Ricoh A069 Technical Bulletin FT5233

Technical Bulletin No. RTB-001
SUBJECT: Sorter Stapler Installation Procedure DATE: 15 May, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 1
PREPARED BY: M. Furusawa CHECKED BY: T. Morita
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
When installing the sorter stapler, the procedure described below should be added to the original installation procedure:
Service manual: Sorter Stapler - 13. Installation Procedure (page 26) Steps added between 5. and 6.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: A7 Series
Remove the cover plate [X] from the sorter adapter (2 screws).
Install the upper exit guide mylar [Y] on the sorter adapter and fix it
with the cover plate as shown.
NOTE: This mylar is required to prevent some brands of paper, which curl too much after
fusing, from jamming at the sorter stapler entrance area. The upper exit guide mylar (P/N A3666060) has been enclosed as an accessory in
the machine box from the first mass production. We will issue an M/B for the upper exit guide mylar later.
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-002
SUBJECT: Color Development Unit Installation Procedure DATE: 15 May, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 2
PREPARED BY: M. Furusawa CHECKED BY: T. Morita
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
When installing the color development unit, the procedure described below should be added to the original installation procedure:
Service manual: Copier Installation - 2.3 Color Development Unit Installation (Option) Steps added between 12. and 13. (page 3-17)
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: A7 Series
Remove the copier rear cover (loosen 2 screws and remove 2
Swing out the main control board assembly (1 screw).
Install the color switch [A] on the color switch bracket [B] as shown.
Connect the color switch connector [C] to the dc harness (3P brown).
Reassemble the copier.
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-002
SUBJECT: Color Development Unit Installation Procedure DATE: 15 May, ’92
PAGE: 2 of 2
NOTE: This additional procedure is not required for the machines produced in January
and February as they have the color switches installed at the factory. The color switch has been enclosed in the carton box of the color development
unit as an accessory from the first mass-production.
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-003
SUBJECT: Dirty Pressure Roller with Toner and Paper Dust DATE: 15 May, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 1
PREPARED BY: M. Furusawa CHECKED BY: T. Morita
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
The pressure roller becomes dirty with toner and paper dust. The toner on the pressure roller surface sometimes adheres on the reverse side of the copy paper. If the mass of toner on the roller is large, a partially unfused image may appear.
Toner particles and paper dust on the pressure roller accumulate on the antistatic brush which slightly touches the pressure roller. Masses of toner and paper dust on the brush adheres the pressure roller surface by the vibration of the fusing unit when the main motor is rotating.
[Action in the field]
Remove the antistatic brush for the pressure roller according to the following procedure:
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: A7 Series
1. Open the front door and pull the fusing unit all the way out.
2. Open the fusing exit unit.
3. Remove the antistatic brush [A] (2 screws).
4. Clean the pressure roller surface with silicone oil.
NOTE: The antistatic brush is installed to
prevent very thin translucent paper from wrapping around the pressure roller due to static electricity. As such very thin paper is not used normally in overseas markets, removing the antistatic brush will not cause any problem for using normal bond paper.
[Countermeasure at the factory]
The antistatic brush for the pressure roller has been removed at the factory since April production.
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-004
SUBJECT: Service Manual Correction DATE: 15 May, ’92
PAGE: 1 of 2
PREPARED BY: M. Furusawa
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
Revision of service manual Information only Other
MODEL: A7 Series
Please correct your service manual as follows:
1.4.2 VL Pattern Detection (page 2-11)
(3rd paragraph) The drum surface is developed with non image area bias [VB0-20V] for both the bare drum and VL pattern.
3.3.3 VR Correction (page 2-22)
Grid Bias Correction Voltage
Grid Bias Correction Voltage
27 40 57
3.3.5 VG Correction (page 2-23)
SP100: Drum Rotation
Time (H)
0 ~ 1
2 ~ 36 -20V 37 ~ 62 -40V 63 ~ 87 -60V
88 ~ -80V
100 (%)
Grid Bias Correction Voltage
40 57 83
This row should be added.
100 (%)
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-004
SUBJECT: Service Manual Correction DATE: 15 May, ’92
PAGE: 2 of 2
5.1 PM Table
EM 80K 160K 240K NOTE PAPER FEED (for each paper feed station) Paper Tray/LCT Bottom Plate Pad By-pass Feed Bottom Plate Pad
6.3 Tray Unit Drive and Paper Feed Clutch Replacement (page 21)
(Call outs of the illustration)
This column should be added.
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-005
SUBJECT: Development Mixing Auger Shaft Break DATE: 30 Sep. ’92
PAGE: 1 of 3
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
A grinding noise comes from the black development unit and uneven toner density appears on copies from side to side. If the machine continues to run under these conditions, the noise becomes bigger and copies become very light. This problem might occur a few thousand to twenty thousand copies after the installation.
The mixing auger shaft [A] of the black development unit’s cross mixing system breaks at the welding point [B]. The mixing auger doesn’t rotate and the mixing auger gear [C] starts making noise. When the gear loses the mesh with the paddle roller gears, the paddle rollers [D] stop rotating, and no longer supply toner to the development roller sleeve. This problem might happen on some machines because of a poor welding by solder.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: A7 Series (33 CPM)
•• The welding method of the mixing auger has been changed from solder to TIG to increase the welding’s strength (about 2.5 times stronger). The part number has been changed from AD037002 to AD037034.
•• The material of the bushing for the mixing auger has also been changed to a softer one (from P/N AA080132 to P/N
52053103). The new material has a higher margin against developer penetrating between the shaft and the bushing, which may increase the load.
NOTE: As the illustration and the part number of the mixing auger are not listed in the
parts catalog, the new part number of the mixing auger has been announced by M/B No.7 without mentioning the old part number. The part number change of the bushing was also announced by M/B No.7.
The new mixing auger and bushing have been applied to the production machines since the beginning of July, 1992.
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-005
SUBJECT: Development Mixing Auger Shaft Break DATE: 30 Sep. ’92
PAGE: 2 of 3
When this problem happens, replace the parts listed below according to the following replacement procedure:
Required parts:
No. Part Number Description Q’ty Note
1. AD037034 Mixing Auger 1
2. 52053103 Bushing - 6mm 1
3. AB 013694
Replacement Procedure:
1. Pull out the development unit from the copier.
Gear - 19Z
Replace if the gear
teeth are worn out.
2. Remove the developer from the development unit.
NOTE: Keep the developer clean to re-use it after this parts replacement.
3. Remove the gear [A] from the mixing auger shaft (1 E-ring).
4. Remove the paddle roller gear [B] (1 E-ring).
5. Pull out the mixing auger [C] from the rear side of the development unit together with the bushing [D] (1 E-ring at the front).
6. Install the new mixing auger and bushing.
NOTE: Be careful not to damage the inside seal when inserting the bushing on the shaft.
7. Install the paddle roller gear and the mixing auger gear (if the teeth are worn out, use a new one).
8. Clean the development unit gears and lubricate them with Silicone Grease G-40M.
Illustration for upper dev. unit
9. Pour the removed developer into the development unit.
10. Install the development unit in the copier and access the SP mode by turning on the
main switch while pressing both "1" and "3".
Technical Bulletin No. RTB-005
SUBJECT: Development Mixing Auger Shaft Break DATE: 30 Sep. ’92
PAGE: 3 of 3
11. Place a few sheets of white paper on the exposure glass and run the machine in free
run mode (SP2) until Vsp becomes about one tenth of Vsg. (Monitor by SP55.)
NOTE: If the toner density is very low, you may use SP9-13 (Note 1) to supply toner
manually. If the toner density is too high, reset the free run mode by SP3 and make sky shot copies until toner density reaches a proper level.
12. Exit the SP mode by turning the main switch off and on, then check copy quality.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 6
SUBJECT: Drum Heater and Upper Paper Tray Heater DATE: Dec .15, ’92
PAGE: 1 o f 1
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a CHECKED BY: T. Ito
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
Please be informed that from the first mass production the drum heater has been disconnected or eliminated. The upper tray heater has been installed instead.
The reason is that a problem was observed in the Japanese domestic market before starting a mass-production of the export version, and the above action is a countermeasure to it.
[ Problem] Partially blan k c op ies o r ligh t imag es ap pear at inter vals equ al to t he dr um’ s per iph eral length. They appear for about the first 10 or so cop ies in the morning. The problem occurs from the day after machine installation and c ontinues for about a week. After the problem disappears, it will not reoccur even after changing the drum, developer, etc. This problem is not so visible when copying text originals, but it is visible when copying blue lined graph paper or orange paper. The actual claim ratio in Japan was about 1%.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: A7 Series (A069/A073/ A074)
[ Cause] Some c hemic al sub st ance an d o zon e o r NOx reac t to mak e a ch emic al layer o n the T& S corona casing. When the main switch is turned off, the drum heater turns on. During the night this chemical layer evaporates because of the heat from the drum heater. Some ot her ch emic al sub s tanc e also evap o rates fro m the heater tu be. The ad her ed ch emic al layer on the drum surface tends to get humid. This lowers the resistance of the ph ot oc o nd uc tive lay er, c aus ing par tially b lank o r lig ht im ag es.
[ Countermeasure] Since it is d iffic ult to c o mp let ely elim inat e t he c hem ic al su bs tan c es fr om t he m ach ine, it has been decided not to install the drum heater. To avoid cond ensation on the drum surface, the upper tray heater is installed instead of the d r um h eater . The u pp er tr ay heat er w as was or ig inally availab le as a s ervice p ar t t o pr event c reasin g aft er fusin g.
Production machines from the first mass production have had their drum heaters disconnected, and have had upper tray heaters installed. Production machines from mid-March on do not have drum heaters, and have upper tray heaters.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 7
SUBJECT: SC54 and SC55 (220/ 230/ 240V machines only) DATE: Dec . 15, ’ 92
PAGE: 1 o f 2
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a CHECKED BY: T. Ito
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
SC55 (Fusing overheat) occurs during the operation. This condition may be reset by entering to the SP mo de. However, the interval to the next SC55 becomes shorter and shorter and finally it can’t be reset. SC54 (Fusing warm-up error) may occur instead of SC55 under the same condition. This is a very rare problem but it may occur during installation or soo n after installation. This p ro blem happ ens on ly on th e 220/230/ 240V mach ines b ecau se o f its inp ut voltag e. The occurrence ratio reported till now is 0.2%. This ratio represents the affected portion of the total machines produced (we do not know the total number of machines in the field) .
Possible ca use:
The surge current to the fusing triac (TRC402) of the dc power supply board when the main switch is turned on might cause the triac to deteriorate little by little. This depends on co nd itio ns suc h as in pu t vo ltag e fluc tuat ion and co mb inat ion of var iou s elect ric al component’s torelance. When the deterioration of the triac reaches a certain level, the triac will start conducting half waves. The CPU cannot control the fusing temperature und er t his c on dit ion , c ausin g SC55 o r SC54. The sequence of the electrical component (main switch, power relay, and fusing triac) ON timing when the main switch is turned on may result in a large surge current to the fusing triac.
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: A7 Series (A069/A073/ A074)
Action in the fie ld:
The fo llow ing actio n is req uir ed in the field : Chang e t he set ting o f SP29 (Fusing temp er atur e c on tro l m od e) fro m "0" (ON/ OFF contro l) to "1" (Phase control) at the next visit to customers or at machine installation.
NOTE: Please cor rec t t he exp lanatio n o f SP29 in your ser vice m anual ( Pages 2-103 and
4-14 ). Dat a "0" is n ot fo r "Zer o -c ro s s c o n tr o l" b ut fo r "O N/ OFF c o nt r o l".
[E xplanation]
Phase control mode will not give any chance of a large surge current to the fusing triac as the sequence of the electrical component ON timing is different from that in ON/OFF control mode. Therefore, once the fusing control is changed to Phase control mode, the fusin g t riac will never det erio rat e.
This c op ier c o ntr o ls th e fusin g temp er atur e in ON/ OFF co nt ro l mo d e as a s tand ard . However, it can be changed to Phase control mode in case electric lights go darker briefly when the fusing lamp kicks in under poor electric power supply conditions.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 7
SUBJECT: SC54 and SC55 (220/ 230/ 240V machines only) DATE: Dec . 15, ’ 92
PAGE: 2 o f 2
On the other hand, it won’t give any trouble in Phase control mode under normal conditions, but some electrical equipment might have a little electrical noise if it is connected to the same wall outlet with the copier.
Considering the difference between the two control modes, Ricoh has decided to use the Phase control mod e as a countermeasure for the machines in fields.
Permanent countermeasure:
The software of the main ROM will be modified to correct the sequence of the electrical co mp o n ent ON tim ing . This will allo w th e alter nat ive selec tio n o f either ON /OFF o r Phase control mode in the field as intended in the machine design. The part numbers of the main ROM and the main control board will be changed through this mod ification. The new part numbers and the cut-in serial numbers will be informed later by a Modification Bulletin.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 8
SUBJECT: Ne w Sorte r Stapler "M ATT20" DATE: Feb . 15, ’ 9 3
PAGE: 1 o f 1
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a CHECKED BY: T. Ito
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
As it was informed by Modification Bulletin No. 32 issued on December 31,1992, a new sor ter st apler "MATT20" (A374), or igin ally d esig ned fo r t he th e N440 s eries an d SP40, has been adap ted to A7 ser ies co p iers with the main c o ntr ol b oard A0705145. A7 series copiers now can have the following 5 kinds of sorters:
1. Mic ro Sorter (A327) : 10 movin g b ins
2. Mini Sor ter ( A423) : 20 m oving bin s
3. Mid i Sorter (A411) : 20 movin g b ins
4. Sort er Stap ler ( A366) : 20 fixed bin s ( Floo r ty pe)
New 5. Sorter Stapler "MATT20" (A374) : 20 moving bins (Hanging type)
[ Insta llation]
The following items are required to install the MATT 20 on A7 series copiers:
1. Sort er Ad ap ter (A328)
2. Int erface PCB (A344)
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
MODEL: A7 Se r ie s
NOTE: The MATT20 can be installed on the copiers with the main contro l board
A0705145 (Main ROM = A0705114) witho ut any ch ang e. Refer to M /B N o. 32 fo r the cut-in serial numbers. The copiers with the following main control boards need the modification:
1. A0705141: Replace t he main ROM fro m A0695114 to A0705164
2. A0705191: Replace t he main ROM fro m A0695114 to A0705164 * A0695191 cann ot b e used for MATT20 oper ation . * A0705114 h as alread y been ch ang ed to A0705164 to p revent SC54/55 p r ob lem. Refer to t he RTB-007. Mo d ificat ion b ulletin fo r th is P/N ch ang e w ill follo w s oo n .
There is n o c h ang e to th e A7 series co p iers for MATT20 co mp atib ility ot her than the software. This software change does not affect the installation proc edure of the or igin al so rt er s tap ler (A366) .
The main ROM size has been c hanged fro m 1 M -b yte to 2 M -b yte
enable the operation for both the original sorter stapler and the MATT20.
CAUTION: The MATT20 can be installed on almost all the A7 series copiers by applying the above modification. However, you should not insta ll the M ATT20 on the copiers produced before July, 1992. Becau se electric al safety st andar ds su ch as UL, CSA, and TÜV, certify installing the MATT20 only on A7 series copiers pr od uc ed fr om July 1992 on ward s .
in order to
The installation procedure of the MATT20 to N440 series copiers (A085/ A087/A088) c an
be applied to A7 series copiers without any change.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 9
[C] [D]
SUBJECT: Service M anua l Corre ction DATE: Feb .15 , ’ 93
PAGE: 1 o f 1
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a CHECKED BY: T. Ito
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
Please correct your service manual as follows:
Not e3: Fusing Sectio n ( Page 4-43)
[I nco rrect]
(2)Fusing Dr ive Gears
Replace th e fusing d rive g ears [F] ever y 160K. Then, lubricate them and their shafts [G] with Grease G501.
[C orre ct]
Revision of service manual Information only Other
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
A7 series (A069/A073/A074)
[ Incorrect]
[ Correct]
(2)Fusing Drive Gears
Replace th e fusing d rive g ears [F] ever y 160K. Then, lu br icat e the g ears [F,G] and their shafts [ H] w ith Grease G501.
[I nco rrect]
10.1.2 Vac uum Fan Filters (Page 5-110)
[C orre ct]
10.1.2 Exhaust Fan Filter
Delete step 3 as the paper type ozone filter [A] has been elimin ated fr om t he p ro d uc tio n mac hin es because it was proved that only a ceramic type ozone filter [ E] can maintain the required ozone level. Refer to Modification Bulletin No.35.
3. Remove t he o zon e filter [A] .
NOTE: The PM interval of this paper ozone filter is
80K co pies.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-01 0
SUBJECT: Sorter Stapler ( A366) Gripper Ope ration DATE: Feb . 15, ’ 9 3
PAGE: 1 o f 2
PREPARED BY: M . Fu ru saw a
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
Action Required Troubleshooting Retrofit Information
Revision of service manual Information only Other
A7 Series (A069/A073/A074)
During stapling operation, the gripper pushes the bottom cop y out of position.
The grippers are not opening wide enough.
24 - 25 mm
No Gap
When t he g rip s o leno id tu rn s o ff, th e grippers should open wide enough. If th e so leno id p lu ng er is c aug h t b y t he solenoid arm [ A] , the arm and the upper gripper [B] cannot reach the stoppers [C,D]. Refer to the figure [NG].
1. Loosen the screws securing the grip so len o id . Then tighten the screws while turning the grip solenoid, as shown by the arrow at the right.
NOTE: Make sure that the solenoid stroke is
maintained for 2.5 ± 0.5 mm.
20 mm
Plunger is caught at this point and stops.
Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-01 0
SUBJECT: Sorter Stapler ( A366) Gripper Ope ration DATE: Feb . 15, ’93
PAGE: 2 o f 2
2. If there still be a gap "A" after performing step 1, lengthen the solenoid arm spring [ E] as shown.
NOTE: Be careful not to lengthen the spring too much,
or the spring will not hook the gripper properly. Leng then by "A" as sho wn.
With the above two actions the width of the gripper opening can be adjusted by about 5 mm.
A= Gap
x+ A
+ 36 hidden pages