SUBJECT: Additional information to TD checkDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 5
PREPARED BY: I. Kakegawa
Action Required
Retrofit Information
This is additional information to TD check. (Refer to page 5-5 to 5-10)
1. Step 3, data input in SPD106 (Page 5-5)
Whenever TD check is performed, always input the proper humidity data.
If it is not changed although the humidity has changed, the pointer will not able to shift
as required due to the pointer limit data. (Refer to page 2-7, #8)
2. In step 11, you must make a A3/11" x 17" copy using the C4 chart.
This is to confirm that all four colors are developed properly.
[Example] If the charge corona unit for cyan has not been set in position, a cyan solid
image without any white copy margin will be made over the other colors. In
this condition if the following steps are continued, cyan process data will be
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Information only
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
3. Step 12, TD and TGRD Data Sheet (Page 5-7)
When filling in TGRD column based upon TGRD target data (SPD515 ~ 518), be sure
to write the correct range as shown in page 5-7 of the service manual.
If not, there is a possibility of making a mistake in plotting the data due to
misunderstanding of the range. A typical mistake that we have seen is shown on the
next page. Due to the TGRD column being filled in incorrectly, ∆TD was judged as "0"
(OK). (Correct ∆TD is "--1".) As a result, cyan toner is controlled low, showing "low
cyan image density."
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-001
SUBJECT: Additional information to TD checkDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 2 of 5
Since 4th detected TGRD
data is out of OK range,
TD data is changed from 9
to 8. Then, a 5th time.
109 118
104 108
101 103
89 100
83 87
78 82
73 77
68 72
48 67
Due to the TGRD column
being incorrectly filled in,
TGRD data from 1st to 4th
checks are plotted in the
wrong locations, resulting
in no TD change.
109 118
104 108
101 103
89 100
84 88
79 83
74 78
69 73
49 68
Upto 48
To prevent this mistake, this sheet has been changed as shown below.
This new sheet is attached to the last page of this RTB. Keep it in your service manual.
TD Data
TGRD Detected Data
± Range
+26 ~ +35
+21 ~ +25
+16 ~ +20
+11 ~ +15
+ 1 ~ +10
-- 5 ~ -- 1
--10 ~ -- 6
--15 ~ --11
--20 ~ --16
--40 ~ --21
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-001
SUBJECT: Additional information to TD checkDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 3 of 5
4. Step 21, image density for each color using color patch (SPD 82--H)
1) After getting TGRD detected data into "OK" area (SPD520 ~ 523), set SPD82 to "H"
to print 15 mm color patches using 7th LD power.
2) Make a test copy and check the following two points:
➀. Image density of color patches in BK, M, Y, and C. (See the one on the left side
which is 100% dots filling.)
➁. Toner scattering around those patches.
STANDARD: Compared with the standard color patch sample of the 7th LD power
enclosed in the manual, image density of each color on copy should
be equal to or higher than the standard sample, but there shouldn’t
be any toner scattering around those patches.
3) If a patch is lighter than standard, or if it is too dark with toner scattering, the next
steps should be done only for the abnormal color(s) depending upon the difference
of ±α.
[Last TGRD detected data (SPD 520 ~ 523)--TGRD target data (SPD 515 ~ 518)]
Color patch is too dark. (ID is too high.)Color patch is too light. (ID is too low.)
1. ∆TD: +1 (Increase TD data by "1", using
SPD490 ~ 493.)
--111. Lower TGRD target data
[(SPD520 ~ 523) - - - - (SPD515 ~ 518)]
Last TGRD detected data ---- TGRD target data
2. Repeat steps #13 through #17 two times,
and plot TGRD detected data on a new
check sheet.
1. Raise TGRD target data
by +15 for BK and M or
+20 for Y and C.
(SPD515 ~ 518)
2. Repeat steps #13 through #17 four times,
and plot TGRD detected data on a new
check sheet.
2. Raise TGRD target data
by +15 for BK and M
+20 for Y and C.
(SPD515 ~ 518)
3. Repeat steps #13 through #17 four times,
and plot TGRD detected data on a new
check sheet.
1. ∆TD: --1 (SPD490 ~ 493.)
2. Repeat steps #13 through #17 two times,
and plot TGRD detected data on a check
new sheet.
NOTE1: The TD setting can be between 0 and 30. If there are no more steps to shift,
change the ND setting by same value. (SPD495 ~ 498)
NOTE2: When TGRD target data is changed, the free run/self-check must be done
four times. (A new check sheet is required.)
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-001
SUBJECT: Additional information to TD checkDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 4 of 5
4) After repeating Step #13 through #17 two times (only when TD data is changed), or four
times (when TGRD target data is changed.), check the color patches (7th LD power) again.
If it is too light or too dark, the next steps should be done only for the abnormal color(s)
depending upon the difference of
[Last TGRD detected data (SPD520 ~ 523) -- TGRD new target data (SPD515 ~ 518)]
Color patch is too dark. (ID is too high.)Color patch is too light. (ID is too low.)
1. ∆TD: +1 (Increase TD data by "1", using
SPD490 ~ 493.)
2. Repeat steps #13 through #17 two times,
--111. Lower TGRD target data
(SPD520 ~ 523) - - - - (SPD515 ~ 518)
Last TGRD detected data ---- TGRD target data
and plot TGRD detected data on a check
1. Lower TGRD target data by --10.
(SPD515 ~ 518)
2. Repeat steps #13 through #17 four times,
and plot TGRD detected data on a check
by -15 for BK and M,
-20 for Y and C from the present data.
(SPD515 ~ 518)
2. Repeat steps #13 through #17 four times,
and plot TGRD detected data on a new
check sheet.
1. Raise TGRD target data
by +10.
(SPD515 ~ 518)
2. Repeat steps #13 through #17 four times,
and plot TGRD detected data on a check
1. ∆TD: --1 (SPD490 ~ 493.)
2. Repeat steps #13 through #17 two times,
and plot TGRD detected data on a check
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-002
SUBJECT: Exposure lamp positionDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 1
PREPARED BY: I. Kakegawa
Action Required
Retrofit Information
This is additional troubleshooting information for the exposure lamp experienced in Europe.
1. Additional information to the service manual, page 5-28, #2
2. Set both lamp-heater assemblies in the scanner so that:
open parts face the center, and
two pins on the rear lamp terminal are fully inserted into the rear
lamp receptacle.
(There should be no gap between the rear receptacle and the
rear end of the lamp.)
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Information only
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
2. Troubleshooting
If the two pins on the rear lamp terminal are not fully inserted, the rear lamp terminal
connection may be poor. Then, the inner surface of the lamp tube turns black on the
rear side due to abnormal heat generation, resulting in low illumination on this area. In
this case, the following will be observed:
1) The exposure lamp is turned on and off during scanning, because the lamp is just
going to be open circuit.
2) Color tone on the rear side of the copy image is not the same as at other areas
because of the dark lamp area. Under this condition, replace the exposure lamps.
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-003
SUBJECT: Key counter mode copyDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 1
PREPARED BY: I. Kakegawa
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
Action Required
Retrofit Information
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Information only
To enable copy operation with the key counter, do the following:
1. Install the key counter receptacle.
2. Turn off SW100 on the sequence control board (rear side) to select key counter mode.
3. Then, depending upon the customer’s request for key counter management, input the
appropriate data (from 0 to 7) in SPD12. (See page 4-24)
This is to decide in which color modes the key counter is incremented.
[Example]SPD12-001: The key counter shows the number of full color copies made.
SPD12-007: The key counter shows the total number of copies made in
all three color modes.
NOTE:When key counter mode is selected by turning off SW100 on the sequence
control board, the key counter should be set for any copy operation
regardless of SPD12 data.
[Manual correction on page 4-24, SPD12]
o: Key counter requiredo: Count up
x: No key counter requiredx: No count up
Default: 0 0 7Default: 0 0 0
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-004
SUBJECT: Forced self check operation with new ROMsDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 3
PREPARED BY: I. Kakegawa
Action Required
Retrofit Information
1. SPD-22, Forced self check operation
In order to perform the self check operation at a certain copy interval, the following two
ROMs has been changed to "C" version.
P/N A0925507B C (ROM on the sequence control board)
P/N A0925509B C (ROM on the process board)
This modification will be applied from July,’92 production onward. By replacing old ROMs
with these two new ROMs as a set, SPD-22 can be accessed.
SPD-22: Forced self check operation at a certain copy interval
0: No self check operation (Default)
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FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
1: Yes, at every 200 copies
2: Yes, at every 400 copies
3: Yes, at every 600 copies
4: Yes, at every 800 copies
5: Yes, at every 1,000 copies
The default setting of SPD-22 is "0". If a data from 1 to 5 is selected, self check operation
automatically starts just after the last copy of that copy job is fed out when the total copies
made since the last self check becomes more than the set copy number.
The self check at around noon, set by SPD-21, is performed independently, regardless of
the number of copies made since the last check.
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-004
SUBJECT: Forced self check operation with new ROMsDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 2 of 3
By both morning and noon self checks, the copy counter for the next self check is reset to
"0". However, it is not reset by just turning off and on the main switch.
[EXAMPLE] Conditions 1. SPD20-L: Noon self check on.
2. SPD21-120: 90 + 120 = 210 minutes, Noon check is
done 3.5 hours after the main switch is turned on.
3. SPD22-2: Self check at every 400 copies.
4. In the morning, 210 copies are made.
5. In the afternoon, 560 copies are made.
Turn on/Self checkSelf checkSelf check
1 job: 70 copies
Reset to 0
210 copies
450 (Finish)
Turn off
110 copies
2. Purpose
Under the following conditions, there is a possibility of a toner concentration problem,
especially for magenta color.
1) Since the last self check, 800 to 1000 copies or more have been made.
2) The number of copies from one original (C/O), is rather high.
3) Low humidity.
If these conditions are met, magenta toner concentration becomes high. Then, by VSG
detection, greater pointer data and ND data will be selected, lowering toner
concentration. Due to long copy runs without self check, toner control target (VTC) can
not be revised by TGRD detected data (ND and CD data). Then, low image density for
high tone areas may happen due to too low toner concentration. Due to high C/O, DIF
detection is not performed for long copy runs, resulting in no pointer shift even if
humidity condition have been changing. Because of this, toner concentration becomes
too high or too low against the latest humidity condition.
To avoid the toner concentration problem, perform the following action.
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-004
SUBJECT: Forced self check operation with new ROMsDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 3 of 3
3. Action Taken
1) For machines from the July,’92 production with "C" version ROMs on both the
sequence control board (P/N A0925507C) and the process control board (P/N
Set data "2" (400 copies) or "3" (600 copies) of SPD-22.
Then, explain the self check operation at set copy intervals to customers, and ask them to wait for one or two
2) For machines upto the June,’92 with upto "B" version ROMs.
a) Manual self check
Set SPD30-H to perform a self check
whenever the main switch is turned on. Ask
the customer to turn off and on the main
switch at every 400 to 600 copies or at any
time the image density becomes too low or too
b) Automatic self check by new ROMs
If it is difficult for the customer to turn off and on
the switch regularly, install the new ROMs as a
set, and set SPD22 to 2 or 3.
NOTE:These two ROMs are 512 K.
Technical BulletinNo. RTB-005
SUBJECT: Important parts to be cleared regularlyDATE: 15 July, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 1
PREPARED BY: I. Kakegawa
Action Required
Retrofit Information
As explained in the PM table in the service manual (page 4-1 ~ 4-3), there are parts to be
cleaned at every EM. Among these parts, the most important parts are as follows;
1. Grid plate
If the grid plate becomes dirty, the copy image is not even, especially for low to middle
solid areas on originals. Then, vertical dark stripes are copied on such a solid area.
This is caused by a dirty grid plate. To prevent this, clean the grid plates at every EM visit.
Put them in water, wash them, and dry them.
NOTE:Do not fold them while washing.
Be sure that there is no fiber dust remaining on them.
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Information only
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
2. Optical fiber array
If you have the impression that the copy image is less sharp or less crisp than at
installation, try to clean the optical fiber array with a soft cloth. (Black stains will be
Clean the array at every EM with a soft cloth, and then discharge it by wiping with your
clean finger.
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