Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 1
SUBJECT: FT500i Techn ical Info rm atio n DATE: June 30, ’93
PAGE: 1 o f 6
Action Required
Retrofit Information
The FT500i desig n is b ased on the FT400i. There is n o u niqu e tec hno log y u sed on the
The following are the major different points between the FT400i and t he FT500i.
(1) The co p y sp eed is in cr eased fro m 40 CPM to 50 CPM. To m atc h t he sp eed -up ,
the drum coro na currents and the toner density in the development tank are
Revision of service manual
Information only
FROM: Copier Technical Support Section
(2) To maintain fusing ability after the speed-up, the pressure between the fusing
ro llers is inc rea sed .
(3) To p reven t th e tem p eratu re ins ide the m ac hine fro m inc r easing , two c oo ling fan s
have been added around the power supply unit. Also, the rear cover material is
(4) The software (main and optics ROMs) to control the machine operation is modified
to match the new speed of the system.
(5) The C S2090 (Mini so rt er) is n ot used on the FT500i. This is b eca use th is so rter
cann ot be mat ch ed to the FT500i pap er feedin g s peed .

Technica l Bulletin No . RTB-00 1
SUBJECT: FT500i Techn ical Info rm ation DATE: June 30, ’93
PAGE: 2 o f 6
1. U nique pa rts
(1) Parts list
SP50 P/ N Des cr i p t ion SP40 P/ N PC Pa g e Not e
A1081311 Upp er Cover A0891311 7-13 A
A1081276 Rear Cover A0891276 7-17 B
A1085120 Main Bo ard A0895120 7-34 C
A0011897 Fron t Co ver - Terminal A0001897 11-18 D
AX530013 Expo sur e lamp AX530001 11-19 E
A1081667 Wire Fixing Plate A0891667 11-22 F
A1081650 First Scann er A0891650 11-25 D
AW110013 Thermo st at AW110003 11-28 G
A1085396 Halog en Lam p Harn ess A0895396 11-29 D
Not us ed Optic s Fan Co ver A0421890 11-54 D
AX020024 Coo ling Blo wer AX620011 11-55 D
A0015465 Interfac e Har ness Not us ed 11-69* D
A1085395 Halog en Lam p Harn ess A0895395 11-58 D
A1081112 Pulley A0891112 21-34 H
AB013799 Gear - 33Z AB013541 21-37 H
AX500045 Erase Lamp AX500041 29-7 E
A1082002 Charg e & Qu ench ing Unit A0892002 29-45 E
AA060531 Spring 52012821 37-24 I
A1084111 Pressure Lever A0894111 37-25 I
AX030005 Main Mo t or AX030004 39-17 J
AB013813 Gear - 25Z AB013646 39-18 K
07413808 B all Bearing - 8x16x5 m m 50530223 39-19 K
A1081136 Drive Arm - Fus ing Exit A0891136 39-26 K
AB013812 Gear 30Z AB013645 39-28 K
A1085302 DC Power Supp ly Un it A0895302 41-13 L
A1085422 Left DC Har ness A0895422 4-14 L
AX640032 Coo ling Fan Q’ ty ch ang e 41-23 L
16061936 C apac ito r-8mF-220V Not used 41-28* M
A1085460 Relay Har ness Not us ed 41-29* M
AX640040 Coo ling Fan Not us ed 41-30* N
A1081175 Coo ling Fan Brac ket No t us ed 41-31* L
AZ320066 Power p ac k AZ320064 43-11 O
A1081885 Right Stay A0421885 45-8 D
A1081154 Shielding Plate - DC Power A0891154 45-28 N
A1085129 IC- AM27C512-155DC A0895134 49-2 P
A1085141 IC- AM27C256-155DC A0895141 49-3 P
Notes: 1. The letters in the Note column refer to the "reasons for changes" which are
explained below.
2. An aster isk in dic ates a new par t ind ex num ber .