Ricoh A085 Technical Bulletin FT4227

Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 1
SUBJECT: SC54 and SC55 (220/230/ 240V machines only) DATE: Dec . 15, ’ 92
PAGE: 1 o f 2
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
SC55 (Fusing overheat) occurs during the operation. This condition may be reset by entering to the SP mo de. However, the interval to the next SC55 becomes shorter and shorter and finally it can’t be reset. SC54 (Fusing warm-up error) may occur instead of SC55 under the same condition. This is a very rare problem but it may occur during installation or soo n after installation. This p ro blem happ ens on ly on th e 220/230/ 240V mach ines b ecau se o f its inp ut voltag e. This problem has not been reported on the N440 series but only on the A7 series. Since th e 220/230/240V ver sio n of t he N440 series uses t he same d c po wer s upp ly board, the possibility of this problem for the N440 series should be the same.
Possible ca use:
The surge current to the fusing triac (TRC402) of the dc power supply board when the main switch is turned on might cause the triac to deteriorate little by little. This depends on co nd itio ns suc h as in pu t vo ltag e fluc tuat ion and co mb inat ion of var iou s elect ric al component’s torelance. When the deterioration of the triac reaches a certain level, the triac will start conducting half waves. The CPU c annot contr ol the fusing temperature und er t his c on dit ion , c ausin g SC55 o r SC54. The sequence of the electrical component (main switch, power relay, and fusing triac) ON timing when the main switch is turned on may result in a large surge current to the fusing triac.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: N440 Series (A085/A087/ A088)
Action in the fie ld:
The fo llow ing actio n is req uir ed in the field : Chang e t he set ting o f SP29 (Fusing temp er atur e c on tro l m od e) fro m "0" (ON/ OFF contro l) to "1" (Phase control) at the next visit to customers or at machine installation.
NOTE: Please co rrec t the exp lanat ion o f SP29 in your ser vice m anual ( Page 4-5). Data "0"
is not for "Zero-cross control" but for "ON/OFF control".
[E xplanation]
Phase control mode will not give any chance of a large surge current to the fusing triac as the sequence of the electrical component ON timing is different from that in ON/OFF control mode. Therefore, once the fusing control is changed to Phase control mode, the fusin g t riac will never det erio rat e.
This c op ier c o ntr o ls th e fusin g temp er atur e in ON/ OFF co nt ro l mo d e as a s tand ard . However, it can be changed to Phase control mode in case electric lights go darker briefly when the fusing lamp kicks in under poor electric power supply conditions.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 1
SUBJECT: SC54 and SC55 (220/230/ 240V machines only) DATE: Dec . 15, ’ 92
PAGE: 2 o f 2
On the other hand, it won’t give any trouble in Phase control mode under normal conditions, but some electrical equipment might have a little electrical noise if it is connected to the same wall outlet with the copier.
Considering the difference between the two control modes, Ricoh has decided to use the Phase control mod e as a countermeasure for the machines in fields.
Permanent countermeasure:
The software of the main ROM will be modified to correct the sequence of the electrical co mp o n ent ON tim ing . This will allo w th e alter nat ive selec tio n o f either ON /OFF o r Phase control mode in the field as intended in the machine design. The part numbers of the main ROM and the main control board will be changed through this mod ification. The new part numbers and the cut-in serial numbers will be informed later by a Modification Bulletin.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 2
SUBJECT: Tray Heater Location (Duplex Machine: A088 Only) DATE: Feb . 15, ’ 9 3
PAGE: 1 o f 1
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a CHECKED BY: T. Ito
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
The following problem was reported on A7 series from the Japanese domestic market. Since the layout of N440 series is the same as that of A7 series, the same action is required.
The duplex tray cannot be pulled out because the tray bottom part has been deformed due to heat. Several cases were reported with machines which were not used over one week du e to ho liday s.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
N440 Series (A085/A087/A088)
The g ap b etw een t he tr ay h eater b rac k et an d t he d u plex tr ay b o tt om par t is 7.6 m m, w hile that bet ween t he t ray h eater b rac ket and t he p aper tr ay b o tto m p art is 20.2 m m. Since this gap on duplex machines is not wide enough, the duplex bottom part may be defo rm ed d ue t o h eat fr om th e tr ay h eater w hen the m ac hines are n ot us ed ( wit h th e power cord plugged in) for a long period. When the deformation of the duplex tray bottom part becomes too great, the duplex tray may not be pulled out.
Refer to 2. 5 TRAY H EATER INSTALLATION (Page 3-21) in t he A7 ser vice m anu al. The fo llowin g ac tio n is req uired fo r th e duplex machines (A088):
•• For areas with not so high hum idity, disconnect the upper tray heater at the next PM call.
•• For areas with high humidity, change the location of the tray heater from the upper tray to the lower tray at the next PM c all.
Prod uc tio n mac hin es will have a new heater on the 6th mirro r b rac k et and the u pp er tr ay heat er will b e elimin ated . Details and th e cut -in s erial nu mb ers will be in for med b y a Modification Bulletin later.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 3
[Figure 3]
Sup er Glue
SUBJECT: Toner Cartridge not Set Correctly DATE: Feb . 15, ’ 9 3
PAGE: 1 o f 1
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a CHECKED BY: T. Ito
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
When a toner cartridge is set in the wrong position as shown in figure 2, the "Add Toner" indicator comes on again.
When a toner cartridge is forced to turn or when it is turned by being pressed to the right side, the upper and lower casin gs will b e warp ed and m ake a gap at the fr on t left side. Then the cartridge stops at the overturned position as shown. Under this condition, the toner supply opening of the toner cartridge does not match the toner supply roller opening, causing toner not to be supplied.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
N440 Series (A085/A087/A088)
[Figure 1]
1. Remove the toner cartridge from the toner supply unit.
2. Clean t he up per and lower casin gs at the fr on t left sid e with a dry cloth, then adhere the upper and lower casings with super glue as shown in figure 3.
3. Since it may take twenty to thirty minutes for the super glue to dry, stick a strip of tape on the toner supply unit casing as shown.
4. Reinstall the toner cartridge.
The lower casing will be modified to ensure a proper stop position of the toner cartridge, and a strip of tape (matching this field action) will be stuck at the factory. Details a nd cu t-in seria l num ber s w ill be sent later by a Modification Bulletin.
[Figure 2]
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 4
SUBJECT: Rubber Feet on Copier Base Plate DATE:Mar. 15, ’ 93
PAGE: 1 o f 1
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a CHECKED BY: T. Ito
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
Please be informed that the molding feet [A] have been used on the copier base plate from the first mass-production as the following problem was found on the A7 series:
When the copier is installed on the paper tray unit, the rub ber feet are c om pr essed by the c op ier’ s weig ht an d they may be shortened. When this occurs the gear mesh between the tray unit drive and driven gears [B,C] b ecomes tight, causing noise.
To p revent this, t he mat erial of t he feet has b een changed to a hard one on the A7 series. This mo dificat ion has also been app lied to the N440 s eries from the first mass-production.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
N440 Series (A085/A087/A088)
As the height of the N440 copier is above that of other cop iers, the copier will be installed on the paper tray unit or its unique table normally, in order to operate the co pier easily. However, in case that the copier is installed on a normal commercial table, please note that the copier may slip on the table rather easily with the molding feet.
If the c o p ier slip s eas ily o n t he t able, it is ad vised t o stick rubber plates on the feet by glue or two sided tape for safety. You can use a commercial rubber plate and cut it for the feet .
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 5
SUBJECT: Sorter Stapler "MATT20" (A374)
Pape r J ams in T urn Gate Se ction
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a CHECKED BY: T. Ito
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
Paper jams occur in the turn gate section [A] intermittently in sort, stack, or staple mode.
The so rt er ad ap ter lo wer exit ro ller [B] h as a s tiffnes s inc reas ing roller [ C] at the middle. This rubber roller has a flange on each end. The flanges produce slight waves on copy paper perpendicular to the paper transport direction to increase paper stiffness. The rear side wave position may not be proper for one of the ribs on the sorter stapler vertical paper guide [D] especially when paper has excessive face curl. The rib may make a mark on the paper lead edge or may cause paper jams.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
DATE: Mar. 15, ’93 PAGE: 1 o f 1
N440 Series (A085/A087/A088)
1. Cut off the rear flange [E] with cutting pliers and smo oth the r olle r’ s ed ge with a knife. This will elim inat e the rear side wave on paper. (As the flanges have wedge grooves originally and the roller is turning in forwarding direction, the r olle r sur fac e do es n ot have to b e co mp let ely smooth after you cut off the flange.)
2. If step 1 does not cure the problem, cut off the fro nt flang e [F] as well. (Paper transport reliability without flanges on the roller was tested for thin paper under high hum id ity c o nd itio n, resu lting in no p r ob lem .)
The width of the rib on the sorter stapler vertical paper guide will be increased to improve the paper transport ability. The part number of the vertical paper guide will remain as it is. This mo d ificatio n will b e app lied t o t he p ro du ctio n m ach ines fr om April, 1993.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 6
SUBJECT: ARDF Origin al misfe ed. DATE:
Mar. 15, 1993 PAGE: 1 o f 2
PREPARED BY: N . Tak ai/ M. Fur us awa CHECKED BY:
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: N440 Series (A085/A087/ A088)
Original misfeed occ urs intermittently.
Possible Ca use:
1. The DF registration sensor is activated by paper dust on the sensor pad, affecting its color.
2. When t he o rig inal feed ro ller star ts r ot ating , t he DF up pe r g uid e plat e is war ped slig ht ly downward. The clearance between the DF registration sensor and the sensor pad is reduced. When this happens, the DF registration sensor (reflective type) can receive the reflective light from the sensor pad, even though its color is black.
Action Required:
(For cause 1)
1. Op en th e feed -in un it [A] .
2. Clean t he DF regist ratio n s enso r surface [B] and the sensor pad [C].
NOTE: To remove the paper dust from
the sensor pad, it is better to use scotch tape.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 6
SUBJECT: ARDF Origin al misfe ed. DATE:
Mar. 15, 1993 PAGE: 2 o f 2
(For cause 2)
1. Remove the two screws of the pull out hinge [D].
2. Ins ert 2 pc s eac h of 0. 8 mm sp ac er (P/No . 07010040) and fix th e sc rew s. [E].
This c an g ive the reg ist ratio n s enso r enough clearance for the sensor pad.
Perma nent Counterme asure :
The shap e of t he pu ll ou t br ack et (P/N o. A4651057) will be mo d ified so that the sen sor pad is positioned 1.5 mm further from the DF registration sensor.
Soon after the modification is applied to the prod uction, an M/B will be issued.
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-007
SUBJECT: SC54 and SC55 (220/230/240V machines only)
Additional information
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
Refer to the RTB No.001 for the phenomenon, possible cause, and action in the field concerning the above subject.
The following is additional information for the permanent countermeasure: As it is mentioned in the RTB No.001, the software of the main ROM has been modified to
correct the sequence of the electrical component (main switch, power relay, and fusing triac) ON timing.
The part numbers of the main ROM and the main control board have been changed as follows (Refer to the M/B No.11 for the cut-in serial numbers.):
Main ROM: (Old) A0855114 (New) A0855154 Main Control Board:(Old) A0855111 (New) A0855151
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: N440 Series
Double underlined part has been revised.
REISSUED ON: June 15, ’93 DATE: May 15, ’93 PAGE: 1 of 1
The software of the I/O ROM (IC132) soldered on the main control board has also been modified in addition to the above modification (Refer to the M/B No.14 for the cut-in serial numbers.):
I/O ROM: (Old) A0855118 (New) A0855158 Main Control Board:(Old) A0855151 (New) A0855171
With the modified main ROM, the copier can operate in ON/OFF control mode without deteriorating the fusing triac (TRC402) under normal usage conditions. However, the fusing triac might deteriorate gradually when the following three steps occur together although the possibilities of this occurring are very low:
1. The main switch is ON.
2. The front door is open.
3. Then the front door is closed when the fusing temperature becomes low (nearly
room temperature). To eliminate this possibility, the software of the I/O ROM has been modified as the second countermeasure.
The countermeasures have been applied in two steps as mentioned above because the modification of the masked type I/O ROM took time.
In case of the machines with only the first countermeasure, the modified main ROM, the above possibility occurring can be eliminated by setting the data of SP29 (Fusing temperature control mode) at "1" (phase control) without changing the I/O ROM.
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-008
SUBJECT: Sorter Stapler (Matt20)
Bin Lift Wire Installation Procedure
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
The bin lift wire may loosen on the wire pulley during transportation. When the wire pulley is driven from the home position under this condition, the wire may be wound up wrongly as shown in the figure 1. This will change the bin stop positions, resulting in paper jams.
To eliminate this possibility, the bin lift wire has been lengthened as shown in the figure 2. This will give another half turn of the lift wire on the pulley to prevent the wire from being wound up wrongly.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
DATE: July 31, ’93 PAGE: 1 of 2
N440 Series (A085/A087/A088)
[Figure 1]
Refer to the Modification Bulletin No. 7 (Model: Sorter stapler for A7/N440) for the cut-in serial numbers.
With this modification, the wire installation procedure should be altered as follows when replacing the wire with the new type.
Service Manual: SORTER STAPLER (A374)
15.4.2 Wire Installation (Page 46) Step 3
For the old type: Wind the wire once as shown and ---­Refer to the figures 3 and 5 in the next page.
For the new type: Wind the wire one and a half turns as shown and -----­Refer to the figures 4 and 6 in the next page.
[Figure 2]
NOTE: When replacing either of front and rear wires with the new type, the wire
installation procedure should be a combination of those for the old and new types. It won’t give any problem.
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