality setting. P.71
6. Number of Playback Files The number of the file being played back. -
7. Total number of files Total number of files recorded. -
8. Image Size (Setting Value) Image size. P.71
9. Folder No - Number of the folder in which the file is saved. -
10. File No - Number of the file being played back. An asterisk (*) symbol pre-
cedes the name of a file other than DCF basic files.
11. Camera Memo MEMO Shooting in the Camera Memo Mode. -
12. Shutter Speed - Shutter speed. -
13. Aperture Value - Aperture size. -
14. Battery
Insufficient Capac-
Remaining battery level. P.11
15. Playback Time (Time) Movie (movie/sound) playback time. -
16. Indicator Elapsed time of movie (movie/sound) playback. -
The LCD monitor may display messages to inform you of operational instructions or the camera status while in use.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Switching the Screen Display
If you press DISP, you can change the screen display mode, such as switching between display/no dis­play of symbols, etc.
When Shooting
Pressing the DISP button changes the LCD monitor display.
• In Synchro-Monitor Mode, with the exception of the following operations, the LCD Monitor is turned off (No Display). This is a useful mode to reduce power consumption.
• You cannot turn the LCD Monitor Display on/off by pressing T (Self-timer), F (Flash) or N (Macro) buttons.
• Turning the LCD Monitor Display Off conserves battery life. In this case, shoot using just the Viewfinder.
• In Voice Memo Mode, you can turn the LCD Monitor Display off by pressing the DISP button.
When Playing Back
Half-press the shutter button. The LCD Monitor is tuned on and you can confirm composition. After you finish shooting with Full-Press,
the LCD Monitor will automatically turn off.
Press the Q (Quick Review) button. You can view the photo you just took (see P.88). By pressing the Q (Quick Review) button again, you
can turn the LCD Monitor off.
Press the M button. The LCD Monitor Display is turned on and you can make various settings for shooting (see P.28). By
pressing the M button again, you can turn the LCD Monitor off.
ADJ. Button. The LCD Monitor Display is turned on and you can make settings for exposure control, white balance, and
ISO sensitivity (see P.55, 58, and 63). Pressing the OK button turns the LCD Monitor off.
Display Symbols
No Display
Grid Guide Display
LCD monitor off
(Synchro-Monitor Mode)
DISP button
Bright Display¶
When the No Display or Grid Guide Display is on, symbols will appear for a few seconds right after you press the Self-timer, Flash or Macro button.
No Display
Display Symbols
DISP button
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Button Functions
The following table summarizes the functions of the camera's buttons.
Button Shooting Mode Playback Mode Menu display
D (Delete)/ T (Self-timer) Button
If you press the button in Shooting Mode, self-timer mode is activated and you can take photos using the self-timer (see P.53).
If you press the button during Playback Mode, you can delete the still image or movie that is displayed on the LCD Monitor (see P.101).
! Button In Voice Playback Mode, press the but-
ton to adjust the sound volume (see P.93, P.95).
" (N: Macro) Button You can take close-ups (see P.48). In Voice Playback Mode, press the but-
ton to adjust the sound volume (see P.93, P.95).
# (Q: Quick Review) Button The last still image you took is dis-
played (see P.88).
Displays the previous still image or movie (see P.91).
$ ( F: Flash) Button Switches between Flash/Flash Off
and other Modes (see P.51).
Displays the next still image or movie (see P.91).
!"#$ Button Displays the still image (or movie) on
the right, left, above or below in Thumbnail Display mode. (see P.96)
Moves the frame left, right, up and down (see P.25).
Z (Wide-angle)/ 9 (Thumbnail Display) Button
If you press the button in Shooting Mode, you can shoot with the wide­angle (see P.46).
If you press the button in Playback Mode, the LCD Monitor display is split, allowing you to see sets of still images at one glance (6 images at once) (see P.96).
z (Telephoto)/ 8 (Enlarged View) Button
If you press the button in Shooting Mode, you can shoot with the tele­photo zoom (see P.46).
If you press the button in Playback Mode, image is displayed on the LCD Monitor up to 3.4 times larger (see P.97).
DISP Button Switches the display of symbols on the LCD Monitor (see P.24).
O Button This is used for operating menus on the LCD monitor (see P.28). M Button This button is used for setting the various shooting methods (see P.28), or downloading still images onto your com-
puter (see P.141).
ADJ. Button This button is used to make settings for exposure control, white balance, and ISO sensitivity, with minimum opera-
tions (see P.56).
• Power Button, see P.16.
• Mode Dial, see P.10.
• Shutter Button, see P.35.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
The Basics of the Shooting Menu/Playback Menu
To display the menu:
Turn the Mode Dial to 5555 (Shooting Mode) or 6666 (Playback Mode).
Press the M
M button.
The menu appears. On the menu screen, you can move between screens by pressing the #$ but­tons and between items by pressing the !" buttons.
To switch between menu screens (Shooting Menu):
Press the #$
#$ buttons.
You can switch the menu screen from [1] to [3].
To select an item:
Press the !"
!" buttons to select the desired item.
Press the OOOO button.
To select a setting value (shoot­ing menu):
Press the !"
!" buttons to select the desired item.
Press the OOOO button.
To implement a confirmation screen (shooting menu):
Press the $$$$ button to select [YES]. Press the OOOO button.
To select an item you want to implement (playback menu):
Press the !"
!" buttons to select the item you want to imple-
ment. Press the OOOO button.
To return to the shooting screen/playback screen:
Press the M
M button.
• On the setting selection screen, the item with the orange displayed is the current setting. Even if you change the setting by moving the blue indicator, until you finalize the setting the orange indicator remains to show what the previous setting was.
• The menu screen sequence is slightly different depending on the item for which the setting change is being made. For a detailed explanation of each of the items, see Section 2 or Sec­tion 5.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
The Basics of the Setup Screen
To display the Setup Screen:
Turn the Mode Dial to 1
1 (Setup Mode).
The Setup Screen is displayed.
To select an item:
Press the !"
!" buttons to select the desired item.
To select a setting value:
Press the #$
#$ buttons to select the desired item.
When you have selected [EXE­CUTE]:
Press the OOOO button. The following screen is displayed, so make the necessary
To close the Setup Screen:
Switch the Mode Dial to another mode.
The sequence of operations is slightly different depending on the item for which the setting change is being made. For a detailed expla­nation of each of the items, see Section 6 .
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Shooting Menu (Shooting Mode)
In Shooting Mode, display by pressing the M button. The Shooting menu is divided into three screens. You can select a screen with the #$ buttons.
Setting Option Refer to
[ ]/ (Daylight)/ (Overcast)/ (Tungsten light)/
(Fluorescent light)/ (One Push)
P. 6 0
PIC QUALITY/SIZE F2048/N2048/F1280/[N1280]/N640 P.71
Default values set when you purchased your camera are surrounded by brackets in the selection options.
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Shooting Menu (Movie Mode)
In Movie Mode, display by pressing the M button.
Shooting Menu (Scene Mode, except in Text Mode)
In Scene Mode, display by pressing the M button. The Shooting menu is divided into two screens. You can select a screen with the #$ buttons.
Setting Option Refer to
[ ]/ (Daylight)/ (Overcast)/ (Tungsten light)/
(Fluorescent light)/ (One Push)
P. 6 0
Setting Option Refer to
[ ]/ (Daylight)/ (Overcast)/ (Tungsten light)/
(Fluorescent light)/ (One Push)
P. 6 0
PIC QUALITY/SIZE F2048/N2048/F1280/[N1280]/N640 P.71
FOCUS [AF]/SNAP/ (except the Landscape Mode) P.75
Chapter 1 Section 1 Getting Started
Shooting Menu (Text Mode)
In Text Mode, display by pressing the M button.
Playback Menu
In Playback Mode, display by pressing the M button.
Setting Option Refer to
Setting Option Refer to
SLIDE SHOW ON/[OFF] P.99 PROTECT Select/Release 1 FILE/ Select/Release ALL FILES P.111 DPOF Select/Release 1 FILE/ Select/Release ALL FILES P.116 RESIZE 1280 / 640 P.119 COPY TO CARD P. 11 5
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